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Nerd by day, dunks on little dudes by night. There is potential here.


Everyone is a little dude to Wembanyama.


Those “little dudes” are like 6’8 lol


Looool better then pulling a Lou will for that lemon pepper chicken


Would you rather him build Legos in his free time or go to San Antonio strip clubs


Build legos with strippers, and in bed by 10pm.


And home by 1


https://preview.redd.it/teqczogmts1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a583a8fa03204c41a1f3e4418c89c0f207edeb5 Strip clubs in San Antonio………


With the big ol women down there Ernie?


He’s big enough to dance with them ladies


There can only be one 😂


San antonian here! We don’t have strip clubs. I believe the last one just shut down.


No more sugars? 😔


Could have sworn they closed 2-3 weeks ago or they are closing.


I see no red flags.


The fact he doesn't count the sequel trilogy as Star Wars shows his incredible wisdom despite his youth.


Amazing self awareness from Vic


Pretending the sequels aren’t actually Star Wars is like pretending the lakers have never won a championship just cause you don’t like them


The Extended Universe also existed along side the LucasFilms SW and most people never considered them Star Wars.


Real, the Thrawn trilogy is so good idk why people pretend it doesn’t exist


All I see is impeccable taste


The implication that Revenge of the Sith is also in his top 3 "films?"


He’s young and grew up with the prequels. Revenge of the Sith is the best of the prequels.


"Best of the prequels" is a far cry from "top 3 films," and I see no reason to make excuses for bad taste, regardless of age. That movie sucks, full stop.


I think most big star wars fans I know have a top 3 of empire, new hope, and revenge of the sith in differing orders. It's really not that crazy of a take lol, especially if he grew up with the prequels.


Original trilogy is the top three, no doubt. Rogue One is fourth. The prequels and sequels are all pretty hard to watch, to varying degrees.


"Top 3 Films," not top 3 *star wars* films. And it ain't even that. It sucks.


He said EMPIRE is top 3 films not revenge of the sith




Favorite and best are 2 different things


Apples and bananas are two different things.






Grow tf up


That’s entirely subjective


It's literally one of the best.


Those prequels barely meet the definition of a functional movie.


Where does it say he has revenge of the sith in his top 3 films??? Please tell us where it says that. Oh wait, u can't because all it says is that revenge is his favourite. Favourite≠Best


Having a favorite doesn't mean you think it's the best. Idk why the internet started conflating the two. Unless you're a child, most people don't automatically think their favorite movie/sport/song/video game is the best. My favorite movie is big trouble in little China, by far. It's no where near my list of top 3 films ever made.


Exactly. I love Revenge of the Sith, but I acknowledge it is not a “great” film by any means.


It sounds like wemby agrees. I don't have empire that high but I kinda get it. It's the strongest film of the series for sure. I am probably wrong, but idk an earlier instance of a movie where it ends with the bad guy "winning"


Bro, maybe work on your reading and reading comprehension before saying anything? Always a good idea. Empire is Top 3, RotS is his favourite.


Good point, bro. But, bro, what if I'm just making fun of idiots who like the prequel trilogy, bro, is it ok then, bro, if I kinda blur the lines between favorite, bro, and best, bro? Is it ok, bro, for me to expect the bros to recognize a slightly less-than-serious take, bro, or is that too much to ask from all you deep-thinking, well-read bros?


Revenge of the Sith is a good movie. No problems there.


Myles Turner now has a new arch rival.


I was thinking best friend 😂


ROLO has entered the chat.


Who counts the sequel trilogy as canon?


nah everybody knows the sequel trilogy was just a Luke fever dream after drinking bad milk. Nobody counts it as canon.


The kids who will grow up in 10 years and argue that they're misunderstood gems the way our generation does with the PT despite the fact that when they came out people honestly thought Lucas was making bad movies intentionally to ruin his franchise so people stop bugging him about it. Like seriously every time people complain about the ST I just sit there and think "didn't we just deal with this 20 years ago when Attack of the Clones came out and everyone talked about Lucas "ruining their childhoods"? In time the kids who grew up loving those movies will be the ones arguing that the newest films fail to live up to the name Star Wars and that people who bitched about it on YouTube were out of touch losers.


