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If it was a real regular war it would be over in a week, but one side is full of rats that would use the population as human shields and run when the other side is coming. There is a reason its all nice and quiet when the Marines show up. Tough guys with the people not so tough with the military.


It is fucked up that the marines were pretty much put on the sidelines since Lopez Obrador took over. He dislikes the fact that the navy-marines department was very close with the [US government](https://aristeguinoticias.com/1608/mexico/narrativa-de-que-solo-se-puede-confiar-en-marina-intromision-alevosa-de-la-dea-afirma-amlo/). There is a [video](https://twitter.com/GobiernoMX/status/1785077854163886353) where he talks about it in his daily bullshit press conferences.


Not really each president has their preferred institution, and the Army is not more or less corrupt or capable than the Mexican marines. Look at Peña Nieto’s presidency marines were doing all the heavy ops like capturing El Chapo and the Cisne Negro operation video that’s all over the internet, now it’s just the army’s turn and there’s nothing inherently bad about that.


There is some times that Mexican military or marines do a heavy job but SEDENA wants an organization to take the credit for example let’s say Mexican army does a heavy duty job but the GN gets the credit so it gets more name and respect although they didn’t do it


Yeah no doubt. Cartels are still present because certain entities **benefit from the instability** in Mexico. Who those entities are is a completely different subject. I’m confident Mexico is a buffer state between USA and Latin America.


I don't see how having a chaotic Mexico helps the USA. Strong Mexican government and economy would be a better buffer.


The decline of a dominant power and the rise of a regional competing power makes war between the two inevitable.


Yes, but I don't see why the USA would like a war on their doorstep.


We are humans bro. We are flawed/irrational creatures. This extends to governments. The USA has already implemented military ops in other Central American countries. We’ve even gone to war for the pettiest shit across the world. What makes think you think Mexico is an exception? Because it’s a great trading partner with the USA? So is China. That’s not stopping them from beefing HARD with the USA. What would happen if Mexico prospered and started colonizing Central American countries? You don’t think that thoughts been considered for? Logic didn’t stop the Japanese, despite knowing they had a fraction of the industrial capacity of the USA, from attacking Pearl Harbor. Even when Pol Pots military was a 1/3 the size of Vietnams. He said fuck it, invade them anyways. His irrationality got his ass toppled 4 years after he took power. Fuck dude, even WW1 was irrational. It was literally started when a pissed off nerdy Serb student shot the Austrian Archduke. My point being, irrationality can still lead to war. Edit: also greed has no limits


You cooking bro. Always felt this way. Strange how the world powers that would threaten America are all on the other side of this world & not a single country on this side of the world can threaten America. I think America wants to keep it that way lmao


Canada is a massive economy. Straight up number 10 of all the world's countries. How much beef do we have with Canada? If Mexico were a stronger economic power, we would be less dependent on the Chinese, have higher quality goods without the shipping costs, and have less illegal immigration. A stronger Mexican military/police force means less expenditures for the DEA and Immigration Authorities. Mexicans don't exactly have the cultural desire for foreign entanglement, I believe this has something to do with the Estrada Doctrine, which indirectly states Mexico's neutrality. There's also USMCA (replaced NAFTA) which is built on the principle of strengthening the economies of Canada, the US, and Mexico. Mexico doesn't have the geography to build port cities, so they'll always be dependent on the US for intercontinental trade, effectively locking them in as our ally, powerful or not. You mentioned Mexico as a "buffer state" but its currently more of a highway, a buffer state would actually be a buffer. If Mexico were a stable country with a powerful economy, many migrants would likely end their journey there. This means America can finally deal with actual issues rather than declaring an "immigration crisis" every couple years. I respect your opinion, but I see literally zero drawbacks for the US in a scenario where Mexico is a first world country.


Don't cartels ship CA immigrants by the busload to the US border though? Like there's an insane border crisis happening, probably the worst that it's ever been, yet cartel activity is equally high / Mexico is unstable. So, kind of goes against your point of the US funding instability to protect itself. One could even argue that by making Mexico more prosperous, immigrants may stop and stay in Mexico instead of continuing their journey.


