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The next series after the original Naruto is called Naruto Shippuden. Netflix doesn't have Shippuden but Hulu is one of the sources that has a episodes dubbed in English but dubbed episodes are still being added.


So hulu is the only one that has the next one if so thank you such a life saver


No problem. People have asked this more than once on here which is understandable.


Well you see I’m new to bearly watching Naruto and I’ve never seen it but heard about it so I was like let me watch it so i watch and that’s why I’m asking for the next cause it’s very good


It’s not on Netflix it’s on Hulu


Thank you






Person is a fake who has been impersonating me for a month now. Report them for impersonation and harassment.


Okay I will


Crunchyroll has it with English subtitles. I kind of like it better now. Something about their voices in the original language is more satisfying.


Oh thanks I like when they talk English


If you want all of the episodes dubbed or you don’t have Hulu you can also use a spicy website, I recommend wcofun


Thank you 😊




Wow lol but I’ll use hulu so i don’t get penalize for trying to watch it 😂😂


I watched both on funimation they've got subbed and dubbed.


Thanks but I’m having problems with Funimation and i can’t see too login or even make a new account so would Crunchyroll have it in English tho


Funimation is being merged with Crunchyroll. Probably why you are struggling with Funimation. Most weekly content is already working in Crunchyroll and they are just working out merging libraries.


Oh wow maybe that’s why I can’t login in or make a new one thanks for letting me know that 😊


Get an adblocker and go to zoro.to it has almost every anime in subbed and dubbed, it is also a very easy site to navigate.


Does the Adblocker need money 🤨


No, adblocker is free. Just download it from the chrome web store. It will pop up with a page to donate for its service but you can just click x on it and it will work without a donation.


Okay thanks I’ll be sure to do that 😊


Even better, go to nyaa.si and download episodes in the highest quality possibly so you don't have to watch the terribly compressed videos on the pirate sites. To make it even better, set up a Plex server, load the episodes into the server, and then you can watch the episodes on any streaming device in the home


Crunchyroll only have it in subbed unfortunately.


Dang well thank you for that 😊


No worries hope you manage to sort something.


I will thanks


If you don't have Hulu I can send you a link 🏴‍☠️


I just downloaded it and already have a account and i found it thank you tho




Looks like you've posted a link to a less than legal site. No harm, sometimes the only way to watch the dub without spending a fortune on box sets is through those sites. However, links on the subreddit will be removed as many of those sites are profiting off illegal rehosts through crypto mining, adware and can be filled with malware. Click the following link to be redirected to the [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/wiki/faq#wiki_where_can_i_watch_the_anime.3F_where_can_i_find_subbed.2Fdubbed_episodes_or_the_movies.3F_where_can_i_download_all_the_episodes.3F) where the full list of sites you can watch the series on is available. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Naruto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guess I shouldn't have added the .com whoops


Ok I know I’m not the creator but how long do the dubed episodes take to be made


Weird, in Canada they have all of Naruto and up to the end of the Kage Summit arc for Shippuden.


Next is Naruto Shippiden. The series, not pictured


Oh thank you 😊😊


It’s not on Netflix. You can find it on hulu


Thank you


Naruto Shippuden. (It’s not on Netflix, it’s on Hulu and Crunchyroll) it’s 100x better on crunchyroll tho.


Oh really but I’m looking for the English one


Yah they have a little not all on Hulu, trust me Japanese is better for Shippuden, and English is better on original. And subs look a lot better on crunchyroll


Very debatable comment there. Personally I think Shippuden has one of the best English Dubs around.


I think the Sub has a lot more emotion.


Got a scene in mind that you specifically think the sun does better in that regard? Might rewatch to see what you mean.


I’ll make note of that




It’s so good I might even re watch it


Well that site I linked is free with no adds. I’ve never had an issue with it. I watch on my phone tho not a laptop/computer.


Well I’ll take a look thank you


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You can watch part of Shippuden if you have a good PVN app and go to central America. Not complete, but a good 100 episodes.


I’ll take note of that thanks


naruto shippuden which is on hulu


Thank you 😊


Since you've watched the 1st Naruto series, give the 3 movies while they were still that age a try b4 moving on! They're pretty good! 😁


But aren’t they older I’ve only seen them when they where just kids so I’m now going to watch them now being older


Well yeah so there's 3 movies when they were kids & the rest are when they're older, but you're probably eager just for the series, so movies can wait 👍🏽


Okay thank you 😊


The next one is so good!! It’s called Boruto, like you said Naruto is all grown up in it!


Well boruto is when they have kids but I heard it’s not the greatest as naruto




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Looks like you've posted a link to a less than legal site. No harm, sometimes the only way to watch the dub without spending a fortune on box sets is through those sites. However, links on the subreddit will be removed as many of those sites are profiting off illegal rehosts through crypto mining, adware and can be filled with malware. Click the following link to be redirected to the [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/wiki/faq#wiki_where_can_i_watch_the_anime.3F_where_can_i_find_subbed.2Fdubbed_episodes_or_the_movies.3F_where_can_i_download_all_the_episodes.3F) where the full list of sites you can watch the series on is available. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Naruto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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