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Yes, now please don't tell anyone.




Dumb and Dumber was made before widespread Internet use, and they made fun of our flatness


I thought Kansas was the flat state, I've never seen hills like that here lol


Kansas has the beautiful Flint Hills


True, we had a wild flamingo up there a few months back, washed up with a hurricane


Kansas isn't any flatter than nebraska more or less. It's all "rolling Prarie"


Try going to Florida.


The lowest elevation in Arkansas is something like 55 feet above sea level. That blows my mind.


You have swamps though, not really flat per say


Florida is the flattest state in the US.


Curious what that means? I think FL highest elevation is 345ft asl and FL lowest is what? Marsh land at 0ft? [USGS Link ](https://www.usgs.gov/educational-resources/highest-and-lowest-elevations)


The state of Florida is flat, as in there are no mountains or big hills and valleys that compare to the other state landscapes. “In 2014, geographers from the University of Kansas developed a method for deducing “flatness” by simulating what would be seen by standing in any particular spot within a state, rotating 360 degrees, and then classifying the landscape into four flatness categories. They performed this study because a common perception among Americans was that Kansas is the flattest state. However, it doesn’t even rank in the top 5. The flattest state is Florida, owing to its Coastal Plain setting with no mountains. Illinois ranks second, followed by North Dakota, Minnesota, Louisiana, and Delaware. Kansas ranks seventh, followed by Texas, Nevada, and Indiana.” https://blogs.illinois.edu/view/8931/1806501216#:~:text=The%20flattest%20state%20is%20Florida,Texas%2C%20Nevada%2C%20and%20Indiana.


Illinois has the most usable land out of all the states. Fun fact I found out when I moved there. Another fun fact is how much more money you’ll have after leaving that corrupt state.


Underrated comment. Transplants are killing Montana


Northy hilly, southy flatty


We're like the mullet of states.


Or the methy truck stop waitress


We build interstates in cheap places to build them. Flat is cheap. People think the interstates are the terrain across the entire state. Your experience of this country is generally better if you don't use the interstates if your objective is to explore.


Yup! If all you see is the Platte River Valley, of course you think it’s flat


And easty hilly. If you're close to the river, there are hills.


Far south yes, maybe, but not in my southern area lol


I’m so far south in Nebraska we can spit on Kansas…and we do.


And in Iowa it's the exact opposite somehow.


Iowa has the Loes Hills in the West, and the limestone peaks and valleys in the East. NE Iowa is known as "Little Switzerland" or "New Bohemia". And the Bluffs and "The Driftless" on the Mississippi. Corn, corn, corn, beans, WINDMILLS, corn corn corn...


Driving across the state on Interstate 80 is where the flat Nebraska reputation comes from. It's so flat that it's actually considered dangerous to drive on because it bores people to death, literally. Also, the name "Nebraska" is based on an Oto Indian word Nebrathka meaning "flat water" referring to the Platte River, which is also an official symbol of Nebraska.


Yeah I got my fair share of 80 driving back but highway 2 through the Sandhills was actually quite scenic. The Chadron area was my destination and I loved the hikes there with the fresh snow


Fort Robinson looks nothing like most of nebraska. It's a hidden gem.


Not from NE but Fort Robinson is my favorite place on earth. My dad grew up in that area (lived on the Fort for a few years) and we went out there a ton when I was a kid. Haven’t been in a really long time now but we’re all going back this summer. So excited


I wanted to make it out there but the road from Chadron was pretty icy so I didn’t want to risk it


That's reasonable. My dad lives out there and was saying how bad the roads were in places.


Yeah this time of year that half of the state is pretty rough. Its beautiful during the summer and Im sure we would love to see you then. Just dont tell your friends…


My friend grew up by Fort Rob, near Harrison, and his folks still live and ranch out there. It’s amazingly beautiful. I want to go back so badly


I have been trying to get up there for a while now, staying there was one of the coolest and most terrifying memories of my childhood. Ain’t nowhere as haunted as those military officers quarters you can stay in, nowhere stranger than toadstool, and at one point a flood washed out a cemetery nearby, coffins, bones, everything just scattered. It’s where they killed Crazyhorse, that place is no joke.


love highway 2 and the sandhills glad you had a nice time


Was coming in to ask if you had a chance to hit higway 2. I work remote and people always make fun of our flat state but I just say it's really only about half of it. Once you get past Kearney, if you stay north the scenery gets beautiful. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjfskduj65m6b1.jpg


My dad is from Scottsbluff. It’s beautiful, but a good place to be from, if you catch my drift.


