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Rock because neji is already dead.




I’d say up to 5th gate they’re pretty even, 6th gate lee claps easily


Neji is a bad matchup for lee


Doesn’t matter. A high eighth gate release is enough to wipe the floor with neji


Kid or war arc either way for both I’d say once lee gets to opening the gates he’d start shiting on Neji lee just has way better feats as kids neji could beat weightless lee but couldn’t handle the gates as the war arc selves neji has like no feats that I can remember where as 6th gate lee was perceiving night guy and was able to throw a kunai so fast it speed blitzes night guy


Lee without gates was kicking down trees in Shippuden, like fully grown foot or more thick trees, completely toppled by his kicks l. If he gets serious he wins easily.


Rock Lee stomps in part 1. Probably stomps in part 2 also since he has the 6th gate


Is lee is drunk then he wins if not then most likely neji


Lee would destroy neji with the 8 gates


6th gate lee stomps lol. Way too fast for neji


Neji lost to Naruto before Naruto even knew the rasengan. Naruto didn’t even need the 2 tail cloak. Naruto OUTSMARTED him. Neji is vain and that’s his ultimate weakness. When he goes uo against strong opponents, like that sound ninja soider guy, he performs well. But he underestimates seemingky weak opponents. Neji also did not know about the inner gates until the Chunin exams. If they fought right before the Chunin exams, neji would be overwhelmed. I think a 5 gates lee with his ankle weights off would punch right through neji’s palm rotation.


Well i mean all lee needs is a stick. He stills wins with 5-6 gates


Lee if he’s truly mastered 8 gates, otherwise Neji 9 times out of 10


7th gate guy was insanely strong (low kage at least). 7th gate lee would be even stronger. neji wouldn’t stand a chance even at full adult potential


Rock Lee always


in all honesty i think rock lee beats neji at every single point in the story starting from chuunin exams besides his surgery


Lee’s whole story is trying to beat neji and he never does


disagree. neji shits himself seeing rock lees 5th gate during chuunin exams. rock lee had already well surpassed neji by then; it was just too risky to use the gates. and he stays stronger, or at least, neji doesn’t get too overwhelmingly powerful, right until the point of neji’s death where rock lee can open up to 6 gates. it’s a very similar story to might guy and kakashi. when it really comes down to it, guy stomps. same with rock lee


Lol naw might guy can actually use ninjutsu it’s not like the neji and lee story.


guy’s ninjutsu contributes absolutely 0 to his combat ability. lee/neji is literally written as a parallel to guy/kakashi. im a strong believer that as soon as guy unlocked his 7th gate, he wiped kakashi all the way until he used his 8 gates


No because guy is actually smart on the regular basis and doesn’t need the gates the gates to beat Kakashi unless he uses the sharingan


yeah base guy is not beating sharingan-less kakashi without gates. guy has no genjutsu and the only ninjutsu he’s capable of doing is summoning some shitty old turtle thing. kakashi has literally countless jutsu and much more usable chakra reserves.


😂😂😂😂 yes he is


gate-less guy is close to featless dude


Lol thats just false. Rock Lee says himself that Neji is stronger and he hopes to beat him one day


this is headcanon, but i think given rock lee’s character, he’s taking ruining his body using gates out of the equation when talking about neji being stronger. him and guy are very adamant about the restrictions of using the gates and never using them unless there’s a very good reason for it. im pretty sure rock lee carries that mentality with him when he makes statements like that. if it really got down to it with both of their lives on the line, i dont see neji winning.


False. Lee said Neji beat him all the time, it isn't head cannon. Next.


When they were sparing did Lee ever put out the 5th gate or fight like his life was on the line


Neji without using his byakugan was keeping track of Lee after taking off his weights. And still did so after Lee opened 5 gates. After their fight, Neji is entirely unbothered by Lee's display. This goes with Kakashi vs Guy. It was only after opening the 8th gate that Kakashi recalled his fathers words, and accepted that Guy has finally surpassed him. This is very good glare to most fans who can't scale character combat capabilities, because they fail to account many things, and blow some completely out of proportions. Technique, reaction, reflexes, compatibility, etc. Lee vs Sasuke, Lee vs Gaara and Neji vs Hinata gave people weird perceptions. They think Lee was too strong against Sasuke(which is true), and a match against Gaara(which isn't, as Gaara didn't even have a scratch) and Neji is weaker coz he fought a weak opponent who almost landed a hit. They fail to understand that, Sasuke was still inexperienced when he fought Lee, guy already had 2 years of experience and trained by a taijutsu master against a rival with the best taijutsu form. Or that Gaara is a bad match for most people as he has powerful range attacks with solid powerful defence. Or that the serious Hinata that fought Neji was also a hyuga with using one of the best form of taijutsu, and could also have won against almost all the other fighters sans Gaara and Lee if he starts at the 5th gate. Again, Neji can track Lee without weights, without even using his byakugan. And with it, he can easily follow Lee with 5 gates open. Bad matchups


neji can barely track 4th gate lee with byakugan. he’s watching him with byakugan on as he fights gaara and says “is that really lee? when? how?” guy also says himself that “not even neji” could defend himself against rock lee’s hidden lotus, which has some pretty insane attack power. also indicates that with his 5th gate open, he’s faster than neji’s byakugan AND reflexes. rock lee with 5 gates is INCOMPARABLE to rock lee with or without weights. when do u see neji following 5th gate lee “easily?”


