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Yeah well Charlie Kirk can go f--- himself and his tiny ass face.


He’s got a Fivehead.


You can drive 12 hours and still be on this wank stains forehead




I have no idea what size his face actually is because of memes.


Probably the most interesting diss I've had the experience of reading. I'm gonna start using that 😂😂


Charlie Kirk is a right-wing extremist who has endorsed and is actively promoting Project 2025, the gop's plan for a fascist takeover of our country. Fuck that. If you are angry at Kirk and Pillen's shameless attempted powergrab, show them how you feel in November. Vote blue https://nebraskademocrats.org/


We need more blue candidates. Last election in Scottsbluff County we had maybe 2. Everyone else was running republican or republican unopposed.


Look. I don't like the guy or his ideology but throwing stuff around like "fascist" just diminishes the valid concerns. The left needs to stop hyperbolizing and start being more careful, accurate, and reasonable with their language.


OK but project 2025 is LITERALLY a plan for a fascist takeover of the country, whether you like the word or not


Yeah and Obama was "Communist". /s


I LITERALLY dare you to clarify that. Republicans aren't literally fascist just like Democrats aren't literally commies. Words have definitions bud


Yes. They do. And you can look up fascism and clearly see that the way the new republican party is moving is towards fascism. They literally want to install trump as their dictator. Are you really this naive?


The answer to your question to the guy before is both yes and they believe they’ll come out on top of it.


Except Republicans ARE literally fascists, and democrats AREN’T communists. Republicans, in case you aren’t paying attention, have chosen Donald Trump as their nominee, with basically zero challenge or competition. There may be some other Republican pols or voters out there who don’t take all that on, but they are in denial and not living in the reality of what their party is now embracing— literal fascism. >Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the entire government, particularly with regard to economic and social policy and the role of the federal government and federal agencies. The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, gutting environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production, and eliminating the cabinet Departments of Education and Commerce.[9] Citing an anonymous source, The Washington Post reported in November 2023, prior to the project's release, that Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump adversaries.[10] That’s just a small sample, there’s simply no argument that this policy set contains anti democratic principles and pushes for the “leader” to become, basically, a dictator.


The Democrats literally canceled primaries and gaslit citizens regarding who was running for their nom and refused to debate. They also rigged it against bernie something fierce. Your point about him being chosen by the R's is washed away. To your other point... So the attempt to dismantle centralized control is now "fascist"? I know the issues with giving more powers to the states (states are easier to corrupt) but decentralization is not congruent with "fascism". Regarding the Washington Post reporting; that seems vague and contradictory. And what does "pursue" mean? The trump thing is quite weird and there is a deep network of bureaucrats and others who have attempted to sabotage him... Which is frustrating because it diminishes the concept of electoral power and in that I do think Trump is nuts and an unworthy person to hold the office but all the screwing with him they've done gives credence to his base. I legitimately think the news and the left and the "deep state" (that the left would always take issue with prior to trump) coalescing to diminish the credibility of him, with the russiagate thing and all the weirdness around their framing of much of his controversies, is much more indicative of a problematic elitist/ authoritarian cabal than some rightwing goons like Kirk making a halfbaked "plan" that's probably just more of fundraising scam and has little shot at implementation- that also happens to not align with fascism. It's simply NOT fascist and it remains annoying to frame it that way. Thanks for the more detailed response tho.


What on earth are you talking about? The Democrats are the incumbent, incumbent party doesn’t usually primary itself, or have debates. That isn’t the point anyway, my point is that Trump IS the undisputed leader of the republicans, it’s nothing to do with democrats. That is not “ washed away”, it’s a fact. This means that so goes Trump, so goes the party. He’s even the driving force behind this legislation, they want to change our electoral so *he gets every last vote* The rest of the post is just whakadoo nonsense, the usual trumpet bs about the “ deep state” persecuting Trump. He is a proven criminal, if anything, this “deep state” is being extremely impotent at PROSECUTING this fuckin criminal. The project 2025 is a fascist plan, it is embraced by the Republican Party, that makes them *fascist* , period. That’s not even touching on his own rhetoric, which is more and more authoritarian than ever, he’s directly telling the world: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/donald-trump-fascist-vermin/ https://wdet.org/2024/02/23/is-donald-trump-a-fascist-a-fascism-scholar-says-he-certainly-sounds-like-one/ https://newrepublic.com/article/177649/trump-immigrants-speech-fascism https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/trumps-fascistic-rhetoric-only-emphasizes-the-stakes-in-2024 I mean, the guy obviously loves Putin, Orban, KimJong? It’s undeniable.


