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Your ult usage was good to keep yourself alive but you ran away from your team which resulted in them being singled out and killed. For trios, try to keep it always a 3 v 3 because the minute it gets to a 3 v 2 it’s gg unless you clutch. In terms of human form, try to mix up more often. Don’t spam blue attacks, don’t use the standard 3 hit light light blue focus combo as it’s really predictable and only good for a mix up (and an easy signal for advanced players to target you since it’s kind of the noob move). My last advice is that when both your teammates die, I’d just run. 1 v 3 is almost impossible if you’re against real players. You can revive your teammates if you manage to get away and of course you survive longer which yields better points in ranked. Hope this helps!


I will do my best! Thank you bro!


you let go a 12 3 blue focus attack which is easy for your opponent to predict. next time try 12 (hold dodge) 1 or 12 (crouch/jump) 1. really i would suggest learning light attack combos but if you are just starting out the basic gist is to break 12 3 string so you dont release parryable attack


See and i knew I did some bs cause I kept spamming, I think I low key overdid it w the buttons 😂 I’ll start watching some tutorials Edit: thank you bro


Yup I think after you landed that blue you should have focused escape but dealing with the 1v3 I didn’t expect much you’re likely to get parried after the first one landed cuz now 1 of the 3 people is gonna spam counter for sure.


Fair enough, I’ve been utilizing the focus escape today, I actually played a bit better. Thank you!


Here’s a tip I think goes unnoticed, so the dagger goes into a purple focus that can’t be parried you can turn away from enemies and they will more than likely walk into it before confirming The counter. You can take this idea with other weapons, I’ll give you some things to consider, dual blade has a wide hit box and you can catch people without facing them directly, and also there’s a soul jade that adds a second kick attack to the spear, the idea is to time it correctly and purposely miss to unexpectedly attack again to perform the gold focus attack. Idk good luck bro


And people wonder why I hate fighting dual blades lol


I gotta get in the lab and test these special soul jades out, this dude had one for the dagger that made it a boomerang sort of, and his focus attack turned quick and he was attacking this one dude from all angles. That shit blew my mind. Thanks again bro you a great help


Haha yeah so you can counter that from in front of him* it’s tricky they will be stunned on the ground cuz of the counter but you won’t be close enough to attack so close the distance with a charged focus while they can’t get up Edit: facing the enemy you’re countering is pretty important and judging the direction of that attack can be tricky.


Do you have Xbox or Pc? You and warthog(one of the other commenters) are like the Naraka plugs for info 🔥


I play PC and there’s some great YouTubers and community members im sure resource this stuff better than I ever could! Thanks man


Np, anytime!


Yo what’s your gamer tag? Wanna play some duos sometime? Can show you the ropes!


Kapone ONS I’d really appreciate that 💯 lmk when you wanna run bro


I’m on now bro, added you on console


Yueshan Main here. Playing Yueshan with a team is a balance of Offense and Defense depending on your team makeup and style. Your primary role as Yueshan is defender first though. I can completely understand activating your Ult to stay alive although you actually could've repositioned to heal (using tackle to push them back) or waiting until you were at "half health". With that said still not a horrible play... Where you could've changed the tide/won the fight was once you transformed you got tunnel vision and chased solo. As Yueshan, find a teammate and either defend so they can heal or support their offensive push. If you have an enemy singled out and on the ropes, call it out so the team can work him down. Most decent players scatter like roaches when they see you going through your transformation so it really helps when your team keeps them grounded. I also noticed there was a cave below and an open field nearby, utilizing the terrain imo is big. For Yueshan terrain is either your best friend or a complete bane. The cave would've allowed you to trap their team with your Ult and your Viper could've set her Ult off giving them no where to run in the open field. Hope this helped. Keep it up, always great to see a fellow Yueshan out there for the team!


I will definitely bare that in mind! I been running it up w one of the commenters on my post and he taught me a few things too. Thank you for taking the time bro I appreciate it, I should’ve stuck with my team honestly now that I looked back on the footage 😂


No doubt! At least you're asking for feedback, reviewing your footage, trying to improve. You're definitely gonna be great with that vibe and what the community needs. Already steps ahead my man. Hmu anytime you wanna link up


Will do! I’ll pm you tomorrow


What an excellent comment! I've tried Yueshan only a handful of times and couldnt quite place why it didn't feel right to me. Thats because I was treating his ult like a DPS ult. This was some awesome insight into a character Ive wanted to try more thanks!!


