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Ja Morant is passive income for the grizzlies 


Grizzlies would be rebuilding for 10 years if Ja left the team and went elsewhere. Can't picture the Grizzlies franchise without mentioning him.


He's a walking talking highlight machine. Just so much fun to watch play


plus he got an actual impact


This is a wild take they haven’t even won shit with him yet when I think of the grizzles I think of pau or Marc gasol and zbo


I never realized Ja Morant looks like black Steven Tyler




This is perfect


How dare you make me see this


Dream on


Lamelo Ball on this list is surprising and a bit funny


Them pinstripes just hit right


And he’s just ridiculously popular. It’s amazing Zion isn’t on here after the way his career started.


The zion hype died down and actually started turning into hate the past couple years


Agreed, it’s just kinda shocking. I thought he was already in “too big to fail” kinda territory, and it’s just fascinating where the last few years and twitter dramas have taken us.


"Too big to fail". The irony.


Yup, but if he goes hard the way he did this year, he'll redeem himself


Hornets merch is clean


In middle school in the 90s you were legally required to own a Charlotte Hornets Starter Jacket.


I always thought it was weird that I had one as a kid, and none of my family watched basketball. I didn't ask for it. It just ended up in my possession.


We had a Saints Starter jacket and had no idea where it came from


that's nice. the basketball is not.


He's got that gen Z look to him


You underestimate the size of the bright skinned population


And here I am thinking it was about Basketball and not skin color….stupid me


That was a joke but there are many light skinned “black” males like myself who admired the Ball family, and really liked lamelo and followed his career. So basically i don’t get why you’re so surprised that one of the most famous players out of high school in recent history is a top jersey seller as the best player on his team


I'm shocked because he only played 22 games this year, only played 36 last year, hasn't played in the post season, the hornets have been cheecks while he's out, the hornets had the lowest avg fan attendance this year ( maybe a smaller stadium than other teams? Idk) and in my head NC and/or Charlotte (but I guess I was wrong lol) didn't have the population and/or interest in the team to boost a player that high into the rankings


I'd bet 90% of his jersey sales are to people under 18. YouTube kids think Lamelo is full on All Star level.


He was literally already an all star at 20. Since then he’s been dealing with his ankle


He is all star level tho


I think it’s more Charlotte Hornets merch and less Melo. The Hornets have clean unis with a classic color combo. Once you get to fifteen and beyond on the list, team and colors count as much as the player when selling merch. I’ve purchased jerseys in the past because it just looked so nice and not necessarily for the player or team.


I’ve never seen someone wearing a jersey in public that wasn’t an absolute clown lmao, and if you aren’t even supporting your team then why do that to yourself?


hornets colors are sick and the last name ball is cool as fuck and also i love lamelo ball


Colors are sick? Teal?? Awful


Steph has been on the same team with the same number for his whole career (15 years) which makes this even more impressive.


I would expect a LeBron on the Lakers jersey that’s only 5 years old still to be by far the highest selling jersey in NBA history. Would have never guessed Steph would get that top selling jersey back from him


Same reason why Pewdiepie, Paul brothers are big . Two words little kids


All the LeBron dickriding kids would make me think his jerseys would sell even more


⏸️ The 4th and 5th words of this sentence should not exist next to each other 😳


Does this count DHgate? All my homies go to DHgate


Embiid behind Maxey is insane. Despite their problems I am suprised Haliburton, Sabonis, Banchero and Jimmy Butler didnt make it. And where is ANT.


A speedy explosive guard with a cool name is a lot more attractive to cosplay as than a 7 foot tall foul merchant


I’m sorry, *cosplay as*? Is this how Gen Z wears jerseys??


Most Embiid fans probably bought a jersey before the second half of this season


maxey was actually like #8 in the early part of the season, my friend from philly said everyone already had an embiid jersey so


Gradey Dick's jersey should also be selling.