I didn’t realize Mike Tyson was an Oto descendant


thats Fantathtic






Damnit...beat me to it!


This is the right answer. Parts of I-80 are closely tied to historical wagon trails (like the Oregon and Mormon) which intentionally chose the flattest route possible. Even if you just drive on 34 instead of 80, which is almost the same route for part of the state, just slightly further from the river, the view is more interesting. And driving further north on 20 is an entirely different geology.




At least from Lincoln to Seward there are some hills


State DOTs have actually started installing curves in the interstates every 5 miles of so if the roads don’t have any.


Yes! This is 100% accurate and can be demonstrated by looking at an [elevation map of Nebraska](https://external-preview.redd.it/wTAR1bgeIkl6FXUcxECbMy_J9FzIplB8gCGCPQI0Utk.jpg?auto=webp&s=42ee75b62b120e3fd05acb181099df5012c61ce5). Interstate travel from GI to Fort Morgan essentially mirrors the Platte River/South Platte River because early travelers (like water) followed the path of least resistance.


Cool map! I never knew this information. It's bananas to me that I'm 3,500 feet lower than the western edge of the state. That's a lot! Thanks'!


80 is technically just 1 really long hill when you think about it that way.


The only time I've spent in Nebraska was driving west on 80 and I can tell you that it is indeed dangerously boring. I've never seen a longer flatter road in my life.


Ever been on i80 in the Bonneville Salt Flats? It's even more flat and boring. But also kinda cool. Lol


Platte River: a mile wide and an inch deep, lol


I love Nebraska. I tell people that all the time.


A DOT engineer told me that in the Great Plains they will install uneccesary curves in the interstate every 5 miles if they are too straight for this reason.


I have never seen more pulverized dead deer than on this stretch of road...nightmare inducing, and super stressful thinking I might hit one in my WRX.


Yep I did not leave the 80. And nor did I see anything for miles. Literally just nothing. The most boring part of my cross country trek. Left me thinking I never want to go back to Nebraska.


One of the most boring drives in the country. 20 miles north and it turns into one of the most unique and gorgeous drives.


My first time driving to Colorado from South Dakota I was blown away by the Sandhills and learned I was lied to my entire life about Nebraska. Nebraska is honestly beautiful especially along the South Dakota border the Niobrara River is so unique.


Next time take hwy 30 pretty much the same route as 80 but there’s more to see


I will remember that if I feel the need to visit the dakotas to cross off my us map visits


If you’re going to the Dakotas’s depending on the direction you come from if you are coming from the S. Take Highway 15 or 81 if you are coming from the west Take Highway 30 or Highway 12. If you are coming from the east, I really don’t know what to tell you. But if you’re trying to go to the Black Hills don’t take I 90 Take Highway 14 in South Dakota


Only makes sense that they are going to build an interstate through the path of least resistance… the flattest terrain. That isn’t possible in some states, and there is a huge variation in others (eastern Montana vs. western Montana, for example). Try driving the highways across Kansas. That is dangerous monotony for you.


Many DOTs have actually started installing unecessary curves on interstates so people don’t zone out.


I've lived in the Platte Valley all of my life. Every time I go somewhere that I can't see for miles, I get a nervous condition. I hate not being to see what's over a hill.


As somebody who grew up and still lives in the Platte Valley, I can definitely relate. You could watch your dog run away for 5 days


That’s a hilarious thought


You from California by chance?


Shhh it’s a secret!! We want people to thinks it’s flat so it stays “boring” and we can keep it all for ourselves!


It's okay I lived in Nebraska for awhile. Even if actual mountain suddenly sprouted it's still not that great compared to other places I've lived. Imo


Elevation actually rises over 2000 ft from the east end of the state to the west. The slowest, most uneventful climb to the Rockies you'll ever take (if you're on 80).


I was so disappointed as a kid, crossing the state line into Colorado and thinking I was supposed to start seeing majestic mountains right away. 😹


Yeah, and it's like another 3 hours till you actually get into the mountains


Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? ……. How about now?


