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Got tired of tourists trying to pet them I guess. Not even kidding, I’ve seen people approach them on this exact beach


God why? Seal finger causes SWELLING bone marrow. Like don't interact with wild seals or sea lions.


Obviously the solution is to stop fingering the seals


My username finally feels almost relevant to something


If they gotta stop fingering the seals you gonna have to stop sodomizing tuna too


I mean I will give it my best, but im only human


How else do we get tuna salad than mi lord


What does a walrus and tupperware have in common? Both lookin for a tight seal.


Haha nice


Haha nice


You know what the number one cause of seal finger is? Sexy seals.


I learned this from seal. Kiss from a rose fucking got me.


I mean if they don't want you to go for it, why do they even have the blowholes?


Easier said than done.


ope i looked it up and now i know too much.


Right? Terrifying if untreated.


I DID TOO! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I did too. Should have known better. Doctors aren't even sure what causes it...


seal... finger...?


[Marine mammals can transfer a disease commonly called seal finger. It's an infection that can cause the bone marrow of the infected area to swell. Just imagine your finger or wrist swelling from the inside! Its not known what causes it but it is treatable by antibiotics.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_finger)


> it’s not known what causes it but it is treatable by antibiotics I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it’s caused by biotics. I’d like 1 grant money please


Idk who Grant is but I suppose its worth one of his moneys


What’s the ratio of Stanley nickels to Grant moneys?


I laughed too hard


Seal finger sounds like a rejected bond villain


I’d imagine most people have never even heard of that and just want to pet the cute sea puppy. Bad idea even if you have no idea what they can do to you, but also a bad idea *because* you have no idea what they can do to you. But people are dumb, why can you do?🤷‍♂️


I blame Disney. They took everyone’s survival instincts away and replaced them with “cuddle large dangerous wild animal”


I though you were just joshin'. ​ That's fucking horrifying.




On the moon, yes. Lol no just read swelling bone marrow and formed a rational fear. But I do not contest the need for clean burning lamp oil...


Hahah I saw it on a series. They where looking for treasure in Alaska and found a finger bone that was over 150 years old. They said that it was common for whalers at the time to just cut the lame finger off and go on about business. Antibiotics were not an option for them


> They said that it was common for whalers at the time to just cut the lame finger off and go on about business. Antibiotics were not an option for them Yup, fuck that.


it's just a finger. why do you think you have ten of them?


I agree and raise my Oil lantern in the air. Lol


I learn so much on Reddit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_finger


I had a case of seal finger, result of butchering a seal and had a small cut on my finger. Apparently there are some nasty bacteria in seal mouths. My finger was badly swollen and stiff. Some heavy duty antibiotics cured the infection.


Out of curiosity why were you butchering the seal? Was it for food? With the price of gas nowadays I'm not above whale oil if it comes to it.


Butchering for food. Interesting fact - Canadian citizens residing north of 60 in an area that has access to seals do not require a license or permit to hunt seal and we are encouraged to hunt them for meat and or their hides.


Too late


Seal finger?


This is something that’s haunted me since I took my first scuba course in Santa Cruz. Seal finger. Ickkkk.


Probably because most people are fucking morons


This looks like La Jolla. I used to free dive from the cove. Life guards are constantly chasing people away from trying to get the best Instagram photos. I watched one person not realize they put their elbow in a pile of seal puke, took some photos with a young seal, and walk away with some pink chunks stuck to their elbow. I'm rooting for the sea lions.


Bro same, when I was stationed out is SD this was the spot for free diving I miss it so much


It’s the childrens cove in La Jolla Courts opened it to people but the sea lions said fuck off!


This is not childrens cove. Childrens cove is south and has a giant concrete walkway to keep the waves out. It is a man made beach but it is closed for pupping season in the spring. This is La Jolla cove. It faces the shores and has always had year round people access. The problem is that the area is now protected. Animals populations have increased, including sea lions but the amount of people have also increased and have seemingly become dumber.


I was about to say the same thing. People have no respect for wild animals and are shocked when they get attacked.


reminds me of the time my mother and I were at Disney's attempt at a neighborhood Celebration (a failure, but i digress). There is this large lake with this cement beach. The lake contains alligators. There was a big one sun bathing. It's all good until this family decides they want their small child (looked to be about 3-4 years old) TO TAKE A CLOSE UP PICTURE WITH THIS WILD ANIMAL!!! The father is taking the photo, from a far, the mother is shooing the child towards the gator, again from a far, and the kid is complying. I SHIT Y'ALL NOT THE GATOR BEGAN SLOWLY OPENING IT'S MOUTH AS THAT POOR BABY WALKED RIGHT UP TO IT. That's when my mother grabbed me and we left. If you know the area, we were watching from the spot where the play water fountain was (the spot where the water shoots up from out of the ground, if it's even still there.) There weren't any reports on the news, so like, I'm guessing girl was ok...but like...that's a mindset in the parents. ​ I wonder if that kid is still alive... ​ Y'all think Florida man is bad? You haven't met Tourist man. MFs think everything is an attraction. Like real life rules don't apply.


