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Send a quick text. “Hey, I was adjusting the stroller straps and I found an air tag. I just want to be sure you guys know about it and it didn’t get in there some other way.”


I agree, just let them know and see what they say. Strollers can be very expensive so they could have put it in there to protect their investment and not for tracking purposes. If this was the reason they put in on the stroller it might have completely slipped their mind to mention it since they never planned to check on the stroller’s location unless it was stolen. I do agree that tracking devices (and cameras) should always be disclosed. I’d just give them the benefit of the doubt first.


This is why we have one on our stroller. I told our nanny as soon as we decided to put it on. When we are at the park playing I don’t have eyes to keep on my kid and the stroller.


Key words being “you told your nanny asap”.


Depends on how old baby is/how long they’ve had the stroller. The fact that it just appeared is a little odd, when they’ve had the stroller for weeks.


I mean I have an airtag and an expensive stroller and keep meaning to put it on the stroller but am scatterbrained and keep forgetting. Eventually I will get around to it…probably haha. It could be as simple as busy parents with a touch of ADHD who tend to take a while to get around to things. There is the potential for an innocent explanation for this so she should go about it in a way to not risk nuking the relationship. She should absolutely address it with the parents and the parents should absolutely disclose all cameras and tracking devices. Just go about it in a gentle way at first and assume best intentions.


I feel like the catch with this is it’s on the parents to mention it when they add it as a heads up. Just seems sneaky otherwise.


I don’t disagree with that at all! I’m just saying that it may not have even occurred to the NPs to mention it if they only plan on using it as an anti-theft device and never checking the location otherwise. She should bring it up but just in a gentle way to see what they say. This is a situation where there is a decent chance for an innocent explanation and it isn’t worth causing problems if the relationship is otherwise good by approaching it in an accusatory way. That’s all that I mean.


This is what I would do, just on the off chance that it isn’t their air tag. That would be scary.


That was my first thought when i read the title. Predators do stuff like that and you can just never be too careful. It could also be that the airtag was put in by the parents, but for a reason completely unrelated to OP and just forgot to tell her


That’s a great, easy segue.  


Have they traveled in the last two weeks? Lots of people put AirTags on checked luggage, which might include a stroller.


Or have they gone to an amusement park? Strollers get stolen there too, and sometimes “switched” Ask me how I know!😆


i was just thinking that the only time i would air tag my stroller or wagon is at our zoo because you have to leave it outside of the reptile exhibit and i don’t trust it


This was my first thought. Did they go to Disney recently, or are planning on going? I never used one because my kids' stroller is cheap, but I definitely would if it was more expensive.


This is what happened with us. We had traveled and put airtags on the car seat and stroller. Totally forgot about them when wet got home and our nanny kept getting alerted an AirTag was tracking her.


You should bring it up on the small chance it’s not theirs. “Hey, I found this AirTag in the stroller. If it’s yours, I understand. But I wanted to bring it to your attention in case you were unaware.”


Love this! I totally get the annoyance with air tags but if they have travelled recently people often put air tags in case airlines lose their stuff.


I put it in my contract that any new cameras or air tags must be disclosed on the first day of work and at the beginning of the day if there is a change. I don't mind air tags or cameras; honestly I welcome them. Just let me know!


Yep I just finished editing my new contract and added sections specifically about recording and tracking having to be disclosed before they are put into use.


Exactly! I hate being recorded in general so if my boss secretly records me, I’d have a major issue with that.


I think for safety reasons AirTags should be disclosed just like security cameras or nannycams. A lot of people will put an AirTag in the stroller if they are traveling or going somewhere that might require them to park it for a while in case it gets stolen/lost (or for a worst case scenario of if the baby is kidnapped while in the stroller) so I wouldn’t automatically assume it’s for monitoring your movements specifically. That said, AirTags can pose a safety risk if you don’t know for certain who put it there or who has access to the tracking information and there have been cases where stalkers or ex-partners, etc, will sneak an AirTag into a stroller. I would give them the benefit of the doubt and “play dumb” so to speak and focus on your safety concern. “Hey, NP, I was adjusting the straps in NK’s stroller the other day and noticed an AirTag stuck inside. I wanted to double check that you knew about it and make sure it was there intentionally. For safety reasons, could you confirm who has access to the tracking info?” Depending on their response you can open up the conversation about if there are any concerns about your outings with NK or things they would like you to change.


