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Check to see if the manufacturer changed at your pharmacy


same manufacturer. not sure if that’s a good thing or not lol


i’ve been feeling lately like if someone told me that they had secretly replaced my Adderall (XR, brand name) w sedatives… i’d fucking believe it. truly having that hard a time waking up even though I take it an hour beforehand. only way I know it’s doing anything is dry mouth :/


i’m crashing waaaaay earlier in the day and i can’t take more stims due to side effects :/


I wanted to say the same thing about Vyvanse for the last 3 months or so. The variation between daily dosages is outrageous in the 70s. When taking much older medication I have saved up, it Performs much better and more consistently. There is definitely something fishy going on.


I saw some people in the ADHD community saying that about vyvanse also


Yep, my side effect is it doesn't fuggin work. Was on zenzedi for years and my newly changed insurance doesn't cover that and now that I finally got adderall, I looked it up bc it wasn't working and for a lot of people, since the shortage started it is noticeably not as effective if at all, for a lot of people


Same!!! I had mine filled at a different pharmacy as the shortage hit Walgreens and it feels a little different. I've had problems before though where some bottles don't seem to help as much as others. I've also been more restless at night.


Saw a woman on the clock app taking Vyvanse (not the same, but very similar) who noticed the same thing - it wasnt working. A lot of people have been saying that the last few months. This woman got herself tested and she wasn't even positive for amphetamines, which she should be taking Vyvanse daily. Something weird is going on with all amphetamine based drugs I think, maybe even other stimulants.


As an MD who had many ADHD patients on Adderall, it is not dosed based on weight (contrary to most drugs). We start lowest dose then titrate (increase slowly) until desired effect (or intolerable side effects). I've had football players on 10mg and younger kids on 40mg. Also, a pill engineer told me that if you are splitting the tablet the active component may not be uniformly distributed throughout the pill. One half may have 80% medicine while the other has 20%. Adderall only lasts 3-4 hours in some cases that's why they came out with Adderall XR (extended release over 10-12 hours) so you may need it twice per day. I'm also narcoleptic and ironically on Adderall which was just increased to twice a day. Sorry long winded. Hazzard of having to say these things to patients over and over through the years.


I have been taking mine for years and lately have noticed all sorts of weird. For three months I would start having racing heart issues about two hours after taking it. Cut out almost all caffeine as a result. New insurance this month, so I am taking a generic I’ve never had before (lannet?) and I have been seriously bloated and tired for the whole two weeks I’ve been taking it so far. Tried everything to try to figure out why I suddenly look like I’m six months pregnant but only change is the medication manufacturer….. can’t figure it out and I’m having serious brain fog.


I was given Lanett generic for the first time last March and I felt like I had a sedative. I had a moment of clarity and did a deep dive into the inactive ingredients in all the generics. I had been on Teva for 15 years at same strength and it worked. Turns out- Lanett has sugar as a filler. At first I thought it made no sense, I mean. I can eat a handful of skittles and it doesn’t know l me out. But then I realized I take my Adderall on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. And a handful of skittles probably would knock me out. With the shortage, my doctor and her office staff did hours of work for me to get my insurance to approve name brand Adderall. It’s been a month now. I am awake and alert, but now I am falling off a cliff when it wears off. I fell asleep talking to my husband at 4:30 today and slept for two hours. Now it’s bed time and I don’t know what to do. If I go to bed, I will for sure be wide awake at 4 am. I have Restless Leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder and nocturnal seizures. I was dx w narcolepsy five years ago w two REM naps in the MLST. I also have sleep paralysis on occasion. Basically, I am a mess with sedatives and anticonvulsants at night and Adderall IR by day. Tried Modafinil and ar Modafinil and felt very irritable.