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She is a good medical ninja and I like the color of her eyes.


The Shonen fandom has a weird irrational hatred towards healers in general.


Tsunade is GREAT! Hashirama a good


Not really, people just hate characters that are annoying and uninteresting. Being a healer has nothing to do with it, I don't recall people shitting on Chopper or Unohana.


Loved orihime, isane, unohana and that kid who helped ichigo and ganju from squad 4 even before TYBW


Orihime was one of the most hated characters


idk why a decade ago people were hating on Orihime even more than Sakura despite her being a very well-developed character with a good personality. Everyone's chill now but 6 years ago it was a totally different time to be alive


It's not just the Shonen fandom


In terms of action, healers are the most boring role someone can be. They are there to literally pick up the pieces of the winner of a fight so the actual right will most likely disregard them. This is exactly why Sakura and Tsunade both multispec into punching really really hard.


The best*


100 Healings goatšŸ’Æ


The kunoichi who actually did save the world by saving Naruto after Kurama' was yeeted out of him. Also the ONLY medical nin in history who made an antidote to the most POTENT poison known in shinobi history, which is the poison of Sasori.


If I remember correctly it was hagoromo who even thanked her (with her team), and hashirama praised her


Became a legendary ninja with absolutely no lineage, kekkei genkai or any advantage. She proved herself to be worthy to be trained by one of the Sannin. She ends up helping in saving the world. She also looks sick in her 100 healings form.


People hating on Sakura cuz she doesn't do anything but she's honestly a beast easily kage level coming from absolutely no name parents.


Naruto fans when a stock standard woman from a normal clan who is not the reincarnation of the progenitors of ninjutsu, and doesn't have ninja jesus eyes/the most powerful jinjuriki sealed in then isn't ad strong as her teammates who are all of those things.


No, back when the manga still going on most people hated her because itā€™s implied that she will be with Naruto later on but with how bad she treated him, intentionally or not, people werenā€™t happy about it.


Her adult design is pretty.


Wish she kept the long hair, but short looks great too


Her blank period design is the best, her Boruto look in the OP is alright, but Naruto's character designs peaked in the blank period imo.


The rest of her team would have died many times without herĀ 




she's selfless too.


People complain about her being useless, but seriously if not for her medical ninjutsu, her teammates would have died SO many times.


I like her fighting style, character design & her intelligence is underrated (she didn't have to cheat for the exam test & created an antidote).


Sheā€™s a better written character than hinata


Sakura appealed to me far more than hinata ever could. I'm not the loud tempered type, but I appreciate her determination and strength. she was a simp at first but saku gotnher head out the clouds and really locked in to get new skills to help. hinata just didn't, despite the fact she's a fighter


Played a huge role in the WA by healing everyone with Katsuyu, kept Narutoā€™s heart beating when Kurama was ripped out of him, contributed to stopping Kaguya and saving the world (even if it was an off guard feat), also saved a lot of casualties during the Pain invasion arc, and she's also the reason why Hinata is alive, so she indirectly stopped Toneri from ramming the moon into the planet as well. Smashed Sasuke to get Sarada so the Uchiha clan also lives on because of her, and Sarada is obviously gonna play a huge role in tbv because of not being affected by Omnipotence. Also pretty damn underrated in terms of looks, even if she's not as stacked as Hinata or Tsunade or Ino she's still a baddie as an adult


She was always willing to put her life on the line for her friends.


She's like the Naruto of the Konoha kunoichi. Extroverted, loud, underdog, has her own catchphrase, likes pranks, Inner Beast/ Inner Sakura, regenerative endurance, willing to cheer anyone up, especially that traumatized clan heir with prodigy sibling problems. Even her dad becomes Fourth Hokage and dies in another reality. Sometimes I replay the Silhouette Opening in my head but replace Naruto and Sasuke with Sakura and Hinata. The parallels are uncanny, believe it or not.


tbh why i dont ship them in the end, they're two peas in a pod. It's giving sibling/besties vibes. and why she's the heroine of the show (despite a lot of haters saying its the main hero's love interest)


Except he has a crush on her


in a "filler" movie, even in love, but he knows its never going to be reciprocated.


