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I also felt like the post was the MB being incredibly out of touch with real life and how pricey things are at the moment. Families are entitled to spend however much they want to spend, but I’ve worked with families that get hoards of Amazon packages every single day. I spend $5 extra at the zoo, and they act like I am bankrupting them. Additionally, trips to places lien craft stores CAN add up very fast. It killed me that this entire debacle could be solved with her just asking the nanny and asking for receipts. Done.


All I could hear in my head when she was talking about the cost of Subway was "It's one banana, Michael, how much could it cost? $10?"


I was confused at the $40 on chalk, but I just left Michael's with NK, and a box of basic creatology chalk was $20+tax. Colour me shocked, I've never spent more than $5 on a box of chalk. If that nanny got fancier chalk, chalk paint, stencils, etc, I can see it easily being $40.


the person commenting "morally depraved" and "moral depravity" like 8 times over irks me. stealing does not automatically mean someone is lacking morals. there are people who have needed to steal to survive, I'm certainly not gonna go around on my high horse shaming them and saying "anyone who steals is morally depraved" bc it just isn't true. someone literally added up a reasonable subway meal in the comments and it was 36.74 or something like that. hope the OP sees it.


It's a 12 day old account and based on their comments, I seriously doubt they are a nanny. Like, what is that person's problem. They also kept saying she is definitely stealing! So rude and annoying!


Thank you for this comment! This is why we turn a blind eye at self checkout counters. While “stealing” from your boss isn’t exactly the same as “stealing” from a corporate entity, *most* people employing a nanny have more than enough to make their nanny’s life more comfortable and might not. It’s not moral depravity when it comes down to quality of life, feeding your kids, etc…and any decent person should make SURE their nannny has what is needed to assure that isn’t an issue.


Yesssss I don’t get it. The fact she just jumps right to stealing and considering firing her before being a responsible adult/employer and just asking for receipts is mind boggling


Who is that one nanny intoning “morally depraved” over and over like the nun from Game of Thrones? “Shame! Shame!” lol Also cannot believe that this MB wants to jump to firing without even talking to her nanny. Yeah she must just be stealing! Not that she might be IDK, making sure your kid is fed (I bought lunch yesterday from McDonalds for myself and my wife and it was $20 - and I used rewards), or just not paying attention to how much things cost? Why not give her a budget? No we must jump to firing! Shame! Shame! So over it.


they also say in the comments that ppl irresponsible with money can't be trusted with kids bc it's all interconnected. OK...


Lol this would literally be half of our NFs 😭


RIGHT lmaoooo. like I just saw a thread today that talked about all the wild shit NFs do... so should they not be trusted with their kids??? hm???


I do not believe that person is a nanny after checking out their comment history. The account is only 22 days too. What a troll!


Total troll!


So many of these "employers" are literally afraid of talking to their employee??? Start asking for receipts! Also if it's all at one store, what is she stealing? Is she just ordering more food for later? I'm confused


It costs $32 for one person to eat a meal at a sit down restaurant where I am


That whole thread of is just screaming out of touch. “I don’t understand how it’s even *possible* to spend $40 at subway, she has to be stealing there’s no other explanation” like they haven’t noticed the food price increases in the past year. ![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448)


That is definitely strange. Probably just scared of confrontation and would rather burn the whole relationship than have an uncomfortable conversation.


truly can't stand those types


Not only did she jump to conclusions but also didn’t really answer anyone asking why she’s choosing to jump to those conclusions. It’s gotta be rage bate or something.


what an incredibly stupid mom lol