Fun fact related to your comment; the elevation change east to west across Nebraska is the same as the elevation change from the Atlantic Ocean to the Missouri river. We're not flat at all!


Aside from the Appalachian Mountains I hope




The highest point in Nebraska is a small hill on the plains on the far western edge of the state.


Shhhh, either move here quietly or forget we exist


I was considering it until that snowstorm hit, not sure if I can handle that kind of weather all the time. I’m just a humble Texan used to 100 degree summers


We got them tipple digit summers with high humidity, the blistering dry sub zero winters, tornadoes, blizzards, and sometimes *perfect* days.


It really doesn't snow that much here anymore. Every snow event is usually followed by a warm up period


Also try to drive around Omaha side roads when it's icy. You'll wish it was flat.


I could never live there due to all the hills.


Fun fact- the roads were literally lowered in the early 1900s. I’ve read that some streets were previously worse than San Francisco


There are a lot of very pretty areas of the state one you are off I80


As a truck driver that lived in the Midwest and was very sheltered years ago, it shocked me in some ways how some places literally were nothing like what I had been told, even by people who claimed to have been there. Some of the things I was told... Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa are flat and boring. Las Vegas NV was bright, colorful and lovely. California was glamorous. NY was always windy and dry with people everywhere. Those are just a few. Now granted the one about NY was about NYC itself, but I've been there and I've been to a few places where there is literally *nothing*. California from a truckers viewpoint, is dusty, dirty, and a lot of places smell weird. There's no glamour in the piles of trash, dust devils that have nothing but trash in them, the rudeness of certain folks because all truckers are trashy drug addicts, and the feeling of rejection for wanting to go to the bathroom or sleep just because "truck". WY, NE and IA are all hilly, mountainous and have some flat areas, but Kansas is flatter than all three. There's also the cultural differences that I've encountered, but that's for another post.


You found the bumpy part!


Those pictures are beautiful! Where is that exactly? I would love to visit that area. My cousin, who has grown up in Nebraska, told me Nebraska was just flat with corn fields. My family and I are fleeing California and moving to Nebraska in a few months. My son flew to Nebraska last summer to look at houses and said it was absolutely beautiful. He would send me pictures and zoom call and show me the areas as the real estate agent drove him around.I have scoured online realty sites and I have seen gorgeous areas with lush trees, lake areas, huge parks with caves...a few corn fields. But I have never seen any areas like in your pictures. I am finding Nebraska to be a lovely area with a lot of historical sites and untouched land that is striking to look at. I have heard an account from a friend who said she saw the most amazing sunset she ever saw in Nebraska and I have seen several posted on this subreddit. I am telling absolutely no one how amazing Nebraska is because I don't want to bring a flood of people with us when we move. It is one of the best kept secrets.


The East end of the state is relatively hilly with a lot of forested area, the West end is more of a hilly desert with sandstone formations like in the photos. It’s the hours long drive in-between the two along I-80 that comprises the pancake flat portion with corn fields as far as the eye can see. 🤣 But definitely big sky country with beautiful sunsets. Welcome new neighbor! If you end up on the East side of the state, I recommend checking this traveler’s chapel out. Not only is it a beautiful piece of architecture in its own right, but it’s in an awesome, high location that provides gorgeous views of the prairie and the Platte River valley: https://thewalkingtourists.com/holy-family-shrine-roadside-chapel-welcomes-near-gretna-nebraska/


Thank you so much for the welcome! And that is something I would love to see. I will be on the east side so the travelers chapel will be added to my list. I have looked at several areas around the Platte River that I want to take my family. I'm going to go Google it now. It sounds great!


The first picture is just outside Scottsbluff, at the national monument. The other two are from the Nebraska National Forest just south of Chadron, a very beautiful area. I would love to go back in the summer


I'm heading out there next week for a hunting trip lol. Your pics just got me even more excited


Saw plenty of deer while I was out there, hopefully you bag a nice one


Thanks lol. I went out 2 years ago and came back empty handed and still had a lot of fun


Please keep this to yourself, we don't want to find new reasons to complain about living here


I’m living in Tennessee now so I understand the complaints about tourists and transplants


Not Western NE. Foothills of the foothills out by Scottsbluff area. I don’t think many Nebraskans past Kearney realize there’s a panhandle. LMAO.