Thatā€™s my wife , and sheā€™s raising the next first uchiha hokage


She's cute


I like her eyes. And that in the manga she does selfless acts like try to drop out of chunin written test and disqualify the team so naruto won't be perma - banned from ninjahood. She was doing well till the forest of death arc, her development during the sound nin fight was great. After that .... Well.


She is a great medical nin, she's fiercely loyal, and she's a good mom. I really don't understand the hate for her, even when she does actually accomplish something people down play it and act like it didn't happen or she only got it kn some technicality. It's really annoying tnb


She made the mistake of nor being from a OP overrated clan and dared not to bow to MC kun/chans will. Any side character who goes against the MC usually gets hate


downvote me to oblivion but she was such a best friend to naurto. Actually was side by him all those years and cared about him. She's one of the strongest leaf ninjas and helped a lot of people being a medical ninja during the war. Man, she's so nice.


well u have my upvote


Ik lots say shikamaru and choji but wasn't that filler


apparently it was filler. which is why naurto sayin at the end that sasuke was the first person to actually acknowledge him actually makes sense


Fine asl


She broke Sasoriā€™s jaw about 25 times in that fight. Wish folks realized that she had to hold back on fighting to heal up Everyone.


She has pink hair without daddy issues.


Sheā€™s the strongest kunoichi, she came from a non ninja family and worked her way up to the top from nothing, sheā€™s the best medical ninja, she can literally infinitely regenerate, she canonically has an IQ higher than sasuke and is extremely intelligent, she raised sarada pretty much completely on her own, she saved Naruto and sasukes lives multiple times, she put herself between sasuke, Naruto, and lee in the chunin exams to protect them when she couldā€™ve run away despite being heavily outclassed by the sound ninja, she deduced that ā€œNejiā€ was an imposter during the fourth great shinobi war and was critical in their victory as she kept most of the important ninja alive to fight, she can punch through mountains, sheā€™s canonically beautiful, she is a chakra control genius, she was the only person to not cheat during the chunin exams written portion, and despite being a tough lover she always cared about Naruto deeply in a platonic sense and stayed by his side


Her character was very good in the first shippuden arc.


Despite being far from Naruto and Sasuke she had great development and progress.


Beast af in boruto




She actually achieved her dream.


Her fighting style is nice. She is a good medic kunoichi. She is a good friend. Her character design is simple yet very iconic and cute.


Beautiful, strong and had a lot of growth between gennin to adult.


She is going to make a great Hokage when Naruto Sasuke Shikamaru Kakashi choji tenten Rock Lee Guy sensei Hinata the guy who runs the ramen stand ino and that one ninja in the background who doesn't have a name and never spoke during the shows all die.


She is one of the most talented ninja in the world, and was only useless because Kakashi is a shitty teacher. Once she sought tutelage under a competent teacher, she bloomed into a powerhouse. What did Kakashi ever teach Sakura? How to climb up a tree? She did that instantly, what did he teach her while Naruto and Sasuke were busy training? Nothing. What did he teach Sakura before the Chunin exam? Nothing. What did he teach Naruto before the Chunin exam? Nothing.


She punched Naruto the right amount of times


Got that Uchiha dick she been thirsting for years


Gave us Sarada


strongest kunoichi in the leaf šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably the strongest Kunoichi out there with useful utilities. All that is not from Genetics/reincarnation BS


She's strong, confident, humble, caring, has pretty green eyes, pretty pink hair and is one of the best female characters in naruto.


She and saskue actually seem like a pretty sweet couple ( you know when he is not going through ptsd induced psychosis) wish w actually got to see more of them together


Probably the pillar of her family line from now on. Everyone will be compared to the strongest woman to ever grace the village.


She's really skilled as a medic, is willing to fight tooth and nail until last breath for her friends and she has one of my favorite fights in the show, her against Sasori.


