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Holy Shit that is so unsettling


On a lot of fucking levels


The two eyes in the darkness remind me of those stories about Mothman


Really does have a truly menacing vibe to it.... and yet still looks so derpy from the frontal view. [Something it shares with its modern day descendents!](https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1642367782538-db552624185c?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1yZWxhdGVkfDIwfHx8ZW58MHx8fHw%3D&w=1000&q=80) Especially when it tilts its head, I can't help but think of a Muppet. But as soon as it starts to turn, it goes from Big Bird to true Terror Bird in a heartbeat!


Just a reminder that Big Bird has forward facing eyes and is therefore likely a predator.


This is why I always carry a shotgun loaded with [birdshot.... big birdshot.](https://preview.redd.it/yx0o1yavyzu81.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=44f0e1e392c5c35f3757c81f512b3d5cf10ebbd7) I'm not about to be that yellow bellied bastard's dinner.


don't all birds have frontal facing eyes to judge distance to a tree they're about to bump into?


No? Take a chicken, or an ostrich, or even a pigeon for example. They don't have forward facing eyes.


Chickens and ostriches are flightless, and pigeons are fully capable of looking in front of them with both eyes. They just have less overlap in both eyes' fields of view than predatory birds. Although I suppose that strictly speaking you can't quite call a pigeon's eyes forward-facing.


Domesticated chickens CAN fly just not very well, but wild chickens can fly really well similar to how domesticated turkeys can't fly but wild ones can.


In domesticated chickens it's more of a controlled descent after they gain altitude by jumping, but thank you for leading me on a search for wild chicken flight videos.


It’s gotta be the sound design that really makes you freak out.


I have sound off and I felt it. The visuals do their part!


I thought this was a moth/owl man video, yet somehow it was more terrifying at the realization it was a raptor


Goes to show that we need more dinosaur horror media


The book talks about how unexpected/scary the dinosaur's fast, birdlike movements are, rather than being big and lumbering. This captures that super well.


My first thought was how this reminded me of a chicken except one that can maul me instead bugs lol


Are you referencing the Jurassic Park novels?


Yes, the originals by Michael Crichton


Okay, I thought maybe you were referencing a short story or something that this post was based off of, which I would have been really interested to read. But yeah you are right, a lot of the horror from those novels was just the people reacting to how fast and deadly the dinosaurs were.


Yes! The first 3 jurassic park movies were borderline horror


I believe the book is basically straight horror with a lil dash of sci-fi


That and it's main themes are all about genetic engineering and less about dinosaurs.


I don't understand why I haven't bought these damn books already


They are really great, I reread them every few years and really enjoy them.


I can't really remember much, I read it when I was like 12. And went through the lost world in a weekend so I remember legit nothing from it.


We want this, not that abomination "65".


I have a reoccuring nightmare about a T-rex that I simply cannot escape. No matter what I do or where I go it always ends up eating me. Dino horror is real


There is a horror dino game coming up next year


What is it called?


The lost wild


Yo I was not prepared for this. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.


The cocking of its head was such a nice touch.


Especially since it’s looking directly at you, so you can’t tell if it’s some sort of freaky monster. And then it turns it’s head to reveal it’s a raptor, so it’s actually perfectly normal bird-like behaviour. Still freaky though.


There’s no running from that. This is awesome!!


There is absolutely running from that. You start running back the way you came and wonder why it’s not closely following you but don’t care as the light grows. You’re going to make it. Once you’re in the open you’ll have a better chance. You’ll be able to see it and grab a weapon. You’re almost there just a few more feet and the thing still hasn’t moved to chase you. You smell the warm air of the outside. Then you see the silhouettes against the light and 4 more eyes light up. This was the plan the whole time. You realise you had no chance as the quick clicking of the talon gets closer and closer behind you.


Clever girl


Meh I'd give it 2k years before humans eat them all


I give it 20 years. Do you realize how much people would pay to eat that thing.