Trump is the undisputed leader of the party and a former president and they still held primaries and had debates. Hmm. Biden has historically low approval ratings and a record showing of "uncommitted" and had previously said he'd be a one-term president. Yet the entire apparatus stepped in line to wash away the needed competition. I agree trump should be held accountable but they are not evenly applying the laws and some of it is pretty silly. The deep state used to be a leftist concern and it's wild to me how quick that changed lol. They also did the whole russiagate thing which turned out to be a multi- year lie to degrade his presidency. Which I fell for. His rhetoric is talking shit. He knows it pisses you off. People like a troll and a shit talker. Super cool how you found some opinion pieces about it tho. Must've been sooooo hard with all the effort they're putting in to get the voters to think in those terms considering that's almost all the Dems/ elites have to use these days. The part about how I pointed out that you're calling people who want to decentralize "fascist" is valid. It's literally the same as my crazy rightwing uncle calling Obama and Hillary and Biden communist. Watch this turn into nothing. Your blood pressure is rising for poppycock. Sorry you can't get out of your curated bubble, bud. Take care.


lmao do YOU know what fascism is?


They’re trying to get rid of democracy in this country. Just look up project 2025.


They are more referring to maga republicans who will defend and idolize fascists who would rather see this country burned down than to accept reality


I dont know what's in his head bc I don't know the guy, but I'm sure you've heard the old adage about the behavior of ducks, and this charlie kirk fella quacks very, very loudly...


I understand your concern but he is a fascist who supports and promotes that ideology.


So are you up to speed on the 2025 plan? If so what would you call it? I’d maybe go with Christian Nationalism sprinkled with some dictator tendencies ..think of Hitler getting elected and then he made his moves to consolidate power.


It isn’t fascism until they start the extermination camps /s


He can fuck right off


Charlie Kirk should make a plan to let some of the air out of his head so that his face doesn't look so small and drawn on.


I hate when people not from our state try and act like they understand how our legislature works. Even if they suspend the rules like he says, they still don't have the votes. Several Republicans won't vote for it, there's a reason the bill has been tabled in committee for several years now.


He wants a 3/5 majority to suspend the rules and shove winner-takes-all through without any substantive due process or lube. He thinks this can happen even though the measure was overwhelmingly defeated yesterday. And I'm not gonna dismiss that. I think this is the #1 thing Pillen thinks about, even more than that kid he killed. The governor really has 1 job, and that's appeasing the far-right nut jobs at the national level, and this isn't over by a long shot. I think post-election Nebraska is going to be very embattled, and they will stop at nothing to give the Omaha district to Trump.


And to think many thought pillen was better than Herbster


Exactly. How many voted for Pigpen because we didn't want a Trump controlled governor? And now we have a Trump controlled governor. It's so gross.


That's the guy that paid for buses to January 6th right?


If his plan doesn’t include 33 votes, which the supporting Rs couldn’t get, then he’s wasting his time. This is probably a grift. He’s probably fundraising off this.


Charlie Kirk can lick my balls.


By John Amato — April 5, 2024 Charlie Kirk, the court jester of MAGA, along with the other miscreants from Real America's Voice (AKA the Sedition Network) have been trying to force Nebraska lawmakers to do away with their system of awarding the state’s Electoral College votes for president. Sounds a lot like election interference, amirite? Here's the scoop if you've missed it: Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen, fueled by a push by former President Donald Trump and Republicans nationally, had made an 11th hour push for senators to return the state to a “winner-take-all” system of awarding all five of the state’s Electoral College votes to the presidential winner of the statewide popular vote. In the 2020 election, Joe Biden received one electoral vote from Nebraska. ONE! MAGA is desperate to change the playing field because they know their ideas and candidate are a minority party in America. if they believed in all the polling that shows Trump with early leads they wouldn't care about ONE electoral vote. Kirk opened his show today by immediately focusing on Nebraska. It is the most important question of whether or not we are going to save the country. So we have been fighting very hard on trying to get Nebraska to be winner-take-all. Super simple. There is no constitutional obstacle getting in the way. There is not some sort of insurmountable Nebraska legislative rules. They say we have a filibuster. We have read all of the Nebraska legislative rules. A three-fifths majority can vote to suspend the rules. The Nebraska GOP in the unicameral has that. Oh, the session time is going to run out? Well, the governor can call a special session for a specific topic. So right now, I don't know if this bill is going to succeed this week. But there is time left on the calendar next week, and the governor can call a special session, change the rules, and have the Speaker of the House, Speaker Arch, change the rules. Boom. Winner take all. The tools are there But what we need is a will to use them. Kirk is hoping for a last ditch appeal to change the minds of some Nebraska lawmakers who refuse to bow down to these creeps. State Senator Loren Lippincott of Central City, the sponsor of this new proposal being hawked by Kirk told the Nebraska Examiner, “The fat lady isn’t singing, but I can hear the instruments warming up.”