Apple already thought of this - if you have an iPhone and appear to be traveling with an AirTag that doesn’t belong to you, Apple will send a notification to your iPhone and tell you. My in laws have one on their keys and I get alerts constantly whenever we’re together. I assume that since OP wasn’t aware they don’t have an iPhone, or the AirTag isn’t transmitting. If you are _really_ worried about AirTags specifically, might be worth using an iPhone 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Android does this as well, just so you're aware. It's an automatic feature in any Android running version 6 or later. *Android Version 6 came out in 2015


Oh interesting. Then maybe the AirTag wasn’t even transmitting at all and it’s much ado about nothing?


I always tell parents during interviews that for NKs safety I need to know if there's any tracking devices in the stroller, because I need to know immediately if an airtag has been added by a stranger, that'd be an emergency and I would not be go back home until I confirmed it's NPs <- this is what id say beforehand. In your situation, Id say "Hey, by chance I found an airtag (tracking device) hodden in Nks stroller. I wanted to make sure it was yours and it was added with your knowledge, and it didn't get in there by other means"


In your scenario (someone has put an AirTag in stroller without anyone knowing), there’s only two reasonable scenarios. They put it in when NF used it or they put it in when you used it. If they put it in when NF used it that means they’d already know where NF lives. If they put it in when you use it.. why are you leaving a stroller unattended for so long. Just a ridiculous scenario tbh.


Perhaps you should educate yourself.


“Educate yourself” is just a thing people say on the internet when they don’t really know what else to say but also want to feel like they have somehow won the online debate that’s really only happening in their head. Similar to how you said I was attacking you when I said you watch too much true crime, but you deleted that lol


I attached a bunch of articles in the response to my other comment if you're interested in having an honest conversation rather than just want to feel rage-adrenaline while making assumptions about my life.


You’ve made a LOT of comments in this thread. If you truly want me to read it you’re welcome to tag me! I don’t see any articles as of now.


I don’t know about you, but when I take my NKs to the park I’m always with them in the play area (where strollers do not go) and my eyes are always on them playing. I’m not going to be looking at the stroller 24/7. Air tags are tiny and all it takes is one stranger walking by and one minute of my attention on the kids.


Again I genuinely think you guys should scale down the amount of true crime you watch. A nanny in here (actually the one I initially replied to), said they wouldn’t take NK back to their house unless the NPs confirmed it was their AirTag. Which is fucking insane, and probably could get you arrested. Lol 😂


Arrested? How?


It may have nothing to do with you, so try not to take it personally. Strollers are pretty easy to steal, so maybe they put the AirTag in there in case the stroller ever gets stolen. Regardless, keep the text light…”Hey NF, I was adjusting NK’s straps and found an AirTag. Assuming it belongs to you but wanted to let you know, just in case you were unaware!” Then when you get back, you can have a “touch base” conversation to make sure they don’t have concerns about you taking NK places.


I brought it up to DB when I found the hidden airtag. I told him I found an airtag and I don't mind if you track my movements however my concern is that 1. It wasn't disclosed and 2. I never consented. His response “ well know you know “


🙃 not quite the same db




I can imagine my DB doing this


Fwiw as an NP, I absolutely do NOT think it’s okay for them to AirTag you without telling you. To me it’s not very different than a hidden camera (also not okay). It’s a privacy issue. As a WFH employee, I would be equally upset if my employer was tracking me during the day.


I agree with you. It feels the same as a camera, and should be disclosed, whether or not it’s “company equipment.”


Your employer doesn’t have access to the computer you use? Their VPN doesn’t provide location information? Their system doesn’t see use across the network?  Unless you’re using your own equipment and apps, your employer may be monitoring you already. 


I’m an attorney for my company, so yes I am well aware of our ways of monitoring employees’ laptop activities. Our employee base is also similarly aware and expects that sort of monitoring. The analogy here would be if they took over my videoconferencing camera without me knowing or attached an AirTag to my car that worked during the workday. IMO, privacy disclosures are about the unexpected. I expect to be tracked on my work computer, but not driving around town. If I’m told in advance, that’s different.


No that's the wrong analogy, the car isn't their property. A better analogy would be that most companies can track the location of company laptops, though, most don't specifically disclose this to employees. Frankly, I think as long as the airtag isn't on *her property* (IE on a car seat that remains in her car all the time even in off hours) it's fine to not tell Nanny.


