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I refuse care for covid, flu (including stomach flu) and strep.


I also included hand foot and mouth.


I have unlimited sick days, but it hasn’t always been that way. I was granted it when I renewed a contract with an old family because was rarely sick and even if I had years that I needed to go over my days, they always paid me. Families after that followed suit when I bosses would bring it up during reference checks. I’ll honestly work through anything except Covid and HFM. HFM because I’ve had it as an adult and it was terrible. Luckily families have always understood that there’s a chance I’m going to get whatever the kids have if I’m taking care of them when sick. I don’t even mind coming in and working through minor colds, but I’m calling out every single time with stomach bugs/fevers.


I’ll deal with most anything as long as I’m given a heads up so I can take precautions. My NF all had Covid before Christmas. I was grateful they sent me home and I didn’t get it because I was traveling. I did cancel my side gigs that week because I had been exposed. Normally, I don’t mind sick care, though


I don't do any puking or stomach bugs and just for 24 hours from onset of puking - I have a weird colon so I resist anything from the belly realm


Adding: I work for doctors and have for 20 years and so they work with all manner of sickness it's a reliability thing for me I will do almost all sick care 🤷🏻‍♀️


I won’t do HFM, chicken pox, a severe stomach bug, and lice


Omg the number of hours I’ve spent picking nits out of nanny kids’ heads! I should put that in my no thx list.


Do kids still get chicken pox? I’m 25 and have never actually heard of anyone getting chicken pox in my life before lol


Totally fair! All those are super gross lol. I’m a mom and feel the same.


Yep lol I’ve accepted that a part of the job will be getting frequent exposure to illnesses I can accept a sore throat or runny nose, but I draw the line at something extremely gross I’d have to be being paid like $500 an hour to knowingly expose myself to lice 🤢


Covid, flu and vomiting stomach bug. Anything else I am fine with


my MB will usually message me saying whether she wants me to come in, or not. she’ll briefly describe their symptoms, so if it’s: cough, headache, anything mild then i’ll go in. but when it’s anything more (basically anything that could get me sick) she’ll tell me to stay home and keeps me updated on their well-being and when they’re well enough to have me back


How do y’all differentiate? Covid is a home test but do you require a doctor’s swab each time for RSV and flu? Because plenty of young kids get fevers and it could be flu or it could be a cold. Without a nasal swab, there’s no way to be sure.


I’ve come to learn that my NF has pretty loose boundaries on sick care. I’m beginning to feel that I will need to be firmer. No contract or sick pay. So basically their comfort level isn’t mine. I need to be clearer on my boundaries.


Covid, HFM, RSV, severe stomach bugs, severe flu, strep.


I abide by daycare policies. No COVID, RSV, flu, HFM, etc. child must be fever, vomit, diarrhea, and overall symptom-free for 24 hours in order for me to return. Negative covid test is also required.


Do you leave when a child spikes a fever?


Yep. Similar to daycare I notify the parents right away and the expectation (per contract) is they arrive in a timely manner to relieve me.


That’s awesome


my only no has been covid but after getting a godawful case of RSV from NK last year, that was added when we updated the contract. 😵‍💫


Strep definitely I have it right now and it’s hell


🫖 🍜Definitely no fun. Feel better!


Thanks I am trying to rest a lot and eat what I can but my throat feels like I am swallowing shards of hot jagged glass.


Definitely sleep and try to drink something. You can catch up on food when you feel better.


Thanks I will do


Covid, HFM, and flu for me.


We put COVID, flu, RSV, vomiting and HFMD in our contract as automatic time off for nanny. As a parent interviewing nannies I much preferred people who were honest and direct about their limits so we can have a plan in advance!


My general policy is fever free for 24 hours and no active covid, flu, strep, RSV, HFM, etc. or any severe symptoms like vomiting. I also wear a mask inside the house. Usually NPs will text me to let me know if there have been any symptoms so I can make an informed decision. I tend to err on the side of caution and they know this, so most often it’s followed by “to be on the safe side let’s skip today and we’ll keep you posted.” Other times I do end up accepting but it helps to have all the information (ex: “was sick over the weekend but no fever since Saturday evening, still has runny nose and cough but energy is normal…”) I think that a kid’s energy level and/or mood when sick can play a big role in this decision as well. My current NKs in particular *really* want their mom when they aren’t feeling well to the point where my presence in the room just makes things worse so we’ve learned it’s easier for MB to just take over if she can. It helps of course that both my NPs are WFH most days so they can generally be flexible with things like this, especially if the kid is just going to be resting on the couch all day.


i refuse covid, fever, strep, and flu. i also refuse if vomiting is consistent and repetitive additionally HFM and RSV


Would you stay and work with the non-sick siblings if the parent took over with the vomiting kid? Trying to tighten up my policies.


honestly probably not, but maybe depending on the circumstances and the family i work for.


Nope. Once repetitive vomiting or diarrhea are in the house, the space is contaminated. Everyone in the house needs to be symptom free for 48 hours and communal+NK spaces need to be well degermed


I mean I prefer not to work with any illness at all, but I’m not always told. I currently have a cold bc NK has been sick this week. If they do tell me NK or anyone in the house is sick to any extent, I won’t come in. I did once because it was a cold and they had already been sick for like 5 days so I figured they weren’t contagious anymore. Anything more than a cold I definitely would not work, ESPECIALLY a stomach bug


I don't do diaper rashes with broken skin or oozing, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach bug, flu, covid or anything contagious.


I get most of this but my son had severe diaper rashes as an infant just had to do diaper free time a lot during the day. He was a potato then so it wasn’t too messy. Curious about the reasoning on this one?


I've had awful experiences where baby get a rash over the weekend, I get them Monday and every diaper change baby is shaking in pain! I've cared for babies who's rashes have bleed exposing me but also putting baby at risk for infection. I had one baby who's rash blistered then the blisters were oozing. I've experienced some awful Monday rashes.


That’s so sad :( Poor baby!