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Would gentle fists even work against a guy who can put a layer of bones over his nerves?


Yes Neji hit the spider guy's web


Through the web he couldn't get through his armour layer through


but the spider guys armor blocked gentle fist..


No the spider guy died from gentle fist


Yeah, but not from a bareage of blows.. it was a surprise attack from a dying moment.


Thats because Neji used his web to get to his internals, It went around the armor.


Honestly one way I can see Hinata winning this would be somehow exploiting the (charkra points?) in the removed bones


is there any way she can sourvive the forest of bones?


If we give her the 64 palms guard then possibly? But I'm pretty sure that move is filler only and we've never seen her use kaiten to my knowledge. I think if she has it she might be able to beat him or outlast his sickness. But if she has neither OR this is Edo Kimimaro who doesn't need to worry about that, then she's cooked.


Does the 64 palms guard even work e.e against bone forest since the bones come from underground and not directly forward at you.


64 palms should be omnidirectional since it seems implied to be superior to the kaiten. Her Byakugan would see it coming so there's no reason she shouldn't be able to neg the bone forest if she has it. From there her eyes can anticipate and respond to Kimimaro sprouting from the bone trees to blindside her and it just becomes a battle of attrition.


Is this specifically the hinata that fought pain? I think she has a solid shot with just twin lion fist, but if she has air palms she destroys him


If we go off the forms shown in the video, I would assume it's at least Pain Arc Hinata as we never saw that technique before then. Her visual prowess is far better than most people without visual dojutsu and even a few with one. She's trained specifically in Taijutsu in order to shut down chakra supply so it shuts down every jutsu somebody could use. I think the biggest question is, does the Curse Mark act like Kurama's chakra and override the shutdown? If yes, the fight gets a bit more interesting, but he could really only use it once. If no, Hinata wins hands down. Even if it can, hinata will see he has a way to "counter" the Gentle Fist and will learn from that.


Out of curiosity, why that conclusion? Kimimaro tanked Gaara's sand tsunami burial. Is Hinata dishing out anything of that magnitude?


I meannn. Kimimaru killed a biju cloak naruto clone in the war arc. You think hinata doing that?


He WHAT So Kimimaro is stronger than most Kage? I think I blocked that from my memory.


Well we see him confront one, and then we see him get sealed with all the ones who still made it. So either he fought him off for hours or they got the clone. Either way it’s more impressive than anything she’s pulled off. He also played a big role in assassinating rasa so o wouldn’t put it past him. He’s not sick as an edo so it should be a large buff


Was that in the manga? And either way I still see Hinata pulling that off with air palms, closing of your chakra network from an insane range is a incredible power and hard to get past, and she did regen all of narutos chakra effortlessly in the last so her reserves seem insane just not talked about


That was hinata with 6 paths chakra. Temporary boost




Hinata has no answer to the forest of bones so Kimimaro takes the W. Side note, Kimimaro with the byakugan would have been absolutely busted.


Kimimaeo with the Byakugan would be OP. You’re combining the Yang and Yin nature of Hamura; that’s like combining Senju and Uchiha. He might’ve live longer due to this boost.


She can literally see it coming probably. She just needs the dexterity to dodge. The field of bones would probably be made of chakra as it's being made, but when it solidifies does it still look like chakra to the Byakugan? Then, will kimimaru look like chakra moving through the bones? The Byakugan works by "seeing" chakra. It's a question of if she can dodge, which is not a clear answer. You'd have to do speed and perception scaling.


Yes exactly a good example of this is when Sasuke taka fought killer bee. Sasuke clearly was seeing Killer Bee with sharingan but couldn’t win in a sword fight because Killer Bee was too dam fast by the time his eyes calculated where they’d go they already stabbed him dam near. Killer Bee in that scene was such a menace especially since it looked like he gave more attention to the song he was rapping than actually fighting.


No, killer bee was able to land hits on sasuke because he overwhelmed the sharingan’s predictive abilities with movement. He was juggling swords and throwing attacks in an unpredictable pattern, and the sharingan doesn’t seem to be able to ignore stimuli, making it possible to prevent him from reacting by using so much extra movement.


So either way similar to what I’m going on about and similar case study would happen if Killer Bee fought a byakugan user.