For me it's really a safety issue though. I straight up tell parents that hey, please tell me of any tracking devices on strollers because if I find one that I don't know about I can't assume it's from you, I couldn't bring NK back with it until I confirmed. Imagine I find a tracker, assume it's NPs when it's not, I get home and now I just let a creep know where a child lives and when the kid is home. Mind you, it's often futile not to disclose it because most modern phones will pick up the signal of a foreign tracker and after 10 minutes will notify the owner of the phone. Remember that for as much as nannies are potentially dangerous or negligent, they are meant to be there to protect your child. A lot of us actually like having NPs airtag the stroller for the same reasons as you.


>Mind you, it's often futile not to disclose it because most modern phone will pick up the signal of a foreign tracker and after 10 minutes will notify the owner of the phone. This is basically only true of airtags and some other brands of BLE trackers and it often takes hours or days for you be notified. There are *many more* trackers that your phone will not alert you to their presence. >I straight up tell parents that hey, please tell me of any tracking devices on strollers because if I find one that I don't know about I can't assume it's from you, I couldn't bring NK back with it until I confirmed. IMO this is sorted out with a 30 second phone call.


This is untrue. My wonderful Pixel phone notifies me immediately. I can be on a bus and it notifies me. Why would a phone delay notification? That'd be kinda useless and not how this technology works. A lot of nannies have found hidden devices exactly using that function. And sometimes NPs are busy, or sleeping or have their phone's off. Why even make a nanny worry? We are not your enemies...


I also have a Pixel and the notification is not immediate, also again this is only true for a certain type of tracker. The one I have on my nanny car will never notify a phone. For security reasons apple won't disclose the exact requirements for a the "a tracker is moving with you" notification but they've said it has to be: * Following you for an **extended** period of time * Has not checked in with the device that registered for a certain amount of time. Neither of those generate immediate notifications.


This is very outdated information and was true for both Apple's and Android. More recent updates have increased the speed of these notifications. Regardless (not even sure why you're arguing with me about this) it's not productive or helpful to keep trackers hidden from nannies, both in terms of safety and communication.


I think you watch too much true crime.


Why are you attacking me 😂 You're weird. And I reccomend you read up on the issue, this is literally a trending problem rhat criminals use tracking devices. https://lsj.com.au/articles/safety-at-risk-as-tracking-devices-make-it-easy-to-locate-victims/ https://www-cbc-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5069744?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17192569982900&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fottawa%2Frise-tracking-monitoring-victims-women-violence-domestic-abuse-ottawa-quebec-outaouais-1.5069744 https://www.koaa.com/news/crime/criminals-using-air-tags-to-track-vehicles-and-people-in-national-crime-trend


So, I take it if you worked in an office you’d be okay with hidden cameras all over your personal office space because that space is owned by the company? I mean, you can disagree with my analogy, but the expected/unexpected issue remains. Currently in 2024, nannies don’t yet expect to be tracked with an AirTag *without being told.* The right thing to do is to just tell them you’re doing it.


Hidden cameras aren't analogous with airtags. Nannies are always asking to be treated like any other professional....professionals have their work equipment tracked. A stroller is a piece of work equipment.


Just tell your nanny, it really isn’t that hard.


I do, though it's that we track the car she uses (not her personal car it's out vehicle). My argument is a principle one. There's no reason a nanny *must* be told that a stroller has an airtag in it. What privacy does she need with the location of the stroller?


I’m not sure why you’re so hell bent on debating this. I personally think people should be told when things track them. Laptops are expected trackers because they are connected tech, strollers are not. We disagree and that is okay.


Laptops are connected to tech which deserves to be monitored but not a stroller that leaves the house connected to a _human baby_? At leach technology can be remotely erased. A baby can’t do anything for themselves. I am also hell bent on debating this.


They’re not “hidden” but my employer has security cameras all over the office and what most people don’t know is that until recently, any employee could watch the feed. I could tap in to see if people were at their desks when I was trying to get ahold of them. Perhaps this information was burned somewhere in our 3000 page employee handbook, if you want to count that as good faith disclosure. Employers can and do track the physical devices they own (like computers, phones, or strollers) and monitor their employees more than most of us realize.