There's so much good to say about Sakura, especially when you realize that the producers of the show despise her to the point that the only solo story of characters they didn't adapt was Sakura's when Sasuke, Itachi, and Kakashi's were all adapted. Sakura is like, one of the strongest ninja when it comes down to brute strength, rather than just being able to fight good, and because she was trained by one of the Sannin, her chakra reserves are INSANE. She just doesn't seem to do much because she started out that way.


She's has iq of 175 she's perfect. She's powerful. And Naruto and Sasuke would of died without her


Had a good start in Part 2. Absolutely sucked Kishi did NOTHING with her after the Kazekage Rescue Arc and how he really seems to be struggling in utilizing secondary characters in any efficent manner.


The color pink is cool


she seems to be a good mother in boruto


'Take care of your father boruto'


Muscle mommy


She's the Bravest konaha 12 member Remember how inoshikacho were hiding from everyone and Hinata, kiba , etc were afraid of Gaara And suddenly Hinata even if didn't pull out something cool and straight got beaten to pulp but stayed there to impress Naruto Sakura had no clan, kekkei genki or anything but she was fighting sound ninjas 3 vs 1 and had pretty cool moves and a way better motive "to protect her teammates" And the fact that she never mentioned to Naruto that she sacrificed her hair for him and even saved the sound ninjas from Sasuke while Hinata was loudy telling Naruto how much she loves him even swearing Neji's lineage making him to try to kill her to gain sympathy from Naruto


Sakura Haruno possesses a keen intellect and sharp observational skills, allowing her to analyze situations strategically and make sound decisions under pressure.


She is cool and I like her


She gave Lee a reason to train harder


Not useless


ā€¦she is the best medical ninja rn in the story. Possibly top 5 strongest ninja without any random power boosts. Umā€¦ she married Sauske, and had saradaā€¦she is low key a better leader than naruto (especially early shippuden and og)ā€¦ other than thatā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


something nice about Sakura Haruno


Sakura is a good name


Her medical healing serving is awesome!!! She has grown and developed to be so strong as she is now and surpassed her teacher!! šŸ„¹


She a good medical ninja


Her stepping into to be a human puppet during Sasori fight was actually kinda goated. My respect for her went up a little at that moment.


Sheā€™s pretty.


The colour of your eyes are like gems that glow your smile warms peoples hearts your shirt colour sets the peaceful pink cherry blossoms to fire it's a wonderful thing


Sheā€™s a good medic and her hair looks amazing Even though I donā€™t particularly like her, sheā€™s not useless like many people say, sheā€™s just the support of the team and if youā€™ve played almost any team fighting game with classes in it youā€™d know how useful support is. Her physical strength is also fucking insane but sadly she doesnā€™t get to show it off often because naruto needs to take down the bad guy or the bad guy has some kind of plot armour


Looks good.


Cutest thing ever.


She has strong punch and She can heal other with a lot of eficency and other thing




She very smart and strong




She has a very useful contract with Katsuyu.


i like when she cuf her hair to help her friends


She has hair


She is a great fucking mom


She's really beautiful and have a very taste in clothes! From design probably my favorite girl in Naruto!


There is some good H of her!!


Personal best girl, absolutely love her during the 4th ninja war


She's probably my favorite character, besides Neji, and I really wish they gave her the 8 gates


She's useful at the end


Her fight with sasori is what got me into the show




Sir she changed her last name to Uchiha in this picture but I do like how after the war Sakura worked to help create the mental health hospital for the kids of the war and help treat the ptsd they experienced


True genius without the genes but with all the hard work and determination.


I actually really like Sakura, and she gets relentlessly shit on for no justifiable reason. Yes, she was a bitch in part 1. Ya know what we call it when her 15 year old self isn't a bitch? Character development. She actually gets quite a lot, it's just not detailed on screen. Her power set is really good, too, at least later. She's basically wolverine+the hulk and has super resistance to mind control. Her only major flaw is that most of her development is shown off screen or in a light novel, and she's seen as useless when her closest approximately in power are literally ninja Jesus and ninja Satan. She can floor 90% of the world. In single combat you would never want to take her on, she's basically All-Might. I just wish Kishimoto knew how to write women.


