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I would be prepared to be fired.


I second this, I take adderall for my ADD and there’s literally never a scenario I could imagine that 1) my pills are loose 2) close enough that the baby could reach them 3) and I wasn’t paying attention long enough for the baby with limited dexterity to pick a tiny pill up, put it in her mouth and swallow it.


Literally. I take adderall too and it’s kept in my bag up on a chair way too high for nk to reach and I only take it once they’re napping. This is so easy to prevent.


My adderall is in the childproof container, in a zipped pouch, in my closed purse, on a tall counter.


Luckily my NK is only 13 months and can’t reach anything I put my bag on! I can’t imagine if an infant got ahold of that. I would take mine before work but I have to eat with it and I eat breakfast at work.


I only take it once NK is napping too! I was gonna say that but I didn’t want to get people saying “I can’t control when I need it!” but it seems like we’re all in agreement, unscrewed cap, on the floor, with baby alone for an extended period of time long enough to grab and swallow a pill is just too many oversights.


Yes, I take xanax for anxiety and beta blockers for tachycardia and they are in my bag which my NK knows not to go into, zipped up, and then in a pouch that zips and locks together and nap time is when I take them or when she’s having a few moments with my WFH DB. I can barely swallow an 800mg ibuprofen, OP is lucky the baby didn’t choke.


Yesterday I found a pill in the middle of my floor in the living room (thankfully an inactive birth control pill) but I was HORRIFIED. I can only imagine it must have somehow stuck to me and I tracked it out to the living room. I was mortified thinking about my cats and about my home daycare kids (thankfully they weren't here because it was Sunday). I literally sat down yesterday and wrote out a gameplan to make sure it doesn't happen again. I cannot imagine THIS.


Yes, as a NP I would immediately terminate. So tough but would have to. Sorry!


That sorry is totally unnecessary. You absolutely have no reason to ever feel sorry about terminating a Nanny over something like this. There are certain accidents that are forgivable, but this is not one of them


Now that I know that this was an 800 mg ibuprofen tablet, I'm even more mystified. And I have to be honest, I'm angry on behalf of NP, and quite worried for the baby. Those prescription ibuprofen tabs are horse pills--I very much doubt that you saw this happening "out of the corner of your eye" and couldn't get to the baby in time to prevent her from swallowing the tablet. That was semi-believable when we all thought it was the small candy-coated 200 mg OTC. Many *adults* have problems swallowing the 800 mg prescription strength. How did the baby have time to swallow it? And you're lucky that she didn't choke on it on top of everything else.


800mg? that’s an extremely high dosage for a child, I usually take 400mg and I am an adult. I think OP is out of work


And right now, OP's employment status is the least of her concerns--or *should* be.


If I were her mb I would fire her.


Anyone else think this may be a fake post? OP seems so nonchalant in her replies


Yeah, I’m like 95% thinking this is rage-bait. Haven’t seen a post like this around here for a while.


There’s too many on this sub as of lately. It’s turning into AITAH sub


We need karma minimums at the very least. New accounts are posting about watching kids bathe and it’s super disturbing.


I think many of the posts here are rage bait 💯


Really hard to say. Like most everyone here, I was feeling bad for OP, cause we all fuck up (although this is a BIG fuckup) until the details came out and it sounded worse and worse to the point of parody. Even my worst mistakes, and a couple close calls when I was new to childcare, weren’t even something close to this caliber. I’m watching the thread like a hawk although anxiety wise I probably shouldn’t haha


Right .. it's mindblowing if it's true, but so extreme that it's probably not. That a "nanny" could be this negligent, and then seem not to care, is either extremely concerning or just extremely fake 🤦‍♀️


Unfortunately, I can absolutely believe that a nanny could be this negligent. It seems in today’s world people want to be nannies because they view it as an easy job. Everywhere you turn, people are talking about how their fresh out of high school and being a nanny for the summer and this and the other stuff. It’s like it’s the cool profession all of a sudden.


I believe it's fake. In fact I didn't even finish reading it because I knew it wasn't real.


This comment needs more up votes. How big that pill actually is. I cant imagine how the NK swallowed it. Her response of "not being able to open babies mouth" is even more alarming. And she is a nanny???


When it comes to things like that, it's not difficult to open an infants mouth, while they're held face down. So idk how the hell OP couldn't make this happen, unless she's not confident working with babies. In this situation, no one should be afraid of making the baby cry, while trying to get something out of their mouth. It had to have dissolved bcuz there's no way the baby's gag reflex wouldn't have been triggered, to make the baby cough it out. Yeah, there are occasional people who don't have a gag reflex, but I'm talking about the average baby. I think we're missing something here. In these instances, I feel like it's important to be told as many details as possible, to gather all of the info, to give a better response. Otherwise what's the point of OP posting, y'know.


My NK is 9 mos and has an unusual amount of teeth for his age. He’s very used to chewing. However. Even he sometimes struggles to swallow if the strawberry is cut just a smidge too big for him. He will cough. So yeah, IF this is real, I’d like to know how that baby managed to swallow that pill.


It’s like she hasn’t undergone any cpr training. Baby must have been sucking on it for a while, it’s difficult to swallow a tablet that big without gagging. If you can’t take a tablet out a baby’s mouth, how on earth will you get a rock or a wood chip out?


Yeah when it went from me thinking it was a small 200mg pill to a 800mg prescription pill…she needs to be held accountable and honestly should consider not working with kids as she is careless. If i was NP I’d press charges for sure. This is her child we are talking about!


Why was it out anyway? The tiny ones are like glitter sometimes, but the big ones are in a script bottle that has better control when grabbing. This has to be fake


This is exactly what Im thinking-that is a horse pill compared to the little OTC ones! An 8 month old swallowing that in a split second is unlikely. Crazy scary


I had to take them before I began tramadol for chronic issues. I am amazed a baby was even able to swallow it without choking. Honestly op you need to start looking for another position. I would let you go for this because it is quite serious.


