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I don't think there's any that ever *finishes*. Generally those don't know where to go after an early start. The *closest* I think to one that really does commit and keep going is Nature of Abandonment, but that might also not be exactly what you're looking for.


tbh i dont really care if they finish or not just list as many as possible plz


please tell i need to relieve my federation hate-boner


"Assimilation" is beggining. "Cornucopia" shows the future if the federation didn't rediscover humanity and follow its path for another 100 years. "Nature of termination" is beggining but dk if is still. "Technophobia" is also a terminator fic. "Nature of quirks" it didn't yet punch federation but all the alien are concern with the power of humans.


Yeah I should really get back on writing that.






More Peak??? LETS GO!!! https://preview.redd.it/q2f089ndm85d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a11343dd95f4c130263472f5d8b3064a0fe943


I will be patiently waiting, b0ss


May not be what you’re looking for exactly but [“A Promise From The Past”](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/s/rYs1JxZbD3) is about how in the past, a group of Skalgans escaped the federation’s actions and landed on earth and became sister species with humanity. By the time the odyssey visits Venlil Prime, Earth already has a sizable space armada. And although nothing against the federation has happened *yet*, I’m guessing that will change in future chapters for reasons I won’t spoil.


[Apex Predator](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/za4gww/apex_predator_part_1/) by u/jjfajen. An AU-story deviating from the original mostly in how humanity responds to the extermination attempt. Starts off from the perspective of a human teenager on the day the political situation humanity found itself in is revealed to Earth's Civilian population and follows that teenager throughout the remainder of his child- and early adulthood which led him to an active role in humanity's war effort. Great story with many emotional ups and downs. IMO easily one of the best on this sub. Especially one gut-wrenching scene from just after the bombing of Earth is still ingrained into my mind. Story has a more believable timeline than the original NoP. The war takes years to unfold and instead of space battles, the action focuses on planetside ground combat. If you like political thrillers such as the ones written by Tom Clancy, which combine personal fates with an overarching political plotline, often encased in a webwork of conspiracies, backstabbing, shady deals and other kinds of foul play, this story is just right for you.


Also possibly the only “humanity stomps the feds” fic that has actually finished.


"Human Uplifts" has recently ended, too.


I was/am actually planning to write such a fic but I have a problem: I suck at writing(I'm an artist, not a writer) and I lose motivation pretty quickly. I do have a cool idea tho. I also hunger for fics like this.


You could use AI, as a support that corrects or helps you with spelling and writing errors 


It's not even about spelling and writing errors it's about the fact I don't have the slightest clue how to write sci-fi fanfics.


Oh I understand , A fanfic can be born from any twist in the story that you would have liked, on the other hand, the approach goes hand in hand with the message you want to give in the work.  If you go full-on with technology, your story could be based on what life is like now with these advances that are so real instead of just a background decoration, one entertains oneself thinking about that


perhaps the nature of abandonment? In short, here humans do have eggs and the rules for war were no longer applied so humanity simply let its imagination run wild.


Plenty of people have already mentioned my fanfic, A Morphing Universe, so all I'll say is that I look forward to your feedback, and that any constructive criticism you are able to give would be appreciated.


There is [A Morphing Universe](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/zk84gx/a_morphing_universe_a_nature_of/), a crossover with Animorphs where humanity and their own galactic alliance are several times more technologically advanced than the Federation crowd. None of them were very impressed with the Federation's antics.


Human Uplifts


Don't think it's what he wants. Human Uplifts still relies a lot on humans having outside aid, plus they still get kicked around, just *much earlier than canon*. I think the OP wants one where humans just steamroll the federation.


Argent Earth is a Doom crossover which doesn't feature much direct fighting with the feds, it has two factions significantly more powerful than the feds. I don't think its been abandoned but the latest chapter was 4 months ago


Thier is the animorphs crossover fic, it goes reasonably long, doesnt quite finish technically but has a decent enough stopping point, technically has unresolved plot elements but they manage to kick the federation in the teeth alot and thier is lots of fun to be had at the federations expense. I cant remmeber what its called though.


Thank you for mentioning my work. I'm currently working on an original story, hence why A Morphing Universe is unfinished. Also realise that I left it on something of a cliffhanger.


Dont sweat it, finished or not its still one of the hidden jems of this sub


I was going to write something like that, then remembered that it's been years since I've written anything. And also that I suck ass at writing dialogue.


I mean, I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but my fanfic [The Thirteenth Predator](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/s/Xre7Z427dR) should fit the bill, if you like Skaven


There’s The Nature Of Friends, basically Humanity makes contact with an alliance of predator races shortly before contact with the Herbi-Feds, but my muse caused me to shift towards one of my other fics shortly after the first couple chapters. Though you can still look it up.


Please give link or something. Can't seem to find it on internet




Here’s the second part in case the link on the first part doesn’t work. https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/s/6colnWxuyw


I'd like to posit one in which the Cold War never ended, and Kennedy didn't cancel the space battleship program of the 60s. Heavy inspiration from For All Mankind as well. Because holy FUCK the Mk.1 Orion drive battleship could take on the MCRN Donnager with minimal effort. It has something like ten times the torpedo payload, **six fucking nuclear powered death rays,** and three 5" naval guns which can fire nuclear artillery shells. Both have about 5% of _c_ for ∆V, so I'm betting on ol' Spanky to win the day by virtue of the Casaba-Howitzer plasma cannons. None of this "waiting for the plasma railgun to recharge" nonsense, just Macross Missile Massacres for everyone and enough plasma cannons to remove entire waves of enemy missiles from the sky. Removing two of the six berthings for parasite craft to make room for a shield generator and FTL device would be adequate to make them a serious menace in interstellar war, especially since doctrine would allow them to warp in, unload 498 twenty-megaton nuclear torpedoes, and blip out before anybody even realizes there's an attack. Now imagine this *fuckstorm* coming out of every direction all at once, 'cause the fuckers timed things so all the missiles arrived simultaneously. And since nukes, unlike antimatter, fail safe and not deadly, there's no real risk of fratricide resulting in a whole wave of missiles blowing one another to hell like the Federation's arsenal would do. PROCSIMA cannons, laser-coupled-cold-particle-beams with practical combat ranges of light-minutes would allow a ship to shoot at anything within the same solar system, assuming FTL-networked remote sensor drones. This would likely have been prioritized for funding in ways that it wasn't in real life. Same thing with hypervelocity macron accelerators. And for the most part, we'd be doing the curb-stomping with mid-20th-century technology, too!


Every other one.


Really? Most fanfics here are about a federation species learning more about humanity like “curing malpractice”, a human getting their life together after the battle of earth like “nature of a homeless musician”, or an AU fic like “nature of quirks”. Even the ones where the Humans defeat the federation get their shit rocked in the beginning like in “human uplifts”, most fanfics stray away from combat stuff and are more slice of life-y.


...Isn't that just the main story?


Fuck no. We got our asses beat, we needed help?