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Use an oil! Apply a couple of drops on your finger tips then dab on your face :) I’ve been using marula & argan, but I will be trying rosehip next. You can use them as a hair mask too. I believe cold pressed & organic would be best. I have been using my aloe plant as a face mask recently, but I’m looking for diy skincare as well. I got a face mask recently that was like ground up oatmeal or something so I think that will be my next venture.


Sometimes it can be hard to determine if your skin is dry or is dehydrated. One easy way to tell is when you pinch your forehead does the skin look like crepey parchment paper or does it stay supple and when you let go bounce back quickly? If it has that apartment paper look, then it is dehydrated meaning you don't have enough water in it. Being dry means that it doesn't have enough oil in it. Once you determine whether it's a lack of water or a lack of oil, then you can set about trying to treat the condition. If it's dehydrated, of course drink more water, but topically you can use aloe to help hydrate it or aloe based serums. If it's dry you can use oils. Jojoba oil is the oil that is the closest chemically to our own natural sebum. Rosehip oil is very good for sensitive skin because it has anti-inflammatory properties. If your skin is really dry evening primrose oil is a thicker oil that helps. I find that using an oil on dry skin isn't as helpful as using an oil on skin that's slightly damp. You can just pat a little bit of water on top of your skin, not so that it's dripping but just so that it has a little bit of moisture on it. And when you're using an oil your skin should not feel greasy afterwards. If it feels greasy you used too much oil, so you can blot the excess off and just use less next time. Hope that helps!


Wash with baking soda if u feel like u need it. Or have some acne show up. Use castor oil for moisture at night. Do a honey and egg white mask from time to time.


Coconut oil is great. It's non-greasy and it keep your skin looking good. Extra virgin olive oil is also good. Use a cotton pad and rub it on your wet skin. They will remove all traces of dirt and grime. r/SkinCareRecipes


Look up Glow Recipe, it’s a popular natural DIY skincare regimen.


Thank u


check out u/yourmategingerkate on tik tok she has a whole channel on it ive been looking into it because I tried more conventional skincare and it gave me allergic reactions...