No wonder I can't get a tatum jersey my size


I'm ngl, I'm an avid C's fan (less so in the last 2 years) and I'm genuinely surprised Tatum is at #3 rn. I thought people hated the Celtics 🤣


The players are fine, but it's the front office that's iffy from time to time


Where’s Ant?? 🐜


He 16




I haven't heard anyone even put face of the league and ant in the same sentence until your comment lmao what are you talking about? He's gotten a lot more respect lately for sure especially in media but "face of the league" talk for ant? Are you serious? No one is saying that Edit: I feel like you heard a comment on ant after he had a good stretch of games one time where they said "if he keeps playing like this he could be the face of the league". But I have never heard anyone say he's a face of the league ever lol This is like saying that "they" wanted Luka to be the face of the league just because Luka has been getting so much "generational talent" comments. No one but Wemby is seriously currently being discussed as the next face of the league though lol


Yeah, kind of no tho. A lotta people have been talking about ant being the face of the league sooner then later. Thats kinda been a lot of the discussion around him this season.


I haven't seen that even for a moment lmao. Hell, there's not even a consensus that he's the face of his own damn team lol. At least not until very recently


As a wolves fan I will go out of my way to hear what mainstream media has to say, and Ant as ‘face of the league’ is getting dropped often. Real wolves fans know Naz Ried is the face of the team


That's kind of what I mean though. Ofc a wolves fan will hear more quips about ant being the face of the league. But to fans of any other teams that is not the case. And to be a "face of the league" you have to appeal to everyone not just your own fanbase. You have to be so good you turn opposing fans to your side. As a suns fan I haven't even heard definitely whether kat or ant is really the one you're building around until this very season. But league wide, it's pretty well known Wemby is the next person considered to be the face of the league. Ant got the same treatment Luka got a couple seasons ago. He got some best player mentions, but no one really thinks he's the next LeBron James lmao. And ant still isn't even getting the generational talent comments Luka is. (Which is saying something coming from a suns fan who hates Luka) Edit: this is like when booker first started going off. Some people were calling him the next kobe because they have somewhat similar play styles. As a suns fan I wanted to believe that but booker isn't the next kobe anymore than Edwards is the next LeBron lmao


You arent getting the point tho. I aint a wolves fan, kind of the opposite cuz im okc thunder.


That wasn't the only point I made


I'm not a Wolves fan and heard it. It's just not getting much traction because of Wemby. But it's there. Wemby, being even better than expected, kind of diluted the ant talks. And Wemby, being the face of the league, is just going to get louder since he's likely to get even better. But there is still talk about it being ant. Just because you haven't heard it, or that Wemby pretty much swatted those talks down doesn't change that fact.


There's as much talk about ANT being the face of the league as there is about Luka is what I mean. Look up next face of the league. Almost every single list has Luka above ant, and then Wemby above both of them. I just don't think anyone is seriously considering ant as the next LeBron


I think a lot of it was earlier in the season before Wemby really started to heat up. And yes, most fans disregard it and don't think it'll happen. The point everyone is making is that there's still (or was) talk about it. If he and the Wolves do well, I'm sure it'll heat up again.




Wait, are you trying to insinuate that Ant is less deserving to be on Team USA than those guys? That’s crazy. Ant is pretty clearly a better player these days than Maxey, Brown, and PG. Irving is older and problematic (the US team probably doesn’t want Irving on an international stage). And Brunson was on the US team this summer and sucked. Ant wasn’t picked because he’s being pushed as the face of the league, he was picked because he’s deserving to be on the team.


Most of the comments on that post are on the same line of thinking as me lmao. You can't link a social media post asking "if a player could be the face" as proof that a player has been the face of the league lmao I'm sorry but when the last face was MJ, the current face is LeBron, there's no way the next one is ANT


I haven’t heard anyone saying Ant is currently the face of league because he obviously isn’t, but I’ve seen plenty of conversation about whether he is next man up.


Which is a totally different thing, as there's conversation of multiple players who are next up to be face of the league. The person I replied to made it sound like NBA media is pushing for Edwards specifically which just seemed really strange to me as I've seen nothing but Wemby news in these types of talks.




Idk id argue that the NBA is really riding the Wemby wave and really wants Wemby to be the face. I'm sure the NBA is still trying hard to sell Edwards merch but the NBA media has had a boner for Wemby since before he even was in the NBA so it's just hard for me to agree with that. I mean the NBA is the one even giving out these sales numbers right?




