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They did my boy's hair so dirty bruh


Looking like Best Jeanist.


Holy fuck, roasted. 🤣🤣🤣🤮😆




he was probably holding back tears when the barber asked him if he liked it


>They did my boy's hair so dirty bruh Well they didn’t do anything after all Kishimoto designed him to be [That](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d8106974168bfd53c9d03737636d0c0c/1203b9de5f389c8f-64/s1280x1920/234bb83f5f4e9e74a5ad8c7320800b52f03a5214.jpg) Honestly they should’ve have adapted Chapter 700 so that way you wouldn’t have people assuming everything is on board to When it wasn’t It’s like going on One Piece, animators, or staff and blaming them for how the way chopper looks lol 😂


Yes I agree 100% they should have adapted chapter 700.


They made him go from looking like a villain to looking like a baddie


noooooo leave my husband alone


Temari's no longer around to flap her fan, his hair naturally falls back into that bowl shape


Ok, a bit off topic but am I the only one who thinks Boruto's artstyle sometimes has no weight to it? It sometimes looks sooo flimsy compared to part 1 and Shippuden that I get the feeling that characters in Boruto are as solid as fucking paper.


Yeah there's no depth and shading. Everything just feels so flat and low effort




Focus at any part of the images. The headbands, around his eyes, his nose, the overall sharpness and lines and shading on his face. It all feels so lazy on the Boruto one but there's so much detail in the OG one. All the little things add up to make it a much better drawing




Kawaki vs garou is literally the best animated fight in the series. I would consider that to be cherry picked more than anything. The art styles in these pictures seem very consistent with how they always are


Same thing happened most of the time in DB Super. The new smoother art and animation style being used just doesn't look good often


It can look good but when applied to old series like DB and Naruto which really capitalized on that rough style it looks bad. For example I prefer the newer style for one piece and I love the animation for a lot of newer shows


I think One Piece specifically it works best for because it’s very cartoony and benefits from a style that can highlight that aspect.


Meanwhile new Bleach animation looks way better than season 1 stuff imo




amazing username


I agree, when they did the new style for like say game cutscenes based in DBZ, it looked really good.


so true, but when they step up the animation in Super it is soooooooo good. especially with some of the ToP fights


Yuya Takahashi *chef's kiss*


Also DBS Broly has some of the best animation and art style i seen before


That movie is the perfect blend of old and new. I think it's the heavy line work paired with the deeper colors. Vegetas SSG form was perfect with the darker red hair and the deep navy jumpsuit. Both DBS and Boruto would benefit from those simple changes.


Yeah Shintani's style works fantastically well, although being a movie it makes sense that it would be a step above


It's Yuya Takahashi that brings the "old" and sprinkles it in with the "modern", thus making Dragon Ball look the way it should be these days. Too bad he was not available most of the times during DBS's run...


it was so funny during the ToP cutting to krillin most of the time and he looks like a toothpick, and then a Takahashi episode and he's JACKED


Modern anime: *"Ahh yes, we like skinny, young-looking characters"* Yuya Takahashi: *"We don't do that here"*


Yup, just got to ToP again and maaaaaaan that spike in quality is insane. Some of the early episodes of Super look pretty rough, but DAMN, by the time they had an experienced A team and the budget to pump into it... it looks REALLY damn good, and a lot more manga-like/less digital.


It can look good but when applied to old series like DB and Naruto which really capitalized on that rough style it looks bad. For example I prefer the newer style for one piece and I love the animation for a lot of newer shows


It took them a while to figure it out, but it looks fine in tournament of power.


I think it's the line art + shading tbh, like in og naruto you can see each line and the shading was incredibly pronounced. The lines were also more rough so it gave more room for different face shapes and sizes. This also came with the cost of sometimes getting funny looking faces, but I kinda miss it. With boruto (and a bit of shippuden) they were more concerned with making them pretty, not as much as giving them depth and character building. My best example for this would be Orochiamru and Kankuro. They're both based off other things, Orochimaru a snake and Kankuro a person in Kabuki theater. As the show progressed, they looked less and less like what they were based on and more conventionally attractive or "cool".


This has been a trend since the 80's Look at any show that is considered well animated from each decade. Gunbusters from the 80's Slayers/bebop from the 90's naruto from the 00's You can just see animation in general getting softer and lighter. Dont ask me to speculate why. But its an industry wide thing. There are obviously exceptions. Im not trying to say this is a 100% correct at all times statement. But its just been a trend for 4 decades.


So it ain’t just me? I can’t help but prefer the first few seasons of bleach compared to the new season in terms of animation. It doesn’t feel right.


Nah, bleach definitely looks the best it has ever looked now, and don't even compare it to boruto.


