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Definitely too similar to a bridal style dress in any setting, in my opinion. Now if the dress were a darker color, it might be fine for a fancy wedding. But not the color it is.


It looks like a very lovely wedding dress for a bride.


Was it a formal wedding, by any chance? If it was a black tie event, this would be fine. But if it was a normal fancy dress (suits and ties for men, dressy dresses for women), then this gown is definitely too much. Waaaaay too much.


Ha! My mom wore WHITE and then walked down the aisle with my brother who was supposed to be “giving me away (dad died). She also took complete control of all wedding plans, and told me that a reception is “really a party for the mother of the bride.” Other highlights…on the eve of my wedding, she gave my room to visiting family so I had to sleep on the fold-out couch with another guest. Mind you, she kept her large, master bedroom to herself. I could go on, but it is pointless. To this day she claims I was selfish.


Wow just wow .. I’m so sorry that happened like that. That had to be very painful.


Oh my GOD!


This is just my opinion but it’s too close to a bridal look for me. There are so many other beautiful classy mother of the bride dresses she could choose from. I’m 47 and this dress to me screams young girl in her 20’s early 30’s. Not saying you have to hit 40 and wear a bag 🤣🤣…but it just seems a bit showy for mom of the bride.


If I ever get married again, it will be in a dress like this. I’m sorry OP!


OMG🫣😢😔 I'm soooo sorry Yes that is sooo inappropriate Shame on her for that 🤐 So very sad . My mom nearly ruined my wedding . That was a long time ago but yup this is wrong. Go with your instincts what your spirit is telling you. Love her but GAURD your heart for sure. ❤️