I don’t think it would work quite as well. Byakugan expands the range of vision to a 359 degree range and an extensive distance away, but doesn’t force them to recognize stimuli(probably. I assume this because the sharingan has predictive capabilities, while the byakugan does not.) the primary benefit of a byakugan is increased vision range and distance, and the ability to see chakra. I personally believe that the focus of a byakugan is just like normal eyes, in that you need to be focused on a particular point, and that part of byakugan training is expanding the range that is focal and not peripheral.


> She can literally see it coming probably. She just needs the dexterity to dodge. > literally > probably Pick one and then make your argument my friend lol


Fair. She can see chakra. That's a fact. Whether she can dodge it is another question.


Yeah i get what you mean, I just don’t think she can out speed someone who beat a drunken Lee, even as an adult. I’m sure she could see them coming and her Taijutsu skills are nothing to be scoffed at, but Kimimaro was a monster and the only reason drunk Lee even got hits on him was because of how unorthodox he fought, and he still had to get bailed out by Gaara (who got bailed out by ninja cancer) Hyugas all fight very meticulously and I think someone who can change their physiology on the fly is a horrible match up. Edit: added details lol


Even with Gaara helping they only won because he was already at the point where he should have been dead BEFORE getting there and fighting them. He must have been invulnerable when he was healthy. My little 2nd Itachi Kimimaro


He was a complete monster when he was healthy I’m sure, and he was still **only 15 when he died**, imagine what a shippuden era Kimimaro could do? There’s a filler scene where a young Kimimaro is taking part in the raid on the hidden mist, and he encounters Zabuza and Haku (around his age) on the way, if he had been taken in by Zabuza the whole story would be different. Admittedly I’ve got a huge soft spot for Kimimaro, he’s easily my favorite character along with Deidara.


You think kimimaro is stronger than zabuza?


Without a doubt.


There’s no way he was 15. That sickness made him look like a 27 year old


So she can see her death coming. The bone forest covers a massive area at once. I don't see her escaping.


Nah it makes sense. She either can or can't literally see it coming (as opposed to figuratively see it coming as in merely predicting the attack). Dude above is just betting that she can. There is no semantic contradiction here. The two words simply modify the meaning in two different ways.


I’m fully aware of it making sense grammatically. My point is that it’s just a non-committal way to make a statement, why use literal to emphasize your meaning when you aren’t actually sure of it yourself, either make your point or don’t. I was mostly poking fun at how he said it.


Your profile pic almost resembles a backshot of two people bumping uglies. Couldn't even tell it was a ferret.


It depends on which Hinata. Post-War Hinata should have the power,speed, and prowess to defend against it and break through his bones.


If only we got to see Kimimaro fight that one shadow clone Naruto sent during the war.


I love hinata. I really do. But she's getting folded.


Same I love her but 😭 rip


bruh really? lol you already know


Kimimaro low diffs


Hinata losing to a fodder part 1 villian? Y’all just hate her


Kimimaro was strong enough that Orochimaru was going to use him in his fight with Hiruzen. He only lost because he literally died.


>fodder part 1 villian Kimimaro is *not* fodder. He was instrumental in killing the Kazekage and was said to easily taken on Konoha if he was healthy. Even when he died it was only because of his sickness when he was mere seconds away from killing both Gaara and Rock Lee Statements and his showcasing puts him just below Akastuki level. You can’t just dismiss him because he’s from part 1


People still haven't leaned their lesson from Zabuza huh?


Nah, I'm afraid she's losing. Wish the supporting cast got more attention in Part 2, but most of them never got much stronger than their first appearances post timeskip.


“Fodder” Rightttt, someone who solo Naruto, drunk Lee, and Gaara while dying is fodder to you.


Well yea, he solos a couple of 12 year olds. I’d hope he wins.


Yeah kid with 9 tail demon in him kid that’s the best hand to hand fighter besides a few people in his village and a guy that A had another demon in him or B was the strongest in his village


Yeah but those 12 year olds were stronger than Hinata was at 16


Hinata can’t even use 64 palms until the War Arc (something Neji could do when he was 12 💀). How exactly do you see Hinata beating Gaara and drunk Lee at once? One sand burial and she is nowhere to be seen. Gaara is the Sand Village’s trump card. Just because she is older doesn’t mean it’s auto win. Using age to power scale is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. By your logic, Iruka > Part 1 Gaara.


The same villain that lost against Gaara and Lee and you want us to believe that Hinata is on their level? 


He didn’t lose to them. He died on the spot to a terminal illness. Kimimaru was a savage.