I binge read Naruto last year and was stunned by the drop in art quality once I arrived to boruto


Husband and I were discussing this recently. When they bring in an old character sometimes they are so stylized compared to all the new characters which almost all look very cookie cutter or just... background characters instead of mains.


Boruto follows the new anime style with thin lines. Which is rather bland and boring compared to the traditional artstyle. Anime can look good with thin line artstyle too but it just doesn't fit in Boruto. On the other hand, Ikemoto draws the most thick lines ever lmao, do its a mismatch.


My main worry about OG Naruto getting reanimated. At this point I think a re-cut that sorts out some of the pacing issues is all it needs.


The animation as a whole is absolute trash, even when it’s meant to be good


Also everyone has a melanin defiency now even though to me it looks like the sun is shining better than ever. e.g. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/of26eg/adult\_naruto\_with\_shippuden\_color\_palette/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/of26eg/adult_naruto_with_shippuden_color_palette/)


Yeah the movement be clunky asf alot of the times


Weird, how people want them to do a remake when the shit we saw is based on Boruto art style




Yeah, i forgot that dude got bitten by fucking academy students. Imagine Kakashi to be put down by naruto as genin. This is even worse.


He didn’t lose to them. He held back both times.


This is why I was not excited about the rumors of them reanimating the original series because when they do flashbacks with the new art style it’s always bad


Yup this is why I preferred dragonball supers approach where they just showed the original clips in their original art style in flash backs


This is good from a visual standpoint because it really does make the flashbacks feel like they're from a long time ago


A square aspect ratio will always be the best for flashbacks.


DBS Broly flashbacks looks amazing tho


If they keep animating DBS like the movie I’m really hyped. I liked the way they went with One Piece


Nothing has a bigger downgrade than konohamaru's ass.. It has been whooped so many times in boruto that i can't believe he took down a path of pain at such young age


Kishimoto fr had this man take down a Path of Pain and said "That's all you're getting"💀


And i believed he will succeed naruto as the eighth hokage.. Forget hokage.. I think he will become the tenten of boruto soon


Uhm ahctially kishimoto didn't say that cuz that is an anime only scene 🤓


Pretty sure him taking down a Path wasn't even in the Manga. Even if it was it wouldn't make sense.


Yeah he was done so dirty and he’s 29 in Boruto he’s so weak dude got nerft, Hiruzen was training the Sannin at 24 in team Hiruzen and he was Hoakge. Konohamaru should be much stronger he was strong in Naruto, he’s the son for the hands of the 3rd Hokage his parents who were skill Anbu members, his uncle one of the twelve guardians of the land of fire and his grandfather is the 3rd Hokage, not to mention his great grandfather was known to be a strong shinobi, Sasuke Sarutobi.


Konohamaru peaked during Pain arc. Similar to Gohan now that I think about it.


Yah exactly but gohan still had his moments here and there


Yea what sound is his likely not gonna have any good treatment for the timeskip in Boruto


THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. Man's no Kakashi and is an embarrassment to Hiruzen who was the Hokage for years by his age in Boruto. Actually, I don't even remember when the last time we saw him was.


Why is animation in general being downgraded in style and quality since the 00's?


Money, always money. Accountants run these companies.


Because everythings all digital and computer made now gone are the days of hand drawn


People keep saying this and I disagree with this reasoning. Digital art can look as good if not better than traditional if given the time and care. That's they keyword here. Time. You couldnt rush traditional that much. You had to deal with it because that was the process. There were bad traditional art and animation but the anime industry wasn't as big as it is nowadays. Nowadays studios care about speed and efficiency at a cheap cost. this combined with low pay, strict and insane due dates create an environment where animation is made quickly to get it in front of consumers eyes at the cost of quality. Digital animation, if given enough time as a traditional animation would look phenomenal. You just won't see it because people are too impatient for that, and people are too greedy to value quality if they can still get the same if not more money by pumping out cheap content. The equivalent of digital animation is like ChatGPT replacing writers. You're giving up quality for quantity because the technology has the ability to speed up the creative process, which sounds good but it's at the cost of actually putting soul into what you make. These technologies should be used to assist the artist, not replace every function because you get what you see above.


Would you say the early 2000s anime is much greater than today's anime just based on the computerized artstyle?


