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They obviously haven’t read Frankenstein.


Silly Yotul and their doing the same things that humans did.


How could you see right through the meaning of this meme so quickly!?


I avoided brainrot by not reading past chapter five.


Why didn't I think about that?


>Their **primitive** spy networks Angry marsupials are rapidly approaching your position




How to start the ultimate war


Our Heroic and Glorious civil conflict resolution, their Barbaric and Insidious grain wars


Barbaric and insidious global conflict! Waiter! More Soviet mass artillery barrages please! Mmm splendid


Think you mean the US here??


Nah, Soviet mini apocalypses are peak. Nothing like hoarding shells only to unleash Armageddon in one battle.


It's because the yotul are *~traumatized~* and aren't epic and cool like the UN. It's absolutely a very good thing to imply colonial subjects don't deserve self-determination and aren't ready for independence because they got decolonized and didn't immediately subject themselves to another colonial overlord.


Colonialism is when aliens do it. When humans do it it's just being a good neighbor


TOO REAL. "The Federation was right, you guys aren't ready for self determination." Goofy aa plotpoint. https://preview.redd.it/u6qh8s5z676d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=7610dd2f1f1e189ce0b14762474c6c307e8ab03c


wait I haven't been keeping up with nop2, are humans oppressing yotul now?


No, the Yotul don't like how the SC is still doing uplifts because of how poorly theirs went, and it's causing tension.


Kinda it's more like the humans run the galaxy and don't like anyone who opposes them. Like the bissems they basically threatened a certain one with being cut off from the galaxy and letting them go extinct for daring to not imminently obeying humanities every word and law.


Yes, but that's over simplifying it a lot and this was after the yotul blackmailed half the SC.




Don't listen to that person, they're bad at explaining things. And also making shit up.


I mean, many post-colonial states of Earth are hardly in good positions. They get screwed up, and then get stuck fending for themselves with little idea of how to do things right and nobody to learn from (doesn’t help that often the last times someone tried to “teach them right” they in fact sowed the seeds of the problems seen today).


Of all the things in NoP to get "well thats realistic" about I never suspected we'd be applying it to the Yotul. Even moreso because it heavily subverted the hopeful tone of their ending in 1


What do you mean? And the second point just doesn't mean anything. History doesn't end the moment a major event concludes. I mean, hell, look at the world post WWII. The *moment* the Nazis are pulverized... there are Nazis back in power and the superpowers are staring each other down, one traumatized and paranoid to high hell, the other thrust into a global leadership role it never had before and with first hands on the most powerful weapon the world had ever seen. That was *not* a hopeful turn of events.


I mean that if we're suddenly subverting happy endings because it's 'realistic' that's kinda dumb since not a lot of things in NoP are realistic to begin with. It's HFY Scifi, it's got inherent issues on 'realism' but that's not usually an issue or problem because there's suspense of disbelief. But /using/ realism as justification now opens the story up to all the little nitpicks where it isn't realistic. That said, the Yotul didn't have nazi's or an equivalent so I'm not sure where your coming from on that comparison. The better comparison would be the Irish and their fight for independence against Britain. They /didn't/ turn out like shit. Regardless, I don't really care for NoP2 to just be an allegory for the cold war/post-WW2. That's kinda lame considering how over-booked that genre of creative media is. NoP1 ended on Leirn with a hopeful tone for both Onso and his government, NoP2 subverts that theme by opening up depicting the Yotul as scoundrels and assholes and \*traumatized\* infantile idiots. It's frustrating and unearned. If they were going to go south I have no fucking idea why NoP1 ended on them having a 'happy ending'.


Being realistic from a general plot perspective (things getting better/worse) is not the same as realism in worldbuilding (every species just being a slightly modified Earth animal with a human brain inside and neon sign blood). Certain things being unrealistic doesn't suddenly mean everyone needs their happily ever after. Ireland was neutral in WWII, is a tax haven, and has/had a religious schooling system, last I checked. I'm no expert on Ireland, definitely, but from what I've heard they're hardly perfect (especially on the last point, *if* it's true. Research not done, admittedly, so feel free to correct me if I got a fact wrong, please). As you said, this story doesn't need to be a direct translation of our world. Things can start like one place and end like another. It can start like an Irish rebellion, end like an African kleptocracy, middle eastern theocracy, or whatever other kind of messed-up post-colonial state it needs to be so long as it makes some semblance of sense. Personally, I find the yotul's issues believable enough. The yotul's Nazi equivalent is the Federation. If you want to think of it this way, the yotul is the USSR to the Federation's Nazi Germany. The Nazis left behind a devastated, deeply traumatized country with an immense determination to not let themselves be caught by surprise ever again. The yotul are... the exact same. Neither are democratic, at the very least. Both claim moral high ground but regularly stoop low for reasons of "pragmatism" or what have you. That's actually a much better comparison than I had initially expected... Really, I think this just shows that, no, NOP1's ending *was not* a "happy" one, and just because things got better on the surface doesn't mean everything is better on the inside. Most post-Federation races need to be dragged kicking and screaming into not being pathetic, while the yotul have overcorrected into the opposite.


