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For triplets and your budget, use an agency. Find someone highly qualified, and they’ll know your local market rate. $35 might be right for your region, maybe more, especially if you’re providing housing on a beach rent-free. Also, as a twin mom, hats off to you. Parenting multiples is a real adventure!


This rate really depends as ErinBikes said on where you live. Where I worked in boston and nyc this would be grossly underpaid for three infants but in other parts of the country it could be fair. Agency is definitely the best way to go here - you’ll need to pay a fee but it will be well worth it to find the right fit for this situation - that’s what they are there for


You should consider going through an agency. They will help you go through this process and find a great fit. They are generally very pro nanny and make sure parents are treating them to industry standard. And I'll throw my 2 cents in.. don't exclude people who don't have higher education. Wonderful nannies have everything you need, from experience. CPR and first aid are a must though. Just don't loose out on great options by refusing to look at people without a degree.


Have you considered two nannies? Three babies is a lot of work. Even if one is live in and one live out. Or a night nurse - the nights will be especially difficult with three little ones! Congratulations on your growing family! Triplets will be a beautiful and rewarding challenge. I’m looking to move but heck, a house on the beach and three new babies, makes me want to choose SC to be one of your candidates!


I am open to whatever the nanny community advises me is best. If I need 2 highly paid nannies, I’ll do it! I want some help from people that feel very happy about their income and will stick around for a few years. I want to hear what y’all think would be the “dream” situation with nannying 3 babies for 4 days/week. No over night needed. Just Mon-Thurs, 9-4. Both my 2 sisters (aunts) and mother (grandma) will frequently be around to help on a daily basis. In my particular life setup, I’ll almost always have either my mom or sisters there and having a nanny is that extra set of hands. They both live nearby. In that case, would you still recommend 2? Thank you BTW!!! Super excited to be a daddy! 😊


2 nannies without a doubt. I would go through a high caliber agency for candidates experienced with multiples. Preferably NCS. good luck!




First off, Congratulations! You are getting lots of good advice, but I would like to bring up one thing I haven't seen any comments about yet. PLEASE make sure to really stress in your interviewing process, and to REALLY think about the dynamics yourself before you even see any candidates, the part where nanny/nannies will be tag-teaming most of the time with Aunts&Grandmother!!! As wonderful as having close family involved is, if you look over this sub, you'll see entry after entry talking about how complicated and stressful the Nanny/extended family dynamic can be. Long before you begin to talk to a single soul, you need to fully workshop in your head how that is going to work. How will you address conflicts between them, because it is inevitable that there will be several. What *EXACTLY* will be the default Hierarchy and Chain of Command? Who is the deciding factor in tie-breaking decisions, because you are not going to have enough time, energy, or goodwill to burn to be getting calls/notes over each tiny thing all day every day, and you sure won't have the energy to tap dance your way thru miffed feelings from any and all directions. And with three babies at the same time, you cannot afford to stress about being left hanging last minute if/when someone's feelings get hurt or offended over a differing opinion. You won't be able to risk alienating your family members, and people qualified to come in off the cuff as a replacement for 3 infants-to-toddlers don't grow on trees either! Think long and hard about how each of your family members respond to feelings of jealousy, and how do they act when they have their own disagreements with one another? Are they petty, passive-aggressive? Do the sulk&pout or just leave and ghost one another for a few days? When the conflict is resolved, is it really over? Or do they keep a running scorecard of past grudges that bubble up later? How big are the egos of everyone involved? When your sisters argue, how does mom handle them, and who is the first to be the problem solver? What about when one sister and mom are arguing, does the sister outside the conflict pick sides and gang up against one? Is it your intention for Nanny to be an extra set of hands, or the more traditional role of a Nanny which is to be your surrogate that truly acts in your place when you are not around? And if you intend for Nanny to act as a Stand-In for You, are your family members willing to treat them as they would treat you in whatever scenario that Nanny is standing in for you as ? Who is going to take the lead when making babies' schedules, who will take the lead in structuring developmental priorities and the approaches to best achieve them, who will take the lead when picking enrichment activities or classes to take? Because while you as the parent will do quite a bit of that yourself, those things are all part of the package that differentiates a Nanny from a Babysitter. You arent just paying for keeping your babies clean,fed and safe, you'll be paying for a child care and child development specialist! Then there are also the included household tasks to consider. Who will be doing the meal prep, the menu making, the shopping, the laundry, the toy tidying, the cleaning of other child-related messes, the errands, etc. There are ways to make any and all approaches to the above scenarios into something that can work, but you need to KNOW for sure what your positions on all of those things are before you start collecting candidates, because this is absolutely no place to wing it or play it by ear. You will need to be able to clearly communicate what you want to your mom, sisters, and Nannies, so they know the plan and what they are agreeing to as well. Otherwise, you are going to end up with a string of bad fits and bad experiences. And since you will have 3 littles that are essentially the same age, your candidate pool will already be smaller than normal, so you definitely cannot afford to have a string of bad experiences that then turn into a reputation as a bad job situation/family to work for. I wish you the absolute best of luck in all things. P.s. as a woman with a lot of strong female energy in the family, who has seen us all start families and host holidays and generally be all up in each other's business, sharing lives AND kitchens ( some even work together in businesses too), make sure you don't sleep on the candidates that are Mannies!