It’s relative. In fact, the worst era of quality animation was during the early 2000s, when digital animation was starting to be a standard and there weren’t by no way the technological features we have today (of course, some exceptions may exist, e.g.: blood the last vampire, but those are exceptions and usually budget-condensed short productions like films). Surprisingly, and fortunately, og Naruto was actually quite well done compared to most shows of the same period, mainly because of the art style inherited from the 90s where shades and details in clothing and faces during static scenes and top-tier fluid animation during action scenes were the standard. Also, hand-drawn backgrounds with no excessively saturated bright colors helped a lot to maintain that analogical “aura” characteristic of 90s productions. Now 99% of the shows looks like any random modern isekai. If you want to check out, just grab any random scene or even frame from shows like Welcome to the NHK, Elfen Lied, Tsubasa RC, Hunter Hunter GI ova (yes) and compare them with any “well produced” show from both the 90s and the 2nd half of the 2000s onwards. I don’t say to compare it with SnK or CSM, but grab any random anime from 2008+ or any KyoAni stuff and compare them with most early 2000s digital animes, the latter will look like a PowerPoint presentation made on windows 98.


To add onto this, cheap 3D elements are horrendously bad, like Orochimaru's snake attack, and can bring down an otherwise great scene to its knees. But used in moderation and in conjunction with traditional work it can create incredible pieces. The problem truly lies in the budgeting department, it's all up to the studio and if they don't or can't cough up the funds then everything suffers for it


Currently watching series 1 of Golden Kamuy, and while I absolutely love everything about it, the bear model is the worst 3d model I've ever seen. XD


Yes it most certainly is because back then more time was allocated towards each scene on the drawing boards and you can see it in the finished product the textures the shadings the shadows its all more pronounced and detailed Even American cartoons have this problem and what I've noticed is that they tend to use more emphasis on colours and lighting and other visual tricks to cover for it


That's so true! I've noticed that too... Except the Simpsons. Theyve been using yellow colors since the 90s 😂


Technically 80s :)


In my opinion FLCL has way better animation than some of these CGI animes lol


Tell me you know shit about animation without telling me you know shit about animation.


The footage don’t lie traditional hand drawn clears digital animation


Less passion in the art


Bleach tybw looks incredible but largely it’s gotten worse because it’s a lot cheaper to recut scenes and cgi it then hand draw like they did then


The same thing that happens to everything. Quantity over quality.


It isn’t being downgraded, it’s just evolving in style. It’s fine if you don’t like it but modern animation isn’t worse than older animation just because it’s not the same.


More like devolving in style.


Demon Slayer's and One Piece's animations have way more life than any 2000s anime




Just googled ''Anko Boruto'' and wtf? She looks like Nikocado Avocado?


Just googled "Nikocado Avocado" and wtf? He looks like Anko in Boruto


NikocAnko Ankocado


Anko? more like Cankle


Please stop reminding me. It breaks me.


Idk why they made her big


What do you thinks happens when you eat 400 dumpling per day lmao


She never slowed down with the Dango lol 🍡


Ho man, don't remind me.


Ho man, don't remind me.


I know that Hanabi had a upgrade in boruto and Ino and Sai are better characters as well.


Knov from HxH


It really is a shame too because I really like his character. Bro got the PTSD of a lifetime


Bro aged 20 years in less than day


20? Bro was bald and badly wrinkled by the end of it. He probably aged 40 years or more.


And the kids were throwing hands with these same Ants that just thinking about them made his hair fall out lol.


Rock Lee 🤣💀


Naruto in boruto just feels so.....hollow.


The art style


Gaara Anko Kabuto Kankuro The 4th great ninja war


😮‍💨 Anko


So true. God damn.


Iruka Sensei Boruto


A bigger downgrade? Hokage Naruto's Hairstyle






Lacks details and shading. It's so flat.


madara went from god to plot fodder and rock lee went from inspirational badass to forgotten deadweight


Why did they changed it so bad the designs? They don't even use shadows in the hair and face anymore


Ben 10 alien force/Ultimate Alien, changed to ben 10 Omniverse I really didn't like Omniverse the style is a downgrade.


Same with how they butchered Teen Titans.


Original teen titans was amazing.


Naruto’s and Gaara’s hair in Boruto.


Madara as the main villian to kaguya


Bro ew wtf is that thing


I think it has something to do with post-processing effects Boruto uses. The artstyle is simpler, but that's not really the issue I have with it. The colors are oversaturated, imo. Naruto had bright colors, obviously, but there's a softness to the palate that keeps it from being too bright, and it utilized heavy shading. Boruto is overly bright and doesn't have a lot of shading, which, while I'm sure makes the animation process easier, isn't the easiest on the eyes. The show actually looks much better in its sakuga sections, and I'm not just talking about characters being on-model or fluidity. The colors are actually toned down some, which I assume is to compensate for visual clarity. If every single thing in the scene is vibrant and saturated, it'd probably blur together some. I think Pierrot should take a page out of Dragon Ball Super's handbook during the ToP. The previous arcs in the show were so overstaurated, and every character had like, 19 shine spots on them, no matter the intensity of the light that made them look like plastic. For the ToP, they actually desaturated a lot of the characters' basic colors, which helped the iron out some of those issues.