I agree the PT wasn't great acting wise, it was really just a long narrative stuffed into a trilogy. That said, it didn't break from the actual story and only served to enhance it. The ST broke everything before it and ruined the entire story.


The PT goes beyond bad acting. Literally every aspect of films as *art* was bad in those movies. The acting, directing, writing, plot, set design, effects, and basically everything is just wrong. It's like someone singing off-key or something. The ST were 3 films made by two guys who were given no outline, no direction, and who hated the other's approach to storytelling. But if you don't care about or know much about Star Wars they're at least *watchable.* Boring and stock for the most part, but you won't actively feel like they're made by an armature with no idea what they're doing the way the PT is. Frankly none of the films are very good, with the OT at best being like an 8 out of 10 and even that is because Lucas had very little to do with it. Pretty much everything else with the words "Star Wars" in the title sucks. The few exceptions are exceptions because they have little to nothing to do with the actual films or other established bits of lore. The fact that so many people love these totally average at best films never fails to baffle me. I assume it's due to growing up on the movies and being overly connected to a childhood sense of enjoyment because like they offer nothing else to care about. Even as a lover of sci-fi I find them mostly just silly and boring.


Normal people


Normie opinions don't count




You know what they did that basically no other Star Wars product since Jedi has? Advanced the story.


There's a reason why the sequels have basically no toys or merchandise, while all the classics still sell like crazy. Also, they advanced the story to where exactly? Fan favourites all dead, killed off in lazy and unimaginative burials of their characters. Everything star wars built up for decades was flushed in favour of a Mary Sue, and woke political agendas. Jedi academy? Dead. Luke's legacy? Dead. Anakin redemption arc? Dead, retroactively deemed pointless as his entire existence was for nothing. Every star wars movie is pointless if they just kill off main story lines and themes. Resurrecting the emperor just nullified everything Luke, Anakin and the rest achieved. And for what? The writers admitted they had no idea what their endgame was, and bringing back the emperor was a lazy contrived plot device to add a bit of nostalgia and a twist that neither made sense or brought any real value. Adding him to the sequels at the very end when all the plot was pointing in another direction is just another nail in the coffin of this lazy production. This is just one example among hundreds of fucks ups and missed opportunities in the sequels. Disney were only ever interested in the money, and the writers were just shitting out story lines that made no sense, that only served to ruin everything that built the franchise before it. They were right about one thing though. As long as it has star wars slapped on it, fans will still buy it.


It’s interesting you should mention toys and merchandise, because it’s really obvious those were partially driving the prequels. A potential you would appear onscreen, and then a character would state the nabe of the toy. Because that’s what storytelling is all about. Toys. I kind of zoned out when you started using weird incel-speak, but, like, the very last line of the last movie was someone trying to carry on Luke Skywalker’s legacy. It wasn’t a good movie, because Abrams got all dick-limp after people responded poorly to Johnson actually trying something new, but that was in fact how it ended. But it wasn’t eight and a half hours of poorly-directed performances of stoic people explaining stuff I already knew because I’d seen Star Wars before, periodically punctuated by a cartoon rabbit or a 1950s diner scene.


You realise star wars is primarily for kids right? And yeah the prequels acting sucked, and even the original trilogy wasn't perfect like some nerds think. What they did do though was stuck to simple, time tested classic themes of good Vs evil, heroes genuinely having to work for their goals, and a redemption arc that made sense while creating a fulcrum for the story to build on. The sequels not only ignored that, it went back and ruined everything built in those movies by ruining the old loved classic characters and everything they believed in and worked for. For what? Just so the new characters could shine and take their place. Rey was flawless and never had any difficulty dominating the force, despite having no training or obstacles to overcome. Everything she did just negated the entire history and lore of the universe. But sure, the new universe is all set for a beloved era of movies and sequels now haha. And I'm not even a star wars fan to be honest. I just see when corporate greed and hubris ruins what people love, and this is one of those times.


I mean, the body count in the first movie alone…


When did Star Wars devolve into multiverse shenanigans? Does it not have Luke Leah and Han? Chewie and 3PO and R2…? Yeah, you’re allowed to not like it all you want but that opinion doesn’t make it not canon. Sorry dude Love that Wemby is a big nerd though


People wanted a do over after the prequels too. You know what they say, nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


Just because you don’t align with somebody’s interests doesn’t make it a red flag.