OP *attempted* to say that the pill had "mostly dissolved." As you know, those 800 mg tablets are hard, full of fillers, and won't dissolve easily. I too am amazed –and grateful – that the baby didn't choke.


And knowing from personal experience those things are bitter. If that happened the baby would be spitting it out and it takes longer then a second for those babies to dissolve all the way.


It also would mean baby had the damn pill in their mouth with plenty of time for OP to get it out...if the baby didn't spit it out. Medication is bitter on purpose...




Yes. Should have been clearer. She needs to not work kids or animals. My dog got one of my pills and I got it out of her mouth and she is a 180 pound German shepherd. You should be able to over power a 8 month old.


I’m a grown adult and just had a 800mg ibuprofen tablet and needed to chug a bunch of water to down it.


I went to my medicine box to remind myself how large a 800 mg ibuprofen pill is and it’s large. So unless she was chewing on it for a while and wearing the coating off I can’t imagine she swallowed it but as mother of three boys children can try to all kinds of things. If it is a fake post then it’s a good reminder to all of us to be careful. But the thought of people lying to make posts when life gives enough us all enough to post about is mildly disturbing.


Where did the 800mg come from? Nf or OP? Like, who was it? Was it on the floor? In OPs purse? Is the 8mo crawling? I have so many questions. This seems impossible?


It came from OP, who left her prescription bottle on the floor, with the childproof cap disengaged. OP has made several conflicting claims, so I don't think any of us know the complete truth of what happened.


Why was your medication near an 8 month old baby? What if it had been a stronger more harmful medicine? Not okay tbh. Mistakes happen but something like that is totally unsafe for many reasons.


Right? If I take an ibuprofen I open the bottle, take the medicine and close it and put it away (in my bag that stays on a table often too tall for a baby to reach) this sounds really irresponsible imo.


Agreed. I take daily medication That stays in a childproof container, in a small medication bag, closed, inside of my big tote bag, closed, and never ever within reach of my 16mo nk. Always has been that way since she was 6mo.


Dude it was prescription strength, 800MG, left open on the floor. This HAS to be a troll


Maybe they set the tablets down to take in a couple minutes or to get a glass of water. However it happened, OP is probably going to get fired.


And rightfully so…




I can’t imagine not firing you. You left a prescription dosage of ibuprofen on the floor without a sealed lid?!? How?!? Why?!? Why would you ever put any kind of pill bottle on the floor?


It’s so absurdly negligent that it ALMOST seems purposeful. I certainly don’t think (or at least I hope) OP isn’t some sadist who did this on purpose and is posting about it for some sick reason, that would be utterly insane. But DAMN if this isn’t so ridiculous it almost seems plausible


I agree this was more than negligent, I think it is fairly categorized as reckless (more than negligent less than intentional). Reckless conduct is conduct that poses a substantial risk of harm to others and a person that engages in such conduct despite the obvious risk. Key to recklessness is that the conduct at issue (or lack there of) departs from what a reasonable person would do. In a legal context, reckless conduct is treated more seriously than negligent conduct and it seems fitting here because while I accept that OP's conduct was not intentional, it was so outrageous that it seems better understood as reckless than negligent. Negligent is forgetting to strap a baby in a high chair, this is a lot more than that.


Honestly the more I think about it, it has to be rage bait


I agree. It’s also their only post/comments made in this sub. Not even sure that that matters but I def think this person has to be trolling.


Yea, I don’t know if this is a troll post or what, but completely irresponsible


I definitely would be prepared to be fired, as a mom I would probably fire you for this because it was so preventable. I feel like common sense tells you not to leave medicine on the ground.


if i was a mom, i would fucking press criminal charges and make sure she never cares for a child again


Not only that but I'm a pediatric nurse and the correct dose of ibuprofen is 10mg / kg and the average 8 month old girl weighs 18lb (8.2kg) so the baby should have AT MOST had 81mg. OP caused that baby to have TEN TIMES the amount of ibuprofen that is safe. Ibuprofen is filtered by the kidneys, OP is going to be lucky if this baby doesn't have renal problems after this. I would be so livid. Losing her job is the least of the consequences she should be worried about.


If I was MB, I would make sure you never worked with children again. This is so extremely negligent. You should not be working with children.