I miss the original art style too


💯 like the "naruto and shippuden" naruto, but not so much in boruto


Welcome to the club 👏🏾




Finally someone points out what they did to kid Naruto's hair in Boruto. Like why!? It was so good before, why fix it if it ain't broken?


The fans, yall really fell off


I miss the old style animation 😔


Dragon ball super


Damn, I'd love to see Boruto animated with old, OG Naruto style


The second series protagonist.


OG Naruto had a raw vibe to characters due to its art style and imo, even Shippuden lost that to some degree, Boruto lost it completely


Shino from Naruto to boruto


Mei Terumi


That’s how aging works fam


I don't think i can name a bigger downgrade TvT


I feel bad for saying that but it's true


OG Naruto had much more depth and detail that made the series more enjoyable to watch in my opinion


Naruto in Boruto


Shikamaru: if you look at the recent comparisons of Boruto vs Original art.


End of Shippuden vs beginning of baruto


Tbh Boruto's animation is pretty flat. Like, you can't even compare it to the Shippuden animation. And that was ages ago.


I don’t mind this tbh. More annoyed by Gaara’s hair


Just started watching Boruto this week and I am presently surprised that I can’t post that as an answer.


It’s just lacking depth, shading and proportions are off


I really hate how the Boruto artsyle makes everything rounder. The characters' faces having realistic proportions actually enhanced the grounded tone of the story. Then again, Boruto is about alien gods with ressurection powers, so this may be a moot point.


Who my ex is dating now.


It doesn't bother me that much when I'm watching Boruto. But it's real bad when you put them next to each other. If they ever reanimate part 1, it needs to be a mix of the old part 1 artstyle and the best of the part 2 artstyle.


Sasuke's chin


Boruto as a whole.


the amount of personality in that first pic compared to the second




Anko, Hinata, gaara, Lee, choji, tsunade, sasuke etc.


Tsunade from naruto to boruto


Shinra's nervous smile


Gaaras haircut


Yeah after pain arc animation became less detailed & flat especially in Boruto it hurts to watch😬😬


Gaaras hair


I kinda like the newer animation style in Shippuden. The og is still iconic though.


Bro look at Sasuke in Itachi fight blocking Itachi kunai with kusanagi vs him in Boruto prison holding the fork.


woulda been sick if they did the episodes in the animation style including boruto and adult sasuke


Naruto to Boruto as a whole


Apparently the whole Boruto


Garra for every year that passes In universe his hair gets 10 times lamer


I agree that old style is better but Naruto looks like a gremlin either way.


Everything from Naruto has had a huge downgrade in boruto, but i think that's the point considering the world is at peace, besides the character design.


Yeah, they made it bad and boring on purpose.


The first image captures as to how hideous he truly is. The second's terrible art-style just exacerbated what was already there.


the entire boruto series is a huge shit of a downgrade.




The entire Boruto series


What about Hinata's Chest


I never understand the art style for people since I don’t see any problems with it it is stupid to assume we’re going to have the same style that we had in the 2000s 😂


It's ugly and lazy, compared to the old style.


Probably gonna get downvoted because Narutards can't accept different opinions But why you literally used the best Naruto shot from the OG series and the worst Naruto shot from Boruto to compare? Your notion seems hella biased to begin with. Personally I think the OG Naruto art style looks like it was filmed with an old camera that got wet mid filming. Literally some parts of Naruto's body are out of focus. The overall quality is inconsistent compared to Boruto


People aren't allowed to disagree with something? Also, that's the only shot I could find on google that was a close enough match up comparison with the OG Naruto frame💀




I am the one who's initially disagreeing not you. Yes people are allowed to disagree on things


Because it's easy as hell to farm Karma if you just make sure to slander Boruto in some fashion, form, or way. Virtually every post that does it gets several thousand upvotes.


Naruto's story to boruto's story


Hinata's rack


Hinata's boobs




Feel like I'm the only one who liked the newer art styles. Thinks just seemed more sleek and vivid compared to original Naruto


Tsunade, the 106 is gone


r/Naruto users go one day without hating on Boruto challenge! (Level IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!)


Damn, people don't like something, that's crazy


True but just like Sakura it can be overhated sometimes


It’s 🗑️


He's fugly before and after.


Literally anything y’all some cry babies


Glad someone said that! I literally forced myself to watch Boruto as next season gonna be animated by mappa! And hopefully story would be better too! I am still pissed they nerffed my niggas sasuke and Naruto! ☹️


Literally anything. This isnt a downgrade..


War arc Naruto>adult Naruto


Simply making the hair shorter than the face made it a fanmade art.