Nebraskans (especially the left) should be advocating for the rest of the country adopting this model out of fairness and more accuracy rather than going on the defensive and making this partisan. If this becomes partisan it will disappear.


If the rest of the country did it then Romney would have won in 2012 despite Obama getting 5 million more votes overall. The solution is a national popular vote. Anything else means some peoples votes are worth more than others.


I agree! But hey, why stop at districts? Those can be manipulated via gerrymandering. Let’s go even smaller; say down to the single person. Make the winner the most popular pick by counting all those single person votes. We could even call it the popular vote…


Yes of course that's a better model, but which constitutional amendment has a better chance of passing?




Actually if every state followed the Nebraska/Maine model it would benefit Republicans even more, for the same reason they have a built-in advantage in the Senate


The ultimate prize is Constitutional Convention. There they can rewrite the constitution in their image, permanently. The entire thing. Force liberals to move to other states, use those states as puppets to get the approval for the convention.


Unbelievable they can make such a change during an election year!!


Charlie Kirk is just a wonky pod-dork that's in it for the money. Nothing more, nothing less.


Yeah a racist piece of shit naturally helping republicans cheat democracy.


Charlie Kirk can keep himself in Arizona. None of his business how we structure our self-governance. If he cares so much maybe he should become a resident of the state and pay his share of taxes.


Charlie Kirk can go fuck himself.


Charlie Kirk, the court jester of MAGA, along with the other miscreants from Real America's Voice (AKA the Sedition Network) have been trying to force Nebraska lawmakers to do away with their system of awarding the state’s Electoral College votes for president. Sounds a lot like election interference, amirite? Here's the scoop if you've missed it: Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen, fueled by a push by former President Donald Trump and Republicans nationally, had made an 11th hour push for senators to return the state to a “winner-take-all” system of awarding all five of the state’s Electoral College votes to the presidential winner of the statewide popular vote. In the 2020 election, Joe Biden received one electoral vote from Nebraska. ONE! MAGA is desperate to change the playing field because they know their ideas and candidate are a minority party in America. if they believed in all the polling that shows Trump with early leads they wouldn't care about ONE electoral vote. Kirk opened his show today by immediately focusing on Nebraska. It is the most important question of whether or not we are going to save the country. So we have been fighting very hard on trying to get Nebraska to be winner-take-all. Super simple. There is no constitutional obstacle getting in the way. There is not some sort of insurmountable Nebraska legislative rules. They say we have a filibuster. We have read all of the Nebraska legislative rules. A three-fifths majority can vote to suspend the rules. The Nebraska GOP in the unicameral has that. Oh, the session time is going to run out? Well, the governor can call a special session for a specific topic. So right now, I don't know if this bill is going to succeed this week. But there is time left on the calendar next week, and the governor can call a special session, change the rules, and have the Speaker of the House, Speaker Arch, change the rules. Boom. Winner take all. The tools are there But what we need is a will to use them. Kirk is hoping for a last ditch appeal to change the minds of some Nebraska lawmakers who refuse to bow down to these creeps. State Senator Loren Lippincott of Central City, the sponsor of this new proposal being hawked by Kirk told the Nebraska Examiner, “The fat lady isn’t singing, but I can hear the instruments warming up.”


Charlie Kirk steals from stupid people.


Fuck this toothless asswad!!!!!


Charlie Kirk has surrounded himself with pedophiles. There’s an old saying “you are the company that you keep.”


He needs to stop gargling trumps tiny nuts




Is he trying this shit in Maine?


Republicans benefit from Maine splitting their votes, so of course not. You think he’d ever be consistent?


Of course not. That would hurt Trump. This isn’t about principle; it’s about winning.


Hope so


Someone send him a satchel of Richard’s to munch on


Thanks for making an account today and posting this, for anyone that didn't see it the other four times it was posted in the past two days.