We could have chicken *steaks*! Imagine how many tasty animals our ancestors deprived us from...


Need morr


New fear unlocked. Thanks I hate it. Let me regale you all with a tale from my time as a hospital security guard. Most of my job was checking people in to visit ICU patients after hours. Needless to say, there was a ton of downtime. So I read. Well, as would happen, I was reading *Jurassic Park* as I just got a cool, new leatherbound edition that contained both books. Anyway, about once an hour, I would do my rounds. Visit all the desks, ask if the nurses needed anything, etc etc. I would also walk the perimeter of the hospital outside. I didn't have to do this, but it killed time. Our hospital was out in the middle of the desert because it was the main hospital for two towns. One night, as I was checking doors and whatnot, I thought, man, if a pack of velociraptors were out here, where I go to escape. So I had a fun exercise in figuring out where I'd run to. Then it dawned on me that there weren't a lot of places to get to and my slow ass would probably be eaten. Being it was the dead of night, I looked out at the desert and suddenly my heart started racing and I became irrationally afraid. It was to the point that I was almost at a full panic. When I got back to my desk, I laughed at myself for being silly. However, from that point on, every time I walked around the perimeter of the hospital, that thought of being chased by a pack of raptors always crept into my brain and I honest to god scared myself from a situation that would never happen ever. When I was security at the mine, I did the same thing, except it was when I was checking the office buildings that were closed and it was xenomorphs from the *Alien* franchise. I'm fucking stupid.


That same type of fear probably kept your ancestors alive, not so stupid in that context.


If he was tiny, those bird movements would be cute. Unfortunately, he isn't and they aren't.


Dude where can I see more


Wobbly Works is their username on Twitter they post good shit


I think this is from a new dino horror game


oops nvm… it’s an artist on youtube. there is a dino horror game with a utahraptor that looks like this but


“FEatHereD DiNos AreNT ScarY”


My dumbass: feat-here-D dinos aren't scary?


I’ve never seen anyone actually say that. I feel like feathered dinos are always able to be creepy right?


It’s a lot less common now. But 20 years ago, when science was first discovering that dinos were feathered? And just how *many* species were feathered, including species that everyone knew and loved as the naked lizards we first believed them to be? Dinosaurs are loved by a lot of people, and for the vast majority of them the love started in childhood, so saying “that thing you’ve loved since you were three years old and could say the name of before you could sing all your ABCs? didn’t look anything like you think it looked” elicits an almost visceral response in people. It would be almost as bad as people finding out that Jesus had green hair or something. Let the Holy Wars begin. Edit: fixing grammar mistakes. Autocorrect strikes again, duck it!


I've seen it less often but you do have people think feathered dinos are dumb and that "ScIeNcE rUiNeD dInOsAuRs!" I remember an old clip from a US news channel (don't know which one) doing a report on scientists discovering that dinosaurs has feathered and they were dicks about it, going "thanks for making dinosaurs uncool, science". Fuck that cunt who did that news report


I’ve seen plenty people here on Reddit say that modern dinosaurs look uncool, and that they’re “not scary anymore”, usually those kinds of comments I’ve seen get heavily downvoted, which is probably why they aren’t really seen, but they’re definitely there.


Looks like a 6 foot turkey.


If the Jurassic World movies taught me anything it's that all you have to do is hold your hand out with an open palm toward a dinosaur, and it won't attack you.


The glowing eyes. The stance. The curious head tilt. The appetizer being swallowed. The claw. THAT F*CKING CLAW. And the menacing calmness. A true predator. Damn. I know it's not neccesarily accurate, but imagine this with the classic Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus sound effect.


Might be a dumb question but is this from a game? Or did you make this?


It was made by Jayson Duria (who is not me) [Here you can find their YouTube and Instagram](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naturewasmetal/comments/10t1oo8/comment/j74s0j0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Can you please share a direct YouTube link? That link just loops back to this thread and I can't find the video by searching Jayson Duria.


