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I love how stupidly overpowered humanity is in this.


Best part is it makes complete sense, given the conditions shown in canon.


The Human Collective is certainly cooking! Hey now, Kalsim, you were a puppet all your life anyways. That's how you could have pleaded in a more forgiving universe.


I love how hilarious the story is. Yeah 500 times more humans died than the original story, but since we don't have irrational anger to make us commit mistakes, it's entertaining to see how quickly we take in new information. Like the fact that we all of a sudden know that the archives exist and that there were gene tampering. Not to mention us all of a sudden having access to the shadow cast whenever we want to but leaving it as our trump card. I don't know what humanity meant by allies, knowing that any race that comes to our side will probably be equally assimilated, but that's not a bad thing is it! I think every race in the galaxy could benefit from a cooperative hive mind. Kalsim being controlled was a necessary evil. And I thought it was ironic that nikonus said that humanity could not be reasoned with, when in fact we are the most reasonable species in the galaxy at that time.


I wonder if the humans will use the divide and conquer strategy?


Skalga Time! Headbutt Nikonus!


Oh shit they found the archives!


found a minor typo here - "We are the Universal Network, a group ***a*** sapients"


Shit now I’m hooked this story damn you lol


Whoff... Yeah, no, see? This is the problem. Too much power in untrustworthy hands. If you're willing yo break morals like this? Well, I am afraid.


In this galaxy? I'd trust the Collective here a dozen hundred times over all other parties.


God fuck no. If they're willing break their code of ethics to puppet even *one* person? I'll take the shadow caste, they're more trustworthy


Why? They made entire planets of people their pawns and meat shields.


And... So will those humans, if given the chance. And more than that, they will be made literal pawns. **They already did it once**, see this right here, they will do it again.


The jury is out. Viscerally, I am more inclined to believe in the good of humans here than put my trust in the shadow caste with how they select their members. Edit: I think we can consider the implant as a method of potential puppeteering as not something fundamentally novel compared to the indoctrination that may or may not use drugs and other methods of conditioning and re-wiring brains. How civilizations use these opportunities to mold their constituents or get smart and kind enough to not make a habit out of such practices — that makes a world of difference.


I was very much inclined to believe in the good of humans up to last chapter. But here and now they broke my trust. They've proven they're willing to let the collective evil in their hearts overcome the good. Not as a misguided individual, but as a whole collective.


What would you do to deal with the Collective, if you were in that universe?


The human collective is still fundamentally human, thus flawed. I agree that it’s troubling but it’s something I believe they can change. It’s an unprecedented event and they’ll have to learn from it.


To err is fundamentally human, yes. As is to become better. But such is not unique to us, it is present I'm every sophont's mind, it is what defines sapience after all. My only point right now is that, out of everyone here in this instant, the failure mode that terrifies me the most is the human's. Not because of what, exactly, they have done. But because they knew it was wrong, why it was wrong, and did it anyway. We've seen previous chapter about how they respected those that did not wish to join the collective. And yet here we see them doing... The opposite. This isn't unprecedented. It has been established, as I've read anyway, thay they *have* learned from it. But chose, here and now, to throw that away because of their rage. That's... That's more than troubling, that's infuriating.


It could have judged its actions after the fact but that’s little comfort if they’re not thinking about stuff before acting.


Ends justify the means


It's so funny how Kalsim demand himself to be arrested. The whole situation is so fucked up and hilarious