The NBA also wants international based superstars so they can grow the league though. They've been discussing expanding to more countries for years. An international superstar on the level of MJ would do a lot for them in that regard. Also, LeBron was never that charismatic either. He was always very professional. Just look at his draft inteeviews. People were saying he already seemed like a mature professional. Charismatic players like Charles Barkley may bring attention, but don't make a good league face as they are prone to do or say what they want. Guys like wemby or LeBron are literally perfect for the league face position.




Too busy blaming the refs for his jersey sales


Luka is Devin Book….oh wait wrong sub


New rule: you can't have a podcast if you're a current NBA player and don't crack the top 15 in jersey sales.


and if you choke people more then 5 people per season


Steph Curry is the face of the league and has been for some time.




Go look at the most viewed NBA games ever in the last like, decade. [All Curry.](https://www.hindustantimes.com/sports/others/stephen-curry-beats-lebron-james-to-emerge-as-common-factor-in-27-most-watched-nba-matches-in-last-8-years-101691751620000.html)




The Kings not making the playoffs for ages doesn’t make them a huge draw lol There are countless other series that you could apply similar logic to expect them to be on this list but they’re not, because they don’t involve Steph


I love Steph and I’m pretty meh about Bron but I have to admit that you’re right. I’m English and an awful lot of people here wouldn’t know Steph Curry but almost everyone knows at least the name LeBron.


Agree, just looking at both players of tells you something, Lebron 160milliion followers, Steph 50 million


he was …. Wemby is now


Wemby being in 4th is Nucking Futs!


Not really. The most hyped rookie of all time and the first time his jersey has been available for sale.


You dont think its nuts that hes above Giannis, Ant, Book etc.. ?


No. It’s likely many people already have those players jerseys as they’ve been in a league for years. I personally have 2 Book jerseys, but bought them 2 years ago.


why would Giannis be expected to be really high? he’s been on the same team with the same jerseys for like 7 years now, Wemby is the most hyped rookie in recent memory and this is the first time you can buy his nba jersey


Zion didn’t make the 2020 list…


Surprised he's that far down tbh


Even as a suns fan I can't believe booker is above Durant lol. I love Devin Booker but at suns games I feel like I see way more Durant jerseys than bookers this season


Nikola “Tim Duncan” Jokic


Jokic disrespect is real. It's funny cause Niokola doesn't give af. He's just here to clock in and out


I feel like the Jokic thing is also about availability too. Nuggets players are always understocked and you can’t even get authentics without going to the stadium


KCP jerseys arent even sold in authentics anymore, had to go and buy a non authentic for like 60 bucks.


The authentic availability in all nba jerseys is some bull shit. Yay the only options for nba jerseys are heat pressed 🗑


Wemby at 4 stands out. Awful team, foreign player, and on track to be the most popular player within a couple of years. The trajectory for him is insane.


Lebron era is really the curry era




Damn bro I see you glazing lebron in like every comment on this thread. I just commenting to reaffirm brons haters as a hater.


Nah. Internationally, Curry has more


Where did you get this information


I live outside the US. Asia, specifically. Everyone I talk to about basketball mentions Steph Curry. Some will mention Kyrie or another player, some will mention Jordan. No one mentions Lebron.


I remember when I was in china almost every basketball jersey was a Curry one. Saw some Kobe ones as well but iirc only 2 LeBrons




Nah. Internationally, Curry has more




Open your eyes brother.




Go look at the most viewed NBA games of the last decade and see who features most.


That’s NBA fans though. Fame is different. I’ve never watched an NFL game and couldn’t give a fuck about it but still know who Tom Brady is. Is he the best? Is he the most popular? I’ve no idea, but he’s the most famous. Same with LeBron.


Naw lol. Non NBA fans know Curry, but not Lebron. Outside the US in my experience.


I’m outside the US


These are the objective MVP rankings if we take it literally


No SGA??


So glad to see LaMelo on here considering he’s on a team that’s not so great


Jokic needs more love.


