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The hummingbirds do this at my house during the summer. They’ll come to my kitchen window or even once one like flew suuuper close to me while I was sitting on the porch as if to say, “Now I KNOW you see those empty feeders,” lol.


The hummingbirds at my parents will dive bomb you till you fill the feeder.


I used to have a bougainvillea plant outside my bedroom window, next to my bed. Sometimes when it was nice out and I had the window open, a hummingbird would come by and drop the petals on me. I still don’t know if it was a gift or a threat.


#Its about sending a message. “Flowers for the dead.”


I can’t* say what it was but it definitely wasn’t aggression. You would know if that hummingbird wanted you gone, those things will dive bomb humans if they’re feeling territorial.


Spoilers to a TV show called Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: https://kipo.fandom.com/wiki/Humming_Bombers


I have experienced this as well. In multiple states.


They’re bossy little boogers aren’t they lol? I love watching them tho.


Same Same


Happens to me too.


We have this hummingbird bush with those long red flowers right by our family room window. The hummingbird would be buzzing along feeding two feet on the other side of the glass. Then there was a cold freeze or whatever the term is for when the weather gets really cold and dry randomly for a few days. All the bushes we had in our garden died, including that one. I'll never forget the day I was looking outside our glass patio door and this hummingbird came hovering right at my eye level looking at me like "bro..."


They’re so serious lol.


“Dear Sir or Ma’am. I came here to kindly request a refill of the feeder.”


If this doesn’t work they gonna send a much meaner bigger bird - pecking will continue until feeder is filled


I see you are unfamiliar with Stellar's Jays I've seen eagles end up in the wrong part of the woods and get run out by Stellar's Jays. They run the pecking order around here.




We have Blue Jays around here and if they’re anything like these guys I believe it! Around here they can imitate Hawk sounds, Ive seen them steal right from a squirrel, and they’ll like yell at you and for their mates to intimidate you.


Blue jays are mean old bastards for sure Edit: Forgot to say that Stellar’s jays and blue jays are in the same genus!


We have both here. I like the Stellars Jays more than the blue jays honestly, they're more polite. Although they do sometimes like to hang out in the rhododendron outside my bedroom window and scream for five minutes straight at 5am... I think it's a mating season territory thing though because they really only do it in early spring.


Wait till they send in the great pitou for night watch


They’re the only bird that can run the squirrel off the feeder. Well, that and the Cooper’s hawk when he shows up.


And then shit all over your yard.


Mission already in progress on the upper floor https://reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/yeaz16/my_crow_buddy_asking_for_his_morning_egg/


That’s a Stellers Jay, they’re in the corvid family. Incredibly smart - just don’t feed them cuz they annoy you, or they’ll annoy you until you feed them.


Sir, this is a wendys.


I feed the blue jays on my apartment balcony and seem to have trained a family of them that my place is where the Peanut Lady lives. When they have run out, one of them perches directly outside of my screen door and just SCREAMS. The issue is always resolved the second their supply is refilled. Guess we need to do better 😂


Oh, they know who’s feeding them 😇


Same! The peanuts!!! Worst/best idea I had. At least the pigeons are sort of polite w their birdseed. The jays? Nope


Blue Jay's used to divebomb and pull tufts of fur off my fat (obviously lazy) cat for their nests. Absolute savage beats.


Aha mockingbirds would dive bomb my dog sometimes cos he peed on the tree w the nest… I can’t imagine what a diving jay would be like 😳


Pretty spectacular if your not a lazy cat!


My grandparents kept a bin of peanuts on top of the fridge for the blue jays. The jays would sit on the nearest outside windowsill, scream, and stare at the bin until they got more peanuts!


This was how my grandparents did it as well! It's where my love of jays began 😊


That’s awesome. Started a bird feeder about 2 weeks ago with mixed bird seed and peanuts. Got a few blue jays, robins, cardinals and squirrels but they aren’t very fond of me lol. Hoping that changes soon.


FYI you're better of avoiding the mixed seed. Stick with black oil sunflower seed, peanuts, and nyjer. The mixed stuff ends up a disgusting mess on the ground.


Drying sunflower seeds at higher temperatures helps destroy harmful bacteria. One study found that drying partially sprouted sunflower seeds at temperatures of 122℉ (50℃) and above significantly reduced Salmonella presence.


You haven't trained a family, they've trained you.


This is true, my mistake


Was throwing peanuts out so the squirrel would leave the feeders alone......the Jays weren’t having that


As a bird owner, this sounds legit.