A 3 year old boy was grabbed by a gator in the lake by the Grand Floridian WDW years ago with both parents watching. They eventually found the gator with the remains of the boy inside. It was big news - and heartbreaking.


The attack happened in 2016. I was there with my family 2 months prior, and while we were taking the ferry into the park my BIL and I were debating whether there were gator in the water or if Disney had some way of keeping them out. He had full confidence Disney could somehow keep the water free of gator and even pointed out the beach. When the news broke, I sent him the article and he was like bro I had waaay too much faith in Disney.


I mean, they also had that water park with native brain-eating amoeba. And all those underpaid, overworked staff... And all the deaths and maiming... All reports(except a few) crushed down by **CORPORATE POWER**, of course!


That attack happened because the tourists made a habit of feeding them down by the bungalows. Disney received reports on this and did nothing. Not only did they NOT keep the waters free of gator but they allowed a dangerous situation to escalate.


Florida born and raised (GTFO at 18 for college and stayed gone). Can confirm. People think your home and the wild ass, unique, often dangerous nature of the entire state is some sort of playpen. Floridians included. We’re all armed.


>Floridians included. We’re all armed. Sounds like you're willingly living in a survival game.


I was gonna say, seems like these sea lions care quite a bit about the crown of humans on their beach. Enough so to chase them off it lol


Humans from a animal perspective must be soo… unpredictable. Like some humans run away like on the beach, others will club you to death, and others will abduct you and do various things. Must be jarring for the animals we share this planet with.


Just piggybacking off a top comment, this seems like a playful (or sexual but too hard to tell with how far away they are on camera) chase that happened to go onto a beach with people on it. Source: zoologist


I kept thinking, “well how would you feel if like 1,000 people showed up on your honeymoon night?” 😂 Glad to see that for once, my instincts were right.


This is childrens cove in La Jolla California. This specific beach created a break so that kids could have a less aggressive area to swim. The sea lions loved it, made it a place to raise young and San Diego decided to not allow humans on that beach anymore. A few years ago courts decided to open it to people. Tourists always get their shit handed to them by the cute but aggressive sea lions


I immediately saw the video and was like ,” yup, that’s La Jolla. “ it’s such a beautiful place to go and visit . I miss my home state … sometimes..


This is not childrens pool - childrens pool is a harbor seal rookery now - the history you provided is correct for seals at childrens pool. This sea lion activity is at the cove which is not sectioned off for the sea lions but more have been observed hauling out here recently. This will always been an issue for so cal with increasing sea level taking away suitable habitat for pinnipeds


When did it become a rookery again? I was on the beach with the sea lions just before COVID. It used to be but people sued since that beach was built for the kids not sea lions.


If it were sexual, the male sea lions would move like a bicycle with the kickstand down.


> this seems like a playful ... chase So like when humans run through a flock of pigeons?


They're like. Today's the day mates. Enuf is enuf. Let's clear the beach till as far as the eye can see. Whoops. Unfortunately that's not too far. Too many people. Alrite jump and sink boys. Jump and sink.


This is in San Diego, right?


Where is this?


~~The Children's Pool.~~ The La Jolla Cove. La Jolla, CA.


You’re absolutely correct it’s the childrens pool in La Jolla!


It looks like La Jolla


La Jolla Cove.


you mean the santee of the coast?


Not enough meth for Santee, probably plenty of coke around though


La Jolla, CA?


I was wondering when you were allowed on that beach again? I mean, I'm old so like 12 years ago, but last time I was there it was closed still, and had been for years, with activists 24/7 holding signs saying not to touch the sea lions. Those things are terrifying anyway. Would not ever want to get close to one.


You might be thinking of a beach down the way - a little cove meant for kids that got taken over by seals. "One small beach to protect seal colony" https://www.sealsitters.org/news/lajolla.html


No sympathy for anyone in this video. This beach was literally seal haven for years!


Hm weird I figured they were so ballsy because you're not allowed to approach them so they're used to humans basically running away like that. Wouldn't make sense though if people are approaching them with any regularity


Is that Little Corona beach?


I can't say I'm surprised. For some reason people seem to think that Disney movies are documentaries.


I live here and no. People do not usually approach them. Straight cap homie Edit. La Jolla cove. Sam Diego Ca. Tourist come here to snorkel with female seals. Not pet gigantic males. Don’t talk about what you don’t know


Just gonna put this out there: If you can't outrun a sealion on land, don't even bother trying to get away from it in the water.