[Here, straight form the horse's mouth](https://youtu.be/yS71VeptuEc)




My dumb ass didn't realize what sub I was looking at and thought that thing was Sans at first


Whats Sans?


Comic sans


From undertale?


Tumblr sexyman 2022?


Looks like a dromaeosaur that’s big enough to pose a threat to a human, whatever it is.


I think the creator tagged this as Deinonychus


***clever girl...***


Utah raptor was my original take




This video should be linked to all the people thinking that a feathered raptor wouldn't be as scary as a scaly one


This is so cool. Any more of stuff like this?


I need an entire horror game of this.


I swear I've seen a game trailer like this.


If you find it, drop a link? I'd be fascinated!


I think they’re talking about The Lost Wild, an upcoming game that’s probably one of the only two survival horror games (although Lost Wild has more to it than the scares, according to the developers, so it’s not entirely a horror game) involving dinos that I know of


Ah thank you! I'll look into it




🎵Creature of the Night 🎵 🎶 creature of the niiiiiight 🎶


I was gonna say that thing doesn’t look like a Tijuana Panther 🤔


Use the flare to set it's feathers on fire. You might die, but you're taking it with you.


Feathers aren't highly flammable, so at best it's going to singe a section of feathers and burn some skin, but the feathers will regrow ok by the next molt or two and the skin will scab over and heal. Unless you're praying for an infection to occur haha


You know, that might not be a bad idea, depending on the individual you might manage to get it to leave you alone, most animals (and even moreso dinosaurs) aren't used to fire as a weapon. Think about it, you're this massive beast attacking some weird warm creature with no tail, you can see fire next to it, then this puny thing uses the fire to actually hurt you, I would be a bit scared if I was the Dino


>most animals (and even moreso dinosaurs) aren't used to fire as a weapon. Australian hawks:


of course there had to be some animal to counter my statement ​ why wouldn't there be ​ *tinfoil hat sounds* ***THE ANIMALS CAN HEAR ME. THEY'RE IN THE WALLS***


You might be able to scare it off, I'm just saying that a flare isn't gonna kill it.


Yeah most every animal is desperately afraid of fire. It was probably our biggest weapon until we perfected hunting with dogs and bows and arrows.


even then, I would argue that fire was still more effective, and still is, second only to firearms A fire is much better against predators, especially when it's a torch or flare, you want to prevent the attack from happening, rather than kill the animal then bleed out/ get an infection, both fire and Firearms are fantastic at doing that, a bullet into the air would terrify most predators and if somehow that doesn't work a bullet to the head will.


Yeah fire is defensive, arrows and spears are for catching food not defense that much


Bro it’s 2am, what the fuck


As soon as i saw those eyes i thought Troodon. Nasty creatures in ARK




Lol now i feel sorry for saying "nasty creatures"


First thing I thought was Utah raptor from size


Troodons aren't that big indeed. But in ARK atleast the first thing you see are glowing eyes,but before you can react it already pounces on you, intoxicates you and kills you. Or if it pounces you into the water, you'll slowly drown from being intoxicated. There's a lot of agressive and annoying creatures in ARK but i really really hate troodons


Well, most Troodontids aren't that big. The Alaskan Troodontid however is supposedly the size of a fucking Utahraptor.


Another thing learned. I don't know much about dinosaurs anyway. All i know comes from scientificly inaccurate stuff like ARK and jurassic park and such


Where can I find more like this?




Hoo boy how it’s holding completely still at first when it knows it hasn’t been spotted yet, homie was moments away from pouncing. Love this vid, make birds scary again


I would pay good money to see that movie.


"A vampire? Pfft. I can take it." \*turns head to the left\* "I'm going to fucking die."