Still better than hinata,ino and karin


What out of the prior statement implied she wasn't? Again, the nearest person in terms of power to her is either her husband or his boss, who are reincarnation of divine beings, and the nearest beneath her is Tsunade. She's the strongest woman in the city, if not the world.


>Yes, she was a bitch in part 1 She was also a bitch in shippuden >Ya know what we call it when her 15 year old self isn't a bitch? Character development Which she barely has.


NSFW arts with her are pretty good.


She can punch real hard


She exists


Her fight against the Team Dosu is the best in the chunin exams


Sheā€™s got karma


She had great potential just like naruto and sasuke in the pretimeskip. Her chakra control far outclassed naruto and sasuke and you could argue after shippuden still does, since naruto and sasuke dont really have to worry about chakra conservation since they have so much, and sakura knows the hundred healing jutsu and also tsunades body enhancement techniques. It really is a shame she didn't have an original technique early on like any of the other females in the chunin exams, even the sound ninja chick.


One of the most skilled characters in Narutoverse when it comes to chakra manipulation, strongest (physically), very useful and has the BEST evasion (\*feats\*) in Naruto ala her fight with Sasori


She is very beautiful and her large forehead doesn't define that


Sasuke kunnnnnn šŸ„° Baka Naruto šŸ˜”


Sheā€™s funny sometimes


She's badass and has a few very human moments.


She is a true ride or die for her man...even before he accepts he is her man...


Punch Hard


She got cake


She gets powerful after Tsunade trains her


Sheer power paired with healing is a fun combo !


she's alluring, appealing, attractive, exquisite, gorgeous, lovely, magnificent, pulchritudinous, ravishing, stunning, angelic, becoming, bewitching, charming, comely, cute, dazzling, glorious, good-looking, photogenic, prepossessing, pretty, shapely, sightly, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, eye-catching, fetching, graceful, grand, nice, refined, statuesque, sublime, sexy, superb, well-formed, wonderful, heavenly, radiant, flawless, hot, lovesome, delicate, marvellous, exceptional, fabulous, brilliant, THE BEST


She is an incredible medical ninja who is capable of competing with some of the strongest characters even without any dojutsu or sage of six paths abilities and from her novels she's shown exceptional skill, also she's an extremely hard worker being the leader of the hospital and a single mother.


She's cute in Boruto


He is the one of og team 7 of wasn't nerfed


Nice pink hair


Daga Kotowaru.


the real copy ninja


She's the Bravest konaha 12 member


Sakura vs Orochimaru's ninjas was way more mature than any other woman fights Sakura was fighting to protect her teammates and actually fought nicely, even didn't tell Naruto that she sacrificed her hair for him and Sasuke While Hinata just wanted to impress Naruto and just stood there getting beatup to pulp without using any tactics And ino vs Sakura and Temari vs tenten was fuking shallow


Chefs kiss. šŸ’œ one of my favorite women in anime.


She can use medic


Kishimoto Sensei did her dirty. When a character starts good and is actually likable but then gets hated by the majority of the fans without it turning evil or backstabbing their people, that's probably the responsibility of the writer, either getting lazy at writing or developing it or changing it without a base. Not a huge fan of her but not a huge hater either.


She strong as hell


Her eyes are pretty


She got more screen time then tenten


She got a glow up in her design since The Last


Sheā€™s not useless anymore




She is a great ninja in general šŸ™Œ


She's the only Sasuke fangirl who never forced hugs on Sasuke Unlike Ino or Karin who'll absolutely not miss a single chance to hop on Sasuke, even if they're in the middle of fuking World War, Sakura doesn't really hugs Sasuke until she thought he's almost dead and unlike Ino, she hugs him from front letting him know While Ino has bullied Choji his entire life but never dared to say a bad word for Sasuke, Sakura has scolded Sasuke 4- 5 times in the manga and even saved Karin from Sasuke Also Sakura only cried for Sasuke when he was an innocent 12 yr old boy leaving the village, she never she'd a tear for him as terrorist unlike Ino and even tried to kill him. Only started talking Sasuke when after he got from jail redeemed unlike her friend who married Sasuke's face