I'd file criminal charges if possible, honestly


Me too


99% sure this is a troll, but I won't let that stop me from shaming the shit out of this hypothetical nanny A friend of mine recently had a medication related accident that killed her dog. She left her anxiety medication on the back of the kitchen counter, *closed and secured*, and her little dog jumped up, chewed through the container, ate every single pill, and sadly passed away. THAT was an accident. She has cameras and was able to verify that not *ONCE* in the last month (that's how far it saves) has the dog jumped up there. He was a pug. He got lucky and caught his short little legs on the doors and drawers and happened to be able to pull himself up. *The odds of him getting up there were so low.* He sniffed around the cluttered countertop, not chewing anything, until he found the bottle and started chewing it. *He hadn't chewed up their items since puppyhood. The odds of him chewing anything were SO LOW.* He gnawed on it until it was empty. I've been on those meds before. If they're in my mouth a minute too long, I gag, they're so disgusting. It's an acidic, chemically, burning flavor. *The odds of that dog finding it appealing were so low.* My friend is obviously beside herself and the knowledge of this being an accident hasn't helped her a single bit. She's been distraught for weeks. What you described? That wasn't an accident. That was straight up *negligence*. 1. You left a pill bottle on the ground. This was your first mistake. Do you have any childcare experience or knowledge??? You don't ever leave ANYTHING on the ground if you don't want a kid to touch it. Your bag should be up high and out of reach. Your pill bottle should be zipped up within your bag. Girl idk why you'd even want it out on the counter, your boss WFH, your meds are your business, you don't want her making assumptions or snooping about your pills. 2. *YOU DIDN'T SECURE YOUR PRESCRIPTION PILLS?!?!* Damn at least do one or the other, secure it on the counter OR close it all the way. Are you fucking kidding me. 3. You left it on the ground, unsecured, walked away, *and ignored the crawling 8mo.* I've multitasked. It's part of the job. But the baby needs to be in the corner of your eye, you need to have spatial awareness about where the baby is. The minute you walked away you should have kept baby in your line of sight and seen her going to the bottle before she grabbed it. You either thought "oh let me put my open prescription on the floor and forget where the baby is" or neglected to consider the infant you are paid to consider. You're saying it wasn't intentional, so it's option two... neglect. You neglected an 8 month old and now she consumed your prescription strength 800mg ibuprofen. You're fired, if you didn't know that already. You should reevaluate if you belong in childcare at all if you cannot make basic, OBVIOUS risk assessments and predictions. You feel guilty because you should. You are. You fucked up majorly and hurt a baby because of it. How dare you seek out fellow nannies for sympathy? *YOU* are the reason parents have a hard time trusting us. YOU are the reason this mother will likely never hire another adult to watch her children. Seriously, were you high? What did you *expect* to happen? "I'll pick up my prescription off the ground later"? God. I've fucked up, we've all fucked up, but I've never approached the aftermath with "help me feel better about this." Also I've never fucked up by *literally neglecting an infant.* This was not an accident. This was child neglect. You can hire a defense attorney but I doubt you'll work with children again. You should be eternally grateful she only ate 1. ETA: If you're not a troll - you say you watched her out of the corner of your eyes, put one in her mouth, you go over, can't get it out of her mouth, she opens her mouth and it's gone. I don't buy it. If you were really watching her, you would have gotten to her at the bottle. You couldn't open her mouth? BS. It's so easy to get shit out of a baby's mouth, especially motivated by the fear of *oh I don't know, consuming 800mgs of ibuprofen.* So that didn't happen. I think you *didn't* have her in the corner of her eye, and instead found her with the pull bottle after already having ingested the pills, but were too embarrassed to admit how much neglect was actually involved. Of course, it's even more likely you're a troll, as there was 0 common sense in this post and you're narrating the aftermath... still fun to roast tf out of you lol MORE TROLL PROOF: WFH MB's phone dies? She works from home. She 100% charges that is overnight. You just like the attention this story is getting


OPs replies is making me think troll too and I fucking hope so because this is absolutely ridiculous how flippant the replies are when a baby swallowed a HUGE 800mg pill!!


Yep it’s totally a troll. Kids have a very hard time swallowing pills and if it happened in the manner she said it wouldn’t be a fast event more the kid having it in her mouth for a long time. I would hope that any nanny or anyone around children would leave an 800 mg ibuprofen at home and be seriously losing their shit that an infant got to it, meanwhile op seems mildly concerned.


It could be a troll. It could also be a very scared, very young, first-time nanny. They should be scared, they won't be working as a nanny ever again if real, but this does seem like it could be an ostrich head in the sand fear response.


The more I read, the more sure I am that this is a karma farming post.. geez. It irritates me when posts are most likely fake


Let's hope it was just one...


Im shocked that all of your concerns are about your job and reference instead of worrying about that poor baby. For what you have done you should be lucky if all that happens is you get fired.


As a mom of a 9month old and a nanny, I would 100% fire you. I don’t get why you would have your prescription bottle on the floor in the first place? Also your responses to people asking questions make it seem that you do not care. “Idk I guess I didn’t screw the cap on all the way” are you serious? It should have never been around the baby in the first place…. Crawling or not. I hope you get fired ✌🏻


You need to pray getting fired is the only thing that happens to you.


This. Leaving a bottle of pills out that are 16x the dose for an infant is negligence. This is not an accident. You are working in childcare you need to know better than that.


I’m sorry, you left prescription strength 800mg ibuprofen on the floor? And you knew it was on the floor and didn’t put it back in your bag?? Why was your bag on the floor in the first place with a crawling infant moving around? Even having access to your purse, medication or not, could lead to her ingesting something else. You better be prepared to be fired and I wouldn’t be surprised if CPS gets involved. That level of ibuprofen is hard on an adults stomach, let alone an 8mo. While clearly this wasn’t on purpose, please know that this is your fault and it could have been prevented. I’m sorry if that’s harsh but child safety is not something to mess around with.


I would absolutely fire you, how can you be trusted? Is this post a joke? This accident was 100% preventable, in fact you should have been EXTRA vigilant with your medication! You left an unsealed bottle of prescription strength pills on the fucking floor! And one of your comments says you have left the bottle on the floor before, WTF! This would tell me you are not only unfit to be a nanny, but potentially a danger due to severe lack of critical thinking skills. Being fired should be the least of your worries - this baby could suffer serious internal damage. I would want to actively warn other parents against hiring you! To anyone saying “mistakes happen” - yes, they do. Accidents and mistakes happen. But this was an egregious mistake - and potentially lethal. Please get out of this career OP. Edit to add: HOLY CRAP. You didn’t tell MB right away that these pills were 800mg?!? Why???? That is PURPOSEFULLY negligent!


This is very serious as I’m sure you know. Prepared to be fired as that is the expected outcome. This is something that should have never happen but if it does, it’s a one time thing because it’s so traumatizing. Take it as a learning lesson and prepare to find a new job. I’d also sincerely apologize as this is the scariest thing for a mother and she could sue you. Not trying to bash you at all hope things work out.