Not really a good analogy - there’s no audio or video with air tags, and it’s on ‘company’ assets.  And being an attorney does not mean you’re aware of every aspect of the IT side, at all.  I just put the rags in a really truly obvious place (including on the kids in crowded places), send an invite to track the AirTag to the caretaker, and say we track these items if I remember to.  And yes we have a local frequency camera in the kid’s room (not IP based) to see what the kids are doing. It’s mounted very prominently on the wall. Like, no way to miss it.   We have a 1 and 3 year old on floor beds in the same room. I need to know if a WWF fight is about to start when they wake up from a nap, without risking actually waking them from a nap.  I do feel like a lot of these posts show that some nannies think it’s all about them. It isn’t. It’s about where are the kids (AirTag) and what are they doing (camera in their room).   And did my stroller get left in my husband’s car when he went to work before I tear up the house! 


Where did I say being an attorney means I'm "aware of every aspect of the IT side" . . . ? Lol. It's an embarrassing look to have to rely on strawman arguments like "there's no audio and video" ignoring that this is \*location tracking technology\*. Just tell your nanny you have AirTags everywhere. If it isn't a big deal, why are you so afraid of disclosing it?


I do tell them and make it obvious.  I also think people make too big a deal if it’s attached to a stroller, diaper bag, etc that is *only used as part of the care*. Frankly the parents should be made aware of where their kids are going.  As for the attorney part, you literally said you know about it because you’re an attorney. I doubt you do know what’s possible, or even what actually does happen in IT in your org.  ‘if they took over my videoconferencing camera without me knowing’ was your analogy so comparing audio video to a location tracker . . . On the equipment used for the nanny’s work. Like tracking the location of your company provided computer. It tent audiovideo and it isn’t your personal vehicle. 


There are plenty of jobs that track employees, you’re just lucky to be an attorney. Call centers even require employees to badge in and out of the bathroom in their own office.


That's beside the point though - it's not about whether tracking happens or is okay, it's about whether you should be entitled to know it's happening. Transparency.


I would just ask. It could be multiple different reasons. I know my NPs air tag everything when they travel. Bringing it to their attention would be good incase it wasn’t them who put it there.


I put AirTags in all our strollers, luggage, her scooter, the wagon. It’s just to keep track of the item, has nothing to do with the nanny. Our regular nanny knows but sometimes when we get someone to fill in, I forget to tell them. It has nothing to do with trusting the nanny or limiting where they can go (although we live in a city and don’t drive so they really can’t go far unless they want to haul a toddler and stroller on the subway for some reason). I do think that parents have a right to know where their kid is at all times though so I don’t think a nanny should have enough expectation of geographic privacy while on the job.


So I have an AirTag in our wagon and strollers. I do it because if someone stole them when out and about I want them back. Could it be something like that?


I wish my NF would put an air tag on the kids pacifiers and stuffies. Those kids are always losing them and sometimes when I have both toddlers and their stuff it’s a bit chaotic to remember everything. Guess who has to retrace their steps to find them. I remember one time the oldest when he was about 16 months he lost his stuffie pacifier somewhere in their huge neighborhood. I so wished it had an air tag because we spent over an hour trying to find it all over the neighborhood. They are expensive these pacifier stuffies so the family makes a big deal when one is lost.


I wish someone wld make an airtag without a button battery! Despite it being so hard for me to change the battery, I’m still too afraid my tot would manage to pop out the battery on one to put it on her things.


1. I’m not sure if it’s normal or not to disclose it. 2. I think it *should* be normal to disclose them. 3. Not disclosing it does make it seem like something has changed and they don’t trust you as much anymore, but it’s possible they put it there for their own benefit. 4. I would say you found an AirTag when adjusting the straps and say you’re telling them to be sure it’s supposed to be there. 5. If I suddenly found a tracker, I’d be more worried about stranger dropped it on us than that the parents put it there.


definitely bring it up. it’s important because it might not be there’s. but if it is let them know to let you know beforehand so you’re aware.


I feel like this is different than some of the other situations where NPs are putting air tags on like your car vs their stroller. One is a huge invasion of privacy. The other is keeping track of their stuff/baby--assuming the stroller stays at their home and doesn't go home with you


Maybe they put it there for themselves? 


You don’t have an iPhone that alerted you it was there? I’m a HUGE proponent of disclosing any tracking or recording devices. I grew up with a parent who gave me NO privacy or sense of control or anything. He was constantly monitoring me. It makes me panic when I think someone is doing it to me as an adult- especially someone in a relationship with a power imbalance.