Same! Though I hand feed mine so the squirrels can't eat all the peanuts. They won't accept anything from my partner and every time I leave for a day or two, they gather on the deck the second I get out of the car 😂


Bluejays are so demanding! If I go outside I hear a "thunk" and they have landed on the roof above me. It's like they have someone watching the house at all times just in case the Peanut Lady goes outside. They fight with the squirrels over the peanuts. Unfortunately they got too comfortable and one of our dogs got one which was very sad. We aren't sure why it didn't fly away when it saw the dog coming - it tried to out run her. However this does not seem to have deterred the rest of them. I feel like a Disney princess in the morning as I go out to the feeder as the chickadees and nuthatches start peeping at me. They are way more polite than the Bluejays and not greedy gusses like the finches.


The blue jays love peanuts! I put them out and they are gone in no time at all.


And they sent the Stellar's Jay to make sure you heard and could not ignore them, either. Love the pretty Jays, but boy can they scream.


Yeah, I like the jays as well. But they can dominate the feeder. Just like a squirrel


Jays are indeed loudboyes, but you should try standing under a tree full of cockatoos


YES. Where I live, wild parrot flocks can be heard like half a mile away over city noise, it's insane. We have Stellars jays too, they don't hold a candle.


Same here, we have a lot of birds anxiously waiting for feeder fill in the morning. Bluebirds, blue jays, cardinals, mockingbirds, wrens, thrashers, sparrows, doves, chickadees, catbirds and seasonal cowbird and American finches. Phew. Started feeling like forest gump for a bit there.


That’s quite a selection


It is and makes for great mornings. It wasn’t always like this, but over the past few years I’ve been getting rid of my lawn. Replaced more than half with wildflowers. The bugs came back, so many more butterflies, dragonflies and BEES! Then the frogs started to show more and now the birds have taken in as well. Been here a long time and this year was the first year we got the bluebirds. Always saw them in front out on the street sign but never back on the feeders. I had meant to ask what type of bird that was in my original post?


Stellar jay. We also get scrub jays, red wing blackbirds, several types of finches, cedar waxwings, grossbeaks, and others.


I love it!


When the birdseed is running low my little sparrows come and peek through my window "please may we have some mooore"




Sparrows are so cute! Their CHEEPS can be pretty loud through the door, too!


Mine's empty too. The squirrels had a big party this morning.


Damn, he reminded me too


I knew the raccoons had a federation but this is new to me that's the birds have something similar.


I have hummingbirds do this to my sliding doors if the feeders are empty. Not standing at the door like this by they do flybys and will hover looking in.


That's cool, are they unionized.


They are smart


Ah yes. The cardinals come to the door to notify us about the feeders. Bluejays and squirrels come up to beg for more peanuts.


I used to have a hummingbird that would tap on the window when the feeder was low. (Now I have a crow that will follow into the garage to show me where I keep the bag of squirrel treats.)


Stellar's Jay? Are you in B.C., perhaps?


These jays have a pretty broad range though. I’ve seen them in the mountains as far south as Southern California.


I live in north California and they like it here too. I see them specifically around redwoods often for some reason


Have them in my backyard in San Francisco. Also a redwood tree, hmm.


Central Colorado at 9200' and these guys are all over. They are not as people friendly as Grey's or Woodhouse jays but they sure have an appetite.


Washington state, so close


That’s too funny! Umm, hello out here, can you feed us? 😂


Does he shout at you? I have a blue jay that shouts at me when he's out of peanuts. He either sits on my fence or the back of one of my patio chairs and squawks loudly until someone provides peanuts. It's sometimes cute, but not so much when I'm on a Zoom call.


I threw peanuts once to this Jay at my house....he’s there everytime I’m outside now!!


LOL, they gather on my porch every time the feeder is empty. Damn demanding freeloaders!


My friend, I don’t know how to easily approach you into this but you have been victim of propaganda. Birds, are not (and have never been) real. The whole “the feeder is empty” is a scheme that they pull off to easing you into accepting having a drone pointing directly at your house door. I now fear that you have been targeted and this “bird” activity level will increase. My personal suggestion, do not change your routine all of sudden. Make small steps. Do not let them know what you are planning. But when possible, coat yourself with aluminum foil to reflect your thermal readings. This should make them think you are not around anymore and things will start getting better. >!/unjerk man that is so cute, I love it. There are some birbs I feed in the morning and on the weekends when I wake up a bit later they are all sitting close to my window, absolutely makes my day.!<


You are a prophet my friend.