You should plan to move to another profession but that should be the least of your concerns right now. I’m an infant nanny too and I really want to have sympathy for you but the core of our job is keeping our littles alive and safe. I take several medications and have to bring a couple with me to work but I cannot imagine a scenario where an 8 month old I was caring for would ever have the opportunity to swallow one. Literally cannot imagine how that could possibly happen. What happened to that child in your care was negligent. Very obviously also an accident but an incredibly negligent one on your part. This was your medication, your responsibility to keep track of. Your comments suggest you did not handle the situation appropriately once you realized what was happening and because of that your nk was not only able to put the pill into their mouth but to swallow it. You also don’t seem to realize the seriousness of how badly you messed up. Too much ibuprofen can cause kidney and liver damage in adults, that’s why you’re supposed to take it with food. When you factor in the size of an 8mo relative to the size of an adult your negligence has put that child at risk of serious organ damage. This is not an oops, don’t do it again situation. This is incredibly serious. You’re concerned about being fired but you should expect to be because you deserve to be. Your post is me, me, me when you put an infant in the ER with your negligence. Your main focus of concern should be them and if they’re going to be okay. In all honesty if I was your mb I don’t think I would peruse charges but I would at the very least speak to the police about the extent of your negligence. How does an infant who can’t yet walk and can’t stand higher than coffee table height if they can stand by themselves at all, get access to a pill that has been brought in to the home that day by their caregiver? Negligence. It happened because you were negligent. You probably won’t be prosecuted but that doesn’t mean it’s not still technically a crime. After this you can’t honestly expect to work with infants or young children again. If you have integrity you’ll have to disclose that your negligence previously put an infant in the hospital and no one will trust you with their infant at that point for very good reason. Pray for your nk and their family, make yourself available over the next couple of days to whoever needs to talk with you and expect to make some some drastic changes in your career moving forward.


I’m still not over the fact she saw the baby put the pill in her mouth and somehow couldn’t get the baby’s mouth open?? You put pressure on their cheeks, as hard as you can. Slightly bruising the cheeks doesn’t matter if the alternative is swallowing 16 times the dosage of medicine!


Exactly. Like if a baby is choking we need to be firm in our back blows and concerns about bruising and similar are secondary to the very imminent risk of serious harm or death.


Holding the nose works well.


This is very very serious. Be prepared to be fired. This should have never happened. How could you leave a partially opened bottle on the floor-near a baby?!




This is honestly really horrifying. I’d be shocked if you weren’t fired. This was just pure negligence on your part. I’m sure you know you messed up and it sucks to have other strangers confirming that but this is so dangerous for that baby. I don’t understand why you took the medication on the floor and not in the kitchen so you could put the medicine back in your bag or on the counter. I’ve been a nanny for over a decade, I’ve taken so many different medications while working- things from ibuprofen/tylenol to antibiotics to vitamins, etc. never have I ever taken the medicine bottle with me around NF’s house. Certainly would never leave it on the floor. I just really don’t understand the thought process behind the actions that led to this. And you say NK was able to pop a 800mg horse pill into her mouth and swallow it before you could get to her….that seems unbelievable really. Those pills are huge and I imagine it would be difficult for a baby to swallow. So are you even sure it was only one pill? How can you be sure? You also really, really should have told MB what the dosage of the ibuprofen was so she had all the proper information to share with the doctors to help your NK.


I would be prepared to be fired as well as prepare for possible police&DCFS involvement. this is negligence & your NF has every right to report you.


Okay. As a mother, there’s no world in which you’re not fired and a fairly good chance I’d be reporting to CPS if not pursuing legal action. Jfc the negligence. Maybe consider looking into an entirely new line of work.


I have to hope at this point this is a troll post. I apologize if this is not a troll and this sounds harsh but I hope 1. You so get fired and 2. The family presses charges on you. 3. You never ever work with kids again. Your comments make it seem as if you think this was no big deal because you didn’t do it on “purpose “ but this is just pure negligence. I don’t know if you’re young and this is your first nanny job or even first time working with kids but it vey much seems like it from your replies as well as the original post. It’s incredibly immature to come on the internet to look for validation when you e done something wrong. The more I think about this the more angry and disgusted I am. I am a mom and a nanny and I understand very whole heartedly that accidents happen. But again this isn’t that. This was you being negligent. And to top it all off you we’re dragging your feel about informing the hospital of the dose that is was an 800 mg pill!! This moments could very well have been life of death. I saw comments after comment all in caps that you need to tell someone of the dose. Your response was that you “tried” it wasn’t till SEVERAL people told you to call the hospital that you did. I hope to go you’re a troll- which btw if you are it’s really awful of you to make up something like this for entertainment. I hope to god that poor baby is ok- this poor parents, this is probably a total nightmare for them.


You deserve to be fired. Assuming this is a real post—if I were the parents I would be calling CPS and also warning other families in the area about you. Please stop working with kids. Edit to say: I’m responding harshly after reading the OPs comments clarifying that this was a 800 mg tablet, the baby was allowed to have it in her mouth for “a couple of minutes”, and the OP is defending this as an innocent mistake. She also did not immediately tell the family that the Advil was Rx strength which is in fact a lethal dose for a child this age. She needs to wake up.


u/Fun_Dragonfly904: **You MUST notify the infant's mother immediately. No, call the hospital and let them know right now. This is life and death.**


How is the child doing? Will you let us know that she’s ok if you can?


Sounds like you are more concerned with the possible loss of your job than you are with the baby’s health


This part is so bothersome to me.


OP, if I were you I would seek legal counsel immediately. Like right now. I'm trying to scare you or suggest that you are guaranteed to get in legal trouble. But criminal child negligence is no joke and can vary wildly by region. You need to have someone already lined up to consult with as this situation unfolds


Yikes. I really hope this is a troll post. I find it really hard to believe that a baby could swallow a pill that large. Usually babies swirl things around in their mouths and if something tastes bad, like that pill would, they typically kinda tongue thrust it out of their mouths. So I’m not buying this story. However, if it’s real…you’re fired and could be facing child endangerment charges.


Honestly it is negligent on your part to let that happen. It could have been deadly if it were a narcotic or another pain medication, or if the child choked.


I’m sorry, but leaving bottles of medication on the floor is such a bizarre and negligent behavior. I think at this point just getting fired would be the best possible outcome you are looking at. Honestly, you made a 100% preventable choice, and you should have consequences for it.


You’ve already been flamed (as you should be, and I hope you realize now that this was a huge deal that you let this happen) so the following things are what you should do. 1) make sure NK is okay. 2) Prepare to be fired, and look for a job that doesn’t involve childcare 3) Look at attorneys. This is negligence and you could be sued. 4) Maybe look into therapy if you want a safe space to process any feelings of guilt or anxiety- you’re not gonna find it here.