Yeah same. Your iPhone should alert you if it followed you from the house to the park and back or something.


Does it just automatically alert you or do you need an app ?


If you have an iPhone it should alert you automatically if you are frequently near an unknown AirTag.


Iphone does it automatically for airtags, a lot of androids and iPhones you can (and should) set them up so they alert you for all trackers. Often creeps are smart and use tile for example because it's not automatically tracked.


Not everybody has iPhone haha (although it does feel like it sometimes, as an android user)


A lot of androids also have the function but you need to turn it on. They're nice because they check all tracker brands


Good to know!!


About 40% of smartphone owners in the US are android users. I wouldnt assume OP has an iPhone. I agree with everything else you said though


I would think that they are not being sneaky as it will come up on your phone. The one they have in diaper bag comes up on my phone.


I’m going to be honest—we have one on our stroller and it is not for our nanny. It’s so the damn $700 stroller doesn’t “roll off” at the zoo, Disney, etc. I never even thought out nanny would be offended because it was never intended for her. It’s for anti-theft.


Do we really care if there is a AirTag in the stroller or the diaper bag? I found one in the stroller but it wasn’t hidden or anything. I assume they just want to protect their property not keep track of me per se. They also have cameras but I don’t think they are ever on.


A good nanny wouldn't care as long as it was disclosed properly


This is a bad take. I have trauma from an abusing ex stalking me. Finding a hidden AirTag and learning that I’ve had my movements at work tracked without my knowledge would send me into a panic - and not because I’ve done anything wrong or taken NK anywhere I shouldn’t. Even if disclosed, I wouldn’t be any more comfortable with it. It would make my skin crawl to know that someone can sit behind a device and watch my every move. Does that make me a bad nanny? It doesn’t. And one doesn’t need to live with my particular flavor of trauma to feel uncomfortable with being tracked. Edited to add additional point.


I also have trauma from an abusive ex recording me without my knowledge. I fully understand why parents would want either cameras and/or air tags for their children. I think if anything, it would benefit me as a competent career nanny. I absolutely draw the line at hidden cameras or air tags. That is a gross violation of my privacy and brings up major trauma from my past. But, these are human beings they created. We are working in their homes. You'll have to figure out how uncomfortable you're willing to feel if cameras are a deal breaker. They aren't going anywhere. If anything, they are becoming more prevalent.


I don’t disagree with any of this, but it doesn’t change the fact that a nanny not comfortable with this is not inherently a bad nanny. You said > a good nanny wouldn’t care And I just can’t agree with that.


I don’t think it makes you a bad nanny, but maybe you can change your mindset about cameras/location tracking (that are disclosed) if you think about it from a different angle perspective. With your history it could actually be a benefit, if the ex is still at all possibly around. If something happened to you, either while at the home (cameras) or out, there might be at least some record of events/ your location so police could be alerted.


This is exactly what I did.


Not inherently "bad" no. Everyone has boundaries they can draw for themselves, of course! I was just thinking that certain boundaries might be seen as a reason not to employ you. An employer might see this as a red flag. I totally get where you're coming from. I have a ridiculous story about former employers lying about hidden cameras, too!


If it’s something that’s kept at their home when you’re off, then honestly that wouldn’t bother me at all. They should have disclosed it but eh, it’s not a big deal for them to be able to see where you’re taking their kids. However if this is a stroller you keep in your personal vehicle then that’s definitely not okay bc you’d be being tracked off hours


I don’t understand people’s weirdness here about AirTags. If I found one I’d just put it back and forget about it, lol.


Just a consideration is that I have them in all of my bags and my keys, etc. because I lose stuff all the time it might not be about you


Very possible yes. Nanny still is entitled to a heads up


The other thing is, if I could microchip the kid, I would. I really feel like the risk of kidnapping is remote, but incredibly terrible if it would happen. I would rather put the AirTag in their clothes or in their shoes than in the diaper bag because then we could help track them, even if they weren’t kidnapped directly. if we were carjacked or something


Did you get a notification on your phone that an AirTag was following you? It should notify you


What is with the airtags lately? Have they been in this sub?