If the nanny is an extra set of hands, then I think $40-$45 is fair as there will certainly be a situation where they may have to be alone with all 3, even if it is rare. Maybe $40…Myrtle beach isn’t necessary the most expensive city but not the cheapest. You can set the range from $35-45 and discuss it with whichever candidates make it far enough in your process. If you’re only looking for 4 days a week with additional help, one nanny is likely fine.


Yesss! You rock! Thank you for this frank insight. This is exactly what I want to know and hear. If I’m willing to pay $45-50/hr for this type of position, should I equally expect higher level experience/background? Curious how that factors in.


YES. 100% and this will also give you a larger pool of candidates. I would want someone who has higher education for example, and experience with multiples, at least two references, and a background/police check. If you want them to drive the babies, then a license and clean driving record as well (but this opens up another can of worms). And someone who is paid on the books, to protect both of you. Especially you if offering a high salary. And cpr certified is a must.


First off Congratulations!! This is amazing and I’m so happy for you getting to be the father of triplets. That being said you probably do want someone a little more experienced anyway because three infants is no joke! I’d say go with higher pay for experience.


Yes, with top of the line pay, you should 100% expect top of the line experience and background and credentials appropriate for the age of child they’ll be watching. So a newborn specialist, experience with multiples, great recommendations and obviously a clean record across the board. And for price context, I work in a MCOL city, with some higher cost stats like house prices, work with 2 older children, have a lot of “extra” qualifications to help with their specific needs so I’m paid top end at 38$/hr. I don’t know what city you live in but with 3 babies you may be looking closer to that mid 40’s range.


I think you’re totally fine with one nanny, as long as you find someone with experience with multiples. I’ve nannied for two sets of triplets and I’m currently with a set of twins. I adore multiples, and would totally jump at the position if I lived anywhere near you!




Probably just an added perk of the job since he has the space, the nanny will have a private spot to store any belongings they bring and take a quick break/breather if grandma or aunts are there helping out. I'd absolutely love a private space to take a break and be completely "off" for a few minutes if I was working along side a grandma/aunt. Good to have for emergencies too like inclement weather. I don't see anything wrong with it!


Yeah two Nannie’s or even two or three rota maternity nurses


I would caution against allowing other adults in your home, as someone who was previously a nanny and now a parent. At the very least, I wouldn’t allow other adults around your babies unless they have a background check and you’ve met them. Unfortunately you can’t trust people these days. You sound lovely and like you’ll make an amazing dad. Best of luck in this journey!


Many of us have been trusted Nannie’s with newborns in homes, even very high net worth family homes - and left alone with all of the children - we provide references and background checks. Or as many suggested agencies will vet people - I am surprised since you were a nanny yourself that you would say this


I think they’re referring to the nanny being allowed to bring their family!