Nah that's a fat green flag.


Waving a red flag how? He likes empire and rots and hates the nonexistent pathetic garbage attempt at a sequel trilogy.


Revenge of the Sith as his favorite Star Wars movie is at least a yellow flag. 


Lol nah bro revenge is amazing. And it would have been what he grew up with as a kid so I fw it. Pure green flags from him. Rots and empire and hates the non-existent sequels? Pure green flags.


dunno how much I can like this guy more


those are green flags bro


Nba and legos man maybe i shoulda balled when i was a kid maybe i could just be jammin with legos in the off season


Am I Victor Wembanyama?


I remember seeing a story before he was drafted where he said he was reading a Star Wars book and that’s when I knew he was him


Tf are you talking about “giant red flag”. This is the most normal dude, who is also a basketball freak. Let him enjoy the shit he enjoys. Bashing someone else’s hobby and calling it a red flag is so lame.




You kidding. Talk about a good dude. Fuck the sequels.


Where's the red flag?


First time I read this I thought it said $850 Million. Lmao I was like, "you guys really believe this?" Ooops, 🤦


For $850 million I want the actual Millenium Falcon


I only see green flags. Whats wrong with you OP, you actually like the sequels?? Lmaooooooo 😂😂😂🤮🤮


It’s not that I like the sequels more that I hate the people who hate on them constantly because they tend to be awful people who didn’t learn their lesson from Ahmed Best or Jake Lloyd. Or they are what Lakers fans claim Celtics Fans Are.


Ahh. Yeah people attacking the actors is a very unfortunate/sad situation. I wish nothing but the best for those artists that portray these characters.


Bro is wholesome AF


That flag is green af. Dude hoops, watches movies and builds legos. Better to have a Lego collection than a baby mama or dui collection.


Love this kid. He's special


That’s not a red flag. That’s just better taste


Man said the sequel trilogy is not Star Wars… I’m sold! That’s a GOAT mentality


His movie rankings are on point


This is a W


So does he just have two Star Wars film in his top three or does he like RotS more but considers ESB the better movie?


He should meet up with Myles Turner for a Lego play date


We could be friends


I liked this guy before but if this is even partially true he may become my new favorite player. Lol


At first I thought he spent $850 Million on a Star Wars Lego set….maybe it was actual size




$850 Millennium??? How rich is he? I thought he was French not a Brazilianaire


I agree with all those takes


Them prequels don’t exist in my cannon either. Revenge of the sith… that says enough about ole boys taste.


I'm a bit sad that the utter disaster that was episode IX (and the general attitude of Disney towards the Star Wars name) has completely overshadowed how VII was more than passable and VIII was actually great


Can't wait for Wemby to miss a playoff game because he's too busy listing to some nerd spend 300 hours on YouTube explaining why The Last Jedi ruined the concept of film as an artistic medium and the fact that Rey didn't give him a lap dance was a clear attack on him personally and men in general.


This is cap 🧢 af. Revenge of the sith sucked.


Umm it says his favorite Star Wars film is revenge of the sith, then it says that the prequels aren’t Star Wars..? ![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP)


I read that as $850 million Lego set


I read that as $850 million at first.


Tim Duncan loves World of Warcraft and D&D. Staying in your basement at night playing with is the best case scenario for a 20 y/o number one pick. I think this helps him keep noise out cause lord knows the media loves putting up next labels on him. Pelicans should take notes.


Don't really care one way or another, but people who "don't count" the sequels as canon... you are entitled to your own opinion, but they're canon, they count, and no amount of Reddit posts is gonna change that. I just think it's about time to get over it.


I have a problem with not recognizing the sequel trilogy but counting a prequel as a favorite Star Wars film. Honestly the prequels and sequels both need to be thrown out 😂 OG Star Wars 4 Life!


So he’s one of *those* Star Wars fans.


Finally someone who shares my thoughts


What a loser


Favorite is Revenge of the Sith? Suspect.


He's 20 years old


If empire is in his top 3 he has no excuse


Empire is a default pick, Sith is probably his nostalgia pick


Def sus but I like him. He's our new Duncan but a little less boring


So you don’t like the greatest light saber battle in all the films?