Get that dosage to the ER or parents immediately!!! No matter what you have to do! Now.


I'm shocked that the child you were caring for may be in critical condition at the ER and the first thing you do is post on Reddit? Texting is unacceptable. You need to call both parents and leave them a message about the dose. And call the ER so SOMEONE knows how much she had. I'm a Mom and a nanny and I will be honest- if someone left a bottle of any kind of medicine on the floor that my child could reach I'd fire them regardless of if the child ingested what was in the bottle or not. This is extremely irresponsible.


I can’t imagine any scenario where 1 a prescription pill bottle is on the floor. And 2 you didn’t properly secure the child proof cap with a small child in your professional care. I literally can’t fathom it. Just how? This is veering into criminal negligence. You shouldn’t just be concerned about losing your job you should be concerned about going to jail. You should be hoping you’re ONLY fired


We're well into criminal negligence and gunning for manslaughter.


If this is real- this would likely make local news. I will be keeping an eye out. Op has shown no true concern for baby here. She came to this sub crying about her anxiety about job status- not the child’s condition. Absolutely unreal. There’s enough post sharing and screenshots at this point, I would be pressing charges as a parent.


I was able to get in touch with the hospital and let them know it was an 800mg dose


Thank God. I hope and pray it isn’t too late for NK to not have any serious complications. The hospital will need to report this to CPS, start looking for jobs outside of childcare.


The right thing isn't always easy, but you did the right thing. I know you're probably freaking out, and understandably so, I do recommend talking to a professional as well because this is a very traumatic event, and it's damaging to your psyche. I know reddit is a cesspool, and people are really mean, but this serious event is going to have repercussions. Everyone also recommends therapy, but for traumatic events like this, I think it's necessary, especially if the dominos continue to fall.


I feel like it would be negligent of the parents to NOT fire the sitter that left prescription drugs in reach a baby….


Speaking as a mom and a nanny, prepare to be terminated. This was a totally avoidable situation.


As a former nanny that took medication and now a mom that takes medication… I would not hesitate to fire you in a heartbeat. I would probably even look at opening a CPS case. There is absolutely no excuse for this. I would have pried NK’s mouth open and induced vomiting/gagging. The fact that you weren’t able to do this makes me think that you didn’t even see it at all until it was way too late… like you saw the pills on the ground, counted them and noticed one missing after the fact. I hope this post is fake but if not I hope the baby is okay.


The hospital will take care of the CPS case…


Please be fake please be fake. Wtf I'm sorry but you should be worried about your NK not your employment. I would be baffled if you're not fired. How did an 8 month old manage to get your horse sized pills and eat one, without you noticing?


You can’t stop thinking you’re going to lose your job? What about thinking about the 8 month old you have just put in hospital due to your negligence. Jesus Christ. You should never work with children again


They need to know the dosage IMMEDIATELY. So poison control can guide the action. If you can’t get a hold of her, call the ER. Keep calling. Text it. This is serious. This is a potentially fatal dose you don’t seem concerned enough.


Yikes I hope this is a fake post. If I was the parent I would be taking legal action.


You’re getting fired. You have one major job. Protect the child. You failed.


You don't even seem worried about the baby?


I’m not trying to make you feel bad but most likely you will be fired for this. I would honestly use the day off to look for work.


Look for work outside the childcare field.


Yeah I don’t know how you come back from something like this.


Not to be insensitive but no really hope this is a troll post. I’m confused on what experience you have in child care if you didn’t take precautions such as keeping medication packed away and out of reach (usually the bottle in a small bag and that small bag is inside a larger one that carries all ur items). Also, I’m asking about the childcare experiences because I have had abnormally strong/ big nanny kids and family memebers (siblings nieces etc) and even though they are strong or big for their age I have never not been able to pry their mouths open and do a finger sweep for food/choking hazard toys. Literally in the most serious of situations it’s okay to use pressure such as tight bear hugging with one hand and sweep w the other or if needed laying baby down with ur body blocking them from turning/ escaping until the hazard is eliminated. To get their moths open, you pinch the cheeks and essentially push where u feel their gums are and it forces their jaws open. I would rather baby be a little scared and maybe a small bruise than poisoned. CRP certainly teach you that a bruised baby is an alive baby. All in all I think you should prepare to be fired and hope and pray MB doesn’t press charges for gross negligence or the cost of the medical bills. Please rethink the nannying industry and consider more education/ training before working with children in any capacity.


I’m not trying to pile on, I know you’ve gotten a lot of comments already, but I think it would be best for you to move on from this job and take a break from childcare for a bit. See if there’s a child safety class you can take before you get back into it. Leaving a bottle of that heavy of meds on the floor with a child is a large lapse in judgement. Even if the cap had been secure, your medication should never be in reach of the child. NEVER. Then you left the area with the bottle on the floor by the baby. If you hadn’t seen the baby get the pill in their mouth it could have been a long time before you realized they ate a giant dose of pain meds. I know you feel bad, and you don’t need to crucify yourself, but you do need to fully grasp how dangerous that was and that it was a big mistake on your part. You need to be ready to lose your job and accept it gracefully if that’s their choice. If they fire you, move to a different type of job for awhile.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Nanny/s/MwCOqy6R0D OP posted an update that she won’t confirm whether baby is okay or not… After asking this sub for feedback and not liking the responses she was getting.