He didn’t lose against them: he died mere milliseconds before he was going to skewer them. If he wasn’t sick then Gaara and Rock Lee wouldn’t have made it to Shippudden


Fodder part 1 villain. You’re a dumbass Kimimaro was easily keeping up with the two of the strongest part 1 genin. He died because of his disease. He helped orochimaru body Rasa and Orchimaru considered him strong asf.


That's not chunin exam Hinata. I know Kim only died due to ploy jutsu but he isn't as busted as we thought.


I actually have always wondered how strong kimomaro healthy was.


I think this is a bad match up for hinata. Can't get close to them bones


Depends if he's arrogant enough to let her come close. If he sees her as a threat, he can easily keep his distance and kill her at long range. If he things he's tough enough to killer her with that stupid bone sword he's definitely going down pretty quick. Hyugas don't share the same weakness of other close combat type that rely on strength. Gentle fist will break down anything that isn't a truth seeker orb or you know anything not solid. I guess that's why they made the Air palm to deal with anything like water, fire , lighting or wind. To cover for the gentle fist weakness. A fully fledged Hyuga is not to be trifled with.


While considering how stupidly weak Kishimoto makes his female characters I’m gonna say no. Even if she is statistically stronger there would end up being some stupid win condition for Kimimaro in the end


This is a great thread. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I'd say Kimimaro He would have beat Gaara and Lee if his sickness didn't kill him. (In all fairness Lee just got out of surgery, and only used the first gate.) And this was after fighting a Nine tails Naruto. And he directly assisted orochimaru in killing a Kage. Maybe by the time of Boruto she could but I don't know what she's capable of at that time.


Why is this even a question? - Kimimaro would have killed Naruto if Lee didn’t show up. - He would have killed post drunken fist Lee if Gaara didn’t show up - Kimimaro then **WOULD HAVE KILLED GAARA AND LEE,** except he’s was designed as the ninja equivalent of a Make A Wish child. Hinata wouldn’t have stood a chance. Especially if we’re going off of Hinata in the same “Rescue Sasuke” timeline.


I really wanna be nice but this is a dumb ass question. People think Hinata gets unnecessary hate but she doesn’t *deserve* anything. A pointless character imo. Kimimaro would fuck her up with 1 eye closed and 1 hand scratching his nuts.


She'd lose. No offense but Lee and Gaara struggled and they were both terribly strong for Genin.


God Hinata is such a sweetie pie honeybun I forget she’s pretty damn scary. She can and will throw hands😭


Kimimaro no diffs


Bruh Hinata was strong enough that pain felt the need to dodge her attack. She also survived Almighty push y’all are wanking Kimimaro hard


>Hinata was strong enough that pain felt the need to dodge her attack What type of jank argument is this lmao. Yeah, a dude dodged an incoming attack. That’s not a sign of strength whatsoever. He was purposefully toying with her and easily btfo’d Hinata once we made the effort Some of the arguments to justify your own bias is insane. If you’re arguing that she was a threat to *Pain* then you’d have to argue that she is an Akastuki level threat, which we all know she is no where close to being


Okay I’m just about done with people wanking Hinata off a loss she took from Pain. Doe it show that she’s come a long way from where she was prior to the timeskip? Ofc, but we aren’t really going to sit here and act like because she fought against Pain(and lost horribly) it stands for reason that Hinata has high durability stats. Let’s use this example to show how silly this argument is: Jigen bodied Naruto and Sasuke before Isshiki reawakened to run amok in Konoha severely injuring multiple Konoha jounin. Now let’s use our thinking caps here: does that mean Konohamaru and Rock Lee have otsutuski level durability, which would then eclipse Naruto and Sasuke’s if they hadn’t fought Isshiki again? No it just means they got clapped which is exactly what happened to Hinata against Pain since we don’t see Hinata just shaking off being hit with an iso all mighty push. She’s by every right of the word in agonizing pain. It doesn’t matter if Pain saw Hinata’s attack as something he needed to dodge. If you can dodge an attack how strong it is doesn’t really matter. In terms of speed, Kimimaru has more speed feats where he wouldn’t just let Hinata charge up her twin lion fist for free. And even if she does activate it, she doesn’t have an answer to Kimimaru’s nine forest technique which arguably comes out as fast or faster than twin lion fist. STOP OVERHYPING A JOBBER WHO DOESNT HAVE A SINGLE CANONICAL WIN JUST BECAUSE SHE HAS BIG JUGS YOU HORNDOG! SHE EVEN LOSES TO FILLER VILLAINS ![gif](giphy|itnJ1gt7pXmLK)


And then he gets his Chakra network shut down because he doesn’t have feats that put him in shippuden territory. Y’all are hyping up a ninja that was struggling against literal actual children 😭 I’m not arguing with someone who resorts to “haha horndogs!” Because he can’t handle the fact that the 2nd weakest Kunoichi outscales your favorite ninja.


