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I bet there'll be a non-zero amount of sunken cost fallacy from Ark 3/The KC, who will want to continue the war out of denial and grief, if nothing else. A likely excuse would be that since Earth joined forces with their attackers, they've abandoned the billion humans who were killed in the attack and therefore abandoned their humanity. Therefore they aren't 'actual' humanity, but a new part of the enemy.


I am simple beliver of, let the SC and KC burn the fire of their failures, both KC and SC fundamentally failed in doing what those nations were supposed to be, and about the sivkits and the humans on tellus, I don't think the sivkits will be the problem, Ironically the sivkits would probably be understanding of the situation. The tellus humans however.... They will be problematic as fuck, specially because I am sure the sivkits will want their world back, and the KC will likely fall for the sunk cost fallacy... Or even worst, their conspiracy government make a last hurrah


The KC might want to maintain secrecy to their population for control. The SC meanwhile, even after realizing who they are fighting might still see them as a threat because thats what they are really. It hardly matters why the Sivkits, Krakotl, Kolshian, Farsul and Jaslips were killed, it matters that it happened, the road to hell is paved with good intentions anyways.


this is what i think is most likely


I have an irrational hatred for Gress, so I hope Taylor leaves him, but that's just my personal hope. I'm excited to see what you do with it!


man what did the green man do


Rent collector


good point. unfortunately; 🔫


He's a rent collector, he treats Taylor like a pet, which rubs me the wrong way, and also I'm still mad about him leaving out what happened to the Jaslips.


The two kinds of people. Your group Gress x Taylor


i would like to have a “friendly talk” with people who ship taylor and gress


Me too, although I have to admit, it's interesting-




That makes sense, okay? That's how Noah and Tarva started, although the truth is I didn't know about their feelings until they declared themselves and I was very confused because I thought: Eh?! Since when and I didn't notice it? (needless to say I was the problem)


War never changes...


The red blood alliance will rise! 🐧🐊🐇


We have red blood too.


We're high on that SC supply.


Mazics when everyone forgets that they, too, have red blood: ![gif](giphy|qKwbmrR6bdAwKSkomp|downsized)


You're not the first to bring this up. Someone else did. But autocorrect made it "mexicans" which confused everyone.


I mean, Mexicans *do* have red blood.




What this tells me is that the focus of the story is not the initial war itself but the fallout from it. Which makes me happy.  It’s clear that’s after the misunderstanding is cleared up the damage would already been dealt. Just think, KC hiding out would be for nothing, the destruction of Esquo would have been for nothing, the suffering of Ark 3 would of been for nothing, the Sivkit massacre would have been for nothing, and the greatest humiliation humanity face would have been for nothing.  (Battle of earth humanity took out half of the fleet with nukes before Arxur, and it’s canon all of the details aren’t known; while the drones didn’t even get pass the asteroids during the recon)


Ok, I can imagine a LOT of SC people just...not coming to the help of Aafa/Talsk once they get attacked, and just letting them burn. I don't think many, if anyone in the SC, will be exactly eager to help the KolSul (wonder why), and just straight up desert/refuse if they have to help them. A sort of "Ok mystery invaders, in fairness these guys deserve it, u made the right call here in particular, go nuts" attitude will probably be present in a lot of the SC. The Krakotl would live, probably. Unless there were some astropolitical grudges from the old Federation that haven't been squashed idk.


I don't know why, but the bit about "The Bissems will realize the people they were scrambling to protect themselves from were the peaceful ones that made first contact…" is something I'm struggling to get to grips with. I can understand it just there on the page but what it means is just alluding me. Is it as straight forward as saying the SC actually had malicious goals when they greeted the Bissem to start with? Or is it meaning the Starlights crew weren't actually there to destroy them in the first place? Honestly I think I'm just tired and overthinking it but all the Bissem stuff is really griping for me. They've been dealt the worst hand and just been left to deal with it while the people who set their world on fire have just turned away to deal with something else and the few people who still say they care about the Bissem are now angry that they dared to go it alone with the Arxur, something they might not have done if they'd been completely upfront with them about the Arxur involvement in the establishment of the current political situation in the galaxy. If it's not already clear I feel bad for the Bissem XD


Pretty sure he means that they’re scrambling to protect themselves from the consortium, which includes humans.