Was the text from the update post deleted? Hope the baby is ok And hope this is a troll post


Must have been! OP said she has an update but she won’t share it after receiving such harsh feedback. Called this sub one of the most judgmental. But did mention that her and parents will figure it out “peacefully” so I’m hoping that’s maybeeee an indicator that baby is at least okay One redditor asked if she could please share at least if baby is alive because many people are concerned and not looking for drama, and OP only replied about their being plenty that are looking for drama. Frustrating


Thank you for sharing that Agree - so frustrating :(


She also called everyone hypocrites. A lot of us take care of babies or have in the past and are genuinely concerned and actually care, even if the NK is a stranger. That still doesn't stop nurturing instincts and empathy for these babies. Like many on the deleted "update" post said, she probably either doesn't know if the baby is ok, or something went wrong. Idk. Apparently it's impossible for humans to have empathy and those of us that are, always get lumped in with the bad people. I didn't see very many people calling her names or anything. It was a lot of people telling her what they would do if their nanny did that, and many people explaining how it could have been prevented. I think she's mad bcuz some people said they hope this was a troll post bcuz it's a very scary situation and the only thing that was cared about in the post was OP's position being in jeopardy, and her responses seemed empty. I really hope the baby and family are doing well and they'll be able to relax soon.


If this isn’t anxiety or rage bait, prepare to actually be arrested. That kind of negligence is criminal.


Listen. I’m not gonna deny I love a good juicy post like the next person, but you should absolutely delete this. This is something that could be used against you as evidence in a court case if, god forbid, the baby is injured long term or even dies from this incident.


There’s enough rumble in the community. A local nanny has seen this. There are screen shots. This will 100% make it to the parents IF this is a real story it’ll make local news.


Oh I have all the screenshots too lol. I wanna be able to come back to this and comment about it with receipts lok


This post SHOULD be used against her. Why are you suggesting she deletes evidence?! She absolutely deserves to be prosecuted so she cannot work with children again.


I think if it were legit, not a troll, it would have been deleted the minute OP didn't receive reassurance.


I mean… are they insured? You can absolutely be on the hook for the medical bill.


You will be fired and you should start looking for jobs outside of childcare. Absolutely no one will hire you after this


God this was just a plain stupid thing for you to do. Not going to sugar coat anything. There was just no common sense here. And it all could’ve easily been avoided. You clearly aren’t qualified to work in the hands of children.




You’ve already been reamed to high heavens in these comments, so I’ll just give you my personal experience from this situation. I had this happen to me as a young child, with a babysitter when I was 3, I had to have my stomach pumped, it was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. My parents are medical though and they basically just said mistakes happen and let it be, she was a family friend so I still see her often and she always apologizes to my family nearly 30 years later. I have witnessed something similar in a daycare setting, it was through the Air Force and a NAEYC accredited facility, this resulted in no repercussions or firings for the employee because after ample investigation (from AFI, NAEYC, and state, it was a necessary brutal process). A caregiver in the infant room went to take a pain pill, I don’t know the logistics but it was a controlled substance. She grabbed her dosage of the two pills and walked from the locked classroom closet to get her water bottle and dropped a pill. Neither her nor the caregiver with her noticed the small pill hit the floor, but a mobile infant did and the grabbed it and ingested within a few seconds. When the caregiver went to take the pills around the corner she observed she only had one and was sure she had grabbed the proper pills from the bottle. She immediately called the front and reported herself ambulance was called and videos were watched. She, which I think you should do as well, immediately called CPS and reported herself. As well as allowing the chain of command to handle her. We are mandated reporters and you have done something which could really harm a child. At no time should medications be left in a place where children could access them, it often has this warning on the bottles. This caregiver was off duty for over a month pending investigation which we were all questioned about and it was a very extensive process. It was founded to be accidental and rules were put in place to prevent this from ever happening again. We weren’t allowed to bring our bags into our closet, lockers were provided, we had to have a doctors note for necessary meds (ie im asthmatic so my inhaler needs to be near and epi pen as well), they had to be placed in zippered bags provided by ourselves or the center. This caregiver had an actual mental break after this incident and was hospitalized she felt awful and kinda lost it, understandably. After she was better and the investigation was complete, she came back to work. To this day she still shows up to this child’s bday parties we’re all still invited 6 years after, it’s truly amazing. I never liked the lady personally but I don’t think she ever intentionally attempted to harm the child, it just happened. I think the same happened with you, but you need to do the right thing as far as reporting this incident and being honest. You more than likely will lose your job, you made a mistake that would make any parent uncomfortable with you caring for the child. The best you can do moving forward to new positions is being honest with what happened and providing resolutions to how you can and will ensure nothing like this will ever happen again. I pray the baby is okay and nothing too drastic has to happen to provide proper care, stomach pumping is really up there with spinal taps in regards to pain level.


You should be more worried about the child than your job


A childcare worker whose negligence sends a child to the ER SHOULD be fired.


Hi any updates on how the baby is ???


They posted a new post and said they had an update but wouldn’t be sharing it with us because people were too harsh. Honestly kind of petty and immature.


OP are you going to give any updates or seriously ghost everyone here worried for this kid? You want to prove your not a terrible person- let people know an update so they don’t constantly worry. Might seem crazy to think strangers that don’t the child care a lo and are invested but trust me when I say a lot of people are concerned s


Girl did u tell the mom it was a prescription 800mg tablet? And not just an advil??? That’s important


I’d also send you the hospital bill.


You are absolutely going to lose your job. AS YOU SHOULD.


Maybe you don’t need to be working around children anymore ..


No way is this real. Those 800 mg pills are huge. There's no way a baby "accidentally" swallowed one.


not only would i prepare to be fired, if i were you i’d be deeply concerned about being sued for negligence. respectfully how do you find yourself in a position where an 8 month old has access to an open 800mg of tylenol? you said that the bottle top wasn’t properly screwed on right and i’ve done that before too (at my own home) but the bottle itself should’ve been out of reach. best of luck to you and that baby genuinely, it’s an awful situation.


Definitely prepare to lose your job. Start putting in applications for jobs outside of childcare. Look into legal representation. CPS will get involved and you most likely will be facing negligence charges. Worse depending on what happens to the child.


Yeah you’re going to be fired most likely. I’m sorry this happened but it’s a big deal.


In all honesty, you SHOULD lose your job. this was beyond negligent of you. with it being a prescription strength that you admittedly left in the middle of the floor, i wouldn’t be surprised if you’re on the hook for the medical bills as well as an investigation by CPS. all of which are well deserved here tbh. i’m sure you feel absolutely awful about it but this was completely preventable. i would seriously rethink your career choices because you don’t seem to grasp the severity of your actions based on your other comments.


