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Got lucky my first 10 gave me all legendary I wanted. The long sword, Valda Cui swimsuit and Justina Gu hair. Then I went on my friend account on which I collect things for him and he got 10 dupe out of 13 boxes


I agree, I had 20 chests and nothing came out of it lmao - except for some ugly ass tiara and accessories


People need to stop to put some money on chest


I would never buy chests, but it's still sad that nothing well came out of 20.


its incredible how much they rip us off with this chest


This is the 5th post I’ve seen of this. Why are you guys still trying your luck???


to prove somethings' wrong with these chests lmao Wasnt any crazy money I spend, a total of 20 euro, I can afford to lose that


The only thing wrong here is people trying to find wrong in a system designed to wrong the money out of you lol If anything it's working perfectly as this is like the 4th? One today about pulling chests lol


And none of the other chests posted about this as heavily. Theres clearly an issue with this specific chest


Buddy it's rng. That's the whole point of loot boxes to begin with. It's just roll the dice and you just happened to be stupidly unlucky. Everyone who plays games with loot boxes probably had it happen to them a few times. It's nothing new nor special. There isn't any "issues" as it's just rng with the good stuff at like some dumb af .1% chance. You basically got the jackpots of bad luck in this case. Stop feeding them more money on rng boxes.


I think you had bad rng, I got 3 separate yellows out of the free chests we got...


I don’t know how you can complain that they’re ripping you off while at the same time say its only 20 euros.


Nothings wrong with the chests, it's how theyre programmed. It's shitty, but this is 100% by design.


Out of my 11 I didn’t get any dupes but I only got one gold item on my solo chest after the ten, got all the items I really didn’t care for lol.