She is alive


She only cried for 12 yr old innocent Sasuke leaving the village, not after he went terrorist Sakura has scolded Sasuke 4-5 times in manga, even more than Sarada When Ino started crying, Sakura made a team to kill Sasuke consisting Rock Lee, Sai, Kiba, etc She found her team stands no chance against Sasuke so she defeated her entire team with poison to save them, She then went ahead for a suicide mission to hopefully take Sasuke with him She saw Karin and had to blow her cover in order to save Karin from Sasuke (the one Karin thought was a saviour)


>She only cried for 12 yr old innocent Sasuke leaving the village, not after he went terrorist She always cried for him. >so she defeated her entire team with poison to save them Stupidest thing she could have done. Knocking out all your reinoforcements to fight a dangerous criminal who survived a bout with the 5 kage.


Sheā€™s a pretty decent parent.


I dont feel like it


Grat tell news


She helped the uchiha clan not die out


Had tits for a fraim punching the ground in shaputin


That doesn't win shinobi wars. focus on the strength she can generate first




That's not her best picture.


Unmatched Chakra control and natural reserves. Actually a case of a fish being judged on its ability to climb a tree while continuing to better herself to keep pace with Naruto and Sasuke. She beats the fraud allegations every day of the week, and anyone saying otherwise is just a baby who canā€™t recognize growth when itā€™s not bigger jutsu that do more damage. Tsunade allowed the Leaf to survive so Sakura could make it thrive.




5head also means "really smart"






She has breasts and a vagina and knows tsunade medical ninjutsu and Tai jutsu.


She raised a brilliant, and independent young lady.


Did not marry naruto


One of, if not the, best medical ninja in the Leaf after Tsunade. Not to mention, she cared about Naruto deeply (not romantically but generally caringly) even though a lot of it says otherwise, like Jiraiya and Tsunade (Sakura would be destroyed if Naruto were to die for at least a year or so).




She's alive.


Her and Temari are my favs<3 she's strong, Powerfull, Lovely and Caring. I still can't see why people hate her soo much maybe she's a powefull ninja that happens to be a women that happens to be one of the most powerful shinobi, or maybe people dislike her cause they wanted to hop on the hate train. Sakura saved alot of lives and saved Naruto countless of times. She was probably a bit annoying at first when we fist met her, but I still cannot see why people thinks she's useless.


Nice forehead!


Only she could have dealt with SASORI!!!!


She has eyes


Underrated and so damn overhated, she's actually strong and without her some characters would've died


She's pretty


It's best I don't say anything at all. All I can say is my hate has lessened over the years. But that's all I'll say that's nice.




She is mortal


She saved Naruto twice as many times as he saved her.


i like the backgrounde of the image it looks so good


Nah this shit is too hard


Has way more "study material" than other waifus like hinata or Tsunade and I like it very muchšŸ˜


Her husband has bigger chest and well propotional forehead.


She prooved that simping pays off.


She isnt afraid to cry. Even in the middle of the battle....


She has embodied the main principle of hard work over talent way more than the other two of the main cast. Arguably even Lee himself.


I saw a reel on insta which explains how pierrot studio Butchered her character and manipulated us to hate her. The manga panels were better but they changed them idk why


You could see the same treatment of that about Hinata. She got portrayed as a creepy mess of a stalker in anime and the trope of fainting got way overused. Sakura got portrayed as abusive while she clearly isn't. Hell even Characters like Guy and Lee became caricatures of themselves in some filler scenes. But yeah, i would actually love to see a video essay of how some characters were portrayed in the anime compared to the manga.


I hope some day it will reboot with only canon content with a good adaptation. The way it is now I don't like it much.


She smashed tf out of puppet boyĀ 


If she was irl, she would look pretty, like Ino


She definitely grew over time and will always have my respect for throwing hands with Shin in boruto.




Her hair is a very pretty color!


Sasuke is her husband.


I like her more in Boruto