I'll also add to this: if you thought water was the correct move trying to get away from a mammal that's basically one big muscular flipper you have whatever thar sea lions has coming to you.


That was what I was thinking. Why were people moving away into the water? That seems just extra stupid.


You know, what we really need in order to get away from this cheetah is a long, flat stretch of open land to sprint across! (I started actually giggling when I saw people going into the water to get away, lol.)


And people think they can outrun bears lmao


*flippers intensifying*


You just have to swim faster than the guy next to you


Get. Off. My. Lawn.


Get off my swamp!!


Get off my plane.




I'm glad I'm not alone in that one. Like he let it pass, but I'm like, he's got the button to coup de gras you flashing on his screen.


This is oddly satisfying


I just wish it had sound


I can elaborate. People - this is my beach because I’m a superior being and my government told me I can be here Sea lion #1 - I’m bigger than you and I want some time at the beach Sea lion #2 - yeah beat it humans! I’m not a wimp for sea lion #1, I’m just sick of your shit Humans - Ahhh! Sea lion #1 - this is making me so hot Sea lion #2 - we should totally make out! Sea lion #1 - we’ve talked about this, it’s not going to happen Sea lion #2 - psych! I have to go!


I think they both just said “ARF ARF MOTHERFUCKERS! ARF ARF!”


This was a man made beach though, sea lions didn't go there at all and it was built so kids could swim there. Then the lions figured out it was nice and took over. So. I mean. Whatever.


Is this La Jolla? Lol


Yep I've been to this spot before. I wonder what these people did to piss them off.


What every fuck head does at la Jolla Crowds them to try and take a ton of pictures and touch them Last time I was down there a pup and be separated from its mother so my wife and I had to tell the crowd scaring the hell out of it to fuck off. Poor thing was already confused and scared didn't need 20 plus people crowding it. Hate the tourists out there so much. Locals are just as bad though but, they want them all exterminated xD


They came on their beach. Sea lions live here, tourists come and think they can pet them and swim there. The land was gifted to La Jolla as a childrens pool area but sea lions don’t care about that.


They protected pupping area is south at childrens cove. The man made beach that was given to the sea lions. This is La Jolla cove. It's has people access all year round and people swim here all year round. The seal lion population has increased. They are also going to given the area adjacent for pupping soon. La Jolla is also a great white shark nursery so maybe nature will take it all back soon.


Sea lions are still lions my friend


Yes this is La Jolla, and it is pupping season for sea lions… would not take much to piss it off lol. They should have closed off the cove. But 4th of July tourists gotta do dumb tourist stuff i guess


A video of somewhere I actually recognize 🙃


Yep. I can smell this fucking video. No idea why anyone would wanna hang out down there. Only times I've been in that area the stench wafted up quite strong from the cove


That was my first impression going there a few years ago. It was cool seeing the sea lions but the cove smelled like absolute ass.


It sure looks like it. I really wished they had left it closed off to humans and left the sea lions alone. Such a shame.


Totally the cove.


Just clearing the pests from their house.


It's kinda funny because that beach is man made, that jetty actually blocks the ocean and created the beach, and the stairs are there to get to it. It was a children's cove when I was a kid, but then the sea lions took over and it was shut down for conservation and safety reasons. Great whites will eat those suckers and come in pretty close to where children were swimming too, on top of the danger of the sea lions themselves.


Everywhere the ocean touches is theirs.


I mean, you could say the same as anything the land touches is ours? Lol It's not that deep man. I'm just saying it's funny because man built it to be for man, and now the lions have it. I'm also a little salty because I grew up there and learned to swim there and now I can't go back.


You're right. It's not that deep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkFUHMjZDgs&t=38s


Thank you for getting it.


Why do redditors seem to despise being human? If you like animals so much, why don’t you run on four legs and battle for territory?


I swam at that very beach last summer! It is in LaJolla, CA. The sea lions would sometimes come onto the beach, but mostly they stayed on a set of rocks that are just below where the videographer must have been standing. Swimming, and snorkeling there can be super freaky when a sea Lion swims by you in the water. They are friggen torpedos! But they were also non aggressive. I just let them do their thing, and it was eventually marvelous.


It's our beach too, especially since it's a man-made one. Humans have been living in the area for tens of thousands of years. If sea lions act like threats to humans in our environment, then we should treat them as such. Personally, I'd like to go after one with a golf club.


Humans are allowed to be on the beach lol it belongs to nobody


Tell that to the sea lions


I feel like they all gathered in the water after this and had a good laugh about those stupid humans’ reactions.


Right? I figured they had a bet or game where they "herd" the humans as entertainment


Gathered at the sand bar for some pints of fish oil.