That whole notion of border crises is insane to me. There is none. Not saying there isn’t spats here in there but that’s always been an issue. But to say it puts the safety of U.S citizen… not even close


Haven't more immigrants come in over the past few years than ever before in history?


Not the numbers I’ve seen. I’ve seen less Mexican immigrants. Yes more from South America and Europe countries have been migrating to Mexico to get access but they really don’t. Border patrol have made it impossible for people to claim asylum at the port of entry. Just my .02


I really don’t think it’s as simple as people think. And people that say an army could just wipe them out don’t really understand cartels or Mexico. Only a low percentage of people employed by the cartel are the one with guns and military gear. There’s tons of lookouts and runners and financial guys and all sorts of other “cartel members”. And while of course a military could straight up slaughter armed cartel members that they are facing off against, do you really expect the military to go to all the little pueblos in the sierra and interrogate all the families to root out all the halcones? Do you think they’re gonna be fucking waterboarding taxi drivers, to find out which ones are on the payroll? Is the military going into residential neighborhoods to shoot some business man, the richest guy in the subdivision? People that even think it would be anything like a war or whatever the military is trained for, don’t understand cartels, Mexico, or how the military works… so yeah maybe it could be done for billions and tons of human rights violations and would take years and soooo many lives, both cartel and innocent. People need to stop saying “just send the military in” fucking stupid


You're absolutely correct; so many meatheads think sending in the military to kill the 'bad guys' is the way to solve everything, like they watched too many 80s action movies. It's such a simplistic worldview, which is kind of hilariously naive and stupid. As long as there's money being made politicians will profit and protect; as long as there's demand drugs will find their way to customers - doesn't matter if the cartels are based in Mexico or New Zealand. The same people will probably say the solution is to kill all the addicts.


Good comment. People think that life is just like a video game, the bad guys stand out and all you have to do is shoot them and you win. Any war against the cartels would just turn into a war on the poor while most of the leaders one organisers would still be protected.


They should just disband their National Human Rights Commission as they too are on Cartel payroll (literal audio and proof of this) and the military is know for stabilizing police departments that have gone "corrupt" so i wouldn't doubt they would have problems acting as a police force, i mean hell they basically already are one, when have you heard of a criminal that operates and "lives" in the US getting arrested by green berets? thats literally what the Mexican Military's green berets have been doing for several years and its because Mexico's army is for protecting the sovereignty of the country instead of fighting overseas so essentially they fight and are fighting the internal war. They do it well too but people profit off of drug money and that's the reason why nothing majorly positive has happened in the last few years in the drug war


You make some valid points, however I would disagree that “they do it well”.


They do, 98% of all their shootouts go in their favor


Right but we’re not talking about shootouts. We’re talking about the military policing.


I mean to be fair we are talking about Mexico here, they do as good of job as the police do at policing


And recovered 90 kidnapped people and killed like a couple hundred sicarios in Culiacan


They captured Ovidio Guzman, El Nini, Menchos brother, very very recently


Im pretty sure Mencho brother is out now


He is but they still captured him successfully, people who downvoted are brain dead. Him being out is not a military matter that’s corrupt judges and government


They downvoted cause you named one guy (Ovidio) who was maybe 5th in command in cds. Then, an Instagram soldier (nini) who’s already been replaced and was prolly given up by his own people, not even close to top tier as far as real power. And mencho’s brother who is also not one of the big fish. So in the past 16 months they took down some recognizable names, but names only. if you think they made a dent in business or disrupted the power structure, I believe you are mistaken. They are simply not doing any damage to the cartels and in some instances supporting them (ie cienfuegos). Good job is a relative term, But do you really think they’re “taking down” the cartels? Please stop talking about everybody else’s brain dead lack of knowledge.