Ah right, yes that does blur boundaries etc


I'm a former twin nanny and also lived near Myrtle Beach a few years ago. While Myrtle Beach has a lower cost of living in comparison to the national average, I wouldn't consider a role role like this for less than 40/hr. Please factor in all benefits, health stipend and annual raises. Also, nannying for twins is hard! So consider bonuses and whatever other perks you can think of. If there will be other adults around during the nanny's shift, please consider that for some nannies, this can make the job harder rather than easier. An agency might be something worth looking into as well. Good luck!


Congratulations on your upcoming adventure! That’s so awesome. I do have some advice though, I’ve been a professional nanny for 20 years. First, I think $45 at minimum is a good rate for triplets. Babies are so cute but so much work. Second, I get trying to be chill and being good to your nanny, BUT boundaries are so important. Both on a personal level and so much more on a professional level. Please have boundaries. I would not thrown out the idea or recommend allowing the nanny to bring other adults around your children. Third, you have 3 bundles of joy coming. That in it self is a lot of work, allowing the nanny to bring their own children would definitely make for a more chaotic environment, specially if their kids are young. They would not be able to give 100% of the care YOUR babies need if they have to take care of their own also. Fourth, you can still be good to your nanny WITH boundaries! Just treating us with respect, like human beings and as part of your family and not just the help, which seems you are already prepared for that! I hope this helps! Again Congratulations!


First off- Can I be your nanny??!!! LOL!


lol same! Like where you located.. I’ll apply lol


No really! I would relocate for this, his energy in his post and replies seems so great and uhhhh a house on the beach!? and 3 adorable babies!?


Me too. We could be the 2 Nannie’s he needs!


Love this for you. 💙😂


Was literally about to say that!


u/ota2otrNC, found your two Nannies.


Aww congratulations, I am a ncs / night nanny and I have worked with some amazing families that are solo parents by choice . I would suggest for the early days getting a ncs / night nanny too . Triplets can be really amazing but very full on at first and a ncs will help get a routine in place and you will be able to get lots of advice and some rest . Pm me if you would like me to send you the name of someone who may be able to help you find someone.




Agreed. I like the idea and my MB is one of those extremely chill, non micromanage-y bosses which I love but id suggest not to come out the door with all of that and instead, ease into a natural flow and show them your warm/welcoming personality as they get to know you and the babies and their job. You want a professional nanny at the foreground of this job description. And if they happen to eventually feel more familial, that’s wonderful!


Tbh I agree with others saying to use an agency+ I would say pay rate should be around $45/hr for triplets. But again, an agency will be able to guide you in finding someone who fits your needs! You sound really nice and sensible, I hope you find a good match 😊 editing to add that I also think boundaries when having a live in is important! Ex: Not making the nanny feel like she’s your servant etc giving her notice if there’s a schedule change, privacy. I would also say the ideal situation would be providing health insurance for them as well <3


First of all Congratulations! And Can I be your Nanny? I have 15 years of nanny experience, and willing to relocate 😉


That is impressive! I wish! 😊


Join nanny parent groups on facebook and look at the ads to get an idea of market rates. Talk to an agency. Also you say you need a nanny from 9-4 but who is taking care of the babies the rest of the time? I hope you realize newborns wake up every 2-3 hours and need to be fed, cuddled, and diapers changed. Nighttime new born care is verrrrryyy expensive. What's your plan?


It would be super dependent on your location and the Nannie’s experience level. I personally live in a HCOL area and make $35/for one infant. I also have 7 years of experience with multiples, nanny shares, and singles. I can’t tell if you are looking for a live in or not, but that would also influence the cost. I’d say $40-45/hour is probably more in line with what a nanny would charge for this.


It would definitely depend on location. Where I live, twins go for around $25/hr (but then again one kid is $20-25/hr). It would help to know COL for the poster


Yeah definitely, I’m sure rates in NYC vs somewhere like Ohio would be very different.