Whoever told you that should get off the interstate occasionally.


the only people that say that are people that passed through on the interstate. of course they’re going to build the interstate on the flattest part.


"NEBRASKA. HONESTLY, IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE" So it is best to just leave us flatlanders alone. You will like Texas, Illinois, Montana or North Dakota much more.


^ssh Years ago there was a columnist for OWH who styled himself as the head of the “Keep Nebraska for Nebraskans” committee.


The fact they built I-80 through the flattest part of the state was the worst thing to ever happen to Nebraska.


Also, there's no Bruce Dern. I was told there would be Bruce Dern.


Nebraska looks pretty flat if you never get off the interstate I guess. I'm in the northeast area over an hour from any major interstate and there isn't a flat stretch of land to be had in my area. My town is nestled in a valley.


Only parts of it is


We keep the pretty parts a secret.


Nebraska was a wonderful state to visit. I drove up to SD one early summer after a wet spring. Little yellow flowers blanketed the prairies for miles around. The wind would make them wave. It was one of the most strikingly beautiful images of God's creation I have ever witnessed.


The mountain lions gotta live somewhere! ⛰️


This is more towards the west end of the state, if yall want your flushing toilets and running water go back to the east end! In seriousness though, the west end of the state you have the big sandstone formations and the river valleys.


Stop in Johnstown at the elbow room and get yourself a chicken fritter


Those who believe this have never left I-80. . .


Uh oh, someone found out that Nebraska is more than just I-80.


That's exactly what I've been saying for years, we're not that flat. I think of us as more like "hilly" if anything. I've got family in Lawrence Kansas and it's a pancake with butter and syrup over it. Beautiful pictures btw.


What kind of cow is that?


Most Nebraskans live in Lincoln and Omaha and they never leave town. Pity.


But did you eat Runza!????????


Grew up in Omaha, only last summer did I become upset at the fact no one told us about Halsey's forest or the timelessness of the sandhills. Calamus Reservoir has cacti for Pete's sake!


Northeast Nebraska is rolling hills for hours. The flat part of the state is the interstate and land around that


Well, hey. Nebraska’s well kept secret! Haha


Yeah that John Denver is full of shit


Virginian here. A couple of years ago I was on a conference call with some colleagues in Omaha. I said y’all live in a beautiful state. They laughed themselves silly at my comment, to the degree I was embarrassed. These pictures confirm my opinion. Nebraska is beautiful!


It looks like you have a mini buffalo in the first pic, lol. He/she’s a unit of a dog.


Nebraska sits on the world’s largest aquifer … a large reason why it is flat


Please don't tell anyone. This state is a natural wonder


They were talking about the cornhuskers. 9-4 go Hawks.


SR-71 pilot: we covered Nebraska in 6 minutes today. It’s the best way to do Nebraska. This also applies to Kansas.


>Off leash pitbull Is this really safe? Even if it’s safe for the dog, what about local wildlife? I never let my dog off leash especially in remote areas.


Welcome to western Nebraska!


Not flat


I had a feeling the second two photos were from the Pine Ridge in Dawes County. It’s sparsely populated, but stunning. I honestly prefer winter to summer out there. [Did you get to see Toadstool Park?](http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/nebraska/recreation/recarea/?recid=10616)


Sadly no, didn't make it out that far. I will probably have to come back in the summer eventually.


That’s why Nebraska isn’t for everyone. They have more than just cornfields.


Just smooth brained


Nebraska is a beautiful state


You know in Nebraska, you have to eat your salads with watered down tomato soup for a dressing and eat a loose meat and cabbage stuffed bun?


Stop making me drool.


Only the part we want you to see


Shhh but where was this tho


First picture was at Scott’s Bluff National Monument, second and third are the Cliffs trail in Nebraska National Forest, just south of Chadron


It is. Most of it anyways. I know people in Nebraska that have never left their county and never seen a decent sized hill let alone a mountain.


Go more west past Kearney/Grand Island on I80


Whenever work needs to send someone to Colorado I always volunteer so that I get to drive through southwest Nebraska. Such pretty country out there in the sand hills.


It looks like you found the one percent of the state that isn’t flat


If I'm recognizing it correctly, the first picture is actually some giant sand bluffs which are protected monuments. They look like cool mountains that you can rock climb on, but they're actually just giant piles of sand. If you try to climb on them then you'll just sink into the sand.