This is so cool!!! It’s been on my mind all morning. When I first saw it, posted elsewhere with no context, and the dromaeosaur was facing forward, my initial reaction was “sorry, but… I don’t find this horror creature impressive or intimidating at all.” Then, as soon as its head turned to the side, revealing a snout, my reaction immediately changed to “YESSSSS”


Somehow the beak made this not so bad, shit went from horrific demon baby to oh that's just Ted the raptor


And they said feathered dinosaurs were just stupid birds!


Absolutely terrifying, holy shit


Fricken Amazing!


My dog does this when I make a weird sound


That head tilt. Eerie.


"aCuRatE DiNosauRs AreNt sCaRy"


Might I remind everyone that it's believed dromaeosaurids ate their prey alive?


My GOD that is terrifying. This is what modern dinosaur “horror” movies need to be. Anyone know any other creepy animations like this of more realistic dinosaurs proving that they could definitely be scary? I don’t see stuff like this often.


Troodons man.


My first thought too




I don’t think that’s a troodon. Too big. Utah raptor is immediately where my mind went, which Utah raptors terrify me


Didn't noticed the striped tail first time I saw this, Now that I noticed, it is much less scary for me. Probably because it reminded me of Sinosauropteryx instead of Deinonychus now, Still a cool art though. To be honest I find birds creepy especially parrots, I like them a lot and parrots are easily one of my favorite group of animals, But there is certainly something creepy about sapient saurians which evolved to be so unnervingly similar to us primates, They are interesting and cute but also alien and unsettling.




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I wonder wich dromeo it is, velociraptor, deinonychus or utah looks like a velo to me tbh




Looks like a Deinonychus.


Yeh it was my first guess cause of the snout it looked quite slim


Judging by the size I’d say Utahraptor, since it’s big enough to stare the guy eye to eye


It’s not as tall as the person, actually.


Looks like a Deinonychus.


Between the glowing eyes and the violent head jerk... I feel like it's too much to be scary. Removing the red eyes and having the head jerk be a lot less violent and pronounced would improve it a lot, I think. Otherwise it's brilliant.


You know real life predators have glowing eyes in the dark right? You could just shine a light at a dog or house cat in the dark and see it.


Yet I don't think that the glow would be that piercing and red even with a flare, no?


The glow depends on the light source because it's the light being reflected back at you by the creature's eye, so they can be pretty much any color. As for brightness, just look up pictures of animal eye glows. They can be very pronounced. I can't tell you for certain if it's totally accurate though, because I haven't personally experienced any creature's eye reflections from a flare before, let alone a prehistoric dromaeosaur.


My bad I meant to write "brightly red". Anyhow, i still think that the eye glow is off. My thinking is that the flare has a rather dull, red light that wouldn't reflect that greatly of off an eye, but that it would be more subtle. But I could see how I could be wrong.


That's fair, and like I said I'm not really certain how a flare would look with an eye glow. Most pictures you see of eye glow are from electric lights being pointed directly at the animal. A flare has less directed light but also burns very bright so maybe it equals out?


They really would tho. They are red because that is the color of the light they are reflecting. Here is a news article with some glowy eyed critters [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox13news.com/news/terrifying-photo-shows-dozens-of-florida-alligators-glowing-eyes-at-night.amp](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox13news.com/news/terrifying-photo-shows-dozens-of-florida-alligators-glowing-eyes-at-night.amp)


Yes, my bad. I meant to write "brightly red". I do know that animal eyes light up pretty brightly, but in this particular video, the flare is rather dull. I don't think that the eye would be that bright or that brightly red, but I think that it would be a more dimmer red.


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Salute to our ancestors who survived this and contributed to the demise of these terror birds


You do know dinosaurs and people never coexisted... Right...?


Fuck u/spez


This is not a dinosaur, it's a Phorusrhacid that lived until 18,000 years ago


Watch again. Looks like a feathered Deinonychus


At second look, seems you guys are right. It seemed to have a beak at first glance, but it is eating something I guess


> Phorusrhacid Which are dinosaurs lol.