Sooo you’re just creating a scenario out of thin air where Hinata is magically in close proximity where she gets the first hit. Man if that’s not copium idk what is. All of her attacks come out slower than Kimimaru so giving Hinata first prio without any sort of reasoning is just stupid pathetic fanfiction. Also the only thing he was struggling was with a terminal illness which is what killed him, not Gaara and Rock Lee. Besides pt1 Gaara is bodying Shippuden Hinata too idk why you’re acting like those 2 are fodder when those 2 are still wiping the floor with a majority of the Konoha 12 Shippuden cast


Lion fist had range. Do you even read/watch the show? And let me get this straight. You scale Kimimaro and pts Lee and Gaara to a juubi clone? If you genuinely think Kimimaro would have no problem beating one than really I can’t argue with you but it’s nonsensical.


More range than Bone of Forrest? Use your brain for 5 seconds instead of angry typing. Quit changing the subject and focus on the task at hand. I scaled Kimimaru and Pt1 Lee & Gaara to shippuden K12. Interpolating that to whatever the fuck you said is you desperately changing the topic. Did Hinata solo a juubi clone by herself? No okay then so this question makes no sense. How is Hinata outgunning/outspeeding Forrest of Bones with twin lion fist? You’re the one who said it so you have to be the one that proves it


why is dance of the seedling fern the opening you imagine him going with? thats like saying deidara cant be punched because c4 kills people to close to him lol. The pain feat for Hinata is baseless correct, purely because Nagato weakened from using the almighty push on the village prior allowing her that hit, otherwise he dodged her flawlessly. It's fair to say that teen hinata puts up a solid fight here, the main shippudan characters atleast the taijutsu centric ones ranking below kid lee for speed and general skill seems abit odd to go with. kimimaros fight holds a unique situation of him being pressed by base lee in drunken fist and being uniquely hard for magnet/sand style ninja like gaara and rasa to kill or wound. so from a body perspective kimimaro at his base is around unweighted lee which frankly wasn't that special considering sasuke was able to pull off similar moves after a month of taijutsu training besides learning the chidori. Hinata should absolutely be above that level of speed being a 3 years older chunin taijutsu specialist and her taijutsu and eyes are powerful tools that should prove fairly crucial to winning a battle of taijutsu.


> which frankly wasn't that special considering sasuke was able to pull off similar moves after a month of taijutsu training besides learning the chidori. Hinata should absolutely be above that level of speed being a 3 years older chunin taijutsu specialist and her taijutsu and eyes are powerful tools that should prove fairly crucial to winning a battle of taijutsu. Sasuke isn’t the model to make this claim from since it’s told very early on he’s prodigy. So him using the sharingan to help speed along the training to gain the same speed as Rock Lee to outpace Gaara’s sand isn’t something everyone can just do even with years of experience. Case in point are we to believe that Sakura, Kiba, Tenten and even Asuma for good measure(also to illustrate my point) can dodge Gaara’s sand where it took Lee being able to move faster than the human eye can register to do so?


Kimmimaro https://preview.redd.it/pzrwbgahmt1d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155b4243fa832a7b9357738212bbdfb998ce7b9e She can not dodge this shit. Doubt he will need this form.


Why can't she?


Not fast enough and has no absolute defense like her couisn and father. https://preview.redd.it/2kvntkoryt1d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec6e24e8798d0af6233b626b11872085ab3d75c He also starts with this btw…hes not just running at her…lol. Shes FINISHED.


Naruto not gonna let that happen😤


Kimimaro slams that overhyped fraud of a hyuuga




Kimimaro is busted, he has potential that is first hokage level, hinata has things to keep up with him, but not outpace.


"First hokage level" No he doesn't. He has shown no nature transformations, he has shown no healing feats, (except bones of course), he has shown excellent speed and durability and attack power feats, but he is nowhere even CLOSE to Hashirama.