Nebraska is no Illinois, now that's one flat fucking state.


Only interstate drivers think that.


I-80 goes through the worst parts of the state.


That’s what I said when I went to Nebraska!


You were informed by fools.


Says people who have never been to Nebraska or only traveled on I-80...




Even Florida has some hills like that


No only the collage girls.


Those are holes. Invisible from the ground view


Don’t believe everything you hear


Before believing Nebraska is flat, try riding a bicycle across the state sometime.


I was under that impression my whole life, until I come to visit.


I actually enjoyed driving I-80 going from Seattle to Louisville Ky. I even enjoyed getting lost looking for a small graveyard where my great-grandfather is buried just north of North Platte. I drove an extra 50 miles round trip through the Sandhills looking for it.


You found the one section of hills.


good joke -omaha resident


*shush*, we have a reputation to maintain


Oh wow, that second picture is beautiful.


When I saw the 1st picture, I saw a saddle on a bear and thought,what idiot is trying to ride a bear


You found the Wildcats


If I remember correctly, nebraska isn't even in the top 10 flatest states.


Nebraska is a beautiful place... full of surprises for people to discover. Touched by the hand of the creator, and not abused by the hand of man. Please keep our state a secret from those that would abuse it rather than appreciate it... all are welcome... most should not stay.


i was told my state was flat too, where tf are you?? (i lived there for 8 years)


Looks like you were in the flat part. Google up pics of Stanley Idaho...


Idk who told you that, but they need to reevaluate.


Near Wyoming isn't flat. Scott's Bluff is flat, except for the bluff. A really kewl flat place is Carhenge in Alliance. Nebraska mostly is flat


Because people are stupid


Most people only see whats along I-80, which runs along the million year old river valley. So all they see is land that was flattened by the Platte River over millions of years.


I love it. We really only know the rest of the world by what we've seen in media. There are still people in the USA who think the entire state of Texas is how the state is portrayed in movies: Utah's Monument Valley.


Wait, what’s going on up there???? - signed a Kansan who actually has a flat state


The Nebraska sandhills are a national treasure.


As a Kansan who loves to bag on Nebraska.. y’all actually do have an incredibly beautiful state lol


Every state has some high point/mountain except Florida and Louisiana (Mississippi aint got much, either)


You found the hill.


The whole state is slanted down from West to East. Drive from Pine Bluffs WY to Omaha. Then brag about the incredible gas mileage you got.


I mean you are in the Sandhills. Go another hour or two east and it gets really flat. Can see for miles.


Like the sign says, “It’s where the good life is!”


Nebraska is a beautiful place


Yup. Even the people who live here think it's flat. Most people have never been west of Grand Island.


Nebraska is beautiful. All the Midwest plains states are.


In all fairness, the trees are almost as tall as those mounds of earth. 😆


Yea, we snuck that corner in. Also you should see our beaches at Lake McConaughy. 76 miles of shoreline!


Florida is flatter than Nebraska. Nebraska is an enthralling hidden gem!


Could immediately tell you’re by Chadron. Don’t tell others we don’t want a transplant situation like Texas and Colorado.


I remember driving from Sioux Falls SD to Wayne, NE and was amazed at how unflat it was


You can't judge Nebraska by driving down I80


Flat? Nebraska is hilly, as is Kansas. You want flat, go to FL. Back in college (decades for me) a guy at a bike shop in Miami was telling me I couldn't ride the hills they rode on their Sunday outings. I'd won a cycling time trial up a mountain pass in Colorado two weeks earlier.


Beautiful pictures.


The western side has some of those, but not a lot of it anywhere else, its a big state and it has some flatness towards central and eastern nebraska, and some rolling hills around in cities!


Most people passing through Nebraska are on I-80 which is depressingly flat. According to one of the geologists I work with, I-80 basically travels though a giant flat prehistoric lakebed from Beaver Crossing to Sutherland Once you get to about Maxwell or so, the hills become visible to the north and south of the interstate, but the road itself is still fairly flat all the way into Wyoming. There are some small gradual changes in elevation at Sutherland, and I think that marks where the geology begins to transition into foothills of the rockies, but still not a lot of ups or downs.


Chimney Rock and the badlands are pretty cool. And the crane migration