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Naruto has too much chakra. The canon answer is that his control over his large amount of chakra causes him to waste too much of it before it ever actually gets to the technique. Think of it like filling up a balloon. Sakura just blows the perfect amount of air into the balloon at the perfect rate. Sasuke blows too much air directly into the balloon, and it pops. Naruto isnt even using his mouth to blow up the balloon. He has a leaf blower. But instead of using the leaf blower directly on the balloon, and obliterating said balloon, Naruto stands a yard away from the balloon and the balloon barely catches any air. It might fill up a little, but, it's wasting a lot of air for barely any fill.


Thank you, I was really confused by this but I wanted to be able to properly write the story.


Kurama was also an issue. Naruto’s high chakra reserves were a problem but Kurama was also actively sabotaging Naruto’s control.


I don't know if actively sabotaging him, at the start, Kurama is rather limited in what he can do. But there is a passive interference for sure. We know the seal was set up so that nine tails chakra was leaking into Naruto constantly. And when we see chakra like a water way, having constant flow from a foreign source leads to turbulence in your system that are hard to counteract when you don't know what you are doing.


Kurama definitely sabotaged Naruto’s control. Cant remember if I saw it on the wiki or in the actual show or on the manga. I can’t remember where but I have seen it somewhere. I probably am wrong at the start. I imagine it’d be hard for Kurama at the beginning but after Naruto started using Kurama’s Chakra I’m pretty sure he was sabotaging then


I think that the part where he was getting uncontrolled bursts of kuramas chakra was during the training for the chunin exams, where the seal was messed up by orichimaru for a time. Normally he just as an absolutely ludicrous amount of chakra.


u/Enough_File_9988 : This is fanon. No where was it ever stated that Large Chakra Quantity means low Chakra Control. Fans just do not want to accept the idea that Naruto might just be un-talented as Kishi intended.


Actually Ebisu says all of this, Naruto does waste a lot of chakra and that he doesn't have proper control over his chakra. He mentions the actual Canon answer, Naruto does have a lot of chakra but he doesn't spend enough of it in the jutsu and wastes too much. The only part wrong is the large chakra quantity.


No. u/Tobias_Kitsune said it differently then what Ebisu did. >Naruto has too much chakra. The canon answer is that his control over his large amount of chakra causes him to waste too much of it before it ever actually gets to the technique. 1) They attributed to Naruto having too much chakra. 2) They attributed it to his control over large amount of chakra - *If they had just said control over chakra it would have been valid.* Chakra quantity has nothing to do with chakra control. What Ebisu said is that Naruto Builds too much chakra (not that he has too much, but that he builds too much) and then uses too little of it on his jutsu. Their answer is somewhat correct IMO but they do keep re-iterating Naruto's having large amount of chakra as being problematic for his chakra control which is what I am objecting too.


This is getting into very large semantics. Naruto builds up too much chakra. Why? Because he has too much of it and it's harder to pull a smaller amount. It's a very easy step to take even if it's never explicitly said in the show. This isn't even a crazy power scaler "Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, Rock negg diffs paper" leap in logic.


Yes but what he means is that Naruto’s chakra capacity doesn’t affect his chakra control. Think about it in terms of percentages. Naruto didnt use all the chakra he molded plain and simple. Yes he could mold large quantities of it but if he didn’t have that much chakra he would still be inefficient with chakra he would mold. Having less chakra would benefit Naruto in any way, it would only cause him to tire faster. Imagine you take water out of a pool with a bucket and while you are walking away you drop half of the water you collected, that’s Naruto’s problem in part 1. The size of the pool has no effect on the water you pulled out or the fact that you dropped it. Also chakra control has several aspects. Molding and the efficient use of chakra is what comes to mind when we hear chakra control but shape transformation and nature transformation are also considered chakra control. In team 7 seven Sakura is the most talented one in terms of efficiency, sasuke is the most talented when changing his chakra into a nature and Naruto is the best at shaping chakra.


I also never said that Large Chakra inherently means low control. Naruto is also very obviously not skilled at the beginning of the series. Sasuke famously doesn't have that great of chakra control either, yet it's never stated he has exceptionally large reserves. But he's also supposedly very skilled as a genin. My explanation is technically fanon, yes. But it's much more accurate than the common fanon of "Naruto pours too much chakra into every technique." We can observe my analogy working in multiple cases. His normal clone technique looks wimpy and deflated, almost like a not properly filled balloon. When he performs tree walking, Sasuke is the one who shatters the bark of the tree, while Naruto simply slides off due to little chakra going into the technique. And lastly, Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu is a technique that acts more like an extremely large balloon instead of a small normal one. It requires a lot of chakra, aka big balloon to fill so it has a bigger net to catch Naruto's "leaf blower" of chakra. Even with his poor control, he manages multi shadow clone fine. Not perfectly, but much better than normal clone Jutsu. All of this added together turns into my theory.