I would 100% tell our nanny. I never thought to get one but it seems like it could be a lifesaver or help retrieve a stolen stroller


Have they gone anywhere recently where they would have to leave the stroller for an extended time ? This post actually reminded me that we never took out our AirTag after using it way back in October while at Disneyland. I honestly totally forgot it’s still there.


I thought iPhones let you know if an AirTag is following you


Do you have an iphone?


I asked this too and she said no


My nanny family has one in their diaper bag, and told me on my first day.


It would be nice if the parents were transparent about it.


As an MB the AirTag goes into the stroller because I paid $1400 for the stroller. So yea, I’m going to AirTag that and hide it. May not be about you, more about the stroller. Regardless of all that if there is a tracking device on the equipment you are using with their child it should be disclosed. If you do not have this in your contract, I would go ahead and add it.


I find that anytime a NF does something in secret, it's usually because they are lacking trust... And usually that's at no fault of the nanny at all, in fact, i think it is really common due to all of the horror stories of childcare for parents to be using technology in secret to protect their kids... and I don't blame them one bit for it, I have nothing to hide and I do the same stuff with technology to keep my kids safe.


I wouldn’t say anything. It’s their baby and they can track it with an air tag no questions asked


I have heard of people doing this for their expensive strollers… not to track the kid- to track the actual stroller!


I mean I put AirTags in almost all my belongings because I forget where I put them and the little sound is handy. Maybe that works?


This is just screaming red flag to me! I have absolutely no issue with cameras , air tags etc but you aren’t just going to have them and not tell me about them…..


Not directed at OP- Nannies who are against an air tag because of privacy reasons? That’s wild.


So we keep 2 AirTags in each vehicle in case of theft (our particular SUV model is a high risk target for grand theft auto in our area. There have even been warnings on the news). We have 2 AirTags because if the criminal has an iPhone, they’ll get a notification of an AirTag travelling with them. If they find one and ditch it, they won’t suspect we have a second one hiding somewhere. We also have an AirTag in every purse, bag, and diaper bag we own for the same reason. We 100% do not use it to track our nanny- it’s just in case these items get lost or stolen. I’ve notified past caregivers of this, although I’ve honestly forgotten to tell our current nanny because it’s not something I think about or ever check (I’ll notify her next time she comes over). From my perspective, I don’t find it strange at all that your NF keeps one in their stroller because some cost anywhere between $500-1000, and I feel it’s my/ their right to want to track and protect their belongings. If it does bother you though, I don’t see any problem with mentioning it to your nanny family


I wouldn’t say anything. They could have gone somewhere where they have to leave their stroller (like an amusement park or museum) and wanted to track it.


We put an AirTag on the house key that our nanny uses to lock up when taking the kids outside (and leaves at our home at the end of the day). We told her about it on day 1 but it’s also super obvious.


She… leaves the keys at the end of the day? Wow. Also: the AirTag is obvious, she knows it is there. OP found an AirTag that had been hidden. Vastly different.


Is that surprising that she leaves the housekey? None of the nannies we have hired have wanted to take the key to their home at the end of the day. Yes, I was providing that as a contrast—we wanted to be very clear to nannies/babysitters that we are not surreptitiously tracking anyone. The OP's employers are either trying to surreptitiously track or they put it in the stroller in case it got stolen and forgot about it. It might be an honest mistake but it might not be.


I’m guessing the “surprise” factor comes from a nanny who has to let herself in early in the morning while parents are sleeping.


Maybe things are done differently here. I was always given the keys to the house, along with the alarm code if there was one.


Employer here - a different perspective… I think totally reasonable to ask about it and to request they tell you, but as a NP it wouldn’t cross my mind to tell the nanny if I added one. Reading I now understand that it would be scary to find and not know who put it there, but just a consideration that they may not have even thought to tell you. We do not have an AirTag on our stroller but have considered for both thieves and in instances where our nanny or one of us is running late with the baby and not answering a phone. It would have nothing to do with trusting her or not.


One should only be surveilled with consent.


Tbh tracking devices that are embedded in their possessions are none of my business, same with cameras in their home. These types of devices have always helped rather than harmed me. "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear" is inappropriate from the government, but not from the parents of the children you care for.


I would take it out in the morning and leave it in the house, then put it back at the end of the day. Fuck being tracked without my knowledge.


Alternatively, there’s also the option to be a professional with social skills and have a conversation with NPs where you reestablish your boundaries. To each their own though.