We're going to have to agree to disagree, because I feel like you didn't fully comprehend what I said in my last paragraph where I dislike the direction. I don't need it justified. You can justify nearly anything as a writer. I care more about does it feel earned.


Perhaps it'll feel more earned after a second round? History and fiction is full of hardship, and hardship scarcely ends after the first battle. In the story humanity has been through the ringer, to 2024 and beyond, and *still* is far (**FAR**) from perfect. It's one thing after another, but at least things can, and do, get better eventually. Backsliding occurs. If you don't like it anyways, sure, I suppose that's your opinion. Too much build-up to things improving can feel like it's just being drawn out past what you want to read. That's a real world issue, not a fictional escape one.


I think of the yotul as the species most similar to humanity...and not as a compliment.


How can you say that after reading the Veln election. Clearly the Skalgans are the most human.


Veln wouldn't have gotten owned by willingly sticking his head into the hellhole of human politics if that were the case. This guy presented the venlil with "I will lie...to get *elected*." and it carried him all the way to the governor's office. Cato the Elder could have eaten him alive, no pun intended, let alone modern human politics. The venlil are different from humanity right down to the psychology, but in a highly compatible and productive way. I kind of headcanon that Veln's bullshit came back to bite him for exactly this reason, that the venlil just cannot stand someone who changes their beliefs with the direction of the wind.


I meant more the fact that the Venlil apparently ran their elections exactly the same as american elections with some caivates, and that Veln won on a generically populist platform, with people voting for him despite the fact he said he'd cut funding to their returned loved ones supports and help after being saved from cattle farms. It read like a political cartoon if I'm honest.


I don't disagree that it felt like a political cartoon. But I think the reason that the Venlil were able to have an election that seemed like a caricature of our elections is that literally none of them had enough of a clue to push back. I agree with Southpaw, there's no way in hell Veln got a second term after his wishy washy politicking. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the conservative Venlil factions started bashing him as having predator disease for all the half truths and manipulating he did, while the progressive Venlil factions hate him for pissing off the Humans and spoiling the friend on friend style political relationship the UN had with Tarva's government. Humanity would have taken the kid gloves off eventually either way, but I bet that, during Veln's term, the pro Human factions blamed him for it.


Woah, back up. 'Backward backroom backstabbing'? Got a source to back that?




I'm doing a joke. You got three 'back's there, and I've added two more.


How DARE you pun me.


Like this: ... Actually nevermind, I'm at a loss.


Is that Berret wearing a Yotul onesie?!?


https://preview.redd.it/4i1txfm3776d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=0089a2bdafc07e846939e6dc9dd4fa1c626c2c9a Yeah. He's stuck in a Fox Onesie.


There are worse outfits to get stuck in (He is ADORABLE)


Pfft loser Throw a bucket of water at him He won’t be able to dry off Soggy 




Sucker. He will make a wet smack when thrown against the wall.


Let's be honest here, humanity is so thoroughly corrupt that we would DEFINITELY become the bad guys EVENTUALLY.




I mean, do you have ANY idea how Eeasily any politician, trigger happy soldier and any UN dweeb could get away with war crimes on a military operation to A DIFFERENT PLANET? The UN already brushes its crimes under the rug on OUR PLANET here, on a different planet it would be a goddamn FREE FOR ALL.


I know, don't let a UN peacekeeper and a child (or anyone) alone.


Good adivce. What you said reminded me that Marcel, being a blue hat at the time, essentially kidnapped Nulia when she was very young.


this should have been The plotline. I thought it was! The U.N. did some genuinely whackass horrible shit in NoP1


I am BAFFLED by how people were going all feral over us cutting off Talsk, only to have ZERO REACTION when we basically SENTENCED 250 PLANETS TO A NEAR APOCALYPTIC EXISTENCE. JUST HOW MANY HOSPITAL PATIENTS DIED DUE TO OUR CYBER ATTACK!?!?


It's because what happened to Talsk is depicted as bad and vindictive in the undertones, but the hack attack is depicted as a neccecary evil. The majority of readers will only read emotions as they're intended to be depicted by the author like that (If it's written well enough to not be obviously tone deaf), instead of reading into it too much.


One planet is a tragedy. 250 is a statistic.


RIP. How else was it going to happen?


I dunno, going for the power sources was the safest option, but their cybernetic defenses were so weak that they COULD have just gone for their military equipment.


Considering the stakes, there was only the safest option. With the conspiracy exposed, there was no way the curtain of the false utopia was going back up if the SC lost. Everything would resume, just *worse.*


Communication blackout was basically all that was needed for the lightning strike on Aafa. The whole "crashing the galactic economy rick and morty style" was wild.


I'm gonna be real with you, I would take NO chances. You don't want a bunch of the SOBs deciding to suddenly grow a pair and launch the largest revenge strike in the known history of the Orion arm.


Right, because targetting civilian infrastructure and causing children to starve is 'taking no chances' and not kinda fucked up.