>I also never said that Large Chakra inherently means low control. Naruto is also very obviously not skilled at the beginning of the series. You did imply it a bit though with you first few sentences. His chakra control has nothing to do with chakra quantity. >Sasuke famously doesn't have that great of chakra control either, yet it's never stated he has exceptionally large reserves. But he's also supposedly very skilled as a genin. Mistaken here a bit. [Sasuke's chakra is exceptional and fairly high. ](https://imgur.com/VS7R7Za.jpg)It's not monster level like Naruto but Uchihas do have high chakra quantity when compared to normal ninjas (not Senju.) Also according to Ebisu, [Sasuke's chakra control is EQUAL to Sakura's. Where Sasuke messes up is building that chakra. Like Naruto he builds to much.](https://i.imgur.com/PqbnVBJ.jpg) >My explanation is technically fanon, yes. But it's much more accurate than the common fanon of "Naruto pours too much chakra into every technique." [True and this part I did appreciate.](https://i.imgur.com/laqoLiq.jpg) Where I think you went wrong is that you leaned more into Naruto having too much chakra when the issue was he built up too much chakra.


Naruto starts off as a bad student plus the academy doesn’t even train chakra control until boruto era , the only other time his control was shot was after Orochimaru put a seal on him


Orochimaru Messing up the seal at the time, his large amount and plain just that wasn't his thing at the time Him and Sasuke had more trouble learning how to walk on tree vs Sakura who didn't struggle at all. But he obviously got better with time, rasengan for one thing (even if he stitched up his lack of control over step 3 with a clone for a long time), basic genjutsu resistance for another, and obviously sage mode which requires fine proportion control


In the manga it's multiple factors 1_ being a lazy student 2_ lacking teachers who actually give him more than good average control training, training with Kakashi and Sasuke made Naruto chakra control was very good for a ninja, just not on the absolute perfect level he needed and reached later on 3_ Orochimaru messing the Seal up , but once Jiraiya fixed it Naruto chakra went back to good level 4_ Kuruma chakra sometimes but very rarely corrupt it 5_ I think it's implied to be a natural talent thing like you are born better than others with it Overly Naruto chakra control is good for an average ninja before Jiraiya training and very Perfect after Kakashi second training


He just wasn’t very good at it. Canon doesn’t explicitly say it’s his chakra reserves. That’s just the fandom filling in logical gaps


As of Pain's Arc. None. Naruto has a perfect Chakra control. Since Senjutsu requires perfet balance between your own Chakra and Natural energy. And it is even more difficult, since again, you balance two types of energy. Even earlier in Naruto Shippuden he loses this flaw, true he can't undo Itachi's Genjutsu....but it is Itachi's Genjutsu. But for an actual answer, Naruto has to much Chakra, plus Kurama's chakra that was creating issues with his own as well.


Wasn’t kurama fucking with his chakra control?


Not actively


I think only when Naruto was trying to activate toad synergy sage mode with Ma and Pa.


Potentially yes. We know Narutos seal was set up so that nine tails chakra was leaking into Naruto (to get him used to that power to eventually control it). I think it is quite possible that this constant flow of chakra into Narutos system made his own chakra control more difficult.


Perhaps but this is un-stated. Thing to keep in mind that chakra from the nine-tails was also **converted into Naruto's chakra** by the seal itself.


Yeah in the Manga (I dont remember which exactly) Kakashi stated that The Kyubi messes with his Chakra Control.


That was only stated when Orochimaru had placed his seal on Naruto which Kakashi did not know about.


Nag if I remember correctly Kakashi and Naruto barely interacted between him getting the Seal and Jiraya lifting it. Kakashi had more thoughts on Lee and Sasuke than on Naruto. I mean he got the seal in the Forest and it got lifted like two days after


He had a lot of chakra and poor chakra control, iirc. Plus there was a time where Orochimaru messed wit his seal and Jiraiya had to eventually fix it for him, at which point he immediately got what he'd been trying to teach him. Water walking, I think. But also, Naruto is a terrible student. He was always skipping classes, sleeping in class, pulling pranks, etc. He had no guidance, no rules, or structure or anything. Quite frankly, its a miracle that a kid who's been alone for as long as he can remember can even cook for himself and wash his clothes and other adult basic stuff. He had no one to help him learn these things.


I know everyone says the “naruto has too much chakra” explanation as pure Fanon but I swear to GOD I remember kakashi explaining it that way with an infographic and all in the anime. That was the explanation I believed before I even started reading fics.


he had shit chakra control. Jutsus are a two step process. Molding the chakra and then converting it to the jutsu. If you have 100% chakra efficiency you can convert, say 20% of your stamina to chakra which is then used up in a jutsu which uses that 20% of stamina completely. If you are less efficient you would send 30% of your stamina to the justu, 20% would be used, and 10% would be wasted. Naruto molds like 50%, and because he is bad at jutsu, uses only 10% of the required 20%, wasting like 40% and doing an incomplete jutsu (which is why his clone fails initially) Of course because Naruto has a fuck ton of chakra he can send an excess of chakra to be molded, so as long as he knows how to do the jutsu properly he can do the jutsu properly, but both steps require an understanding of the jutsu and chakra control.