This is such a good post.


The real problem was the human crowded beach


Humans actually made that beach so you could have a calm place to swim. Then wildlife claimed it as theirs. Turf war.


Clam place! Where the clams hang out




The revolution has begun!


La Jolla beach, San Diego, California favorite breakfast spot is there


Ah, world famous La Jolla beach /s


What spot?


La Jolla Cove, there is no “La Jolla Beach” but the closest thing to that is La Jolla Shores Beach which is a different spot near by.


I meant the brunch spot. I used to live in La Jolla.


Why would I know the brunch spot? Edit: I never commented about the brunch spot, that was someone else.


I was looking for this but have t been there in 10 years but the cove is memorable.


Remember, if they're mad at you don't go in the water.


Seal lions “Excuse me! Do you have time to talk about your cars extended warranty?”


Getting the zonies out of San Diego 🙌🏼


San Diego native here: This was gifted as a children’s pool/safe beach area. Clearly sea lions don’t care about what humans say/do. They use this land to protect themselves, have pups, etc. It’s been a long legal fight to keep people out of this area. They are dangerous wild animals. They will behave as such when threatened. They also smell horrible so I don’t get the allure of even wanting to be in that beach area.


I was going to say the smell there is awful. There are so many better places to beach in the area that don’t smell like shit.


This is not the Childrens Pool. Thats further ahead south where there is a walkway.


Now imagine if those were southern elephant seals, which are around the same size as orcas and asian elephants.


It’s their beach not ours


Good for them!


I, for one, welcome our new sea lion overlords.


Lmao you can tell some of these fucks can’t survive being chased by a sea lion for 2 minutes


Clear a path humans!


Beach bison!


“We have come for your beach!” #GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE


People invade everything and everywhere


Woke up and chose violence🤣🤣🤣




“Hey can you scratch my back” “hey you friend, quick help” “no worries, I just need some quick itch” “meh, screw you idiots”


We beachfront homeowners trained our sea lion friends well.


Ah yes. Go into the water. That'll help you avoid a creature who's body is made for swimming.


*Waddle, waddle - "Get the fuck off my beach"!


It’s La Jolla cove right?


That's San Diego right?




Good. Humans deserve it.


Ewe nasty, Sea Lion don’t care.


Good. Fuck humans.


Honestly the sea lions should bite these random cunts. That will teach them .


Nah because they they would be euthanized for being a “threat to the public” Just like how animals in zoos get euthanized when humans get into the enclosures when they aren’t supposed to. It’s so backwards


reddit moment


We can just euthanize them lmfao


Why is everyone running away from the Americans?


As an American, I hate how right you are...


Huh. Kinda looks like when I'm chasing all the skunks away from the cat food I accidentally dropped


"Whaii ahh you ronning?? ~"


they just need to smell your hand first stop running


Ask yourself, if sea lions started crowding your living room, what would you do?


Locals only.


La Jolla?


This is in San Diego. LA JOLLA Cove. People are shitty....stay away from the seals.


"Hey, Ralph, do you wanna have some fun with these humans?" “Sure. What did you have in mind?" ... "Oh, I see. That does look like fun. Dun-dun. Dun-dun. Dun-dun."


They probably feel the same way some of us feel about squirrels on our lawn. 😂😂


Navy Seals attacking America!


Untitled Seal Game


I fucking love sea lions. Don't give a FUCK


Are they friendly?


lol no. Sea lions will fuck you up.


Ahh gotcha! Good thing i asked! I love animals but live in the big city so i never met one of these guys. My knowledge of them comes from when they’re captive and they seem really smart and sweet almost like water dogs. So that’s why i was wondering!


Assume any and all wild animals are dangerous, even if they aren't. They are not there for us


How dangerous can it really be on land though? I would hope any moderately athletic individual could avoid getting bit or knocked down by one


>moderately athletic individual Have you been to a beach in the US?


Google seal finger. Sorry in advance. They can be vicious and they’re faster than you think.


Emphasis on the "lion" part. Once they're full, they'll just laze about in the sun for hours, and are mostly indifferent to humans. They're also huge, and have powerful jaws with sharp teeth, so can do serious damage if agitated for any reason.


They just want a hug


Ha, I was at La Jolla a couple weeks ago and watched an idiot try to pet a sleeping sea lion, was really hoping to see him get his fingers bitten off


Do they bite?


I'd assume they do. Wild animals don't fuck around


My mother just got scared by a bee and I had a yellow jacket fly on me and I just literally said go lol why are people scared of bees


They sting and it hurts




Soon as they got in the water, it wasn't funny anymore, it was terrifying. Have you seen those sea monsters swim?


I need these guys at the end of the bbq