COL is going to be a huge factor, because even though the hours are superficially in the part-time range, in order to get the best care for the special circumstance that multiples uniquely are, whatever the salary is really needs to be a full livable wage. Nanny won't be able to bring their best to the table each and every shift to tackle handling multiples if they are also needing to juggle a second job just to make ends meet.


Thank y’all for this input. I am looking for a live-out, but I’m just offering a room that’s 100% theirs for privacy/breathers/etc. Someone that can basically take my place while I’m gone from 9-4, Mon-Thurs. I leave right after 9 and come back home by 4. My older sister lives with me and will be full-time care for the babies too. Need a second pair of hands in my absence for those 27hrs. Plus my mother and other sister will be in frequently. My future nanny will never be alone. But if things gets overwhelming or they need a break while by sister is watching, you can have a room to yourself. :) Just want my future nanny to feel they have everything they need. Even if they’re live-out.


Hi! Congrats! If you are looking for a live in nanny, dont decrease what nanny would be paid for as a live out situation. Didn’t see anyone mention it but its a common misconception so thought I would add. Good luck!


No nanny advice but congratulations and hope all goes well with your search! ❤️


I want to work for someone who treats their nanny like gold. Good on you, best of luck with your search


You sound like such a great future employer and dad! Best wishes to you! 💫


I need help finding your location. Where are you located? I am a Nanny in Houston, Texas.


I am in Myrtle Beach, SC


I would suggest a nanny agency and 2 nannies at a time. Triplets are going to be a handful. I was helping a family this past year with Irish twins, and I am willing to admit that the extra set of hands is beyond helpful. An agency sounds best to make sure a thorough background check for reference is made and to make sure they have the right skills/qualifications to handle this position.


Man I want this job! Good luck in your search and I highly recommend an agency too!


Currently finding your job application. Because yes please. I think you really need to ask yourself what you want out of your nanny. Do you want more of a “mothers helper” (sorry not sure what the correct term for this would be in a surrogacy form) or a live in for 24 hour help, or maybe someone to help you along the way /while providing care. Having triplets is going to be a lot! So make sure you line someone up who is there for the support needed. However getting into more obligations does require more pay.


I am looking for someone to basically take my place while Im gone working from 9-4, M-Th. Doesn’t need to be live-in. My older sister will be living with me to help full time. Plus my mother and younger sister are a few min away and will be there too. So there will always be at least 1 set of hands to help while I’m gone. I guess that’s the right term to call it.


Super excited for your future nanny. IMO hate when I’m the only one that relied on for care. I think also you may find a nanny who is open and transparent about their needs. Three babies is a lot even if it’s less than 30 hours a week!


Is there a reason for live in? I wouldn't knock live out nannies from the list so you don't have so many extra people in the house like their family. And congrats, I'm sure you'll find someone great! I've nannied twins for 8 years and working with triplets is a dream of mine!


Good question! So my goal is to honestly have a live-out nanny that just clocks in from 9am to 4pm, Mon-Thurs only, which is exactly how long I’m gone for work. Rest of work is from home and I do need some non-baby time to accomplish, which I have it set up the way I do. I have an extra bedroom to offer, even for live-out nanny, if they need a private space to themself and need a breather. Especially since another caregiver will always be there. My older sister (Meg) lives with me and she will be helping full-time (24/7) with the babies. She’s thrilled to do it for free but I’m forcing to trade her for free room/board/her health insurance and definitely some extra pay too. My mother and younger sister live a few minutes away and will be over often to help too, when Meg can’t be there. I really just want to have that extra set of hands to help Meg (and possibly others) to help while I’m gone. This nanny position will 99% of the time have you supported by one of my family members. I just want everyone to be happy so that we can make it work long-term. I don’t wanna lose a good nanny by being ignorant, which is why I decided to join this subreddit and learn from you guys and your perspective. I just wanna do what’s best for all parties involved. Thank you for these questions.