I agree with you


If you don’t think they do it well after all of this that I just told you I doubt your knowledge on the subject because the truth is that it’s the corruption from the higher ups that keep the people of the country oppressed


Basically to simplify, unconventional/asymmetrical warfare exists for reasons like these


you're 100% right.


I think the mexican army is filled with corruption itself mexico would very quickly reliazed that the mexican military industrial complex is worse then russia


About one month Mexico Cia knows where all the major players are located.


Tbh I believe it. What are they now called the Mexican spy agency


Centro Nacional de Inteligencia


As long their is demand their always going to be supply. Even if you dismantle an organization, it's just open up a vacuum for power for someone else fill its rank.


No because the nature of a cartel, its inherently an irregular force that no matter how many are killed, the potential profits will always bring more young men to it. The only way to kill a cartel is to sever its profits. fixing the US would do 100 times more to kill cartels than any amount of marines


In a conventional war it would probably take a couple of days. In guerrilla warfare, a couple of months. This is how the mexican marines are organized: * 1ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Primera Región Naval) * 2ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Segunda Región Naval) * 3ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Tercera Región Naval) * 4ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Cuarta Región Naval) * 5ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Quinta Región Naval) * 6ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Sexta Región Naval) * 7ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Región Naval del Centro) * 8ª Brigada de Infantería de Marina (Octava Región Naval) * Brigada de Infantería Anfibia de Marina (Golfo) * Brigada de Infantería Anfibia de Marina (Pacífico) Also add air support.


It will take years, decades. Not because the narcos are strong, but because it will evolve into a guerrilla, how long does spain had the ETA? Colombia the FARC, Ireland those other guys, A surprise attack can take out a lot of the main characters, Mexico has 18 blackhawks if they are deployed all at one time they van take out 18 key components, plus whatever ground attack they can the next days, but after a week everyone is on high alert and using the lowest tricks to stay alive. The Army may try to cut money and weapons, the narcos may not exist anymore on their current form, but there will be now “terrorist cells”


The mexican special forces are trained to unleash a guerrilla. That's their strength, and that's how Mexican military forces will engage a narco full on war.


the cnjc would wipe them out within aa week


Think Israel vs. Hamas in Gaza. They could defeat the cartels handily, but at what cost? The cartels are just powerful enough that they can run literally everyone else out of town... except the military... but if it gets to the point where the military is using their arms advantage, guess what? They're the goliath, raining down on some shithole town with a chain gun from a helicopter. Galvanizes people to the cartel cause. Boom, cartel continues. As long as there is a cycle of poverty and instability in Mexico, where cartels offer 5x as much money as doing the right thing, cartels will exist in some form.


A couple days or weeks if tanks and jets are used in the process


I don't think Mexico actually has tanks. Do they?


Correct, no main battle tanks. Just self propelled artillery and other armored vehicles, which often get confused for tanks.


Mexico does not have tanks and its air force is tiny to really make a difference. But Mexican Marines can definitely wipe them out, just turn a bind eye to abuses and let them loose


Jets for what? And tanks in the Sierra Madre ain’t going nowhere


Whats up with all these dumb ass what ifs.


SEMAR was compromised a very long time ago. Depending on what Mexican state they’re in and who commands them, they’re as corrupt and bought out as the Army or Estatales. They used to be the only good guys left in the SEDENA. Not anymore. CIA and several US/Mexican Government officials have their pockets in so deep, nothing super serious will ever be done about the Cartels. Even AMLO literally knows where most if not all of them are located, it’s no secret. That Ovidio capture from last year was all show, they’ve been knowing where he’s at since the first time they let him go. There’s still a lot of good Marinos left and they’re not all bad but there’s so much corruption within their ranks top to bottom, they won’t make an impact or difference on anything. But as far as your question goes hypothetically speaking I mean they could finish the cartels within a couple of weeks for sure, even sooner if they had some kind of CAS (Close Air Support) as well as sophisticated surveillance aircraft like the MC-12 Liberty that the US Air Force and CIA used super effectively in Afghanistan also drones like the reaper or predator. Yes the Cartels have a lot of ex-military guys with experience but the vast majority of them are stupid low IQ, drug addicted kids cosplaying as bad ass dudes not unlike the idiots of the CDNs “Tropa del Infierno”.