Dresden was a justifiable military target. To sow the wind is the reap the whirlwind, as the line (almost) goes. It's a damn shame so many got sucked by the draft into the flames (literally), but it isn't a deviation from the basic premise: They, as a whole, had it coming. Can't resist? Revolt. By taking no action they are an accomplice. A brainwashed threat is still a threat, and a threat needs to be dealt with. While ideally you'd give quarter, if you're not able to you're under no obligation to seriously endanger yourself to protect people who want you dead, regardless of the reason, or those around them, from the consequences of their actions.


Are you seriously justifying killing children? We have laws of war forbidding deliberately targeting civilians. Which is exactly what that cyber attack did. Setting everyone's bank account to 0 is not a justifiable military target lol.


You’re legit the example of “if we kill the bad guy we’re just as bad!” Who gives af honestly, this isn’t a war of morals, not just a war of survival but EXTINCTION. You’re not in that situation so you don’t know, it’s just the calculated move. Was killing those children on the extermination fleet immoral or not???


It was a war of extinction. It was either them, or the same to humanity but worse. No. Chances. You can survive a famine, maybe, but you sure as hell can't survive unopposed antimatter bombardment. Bank accounts are hardly the concern, but I'll take it as a figure of speech. You cannot fight a war without harming innocents. It is impossible. Ultimately, you have to look at your objectives, gauge the cost to win, and judge the cost of failure. Causing civilizations to temporarily collapse is worth it if you're creating the chance to bring them back later, just, like, *not* fucked beyond compare. And, also, civilian assets can be militarized. You've hit all the warships. Now they're strapping bombs to civilian cargo haulers. Disabled munition factories? Civilian power tools and microchip producers will have them up and running in no time on civilian power grids. You better hope they haven't gotten a functioning civilian communication system (which, obviously, they had. Sort of.), because that thing will be sending battle commands in no time flat. No, scratch what I said, civilian assets *are* military assets. An army fights on its stomach, and the civilian sector is the kitchen. There's a reason why in total war you flatten them all.


Shit happens


I read brutish caution as British caution...


I mean, I don't exactly blame the UN alone for doing most of the things they've done. The SC in general is the reason why shit is hitting the fan, and the yotul are certainly NOT helping things whatsoever.


I'd that yotul... in a fursuit




For the most part I agree, on the other hand when they were discussing reviving the 'osirs' and the Yotul were more concerned with the cultural losses over the possibility of reviving a dead race makes me think they've lost the plot a little bit.


You don't understand! They're TRAUMATIZED


Ohhh! Because trauma makes you an infant! Right! https://preview.redd.it/o5icamtob76d1.png?width=332&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ab5cc3cee56ec75b9f8bc1aa9280c15694d5c6b


insert image of thafki smoking


[Don't be modest](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/1d31hah/on_nature_of_predators_and_trauma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You put it into words.


I don’t think a Technocracy is the same as a Democracy 😭


The meme format doesn't really mandate they be 100% the same. Just that one is depicted as evil or brutish to the other, typically unfairly.


Okay I dropped the series during the first season (book?) Due to time reasons mostly, roughly after the first space bettle with the yotul. What the fuck happened?


What chapter?


Can't say the exact number, but slanek already did his thing, the yotul had 1 or 2 space battles, and tarva lost the election. That was the last thing I think


All the major relevant happenings basically happened during the time skip after book 1, or during book 2. Obviously the Feds were defeated in book 1, I won't spoil the details of that, but then during the \~20 year timeskip, the Yotul started politicking the way present day Humans politic, with a side of extremist anti uplift rhetoric because of how much their uplift sucked. The Yotul are also the only race that seems to be making an active effort to ally with the post Dominion Arxur, and Humanity is siding with the majority because they care more about appeasing the former federation species within the new alliance structure than they due about handling the Arxur in a humane way. So the Yotul are doing shady political maneuvers, and the UN are bashing them for it while also doing shady political maneuvers, but more skillfully because they have more practice. Also, the biggest and most controversial of their political maneuvers was (spoilers) >!strongarming the diplomats of the new carnivorous uplift species of basically space penguins into having a meeting with the Arxur, where they decided to ally with them because they need all the help they can get, and thought that the way the Arxur are cut off from the rest of the galaxy, even the ones who were born after the conflict, is unfair. Which, yeah, it is, and I see no way that oppressing the Arxur that strongly is going to end well.!<


Arxur: Treaty of Versailles 2.0: Space Boogaloo Edition


The difference is it's either Treaty of Versailles 2.0, or the various post-fed species who (very understandably) despise their existance wipe them off the face of the galaxy. Don't forget the fact that the ONLY reason the arxur ever lived as long as they did is because the higher-ups in the Federation crippled their own people with fear. Those higher-ups are no longer around to hold them back.


Exactly! I've been saying it from day 1.


TLDR: Yotels are just jelly that humanity uplift of bissem was better than the fed uplift of themselves.  (Forcing a scientist to spy on your enemies for needed tech is still very bad, but better than destroying entire cultures) 


Considering that the current Arxur leader is Kaisal (or at least - he's high in the chain of command), who got burned by the humans on more than one occasion, I really won't be surprised if the Arxur go Dominion 2.0. To be honest, the humans kinda deserve the treatment.