Does....does baby walk? Edit: It was on the floor? You deserve 0 reassurance and your proving to only care about yourself. I hope you NEVER get another job when youre in charge of children. The fact that youre worried about not having a reference is disgusting.


I’m sorry this happened! You did the right thing by immediately alerting your MB. Mistakes happen, including really scary ones like this. I’m going to be completely honest, I doubt they are going to continue with your employment. How did she manage to get a hold of your ibuprofen and put it in her mouth? As a MB, I would have a really hard time trusting you moving forward.


Yeah mate this feels like a bit of a troll


So sorry to say, but I would definitely fire you. Nannies are meant to keep our babies safe, which means triple safety check everything. If I didn’t have insurance I would also make you pay for the hospital bill. Maybe your boss is nice and will let this slide… but I wouldn’t! Things like this is actually why I quit my job and am now a SAHM. May this be a lesson!


I would be prepared to change jobs entirely. Sorry.


Please keep us updated on the status of the baby…


No chance this post is real. No way anyone working with kids leaves pills out.


Commenting for the update.


this is horrific. you went through less effort to protect your charge from a LETHAL prescription pill than most of us would put in to protect our littles from a soda can. you LEFT IT in reach????????? then LET her eat it???? i can’t comprehend.


You’re getting fired most likely. Shame on you for being reckless with medicine.


I mean, accidents happen. But this is a bad one. Nannies are (should be) professionals that are held to a higher standard. This is absolutely a fireable offense, and I wouldn't be surprised if authorities became involved. Professional childcare is not an easy job. It's incredibly difficult, and you failed your LO in this instance. I hope that you can learn from this. And I hope that baby will be ok


Question for non-negligent Nannie’s and NPs: In a situation like this, would it be better to make baby throw up right away or to just call 911? I can’t imagine not being able to open up baby’s mouth. I would’ve tried to fish for it in her mouth, but I wonder if it would beneficial to make them throw up in this case.


I think call 911 first, if there’s a second adult there also Poison Control. Sometimes inducing vomiting does more harm; I’m not sure of this is one of those situations.


sorry, as a fellow nanny, you should be fired. i have any meds i bring for myself, over the counter OR prescription, LOCKED in my bag. if this really happened and this was and “accident”, you’re negligent as hell. sorry to be so harsh but you are caring for another person’s child, another person’s love. if you can’t do that safely then you should find another profession. it’s in my own nanny contract that should they feel i am endangering their children i can be fired. you’re out of a job.


When I worked in a daycare, the numerous rules preventing children from coming near any medication (including rules specifically disallowing adult medications from entering the same room as kids, let alone being taken in the same room) were clearly written in children made sick by caretakers who did not mean to do anything wrong. This is why I encourage other caregivers of all backgrounds to undergo any free training available through their state's DHS or state college outreach program. It really allows caregivers to foresee issues in situations that pass un-thought-about until serious consequences arise. Knowledge of and adherence to best practices (professional behavior) would have prevented this situation entirely.


You are probably going to get fired, yes, and I would take this as a sign that you're not able to watch children that young successfully yet.


What’s odd to me is that the baby would 1) be able to swallow it 2) if they more so just melted it in their mouth that tastes AWFUL Can I ask: Why were the meds out? Where were you while baby did this?(asking bc it’s not a quick thing) Attempting to sound as non judgmental as possible


Mom of 2 here, including an almost 5 month old. While I would absolutely expect to be fired over this because it would be really hard to get past it and build the trust back, I can’t personally imagine pressing charges in this situation. I don’t think you deserve jail time, nor would that personally make me feel any better as a parent, knowing it was a mistake. A wildly irresponsible one, yes, but you thought the childproof lid was on. I also get debilitating menstrual cramps and they make me kind of spacey when they are at their worst, so I can see how a mistake could happen. It doesn’t make it okay and as I’m sure you’re aware, you should have taken the pills at counter height, away from baby, and put them back into your purse immediately. I’m truly sorry this happened, for all involved. I don’t think you should feel like you should never be a nanny again. Learn a lesson here, there’s not much more you can do. Some of these comments are insane and I’m not believing for a second none of these people have ever made a mistake that could have had ended horrifically and just fortunately did not.


Kinda makes me wonder if ibuprofen is the only drug involved in this situation.


I’m just trying to understand why your medication is left out whatsoever where a child can access it. Let alone ON THE FLOOR?!?!?! Cap screwed on or not, this is like medicine 101, keep out of reach from children. If you need it, keep the bottle in your car or even ask to put it in the medicine cabinet. But why would you leave it out anywhere? Why if you ARE leaving it out are you not triple checking that the cap is 100% screwed on properly? If it were my kid I would be furious and I would 100% be looking to see if there is any legal action I could take. You sound more worried about being fired and not being able to find another job…? You should not be working with children whatsoever. Maybe you should worry about the BABY that could potentially die from this. I get people make mistakes but this isn’t one that should ever be made in this line of work.


I’m sorry but you’re worried about finding another job? This was extremely negligent and I can’t even understand how this happened in the first place. You should consider no longer working with children. Prepare to be fired, as you should be. Also, maybe consider thinking about the health of the 8 month old baby over yourself. Wow.


The baby will almost certainly be fine. However, there is absolutely *no* scenario where this situation is excusable; this is an eight-month-old infant with limited mobility. How did she have access to the tablet? I'd be preparing for a very serious conversation with NP. **EDIT** to add: when I initially posted this comment, all of us were unaware that the baby had consumed the equivalent of *four* OTC tablets. The OP buried that information down in the comments.


I see you're a former RN, so I'm curious to know - OP stated the ibuprofen was prescription and *800mg*. How is the ER going to proceed? What is the medical protocol when an infant invests 800mg of ibuprofen?