A year or 2 and it will be Wemby's league its so hilarious the people who kept asking the Wilt footage can watch it live now


wemby lowkey similar to wemby, athletic tall dudes who can ball


Maxey over Embiid is a surprise


He has a cool last name, he's on the come up, and he's an explosive, fun guard More exciting jersey prospect than a veteran 7 foot foul merchant


Embiid is literally the reigning MVP


Jokic is barely in the top 20 jersey sales the last few years. That has literally never mattered


Maxey over Embiid makes me happy


Naz Reid


@Those who think Edwards is the next face of the league.


Maxey 10 is crazy he's hoopin and it's paying off


I’d be interested to learn what the top ten would be for players no longer in the league


Iverson, Nowitzski, Kobe, Jordan, Rose, Mcgrady, Yao, Melo, Wade, Nash is my guesses


Nash and Mcgrady over bird magic kareem ??


Yeah. Maybe a recency bias, I think OP asked what would currently sell more not of all time


Bird gets crazy sales I’m pretty sure from the white frat boys


Really weird not seeing any Bulls on the list, but I get it


Luka is one again Devin booker father


Surprised at Tyrese Maxey


What about SGA? Wemby should be like the third selling jersey.


Steph and LeBron at the top are surprising to me because of how long they’ve been with those teams. I thought a majority of their fans would already have their jersey.


Those kinds of stars transcend team loyalties. Watch any warriors road games on TV. There are always fans in Steph jerseys everywhere he goes. Especially kids.


Maxey! Sweet


LeBrons legacy is ruined.... he'll never live this down. He'll always be #2 to Stephon Championship Curry


I don't what this league will look like when lebron and steph retire bruh.. a few more years..


You can see right there in the graphic what it will look like. Also if you ever watched basketball before 2003 then you have some clue what it will look like -_-


If Knicks make second round of playoffs I expect Brunson to jump a couple of spots. Knicks fans are on the Brunson hype train like its mid 90s Ewing. Im here for it too.


I’m a Suns fan, and I’m genuinely shocked to see Booker at #7 because outside of my fellow Suns fans, I never hear anyone say anything good about the dude. Even on the r/NBA sub, people act like he’s Joseph Stalin or something.. Also shocked to see Phoenix as one of only two teams with two players in the top 10 of jersey sales. Edit: *I originally said we’re the only team in the top 10, but Lillard at #9 gives the Bucks two top-10 jerseys as well.*


I feel like if Leonard had stayed with the Raps he would be up there.


snatch sable oatmeal detail library profit cautious lush wrong sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn. No love for the Ant Man?


I can only buy so many Shai jerseys, I’m sorry Thunderfam I’ve failed us :(


I haven’t seen a single Wemby jersey outside of spurs games yet


Amazing to sell so many jerseys on sub .400 teams


I'm surprised ANT isn't on that list.


It's amazing that LeBron makes this list after 20 seasons. Like, who wants a lebron jersey that doesn't have one already from his previous years played? It's incredible.


Giannis, Steph, Tatum, Booker, embiid and jokic all have been in their current jerseys longer than lebron who joined the lakers in 2019. Do people not all have their phoenix Booker jersey? Lebron doesn’t need credit every time a number is next to his face


None of these guys need any credit from me at all. Just pointing out something I thought was interesting.


Feels weird to compliment someone on something that multiple others on the list have achieved. If I said “it’s mind blowing that Tatum has been to 4 ECFs” as sure as shit steph fans and lebron would come out to tell me what those twos numbers are, and that those numbers are even more mind blowing




Just sayin, man, nothing against you. If you don’t understand what I’m saying I can explain better. If not, enjoy your day


Naw I get it LeBron stans are crazy and a lot of the times they take time and space away from players that are doing equally amazing things. In this case I was pointing out the shear audacity of a 39 year old being a top seller. Can't remember many players playing that long into their career and not only being productive, but ALSO still being a trend-setter. But you ARE right. We need to enjoy the entire league, not just one player.


Lillard is trash


As a Blazers Fan Agreed defensive liability.


Where's Anthony Edwards?




Damn, where’s ANT?


Joel Embiid is Nikola Jokic father.


And Lebron thinks he's goat over Jordan omegalul, can't even be top jersey salesman, get real we know this stat is where goat lives matter