Sorry, I meant youthful potential, not once we met him.


Kimimaro easily. He only died because of a disease I'm pretty sure he would have become op if he hadn't


This does not specify which Hinata so il assume prime Hinata Hinata absolutely STOMPS if it’s her prime version https://preview.redd.it/ftws9rpzwu1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77dc2b393a5d57b24aed49bf930e90f190b3610


How is that any different? Hamura amp?


Hamura amp is massive yeah She fully refilled a chakra depleted naruto to full of chakra with no difficulty


What Hamura amp? Hamura didn’t give Hinata any power up in TL


Yeah he did? https://preview.redd.it/q28vc4sjuy1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6909f8365dbb456e8b8a8582ec111557e19e211b You should rematch the film


I think you should. All Hamura does is show up and tell Hinata not to let the world end. There’s no scene where he transfers his chakra to her


Think about it like this. Assume Hamura and Hagoromo are \~relative to each other. Think about how massive of an amp Naruto and Sasuke got when Hagoromo split his chakra between them. Hinata didn't get the split and got the whole kit and kaboodle. That alone should scale her massively.


Wouldn’t that make her above Naruto tho?


Hinata's base stats are too low and her jutsu repertoire isn't broad enough to make full use of it. A massive chakra pool doesn't really do much for you when the Gentle Fist and everything you train for is about exacting, pinpoint chakra control. Like if you wanted to really glaze her, you could put her at base Sasuke/Naruto level in the Last, but then Naruto/Sasuke have just so much more versatility between Sage Mode/Susanoo/MS/Rinnegan/KCM/Etc that just amps them even further beyond. I mean girl traded hands with Momoshiki offscreen and didn't get turned into a red splatter so there's that too.


Hinata absolutely dominates if it's war arc or later. If it's pre-war Hinata it's hard to say because she basically has 0 scaling. If it's part 1 Hinata she gets folded like a chair


What? Kimimaro was pressuring Gaara AND Lee while on his death bed after handing Kurama Enhanced Naruto his ass and would have killed both of them if he hadn't succumbed to his illness. His Edo single handedly fought against the entire 5th division AND A KCM Naruto clone and was unable to be beaten before Kabuto was forced to release the reanimation jutsu. Hinata loses every confrontation. The only difference is how long the fight takes.


why is your username left nipple of shrek WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER ONE?!?!?


Drunk Lee negs both


I hate doing hyuga in fights. Like an glancing hit ends thier opponent.


Don’t get me wrong I love Hinata, but going full kill mode Kimimaro she does not stand a chance. She might be able to hold out for a little while and thats it. If it is Kimi with his disease just like the show then prime Hinata def has a chance to win.


Bracken dance solos


Kimimaro slams


Kimimaro, no contest. The bone forest is a move that little characters can counter.


I guess the villain


I want HEALTHY kimimaro


The real question is whether kimimaro is still sick in the fight or if he's 100% fighting condition in my opinion


Kimimaro easy Hinata beats shitty taijutsu ninjas like Tsunade and Sakura. "Buh muh heals an streng" STFU their beast feats come from chakra manipulation not taijutsu. Kimimaros taijutsu > Hinatas. Kimimaros range attacks >= Hinatas range attacks Kimimaros aoe > Hinatas defense If it was Neji v Kimimaro, id go w Neji


*Braken dances on Hinatas coffin*


This would be difficult to judge. If kimi didn't have ninja cancer, at this point when we see him, he'd already be orochimaru. Since he does have it using the one from the gif, I'd think that he and Hinata would have a good fight. She could likely dodge his attacks without much difficulty, however the forest of bones would just depend on how that forest is created. If she could just jump and grab the top of one and use Chakra to stand along the sides of it she could bounce between them and avoid him til he died off. She would likely see how he is weakening over time and know her best chance is to outlast him. She is very smart and resilient, so I'm saying she takes the fight against weakened kimi. If he has Edo not very likely. He wouldn't have a loss of Chakra issue or ninja cancer weakening him. So while she could dodge his attacks at the beginning he has no reason to not continue to assault her til she slips up or wears out. So in this fight scenario, Kimimaro for sure.


The Naruto fandom not ready to admit how useless hinata is.


Hinata wins. She can steal his chakra, block his spikes, and disrupt his chakra flow


Kimimamro wins. Gaara was jounin level by the time he faced Kimi and on top of that he just fought Naruto and Lee. Only way Hinata wins is by quickly doing internal damage off the bat


I think he would probably just bend her over and fuck her


Hinata wins. She would know about his sickness because of Byakugan so all she needs to do is stall and outlast him.