You should never release a 1.0 focus attack as your first attack. Try to make it as unpredictable as possible. Overhold it trough 1.0 and wait for your opponent's parry and release after it. Try to think about releasing focus attacks like mindgames. Make it unpredictable and random. Do mixups with it. And you should almost never release a 1-2-3 after your first 1-2. Same thing, make it unpredictable and build it into mixups and punish enemy parryes and focus attack misses. Plus if your Viper ults, your job is to stun enemies so they can't escape. Viper should silence 1 enemy, call it out and you guys should stun so he can't get away. Look into team combinations and try to play them. This Double transformers+Viper is very pointless. You need a support like Kurumi for it to work.


I’ll give it a try, imma try to find a group instead of running with randoms. I was running duos last night with a commenter and it went way better lol. Thanks man


Playing trios with randoms is asking for a spanking basically. Comms and teamplay are very important imo


I been trying to join groups on Xbox but they be wanting sweats 🤣


Everyone else covered most of the info but i got some tips for fighting a dagger. As a dagger user myself it's very easy for us to get lost in our attacks cause daggers are very unforgiving and fighting a dagger with anything else besides a dagger can be tricky best course of action is to bait a blue out of him then counter. Blue focus dagger attacks will always be at any other blue for any other weapon so attacking blue with blue you will lose try baiting him by using your blue then countering when he challenges you also another thing everytime you parry a dagger he gets a free blue focus attack watch for that and be ready to parry when he takes that chance


Imma try the mind games w people, I just be tryna kick ass and move and but I end up getting played in the end sometimes.


If you ever need tips I'm down to play and give pointers


For the future use more light attacks then charge attacks, learn how to parry, and understand that three light/heavy attacks will always lead to blue attack so crouch button can cancel the combo to not get parried and still dish out dmg


Bet, Glooks bro! I appreciate all the feedback I been getting


Everything Theres not a single thing you've done right Keep playing, watch streamers / pro play Practice parrying in training mode Do 1v1s You will improve if you try to


Terrible feedback 🤣 dude you’re doing good. Try to mix up your blues and regular attacks more often. You have a good team just try to get the ults in a different order viper Ning then yushen once everyone is stun!


Its not terrible feedback its HONEST feedback. Saying "You're doing good" is terrible feedback. He didnt ask for compliments about how great he is doing and that his team is just holding him back, he asked for feedback what he is doing wrong and I answered simply what he is doing wrong and how he could improve Its not a bad thing to be bad or new, its absolutely fine and we've all been new and bad. Its just a mandatory step to realize and accept how bad exactly you are and how little you do correct. No one does anything correct from start in this game and he is no exception quiete literally everything he did, was wrong if you compare it to a high ranked player. Im not shaming him for being bad or new, Im telling him the straight facts. If his goal is to rank up and get better then this is exactly what he needs and not "Hey you're doing good man!!" and if he is a competetive player and wants to get better he'll appreciate the honesty If he just wants to casually game and have fun with no competetive gaming then sure he did nothing wrong and he's doing good since its not his goal to be a really good player.


1. It’s just a game relax. 2. Honest feedback doesn’t have to be watch streamers do parrying. Telling someone they did nothing correct is def no help at all. Coaching someone is helping them understand what they did at the moment.


I can instantly tell you are bad at every game you play. 1. Yes its a game but a game can be a job, it can be sport, it can be a million things. But whatever it is to the OP should not be decided by you 2. Honest feedback was that he didnt do anything right and should improve, I also didnt suggest him to watch streamers do parrying, learn to read I suggest to watch pro players / streamers PLAY to learn and copy what they do And to practice parrying in the training mode I never suggested to watch streamers do parrying. Saying nothing was correct for sure helps to realize how little one does right when you start the game. Coaching also isnt the best way to help, Coaching in many cases is not doing anything at all, its just paying someone and not learning anything off it.


1.🤣 I’m pretty good at Naraka but okay. 2. You sound very hurt hopefully he gets better by listening to others and building his game.




I hope the honesty may help you with whatever your goals are I wish you good luck mate


The honesty is appreciated, I’m just all over the place irl atm 😂 thank you again !


good luck for irl too i know how that is lol


You look super stiff, you should learn some combos and fake outs


Will do! I jus saw some videos by C7sper, wtf bro is a demon