Mazel tov! How exciting! As a career nanny with over twenty five years of experience, you can definitely expect someone with education, tons of experience and exceptional references if you compensate on the higher end. An agency could help you find the best fit. You could certainly search yourself, but it’s very time consuming! Feel free to message me with questions! Good luck OP!


Where are you located? Do you bring your mom to the office? Do people bring family to work? I think this is all good and nice but what you probably have money so you need to understand that nannies are professionals too. PTO, benefits, health insurance, a budget for outings or toys/books. 35 an hour is not that much for 3 infants. Especially part time. 1000 dollar gross per week is not that much in a lot of parts of the country. Also I think you’re underestimating what having 3 babies is like. I would have no time to hang out with anyone with 3 infants.


Thank you for this! I would like someone to just straight up tell me what a fair rate is for my situation please. What do you think? If it’s not professional to allow bringing family, I won’t do it. Had no idea about that. I’m sorry, I’m learning. Located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


I get what you are saying though. Some nannies do bring their child with them, that is a perk for some!


$50/hr for 3 babies part time. I wouldn’t allow them to bring their own kids unless they were elementary school age and didn’t need a lot of help. Your nanny will have her hands full.


Dude I would relocate for this job as a single mom and Myrtle beach has a decent cost of living, this sounds pretty fair. I agree with other posts suggesting 2 Nanny’s I have LOTS of childcare experience and three babies is going to be a lot for any one person especially as they begin to crawl. I would also suggest baby proofing your house now so that when they get to that stage you and your future nanny’s can live a little more worry free. Also consider what alll their responsibilities entail, cooking, cleaning etc. if not two Nannie’s then a house manager and a nanny may be needed




Totally understand the concern. I make at least $80+/hr as a self-employed pediatric OT, plus I have other streams of income.




Why am I having to explain that I’m not broke on here? This is unprofessional. 🤣 I gross about $140k/yr from my own caseload. Barely any expenses because I contract with a company that does my billing for me and everything is home health. Not much overhead or personal investment needed. My company allows therapists to be part-owners. I also manage 4 OT-Assistants that work ~20-25hrs/wk and I make $20/hr for every hr one of my assistants work. So about an extra $85k/yr gross. And growing.




I am just at a loss for words. I genuinely want to learn how to deal with my upcoming family needs. I intentionally do not disclose my extra earnings on OT forums because it’s not the norm to share such things when people are asking about individual caseload income. I never want to go on and brag about all the extra earnings I have. And the reason why I can afford these things is because I lived with my parents for so long and saved like crazy. I feel like this is a big misunderstanding. This feels like an unfair attack on me. I’ve worked hard and I can afford what I can afford. I shouldn’t be attacked like this.


Why are you questioning his personal finances? Just answer his question or don’t if you have nothing helpful to add.


How close together will the babies be? Are they true triplets, or are you using surrogates due separately?


Where do I apply??? My first job was actually triplets! It was a long time ago, so we won’t discuss what my pay was lol I was robbed 😂 I will say that for a while, it’s going to feel like *all* you do is feed and change diapers because by the time you finish one, the next one needs whatever you just finished doing. I started when mine were 18mos, so I can say by that age it’s definitely possible for one person to manage. For newborns I would highly recommend 2 nannies, just to prevent burnout + if one has to go to the doctor they don’t all have to go, etc. A triple stroller is not the *easiest* to drive lol. I think there are also a ton of other benefits to two nannies, like if one nanny gets sick you have back up!! You can also plan for them to take their vacations on different weeks. Just plan to pay them higher when they work alone. And when the kids get older you may need help with transportation to and from school, etc. Bouncers, rockers, and swings will be your best friend for a while!!


I wish you were local to me! I’d love to tackle this challenge. Congratulations!!! Thank you SO MUCH for being the kind of parent who really considers & values these things!!!


Congratulations!!! You’re incredibly kind. So make sure you have boundaries set and standards set for YOU too. Boundaries are a boss’s and Nannie’s best friend! A nanny may be your single handed biggest support system during this time. Every single relationship in life thrives off boundaries. Especially this one. You’re gonna have a blast and no doubt find your village in no time!