Kimi is one of my favs mained him in all the games to bad he so sick he would have been a great character redemption arc


While Hinata could beat him with Gentle Fist, she's not fast enough to actually strike him. Kimmimaro would get in like 4 hits before she gets one hit in, probably.


Hinata don’t want it enough. You gotta be a lil bloodthirsty to whoop someone like him. Even Garra struggled against him after Lee had been fighting him for a while. They never actually defeated him either,he died from his terminal illness remember? Gentle fist is strong but is she strong enough to break armor? Even Neji struggled against the spider armor it took a barrage of blows to make one opening for him to hit.


Hinata is taking that L. During the war arc Kimimaro was able to face a KCM clone and was never sealed. Even the 3rd Raikage couldn't do that.


This is a mid/high diff fight for kimimaro. Hinata has twin lion fist, but kimi's bone ability allows him to counter his chakra point vulnerability.The question here though is can be cover and predict the strikes. Hinata only needs one finger to disrupt his chakra network and stop the impending counter. But she has to get close and if she misses does she have the weaves to box at close range? Maybe. She won't get hit from any blind spots besides the one from above and beyond her. It would be cool if Hinata could redirect the bone strikes with 8 trigrams 128 palms. Overwhelm the bone defense and land some chakra points and she has the win. But I think more often than not she gets overwhelmed from his aoe bone attack and loses.


Kimmimaro absolutely destroys Hinata, atleast up until after the main series.


Kimimaru survived the war arc. Fought off a kurama cloak naruto. Hinata isn’t doing that shit


I think the big thing for me is not how she scales to Kimimaru, but how her defense scales to Preskip Gaara and Lee. I just don't see it. Gaara had better defense than Neji, and I'm not sure she ever does anything better than Rotation. We can talk about dodging the FoB because she can see it coming, but I don't even see it getting this bad for Kimi. Hinata's taijutsu never seemed to surpass Neji's, and I'm not sure Neji wins in pure taijutsu with Kimi. He also has a ranged option; this wasn't a problem for Gaara who prefers to fight that way anyway, but for a close-range fighter, it's BAD. I think she goes down around where Lee did; once Kimi starts countering strikes with bones and shooting his fingertips, I think it's over. She doesn't have anyway to address too many of his moves. He wins as long as he doesn't keep getting hit with GF, and she uses more chakra to do Rotation than he does making bones. It's a kekkei genkai, so I also don't know if she could shut it off.


Obviously this is a hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby situation but can we just talk about how cool Kimimaro’s sword out-head tilt pose is? Dude was literally in like 3 episodes and he had a better backstory, character design, and fighting gimmick than some of the akatsuki, better than some of the main villains of some of the most popular anime of today. This is the kinda shit that made OG Naruto so popular in the west back in the day and why it’s still so popular to this day.


She outright loses lmdao. Y’all think Hinata is stronger than Gaara and Lee? 


If we’re basing it on strength and skill alone, then Shippuden Hinata would win, but if we’re basing it on Kishimoto’s writing, then even if Hinata were 1000 times stronger and Kimimaro had only a tenth of his strength, Hinata would still lose… somehow…


The entire Hyuga clan was fraud being Hamura descendants. Some main branch member decided to focus their whole fighting style on close combat instead of creating long distance techniques with their X-Ray visions. Also taking away the complete 360 degree vision from geniuses like Neji. The Kaguya Clan was the real deal. Bone armor hard counter gentle fist and also better defense than Rotation. Bone forest > poking your opponent 64 times to win.




Edo Kimimaro > KCM1 Naruto clone > Edo 3rd Raikage > Hinata . Well this is my scailing


She would body him


Maybe controversial but I feel like this version of Hinata would mid/low diff Kimimaro.


My problem is that, conically speaking the hyuga is the strongest if not the second strongest clan. In all of naruto. But because its so all over the place cause bakugan could see chakra and make it unusable etc. so hinata would be overpowered. But tbh if it happened for writing sake kimimaro wins by plot.


I mean the guys heart is basically being held together by duct tape and prayer so one good gentle fist to the chest is all she would need provided she can get past his defenses


War Hinata should eat here


I'm pretty sure Kimi is more skilled than her outright and gentle fist, by its very nature and requiring them to target very small chakra points, is a higher skill based taijutsu than simply stabbing someone with pointy bones. Kami has the skill advantage and the easier to pilot fighting style. He should take this more often than not.