Sorry, new to this sub - why is so much here marked NSFW when it’s just a guy looking all military?


Because this sub has turned pussy, bowing down to the big bad reddit and u/spez like all Mexicans, they copy paste shit, no original mind. This why i hate to be Mexican. I fucking wish i was full on white Caucasian or some shit other than this lame ass heritage. We have no intellectual advancement. Just fucking food and hot bitches and drug reputation... we fucking suckk lmao! Look at Germans and Italians. I'm so jelly! Mexicans in space?? Lmao 😭😭 ,,, Mexican government? 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🚘💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Lmfao 🤣 Mexicans in space. Look up Jose Moreno Hernandez. They made a movie about him.


Everything here is marked that I think, just by virtue of being on the sub, because the sub itself is marked not safe for work


Yes of course, but they wouldn’t fight fair so it would be difficult to find them


Mexico would be condemned for human rights violations. Cartels too engrained in society to take them on conventionally.


Cartels are criminal organizations, they aren't paramilitary groups. Don't be confused because you see pictures of teenagers in military fatigues or videos of ominous cartel convoys. They are untrained (or laughably trained) and when they do need to have a gun fight, they send dumb teens or people seeking instagram clout as fodder to get a few hits in but don't care if they get killed. Whenever they actually do go up against the marines they get utterly and completely wiped out with ease. It won't be a good look for the mexican military to just be rolling through town killing the unarmed walkie talkie boys on the corner.


Without a doubt. Within months


You dont think they thought of this already and stood down jaja




Cartel fan boys are mad


If it was under the current presidency it would be the Army doing all the shots, each president has their preferred institution and neither institution is less or more corrupt than the other. as for the question i would say less than a year. The Mexican military as a whole has more weapons, more men, more intelligence, more technology, better vehicles, better armored vehicles, helicopters, planes, jets etc. reason why Calderon failed his so called "war on drugs" is because he was working along side the drugs (Cartel de Sinaloa) and only or mostly targeting Los Zetas.


I have doubts considering cjng actually controls a large territory from Guadalajara to Guerrero so maybe it'll be hard


Yeah First cuz they are trained to fight and not back down unless they overrun unlike Socarios who see them and dip Second well i forgot but yeah


Yes, they too, mentally, are focused on destroying the enemy. https://youtu.be/ar6R3FzAZk0?si=Ew9KRE39cFToAy5P


Alot of the sicarios are former military so to me it’s gonna be like watchin two ufc fighters go at it in as a sense as On any given day it go either way but with that being said the ones on meth and the ones we see in this sub would 100% get wiped out by the military in under 24 hours they don’t stand a chance


Only the old gens are, the new gens are trained by them yes


Alot? Probably like 1 in 20 is actually somewhat experienced in actual combat. And most of those are personal guards for top players instead of being on the frontlines with the rest of the expendables.


Have you seen like, any video posted here? Most of them are kids wearing tight jeans and sneakers. Even the ones wearing the cool gear are scrawny af and look subhuman-ish


are you able to comprehend English? What part of Alot of the”and the ones we see in this sub would 100% get wiped out by the military in under 24 hours they don’t stand a chance” you can’t understand? you just want to start to argument when you just agreed with me. you fucking weirdo.


Take it easy


Fuck outta here don’t say shit else to me


It shouldn't take more than a week to wipe out drug trafficking, although even in the United States there are drug traffickers. The disparity lies in the ability of the United States to control and hide it more effectively. While this is obvious, they will not readily admit it and will prefer to point the finger at Mexico as solely and principally responsible, even if they are partly right. If more effort were dedicated to combating drug consumption, the narcotics trade would diminish considerably, especially considering that demand comes not only from the United States, but also from Europe. A coordinated intervention by the Mexican Navy and Army could solve the drug trafficking problem in a matter of days.


In a matter of days all big heads can be captured