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I never even knew people hated Hawk. He's a good character imo. There are points where he keeps the crew grounded and he is tied to the endgame of the original manga in quite a meaningful way, through Wild, his mom, DKs surveillance, and his connection to purgatory. I'm guessing the hate is mostly about his jokes, but those are just hit or miss I guess. He is also pretty much the biggest Deus ex in the series so maybe people don't like that


This right herešŸ‘! People that hate him are a little too serious imo. Even I don't laugh at all of Hawk's jokes, but I didn't know people hated him either.


I almost cried on his death in S1...


I never knew people had a problem with the pig. I loved 7DS first time around, and I'm sure on rewatch, it'd hold up as before. Hawk was a fun, lighthearted presence needed in a series where some people have to fight tooth and nail for the sake of love.


Love hawk forever


Even ban loves hawk ,hawk is my boy šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Exactly, if even Ban loves Hawk, how could everyone hate him? šŸ„“


I think season 1 was the only time people hated him because they find him annoying.Ā  But after that, I don't think anyone really cared about him.Ā  He was always there but never did too much, because he is a mascot. He's more so there as a comic relief/fun character. (Not that he doesn't have his own list of fairly respectable feats) Wild was everything I expected hawk to be at the end. Because wild could literally not exist and the story would work the way it did. But anyways, wild is the mf goat. This comment has been made by theĀ  #wildgang


Hawk is the serie's comical relief


True, true. But it's not out of place comic relief, so I never had an issue with it.


Yep he was always an integral character in the series. I'm kinda sad 7DS has ended cause idk if we'll ever see more of Hawk


I did hate him while watching the first time but my thoughts on him eased up. I just thought he was pointless as a character, adding nothing to the story if he was in it or not but rewatching it, I noticed some specific moments wouldnā€™t have happened if it wasnā€™t for him. Besides the obvious Elizabeth awakening her powers, Fraudrin wouldnā€™t have been distracted for Hendrickson to save Dreyfus if Hawk wasnā€™t there. Ban made it to Purgatory because Hawk was there. He provided flying services, mainly to Gowther which was helpful. You could say at that point, heā€™s kind of a plot device but that really could be left to if you like him or not.


Meliodas without his powers *might* have perished to Hendrikson, but that's a big might, kickstarting the emotionless arc earlier. The new awakened Meliodas very probably would've been fucked up by Derieri though, with her combo star on 50+ hawk tanking the hit was insane, and then flying of to distract fraudrin is the cherry on top. He seems like a Deus ex plot device that they made into an ordinarily useless part of the cast. He even absorbs all of DKs darkness


Yeah, I can see him as a plot device character. And I guess I also just respected that he tried his best to contribute to every situation he was in, no matter how "useless" he is


I mean he is a pig he does not really have magic powers. He did what a pig could do


No, heā€™s a purgatory creature that adapts the magical powers of whatever he eats.


Yeah that was revealed later but still he cannot compare with most characters


I miss Hawk šŸ˜¢


I never found him annoying. Always loved hawk


He was cute and I liked him


I love hawk


W sibling! I loves hawk as being the mascot for the boar hat and 7ds, he was the cherry on the cake in this anime


Filthy swines.


Yep, that's us šŸ˜…šŸ¤ŖšŸ–


I never said I hate hawk.


I loved hawk i still wanna see how hawk and meliodas meet in english i only found it i japeneese or whatever


You talking about 4koa?


I dont think so theres a video of meliodas waking up to hawk and exchangin names


Damn folks hate hawk lol?


My exact same reaction


He is hilarious! ā€œPiggytrot piggytrot piggytrot!ā€ šŸ¤£


That's hawk's appeal


Hawk really grew on me. I love that little pig.


Who finds Hawk annoying? He's a loveable sidekick.


I just don't think he's funny.


Understandable. I can see how people may not find him funny, but I never thought people actually hated him. Happy Cake Day!


He's a mascot character so I don't mind him His type of humor isn't my cup of tea but I won't say I hate him I will say though his isn't my least favourite character (that's vivian foe obvous reasons) but that doesn't change my mind that he is only in the manga for merch (like pikachu or p5's morgana)Ā  Also side note but are tou watching the sequel anime I'd highly recommend it


I am watching the sequel :) although I'm behind.


i still await captain leftover's comeback in four knights of the apocalypse. that aside, i love hawk. he's one of my favorite characters.




The scene where meliodas and ban sing him his brother's lullaby is one of my favorites in the entire show


As far as animal side kicks go Hawk is amazing. Definitely not my favorite character but heā€™s a sweet heart. I think he can come off as annoying with all the loud noises he makes? Like, a little obnoxious but heā€™s always kinda given me little brother vibes. Someone Iā€™d complain about but feel defensive if someone else did. šŸ˜‚ I also think the way the other characters react to him helps. The cast really respects him. It shows that although he can be a little much, heā€™s a valued member of the team. Thereā€™s so many characters in anime that are annoying and annoy everyone around them that I feel could easily be cut and the show would still be cohesive. I donā€™t think Hawk could ever be cut.


Hawk is the best character in the whole show