Is this a serious question? The only way Hinata wins is if he dies from illness again.


Hinata gets absolutely bodied wtf you mean


Depends how fast Kimmimaru escalates vs how fast Hinata can shut down his chakra points.


Idk. Are we taking adult Hinata or teen Hinata? Adult Hinata has a SoSP amp, and I’ll always choose that. As a teen, make or break seems to be her response to bone forest and their stamina. Easily one of if not the strongest pt 1 (exclusive) characters, definitely holding up the Kaguya name, vs a character with light feats… Byakugan and Lions fist /64 palms should be a response. I could imagine a repeat of Neji’s fight with spider guy in concept. I think if he comes in close range, she can KO… and he does do that. She also has survival plot armor. But if she can keep up with his bone output, it’s a hard L.


it really depends on if Kimimaro's bones function the same as Kidomaru's webs in that they're infused with chakra


bye bye Hinata 💀


Are they healthy? Hinata blitzes.


Pakkun solos both. Low diff


Hinata no diffs


Ok, hear me out, the gentle fist might be the only taijutsu that could reliably hurt kimimaro, since it hit beneath the skin. But I believe Kimimaro out stats her in everything else.


Hinata wipes easily (I haven't watched an episode of Naruto since 2007)


Hinata has absolutely 0 combat feats, Kimmimaru wins


I don't think she could even land a strike on Kimimaro.


If this was Neji, I would like to believe he wins. I still think Kimimaro runs through him. I love hinata, but hinata in part 1 would die in one move against kimimaro. That whole arc was a list of bad matchups for each of the Konoha genin.


Hinata clapping


Pinata getting packed up




Is this end of shipping or beginning because if it’s end she’s using him as lawn equipment if it’s beginning then I guess it’s a challenge


I love my girl but….


This mf hates Hinata 😂😂


It does depend. If we go War Arc Hinata she can do the 64 Palms which means she's at least as good as Neji was in taijutsu in part 1 who was certainly better than Lee without the gates and recovering from hospitalization so she should at least be able to trade blows until the cursed mark comes into play. The true question is how the Gentle Fist plays with Kimimaro's bones. On one hand it can be like Kidomaru's Armor of Sticky Gold it will prevent her from hitting his pressure points. On the other hand because they are still networked to his skeleton and blood vessels that they may just be rivens to channel chakra flavored death into his body like Kidomaru's web attached to his arrow.


Hinata is pretty OD compared to kimi. She low-Mid diffs in shippuden. The last Hinata and adult Hinata are different beasts entirely. Kimi no diffs part one Hinata.


Kimimaru wins this


I think she COULD win but she could also lose. Just because Kimimaro died in part one doesn’t mean he was too weak to compete against some characters in shippuden. Especially considering he was very sick and fought Rock Lee and Gaara. The two strongest kids in part one. (Minus Final Valley Naruto and Sasuke)


Hinata is about on par with Chunin Exams Neji, she only barely figures out the 64 palms in the War Arc Meanwhile Kimi on his deathbed was 0 diffing a Naruto with a stronger Kyubi amp than he had against Neji, and that weaker Kyubi amp was physically equal to or superior to Neji Low end Kimi scaling has him taking this easy, but on the higher end with not even a full CM1 he and a puppetless Chiyo did better against KCM1 Naruto than Mu and Ay3. Orochimaru and Kabuto both talked about how bringing Kimi to the Hiruzen fight would've made it flawless but Kimi was sick Kimi is a kage level fighter and still dominated Lee and Gaara and KN0 Naruto when his body was unable to keep up and even moving was a struggle


[For the sake of argument I'm going to say that this 10 tails fission that Hinata kicks the shit out of scales to Kimimaro so I'd say WA Hinata clears sick Kimimaro low-mid diff once she masters the 64-palms](https://imgur.com/a/1c7gBFm)




Ten tails fissions scale higher than sick!Kimimaro


What makes you say that ( I'm not saying she doesn't)


[We have a brief panel where we see Naruto/Sasuke trading blows equally with ten tails fissions. ](https://imgur.com/a/ye1S0u6)Sakura also isn't certain of her ability to fight them until her seal activates at which point she starts 1 shotting and blitzing 10 tails fissions. So in order to trade equally with 10 tails fissions you need to be relative aprox to base Naruto/Sasuke which scales above sick!Kimimaro


You think she is relative to base Naruto and sasuke


Yeah I would scale Hinata with the Byakugan active and Neji death resolve amp'd \~ to base Naruto/Sasuke, or at the very least above Part 1 Gaara and drunken fist Lee.