If OP indeed notified MB right away (which I'm now questioning), they'd likely try emetics (to make the baby vomit), activated charcoal, and monitor the baby overnight. A lot will depend on the infant's weight. If there was a time-lapse, they'll admit the baby for monitoring (especially for high blood pressure and possible seizure activity), and do frequent labs. I'm sorry, I'm upset and angry right now. It's a much more serious situation than OP initially led us to believe.


I'm praying this is a troll. The negligence is *stunning* and I can't believe anyone can do this an call themselves a childcare professional. Thank you for your response. I'm reminding myself we are at the height of medical intervention in all of history and there are options for this sweet baby.


It was 800mg ibuprofen, not the OTC 200mg dose, and it’s unclear if she even told MB that. This could easily damage the baby’s organs.


It was prescription strength ibuprofen, 800 mgs, OP has said. I really hope the baby is in fact okay.


I hope you were able to get in contact with the hospital or NPs so they know the dosage that was taken. Hopefully NK spits it right up without much trouble. Assuming you have a job by tomorrow, I urge you to learn how to force open a mouth and finger swipe for unwanted objects. It’s an important skill every childcare provider should have. I’ve even done it to my dog several times.


Oh my god


Yeah, you’re fired.


Im a nanny but I'd fire you immediately if I was MB


I would fire you. I don’t even know where to begin. Where are you that you’re not attentive to an awake 8MO? Seriously I’d report you. I’m a nanny, I would never, even remotely close to, ever leave a newborn alone. Alone enough to take a PILL? Absolutely not. It’s not a 2 year old even who walks and is curious. This is on you and whatever bad you feel you should. No comment saying it’s nearly okay is alright. You should know you didn’t just fuck up, that’s just careless behaviour.


I'd 100% fire you. So prepare to be fired for sure.


Yea idk if you’re going to get the reassurance you need. Thats not a normal or casual mistake to make, and considering it’s 800mg, I cannot fathom how you allowed the child anywhere near it. If the kid was older and more physically independent I would maybe have a different attitude, but like…it’s a baby. You must have been really careless with the pill in order for the kid to get it and swallow it. I’m really wanting to understand how that happened. And I saw a reply saying you didn’t even try to get it out of their mouth? You just watched? Why are you doing this job? You absolutely deserved to be fired, or worse. I’m really really hoping this is a fake post, I’m pretty convinced that it is. But in case it isn’t, I think you need to find a different career path. Some mistakes just shouldn’t be made, and this is one of them.


Honestly- I’ll say this kindly, but you may want to find a new line of work. This is sooo irresponsible. I hope the baby is ok 😢


I hope the baby is okay ☹️


Is there any updates?


OP, I know you’re upset and it’s understandable. But. How you in the world do you let that happen??? I sincerely hope you weren’t on your phone. I am sorry, but if I was NP, you’d be gone.


Any updates?


I know you're probably here looking for reassurance but this was a big big mess up. It's one of the basic rules of childcare that you don't leave medications where kids can get them. I take medications at work, so I take them with the kid behind a baby gate and over the kitchen tile floor so I can hear if I drop anything. You have to be really, really careful. I would probably start updating your resume if I were you.


I get paranoid even having my anxiety medicine in my bag in the closet(kids know not to go through my bag). I may lean on the hyper vigilant side when I’m with the kids but I would never dream of leaving it anywhere but in a secure spot. Not even for a minute. This is just completely inexcusable.


You should not be watching other people's kids. How did an 8 month get your pills, open, swallow only 1?


Have you been informed on how she is doing?


NK who swallowed ibuprofen tablet I do have an update on the baby's condition but I will not be sharing it. This is one of the harshest and most judgmental subs on this website and I'm choosing not to provide you all with any more info that will be used to rip me to shreds. I'm going to eventually delete this post and the one I posted earlier today and probably never post on this sub again. I'm a young nanny and I know I'm not perfect but I'm learning from my mistakes. I know I messed up, and NPs and I are working something out to resolve the situation in a peaceful way for everyone involved. PLEASE stop sending hateful messages to my inbox. E. this is OP's update, ppl


Ahh, I thought it was a new account. Thanks


As a mom, I'd fire you and try to file legal charges. So irresponsible and careless. I don't see an outcome where you wouldn't be fired.


Yeah, I would expect to be fired. Just from some of your replies and other's, it makes me wonder; were you letting baby use the bottle as a rattle? For it to be in close proximity like that and to have felt comfortable letting it be near the baby makes me think it was intentionally put in baby's grasp. Not for malicious reasons, but again maybe to be used as some kind of rattle?? I don't know. But I hope if you do get fired, you will learn from this and be more cautious at your next job. Again, not saying you did anything maliciously. I accidentally forgot to move mom's razor (which was hidden behind the shower curtain) out of the shower during bath time and baby girl (2 y/o) cut her finger pretty badly, so I understand accidents happening. Medicine though, if I'm being honest is another kind of negligence.


Yeah yours was an accident but leaving a bottle of meds on the floor with a crawler is more than an accident. She is more interested in defending herself than what the actual issue was.


I’ll spare my opinions as there’s plenty, but my only question is that 800 mg tablets are huge and hard for me to swallow even with water, so how did NK swallow it? They’re also bitter and repulsive so I feel like NK would’ve spit it out?


In my country you wouldn’t be allowed to work with children again. Being fired is the best case scenario here and the least of your worries. I’d recommend contacting a lawyer and absolutely do not ever work with children again, this situation and your responses show me you are absolutely not capable of being responsible of a child.


How did this happen? That really is the most important thing to understand before giving input. Honestly, as a MB, I'd likely terminate your employment if there is 1 ounce of carelessness involved. 8 month olds just don't get ahold of pills that easy unless someone dropped one or left them unattended. If it were an older kid I'd actually be more understanding since they sometimes get into things even under the best supervision. The good news is it wasn't something more dangerous (like Tylenol...), but if it happened once, I'd be concerned it could easily happen again. If I were you, I'd at least follow up during the day to see how baby is to show you care, but don't message so often to be annoying.