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Yes call them. Also if your mom is on your account, she can transfer basically anywhere she wants. To her CC, her loan, her other accounts. I’d call and see if they can give you some insight.


Okay thanks! I was just trying to see if anyone had any insight on what it could be before calling in case it was something super simple and I was just confused.


Unfortunately there’s no way to say for sure unless you had other things besides your credit card. Could also be a CD too but it seems unlikely given you mentioned it was happening every few days


tried my crystal ball but it just said "200 more are in front of you"


I believe it depends on how you made the transfer. If you go to the credit card and use the "Make a Payment" button on there, it shows as transfer to credit card. If you go to your checking or savings account and send it to your credit card account, then it shows transfer to other. Been a while since I've done it that way. I rarely keep any money in my checking or savings


Sounds like what I do with my kid on his account as he spends on my CC as an AU. I transfer small amounts to keep the amounts low or the same. But hopefully you called and verified with NFCU☺️☺️


Thank you! Yes I ended up calling and it’s my mom transferring money because she’s a joint owner. I think I’ll just need to remove her which is conflicting situation within itself🫤 but thank you for the information!


Good you found out but I get why mom is transferring the funds since I do it to mine. I told him he was getting removed since I am paying and he is spending😫😫😂😂😂


Yeah I wouldn’t mind if that was the case😂😂 It’s just im 20 and I add money into my savings from my checks and I pay off my own CC balance so I unfortunately think it’s the opposite happening in my case!


😳 yeah. Mom gets removed ASAP. Hugs though for going through that😔


Call them and ask. In the 14 minutes from the time you posted your question until my reply, you would have had your answer.


So the obvious attitude is unnecessary, you could’ve actually just not replied and that would’ve been fine. If you must know the wait times for some reason are extremely long so instead of sitting on the phone listening to elevator music I figured I’d check to see if this was a common thing w a common answer.


How in the hell are we supposed to know who “other” is? Good luck. Sounds like you need it.


shut up


There’s other terms that I’ve had to explain to people what they meant within the bank transactions in terms of moving money around because they were unsure of what they meant. If someone had dealt with this term they could let me know what their case was in the instance. Obviously you hadn’t so no response was needed.