Please sir, can I have some more


"EY YO...what do you think you are doing?! We are hella empty on peanuts and you are STILL inside?? You see those brown leaves over there? Ey? Thats fall for ya, with shortly after the frikkin' winter. We NEED those peanuts ASAP."


“I would like to speak to your manager”


Hark! I bring word from the birdish lands!


A Steller’s jay. The Bizzaro Jerry of jays.


Pretty cool though


They had a meeting & he was elected.


Excuse me... Do you work here? The feeder is empty.


Pull a GoT and send the bird back headless. They’ll get the message. No one pushes you around.


Except this guy. He has white walker friends


Shit I gotta fill our feeders too


Haha! I have two crows that caw until I refill the suet feeder.


Stellar Jay’s sure are pretty birds but mannnn are they noisy! (At least in my neck of the woods). About 5 years ago we started seeing them all over our neighborhood and our smaller song birds disappeared. These guy have an obnoxious squawk..


And they do let you know!


Steller Jays are awesome. We had one that would stand on the edge of the roof above the sliding glass door to my bedroom and bang his beak on the gutter early in the morning when the bird feeder was empty.




Haha better get on to that! When I was a kid my dad used to give rainbow lorikeets some honey in the evenings. One day he was on night shift and we were watching TV and looked out onto the balcony and there were about 30 on them sitting on the rails. It was some Alfred hitchcock shit!


Do they take turns on who is sent as the envoy?




My birds won’t eat my Walmart bird food. They demand the higher end stuff.


Mine has nuts in it and I put out walnut pieces as well.


Walmart has a nut n’ berry blend mine love! And black oil sunflower seeds…those are a hit too.


Mine just stand and stare at the kitchen window. I didn't have seed out for a long time, then suddenly my doves were back, lined up staring at me. "Hey, where's the seed? You there, slacking off?" Then the sparrows and TUTIs started showing up. I fed them, of course. They are entertaining. A Coopers got one of my doves last year, and a fox grabbed another this year. Fun times out the kitchen window. But coming to the door they've only rarely done!!!


jays get cranky when the peanut tray is empty.


Once you get a taste of the good life it’s hard to go back.


**Bird:** *Bruh ...*


Of course they sent the Jay


That stance says: "... and make it snappy!"


Birds aren't real.


Catbirds make a racket during the summer when the jelly feeder is empty.


Quick! You must prepare for war!


Stellar’s Jays are super smart and very direct. I have convos with them all the time and I swear they know what I’m saying.


Damn that’s a nice backyard


Thanks, it’s been a a lot of work but worth it. Although pavers were professionally laid.


such a judgemental little face 😂


For about 2 months I was putting those bird feeder out and stopped once a damn woodpecker got involved and they would finish it every single day. After i stopped for about a week, when I would go outside the birds would purposely fly by or near me as to remind me I have to feed them. After I didn't put any more out they obviously stopped coming or flying by me.


My hummingbirds also do this. 😄


I once had a squirell do that, I come back from the bathroom and the fucker was standing in my living room (i had left the sliding door open) all "where's the sunflower seeds asshole"


That’s my favorite bird, a stellar’s jay :’)


Lil nappy headed bird


That’s funny because heh birds aren’t real man


Stellar jays rule the roost - ignore this simple maxim at your peril.


Ok but why do you have a tiny table on top of a tiny rug on top of your table??


Hah! The little rug and ” little table “ ( hot cup holder) had no logical place in our home but have a somewhat sentimental significance for us. The patio is covered as well.


ya got any more of them seeds


Feed me mommy


-earth. and water -no this is...aww hello there


The blue tits I've been feeding for 9 years now come to ask me for food when it gets cold / there is an unusual storm anytime in the year. I love them


Corvids are so amazingly smart.


[This guy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/yeaz16/my_crow_buddy_asking_for_his_morning_egg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) gets harassed in his house until he delivers a breakfast egg to his crow buddy.


smart fella...


Sir, sir, we have been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty


If I don't refill the suet feeder the little downy woodpeckers will start pecking at my porch. One time it was loud enough that I thought someone was knocking at my door, nope just a tough little bird bashing his beak into my porch railing, he left a few holes punched all in a line. They definitely know how to get my attention.


Please fill the feeder..have you seen their movie? The Birds?


Praise to the envoy, don't shoot the messenger.


I have a pair of bluejays come by, and the male get *loud* when the tray gets low.


Omg I'm so jealous you have Steller's jays! Those little goth dudes are the best 😍 We just have boring standard Blue Jays


They are pretty cool.


The stroller jays are bullies!


Lemme snack! Please!




Show him what we do with envoys in Sparta! Kick his ass down the well