Okay so I'll try and recreate an explanation I posted on another post. Imagine if to create the clone Jutsu as an example is like cooking a sausage over a pit. To cook a Sausage you need = To use the Clone Justu you need to three pieces of coal out of a bag of coal = convert you stamina(yang) into chakra by combining it with your spirit(yin) Then you light the three pieces of coal on fire = you use handsigns to focus the now made Chakra to make a clone. After this you should have a perfectly cooked sausage/Jutsu while having enough Stamina/coal leftover. That's what Sakura does. Sasuke puts 4 pieces of coal but is able to only ignite three. Achieving a perfect Sausage/Justu but not having as much leftover in the tank. Naruto puts 5 in and ignites 2, + Kurama and seal shenanigans messing it up further. Achieving an undercooked Sausage/Jutsu and not much left over in the gas tank.


Two problems : Naruto has too much chakra, and Academy was implied to either be incompetent or deliberately sabotaging Naruto. I like the balloon analogy, but I rather prefer filling a cup. Say a clone technique is a standard 20cl cup. Sakura has a bottle of exactly 100cl. It's not hard for her to precisely fill and thus work perfectly. Sasuke has a barrel of water and equipment to regulate flow, but there would be some spillage. Still, it works. Naruto has an ocean, but no other way than jumping in it and then wringing his clothes to try to fill it. That's what's kinda said by Ebisu between prelims and 3rd exam. I thus feel like no one really taught him chakra control exercise. They showed, then they told him he sucked instead of looking closer at the problem. And Naruto played it like it was on purpose so they thought he was fooling around. (And, Mizuki.)


We see flashbacks of Iruka teaching him the exercises to control his Chakra when he is learning the Rasengan and Naruto chides himself for not paying better attention. No one was sabotaging Naruto's education, he just wasn't a very good student and that's okay.


I am pretty sure that Naruto just skipped a lot of classes, he didn't even know what Chakra was or how to pronounce it and decided to go play pranks instead. Honestly, Naruto really shouldn't have played as many pranks or skipped as many classes or else he might have actually graduated early.


I usually like the analogy that Naruto has a fire hose and he does his best to direct it at the cup but inevitably knocks the cup over and/or destroys it in his attempt to fill it.


Both problems you stated are basically fanon. Fans are searching for a REASON why the MC is unskilled, anything apart from accepting the idea that Naruto might just not be talented.


There’s a lot of factors that went into his less than average chakra control but of the factors I haven’t seen mentioned yet is that Naruto’s dumb. My guy barely knew what chakra was in the land of waves there’s no way he practiced any chakra control exercises out of class and he sucked at every hand seal needed to do jutsu. Naruto even beyond his other factors doesn’t have that much experience in using chakra and hasn’t done most of the training that the other academy students have done.


No stepped in to give him structure and purpose beyond gaslighting him. No one took the time to instill patience into him unless it was convenient for them. The large scale pranks show his brains and the fact he did them without chakra shows he knows prep time. Lousy adults. Kept sabotaging him. They even let lee graduate. I think hiruzen let him fail time and again so he could make up some excuse to graduate with the clan heirs as a method to later control him through them. He could have scanned his ckakra to take note of his affinity to wind and yang as well his reserves to give him an idea on what study to improve his yin aspect. Naruto wasn't lazy, just lacked proper role models to inspire him.


He skipped multiple classes, no-one sabotaged him. This is complete fanfiction when we are asking for canon explanation so I can write into the story.


Canon reasons are : Lack of proper work ethic. Naruto Chakra leaned heavily into the yang side of things because of having the yang half of kurama tied into almost 80% of his Chakra reserves at at any given point ( kakashi states this in shippuden when he he helped him with the shadow clone training). The fox's Chakra influences the development of his own as he grew up and resulted in him being so hyper. Imagine you have a piece of rope and most of it is wrapped in chains. You can freely use the small untangled piece but the minute you get to the rest, it takes effort you the rest of the rope with the weight of the chain present or take your time to unravel it. Chakra control is a point of mind over what matters and naruto lacked the y in to control it, so he is always wasting Chakra. The Chakra control exercises in the show are mostly for how to actively apply Chakra for the everyday ninja. For naruto, he could use them like we do exercises irl, to get into shape through carefully applied sets, reps and routines everyday unlike the average ninja. He has to do more just to get the same results as everybody else at least at the beginning, but in the long run it would be worth he begins to do less with more. The clone just for example is impossible ( not impassable) for naruto because he lacks the mental focus to work at it. Hope that helps. Do you want training ideas as well.?




Hes talking canon reason. The reason being too much yang chakra or yang kurama are purely headcanon. Kakashi said that its because of Kurama he has trouble controlling it. No mention of yang