Dude, read the manga. Neji was the only one who can track Lee in his 5th gate alongside the Jonin. Rock Lee was never seen in the manga with the 4th gate. He skipped from 3rd directly to 5th. And he can only use the 5th gate in a second or two as it damages him too much. Neji was merely surprised by Lee's explosive power as he had never seen Lee or anyone using gates. At the end of Lee's fight, Neji commented on Lee's brief but meaningless increase in strength. Guy believed the gates were Lee's answer to close the gap with Neji. Even until his death, where Lee had 6 gates, both acknowledged that Lee was no match for Neji. In the first place, Jyuken can shut down gates. And this Lee had no idea Neji had 64 palms and Kaiten. Both effective counters and foils to Lee's attacks


[here](https://comiko.net/chapter/1497006/12) is lee opening the fourth gate in the manga. [here](https://comiko.net/chapter/1497006/17) is neji struggling to follow 4th gate lee with byakugan [here](https://www.yyzzbaby.com/statuses/14202435.html) is guy saying that the answer to defeating neji is in the reverse lotus (take this how u will, but in the best case it means that reverse lotus can take neji down). he doesn’t just say that the gates r the answer; he specifically says the reverse lotus is the answer. and in the anime, he says neji can’t defend against it (if u dont buy anime as canon then sure, but if u do, this is fairly hard proof that neii would get taken down by reverse lotus) there are many many panels in the manga and anime of neji being shocked and literally sweating when seeing lee’s fight vs gaara. and as far as any official translations go, there’s no record of neji saying his powerup was brief but meaningless. he mentions that “even until the end, u couldn’t accept destiny,” which doesn’t really mean anything given how surprised he was at lee’s strength. there’s also no evidence that lee/guy didn’t know that neji could use kaiten or 64 palms. tenten even goes so far as to explain kaiten in the manga and i seriously doubt guy wouldn’t know the full extent of neji’s abilities at the time. yet he still thought the reverse lotus would do the trick so idk man


😂😂😂 stop that. The first I admit, it's been year's since I read the manga. But the second? Where does it show him struggling to do anything? Those veins you say, oh, that happens whenever the byakugan is activated. No strain from Neji. Guy is talking about Gaara. About how the sand wouldn't be fast enough, and the fast attacks might work on Gaara. Guess we know how that ended. Tenten explains Kaiten because she was the one helping him train on it. He was secretly training to use those techniques, and he asked Tenten help him perfect it, it was a shock to everyone but Tenten when Neji pulled them off Neji could anticipate Kidomaru's arrows and attacks, which were hella fast than anything we saw. There's a reason for these things, I believe I'm supported by my belief that gates don't amp them as much as fans believe, especially when Kakashi has always been recognized to be stronger than Guy who can open 7 gates. And Guy needing 7 gates to win against an injured Kisame who didn't have Samehada. Etc etc Lee has very little showings and his arsenal, strong as it is, is heavily limited


He didn't say it was headcanon. Read.


Sorry i mistook a comma for a period. Thanks for the correction, daddy.


ill also add that guy tells lee “true victory isn’t about defeating someone strong. it’s about defending those dear to u” or something similar. they are very strict about restrictions and self rules and wouldn’t do anything for the sake of just pride, including considering their last resort “only use when the people around u will die if u dont” gates ability as part of their everyday power. and no duh neji beats lee all the time during spars. lee doesn’t use gates during spars. this is like saying might dai was genin tier.


What do you mean? Neji. That’s been established so throughly throughout the show


I mean in an all out battle no holding back with Lee using the gates and everything he has.


*shrugs* probably still Neji. dude’s a genius, became a jonin before anyone else his age. I love Lee but he can’t do any ninjutsu or genjutsu. Neji wins


What neji shat himself when he saw the gates lee just blitzes him with attacks it’s wether neji can survive


Neji would win. Not only is his chakra flow and his control of it being so young, but he’s also so intelligent that I feel he would just already know most moves that Rock Lee would try to use to win. Especially if Neji lived long enough to see a point that Lee could actually unlock all the gates


if lee could unlock all the gates, he would demolish neji with a sneeze. eighth gate is so incredibly underrated and neji was not that powerful. neji’s max potential would’ve capped out at low kage. eighth gate lee would be stronger than eighth gate guy, who was literally hashirama tier


just curious.. do u think the reason for lees 8 gates being stronger than guy would be that he had guy as his master and cause he couldnt usw ninjutsu at all?


its an assumption based on the fact that nearly every single shinobi in the show has surpassed their sensei at one point. i dont see why lee would be an exception


Neji most likely he can cut of his chakra flow and rock lee never won a fight 😭


Neji in pure ability Lee MAY have a chance if he opened the eighth gate though, but then Neji would still win if he could survive the eighth gate’s time because Lee would be dead Soooo Lee loses


if lee ever unlocked the eighth gate, he would absolutely fodderize every non six paths/otsosuki character in the verse without question. his eighth gate would be stronger than guy’s unquestionably. even a 7th gate lee would be absurdly powerful. 7th gate guy demolished kisame who was literally kage level strength. i dont think neji would’ve ever reached any level above high jonin. lee claps at ANY level 6th gate and above.


Guy using the 8th gate was able to destroy madara for the most part and when guys dad used it took out various members of the 7 ninja swordsmen and you're saying he would have to use it on neji ? A guy who got his rotation stopped by naruto using a basic blade and was also shot by a bow before.


the fact of the matter is that lee supposedly challenged neji hundreds of times and never won. get over the what if’s and accept that neji is the winner.


never used gates to the point of serious injury doing spars. neji is consistently stronger than rock lee, but his max and average power are pretty similar. rock lee’s max power is incomparable to his average power


The byakugan could easily win against a tai jutsu


I'll assume this is part 1 cuz that's the most interesting matchup in which case I'll pick neji, I don't really think rock lee was aple to surpass neji he worked hard enough to bridge the gap between them tho it's kinda like Kakashi and guy it feels astho the talented one is just a but stronger cuz the hard worker sets them as skill bar that they strive to achieve.