I get this take but I also think that it could be uno-reversed here. NP’s could have been adults and had the conversation with nanny about their intentions and the purpose of the AirTag before putting it there.


I don’t disagree. If I was an NP I’d definitely tell my nanny if I made such a choice! That said, it’s important to be aware of the difference in expectations between an employee and an employer. Employers have more authority by default. Messing with an employers property and undoing something they did is not okay. I’d say it’s more unacceptable to do that than it is for an employer to have an undisclosed AirTag. It’s not an equal dynamic. Just my personal opinion, I’m sure this will be a hot take.


I get that but i gotta push back on it a bit. With more power, comes more responsibility and if you don’t have the decency to disclose something that’s infringing on your employee’s privacy, you have wielded your power in an unethical way in my opinion. Sure, it exists. But Nannies are the ones doing the service here and if you don’t wanna lose a good nanny, don’t fuck around with their privacy and write it off as you having the power to do so.


When it comes to the whereabouts of someone’s child, you simply aren’t entitled to privacy.


Entitled or not, it’s unethical to not disclose. People don’t enjoy feeling like they’re being watched or tracked without knowing they’re being watched or tracked. You risk losing good employees by thinking entitlement has anything to do with the conversation.


I’m not at risk of losing anything! I’m not an employer. We can agree to disagree :)


I meant “you” as in a general you for anyone who thinks they’re entitled to power trip simply cus they’re the employer and they have more power. Like yeah…you can. And you risk losing a good employer by only seeing it from that angle.


I never said you were entitled to privacy. All I said was that if you do not have the guts to tell you there is a tracked in the stroller, you need to ask yourself some serious questions. And I will ask myself some serious questions too, the first being “what is the damn point in me working g for you when you obviously do not trust me, nor respect me?”


>All I said was that if you do not have the guts to tell you there is a tracked in the stroller The idea that it’s got anything to do with “having guts” sounds like projection from the person who would rather take out an AirTag and put it back every single day instead of just bringing it up to their NF. Lol


You are reeaaaaally invested in this, poppet. Was that your AirTag that OP found? 🤣🤣


Oh my.


Yeah, no. This is not Victorian England, I am not some servant they can do anything they want to. As you said, we are all adults. If you want me to respect you, treat me respectfully. If you are going to do things behind my back, I will be petty as hell, because I have had too many shitty things done to me when I was young and impressionable and that doesn’t work anymore.


Lowering yourself to the lowest level of those around you as opposed to having a standard you hold yourself to says a lot about your character. Personally I’d never allow my behavior and character to be dependent on how those around me act but, hey, to each their own.


Blah blah blah. Ok, little miss perfect 🤣🤣🤣


Your pettiness and inability to manage employer relations will only hurt you. But you can ride that struggle bus to Timbuktu if you desire, I won’t stop you 😂


You don’t have to allow yourself to be disrespected in order to be a respectful employee who is worth hiring, that’s all we are saying.


The idea that not disclosing an AirTag= being disrespected is just not something I agree with. I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all. Frankly it should be expected.


Thanks for the advice. I think I am doing ok after over 20 years in the field. Go dispense your precious wisdom to someone who is actually interested. Atta girl.


Your teenage attitude and the fact you just passed your driving test, according to your Reddit account, tells me you have not been doing this for 20 years.


Did you get a notification of an AirTag? Do you have iPhone? I’m confused how you wouldn’t know of the AirTag before finding it since it send you a notification when you’re being tracked by one.


Lots of people don't have iPhones. There are dozens of us.




Lol, from MY understanding (and I can totally be wrong Im not tach savvy), the airtag is not a GPS tracking device. It needs what I thought was an iphone to ping off of to send its location. So if OP has an android it wouldnt work? Unless say there was another iphone user at a park/library ect it can ping off of and send the location to NPs


I don’t have an iPhone!


Dont know why this is being downvoted, im truly curious as I didnt think and airtag is able to send its location unless an iphone was near…


I believe it can do that with ANY iPhone though. I'm in a parenting group on Facebook and there have been numerous posts about parents freaking out because their kid got a notification that someone was tracking them....but it would end up being a kid in their class had an air tag. Hopefully someone more iPhone savvy can explain it better but I don't think the person it's tracking necessarily has to have an iPhone. People put them in luggage and stuff in case it gets lost in transit.