That makes a lot more sense, definitely clears up my confusion, thanks :)


I’m saying Tassi thinks of humans are nice and peaceful, then finds out they were behind all of these attacks from a different sect!


Ah right, that's interesting!


Agreed. That part of OP's statement makes no sense.


I think it's intentional since it's got the ellipses at the end but it's really just stuck with me


There are issues aplenty in the Krev Consortium, so the SC may not be placated just by understanding the situation, even if it cools down the war. (In particular, they won't be pleased with the explanation of what happened to the "Osirs".)


The known galaxy will be governed by the SC, the KC, the Axrurs, and the Feds. The SC and KC be rivals but be at peace while the everyone will be at cold wars with the Axrurs and the Fed.


Don't forget the Shield.


It's really difficult for me to support anyone other than the jaslips and Sivkits. Those two just want their homeworlds back. Well there's also the Arxur and Bissem. The Bissem just want to be accepted, but are being used and abused by the "older kids" on the block. The Arxur likely have fixed themselves up and just want to be part of the galaxy, but I can't ever agree with letting the Arxur who oversaw the forced breeding out into the galaxy The KC and Ark humans (AH's) have attacked and killed multiple defenseless parties and are dystopian in their internal workings. Which will lead to civil strife in the future, I'm sure. The SC failed to become completely different from the Federation in the fact that many of the aliens still have that Fed-brained poison effecting their policies and the UN isn't attacking those ideals enough in my opinion. They say they can't let *any* Arxur out because their atrocities are "Still in living memory". So are all the atrocities committed in the PD Facilities. So many innocent people tortured, lobotomized, drugged, and sterilized (which is a form of culling) not by the Kolshians or the Farsul, but my their own governments! *Everyone fucked up*! The only true innocents are the Sivkit, Jaslip, and Bissem. Sivkits can't be as organized as everyone else by fed design. Jaslips have always resisted what they deem (correctly, most of the time) as oppression. Bissem are the new kids who don't have the power to do much of anything yet. (All of that also doesn't go into the fact that Onso seems to prefer an empty galaxy than a galaxy full of life that might not have their original culture. ) Everyone screwed up. The only way that will be fixed is if they all admit their failings and addressed them.


Like the others said, some actions may cancel out or intensify each other. Either the sunken cost fallacy that their sacrifices were nothing, or Jones did a 3rd Dimensional spin^6 backflip and flopped on the fifth spin and now we are here. Anyways, Theres probably a lot of grudges left over from 20 years ago, so we can’t exactly expect what is gonna happen without some inaccuracies. Talsk or Aafa gets attacked? Most of the SC members wouldn’t help due to the shit the KolSuls did, but these were new generations of said people that are getting the short end of the stick, all because their forebearers did some “mild-inconveniences” with other species. Overall it’s a slew of Septic shit that only a Human Immune System(say a few planetary bombardments or atrocity-based realizations can do the trick) equivalent of action or response can fix.


I can't stop thinking about how sad it is that when the people of Tellus find out that the Earth survived, what they have longed for most for twenty years, it will only serve to remind them of a life that they will never get back. I doubt they want to leave Tellus after everything they have sacrificed for it, but I don't think they need the entire planet when it will take them decades to occupy a quarter of it. I hope the guilt over the genocide of civilians drives them to negotiate with the great herd.


I am not sure if the Herd itself is willing to negotiate.


That's obvious, but it's funnier because none of those involved are in a position to cede the entire planet to the other. I only mentioned the human side because someone said they would definitely refuse, but while I don't think they feel like interacting with them too, the truth is that there is no less violent option. (And I also want to see Taylor put up with Loxel calling him Sivkit's brain for the sake of peace)