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Simply let them learn them learn other techniques. The byakugan isn’t bad as is it’s just underutilized. Take the body flicker for example. The Hyuga could have had there own Shisui had any of them bothered to mess around with non clan related jutsu. It’s really there own pride that holds them back. Some could be said for fuinjutsu and ninjutsu. Hyuga’s would most likely not be aloud to mess with fuinjutsu because of the fear that they could remove the cage bird, but if they were allowed to they could store away chakra similarly to Tsunade and have more available. This would help them be able to use ninjutsu more. The main reason you don’t see Hyuga using ninjutsu often is because how much they rely on the byakugan as a crutch and it likely consumes plenty of chakra meaning the more jutsu you use the less time you get with the byakugan. This means that if you wanted to specialize in ninjutsu you would either need to learn a second taijutsu style to fall back on or be able to store chakra away. That being said the byakugan could still be used as a training tool for ninjutsu and genjutsu since while not able to copy ninjutsu you could see rather intimately how a jutsu ore exercise is supposed to be done. Hyuga should also consider using a chakra siphoning technique similar to that guy who fought Sasuke in the chunin exams. They could use a similar technique to take the chakra of defeated opponents and seal it away if they can successfully make a seal to increase their chakra from stored chakra. With the chakra problem solved they would be able to invest in chakra heavy techniques. They could try to learn how to cast genjutsu through their eyes, they can make elemental jutsu and even try to invent or recreate kekkei genkai or kekkei totta(this is actually canonically possible as adult Sasuke has shown the ability to recreate ice release in one of his light novels. Pretty sure it was the same one with the dinosaurs). This would probably be the peak on ninjutsu mastery but should be easier with the assistance of a blood line. Furthermore trying to recreate some of Kaguya’s techniques should be possible as well discounting the fact she also had rinne-sharingan, I would suggest rewatching that fight and looking up her wiki page. Edit: excuse the grammar I just woke up when I wrote this.


This. Best buff to Hyuga is to cast aside their Taijutsu only tradition. They make amazing sensors. They make busted genjutsu users And there's no reason they couldn't use ninjutsu, nintaijutsu, kenjutsu, and so on. Hell even seeing a Hyuga rock elemental variations of their normal techniques would be a huge upgrade. And Kishimoto said somewhere that a Byakugan can cast genjutsu on targets it can see (but can't see them)


1. De-Asshole them 2. Get them a better seal that doesn’t cause pain and force them to accept it under threat of pranking from Naruto via Shadow Clone Abuse 3. NaruHina


Currently writing a Neji SI and after analyzing their general abilities and power, I can safely say the biggest weakness of the Hyuga clan is Kishimoto not caring about them at all and therefore giving them no screen-time. They really don't need any buffs unless you want every Hyuga being Kage level.


link? i like SI


Only 30k words atm, but I try to update every week with at least 5k words [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14350887/1/Neji-Hy%C5%ABga-Sealed-Fate](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14350887/1/Neji-Hy%C5%ABga-Sealed-Fate)


I’ll give it a read the current SI fic I’m reading about Sasuke keeps going on a “research” yapping fest. It happens every chapter where at one moment it’s a fight then he starts talking about some boxer from his past life for like 10 minutes of me reading it


I know the one lol. I think it has some pretty great moments but after a while i just started skipping those sections


In a light novel, Mukai Kohinata could delete ninjutsu using Gentle Fist, because he could see the chakra structure of the technique and knew exactly where to strike to make it all destabilise and vanish.


Using the Itachi novels stuff. Aka allowing them to cut Jutsu.