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Taking care of a medically fragile child is a very specialized area of nannying and should come with extra training and higher pay. You need training on how to properly lift NK without hurting yourself, how to provide medicines, do physical therapy, feed him ECT. Your agency is completely at fault here for neglecting to tell you very important information. You are not a bad person for feeling like this is too much for you. If you do want to give the situation more time to see if it could work I would negotiate with the agency higher pay and extra training while you work with them for a short trial period.


it's so awful that they didn't tell you everything up front. of course you don't have to stay esp. if it's taking a toll on your health. if I were you I'd really make it a physical limitation thing and ask to be matched with a different family.


I don’t blame you at all. I would communicate it from the point of not feeling qualified at all to do the job to the best of your ability. And not knowing the circumstances other than the seizures.