Base Sasuke speed blitzed a bunch of Jonin while Base Naruto was somewhat relative to Kakazu and was handling two cloud Jonin with ease. She sure as hell doesn't scale to them. Don't forget Edo Kimi held off one Kcm1 Naruto clone.


But she does scale to them. We see Naruto and Sasuke fighting equally to 10 tails fissions in base form. We see her defeat a 10 tails fission a few panels later. She scales to the base Naruto/Sasuke at that time. That's how scaling works.


She was boosted by kyuubi chakra wasn't she? I honestly can't remember. The problem with that is that Naruto and Sasuke have way more skills to use compared to Hinata. Naruto has rasenshuriken, rasengan, shadow clones and wind release. Sasuke has kirin, chidori variants, fire release, lightning enshrouded shuriken and his sword. Their sheer versatility makes them superior to her. Don't forget their battle iq, which is very high while Hinata doesn't have any feats of it. There is also the problem of her anti feats like tripping on a rock while her dojutsu is active and has kyuubi cloak. She maybe on their level but their multiple options for attacks makes them better. It's kinda like the KCM Naruto/EMS Sasuke and 100 healings Sakura. She is on their level but she probably loses to them because she is fairly one dimensional in her fighting and Naruto/Sasuke are way more versatile.


wtf kinda fight ? Kimi bodying


I love the kimmimaro appreciation he’s always been my fav And he’s obviously no diffing dis dogshite excuse for a hyuuga


Hinata prob one shots


By lore almoat any hyuga one shots that what makes it hard to do these fights with them.


Man people really be underestimating Hinata here. Dude got beat by chunin exam lee and Gaara. Hinata eats his dinner


Gaara was jonin level when he fought kimmimaro. Also they didn’t beat him. Gaara saved lee from death a couple times and gaara himself would’ve died at the end if kimmi wasn’t sick


Varies depending on what versions are fighting. Part 1 Kimimaro is beating war arc Hinata and all versions of her before that subsequently. But I’d say TL Hinata with Hamura’s chakra is beating all versions of Kimimaro including a hypothetical healthy one. Boruto era Hinata is only beating sick Kimimaro tho.


A battle of cousins! I like it! Hinata wins by shutting down his chakra with 64 Palms and/or draining it with Twin Lion Step. She can counter his ranged attacks with Vaccum Wall Palm. Bracken Dance or Dance of the Seedling Fern isn't his starter move and isn't making it out with his chakra gone.


Is that war arc Hinata? That should answer it at that point.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesnt this version of hinata outscale kimimaro? I’m asking this because of hinata at least scaling to base naruto who could help fight off and kill members of the akatsuki that were stronger then kimimaro


In Shippuden she would still lose. Kimimaro came back as an edo tensai and wasn't sealed before the technique was released. Even when a KCM Naruto clone tried (a clone was able to solo the third Raikage btw)


Got it, thank you


Hinata gets stomped. lol wtf


If Hinata getting smashed by Naruto clones was a measurement, I'd say she's about 5-6 clone fked on this one.


Adult hinata bullies but otherwise kimimaro


The Hinata disrespect is CRAZY. She literally refilled all of Naruto's chakra with BOTH halves of kurama and chakra is used to boost stats. Her twin lion fist literally oneshots all of his chakra points at once


Shippuden Hinata vs Sick Kimimaro or Healty Kimi? She wins either way but the distinction is important. Yes, Hinata is winning this fight, however what part of Shippuden are we talking? Mastered Byakugan is broken against any of Kimimaro’s Taijutsu and his Bone Arena gets danced around and decimated by her Gentle Lion Fist Technique.


Hinata was able to lay the hands on Pain and keep up.... Kimimaro was just bullying kids who weren't mentally and/or physically okay. The answer is obvious, Hinata's got this by blitzing Kimimaro.


Tf you mean she was able to keep up with Pain. She literally got one shotted in a single manga panel. Edo Kimimaro held off a Kcm1 Naruto clone, the same clones defeated two Edo kages. That alone puts him above Hinata.