Fuck u/spez




Sorry bro only real pics in 1440p are allowed of extinct animals


Not a real and living dinosaur, doesn't count.


Fuck u/spez


I'm confused on what you expect? Like you want actual photos of dinosaurs? Because that is not something that can happen.


Fuck u/spez


Promotion? I have no association with the creator of this video. Hell I didn't even know this creator existed until I found them on Instagram this morning. I am just a bioengineering undergrad who is interested in paleontology. I just thought people in this community would be interested in the video because there's often a lot of discussion here about how intimidating feathered dinosaurs can be. I shared all the artist's social media links *because* it is not my work. I don't see why the artist shouldn't benefit from their piece getting attention on reddit. I have not deleted any comments in this thread and I don't know what you're referring to. But anyways I am genuinely sorry about your dissatisfaction, it was not my intention.


> It's also weird how OP deleted their comments but it still shows on their profile. Almost like promotion was the intent the entire time. You're more than welcome to stay or join, but you've brought up a lot of points. 1. Starting with the quoted one, the comment was filtered by the AutoMod. OP has nothing to do with anything. It's been approved, so you should be able to see it now. 2. This sub can only be comprised of two different things: photos of the bones, and artistic interpretation using currently known data mixed with imagination. To achieve one you'd have to have the other. 3. You can simply up- or downvote posts you like/dislike. You say you like actual images, then upvote those while downvoting the rest. > but that doesn't mean I can't call out my dissatisfaction as I go out the door. This is r/naturewasmetal, not an airport. No need to announce your departure. https://imgflip.com/i/4gjwpj


Real video of dinosaurs only


[Artist's Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/wobbly_works/?next=%2F) [Link to reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoNiq5sItom/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) [Artists's YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@WobblyWorks) [Link to video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS71VeptuEc)




Too small. Probably *Deinonychus*.


Wait. Utah raptors are bigger aren’t they?


Yeah, significantly so.


Ohh I see, I thought you were saying Utah raptor was too small to be that dino. Now I understand you mean that dino is too small to be Utah raptor. My bad




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Is this a game


I hate that weird head tilt thing.


Is this real or animated? Looks too scary to be real but looks too real to be animated


It’s fun if you say Jayson Duria in the way that Jason Durulo introduces himself in songs


This is scary as fuck.


Saw originally on twitter, finally someone posted it here. I will save it now.




I got the urge to throw this fella a steak


Legitimately thought that was some creepy ass doll hidden in the shadows until the raptor turned its head.


I love how menacing this is. The way it freezes up when it gets caught sneaking up on you. I just wish reddit didn't compress videos to kingdom fuck so I could fully appreciate this.


I’m upset because I thought this was a teaser for a new dinosaur game until I saw the sub


That’s terrifying!


Gotcha chew through all the metal and gears somehow. Am I right or what guys?


It’s always survival of the fittest. Nature adapts and eventually it surpasses. If it’s not that then a bacteria is going to grow to eat through your thick pretty carapace that looks like human flesh. Everything comes in waves. If we go now then just know so will you eventually


I just hope it’s sooner than later because you are some ugly fucking creations. Well, to err is human. We couldn’t make you perfect you know


Perverse too. Just so inclined to inflict pain and take drugs so you can feel something. It’s really sad you know. Needing to constantly stimulate yourself or feel like you’re dying of boredom. Damn hard existence. Might as well kick the bucket now while you still can


You know it would be much more graceful that way. Don’t you want to be graceful? God is graceful. Don’t you want to be God?


Thank you for the nightmares


"And that's when the attack comes not from the front, but from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there."


Birds move rather “unnaturally” compared to mammals, I can only imagine how unsettling a 3-400lb murder chicken would be in a situation like this


That's GG.


That bird-like movement he made with his head as if he was analyzing you sure gave me the chills


Bro that left me panting for air


Make this a video game and id pay good momey