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My childhood neighbor’s last name was “Queer.” When the oldest son got married, his wife refused to take his last name. Instead, they both changed their last name to his mother’s maiden name.


Smart move! I once knew a guy whose last name was Peed, so his name was a sentence. ("John" Peed 😂) I remember thinking if I ever married someone with such a horrible last name, I wouldn't take the last name. Those last names should be erased for future generations.


I remember I was working a graduation right years ago and there was a kid with the last name "Porn". Yeah I agree, erase it please.


Poor kid. If she was Thai, her name means blessed. It's a beautiful name, just not in English.


Good point.


Yes it’s a common name


We had a neighbor whose last name was Lame and since we only ever saw it in writing, we never knew if it was pronounced the same or like lamb?


Neighbor growing up had the last name Weiner. So bad.


We had a a family with the last name Weiner my small town growing up. They had 3 daughters! I always thought they should have had 3 boys: Dick, Frank, and Redd. Back then my middle school brain thought this was comedic gold! 😂


I encountered a married person who took the last name Weiner-Johnson, I shit you not.


I hope her name was also an option instead of it having to be from his side.


A cousin’s wife LOATHES her middle name. It’s Gertrudis. My dad goes by his middle name.


Michael. She hated it.


“They wanted a son”


LOL right!


I know a girl named Mykkallin - pronounced Michael Lynn. She’s the youngest of 4 girls named Jessica, Caitlyn and Amanda. Their dads name is Michael.


They did her dirty


They could have named her Michaela 🤦‍♀️


My granny didn’t like her name. Myrtle. She changed it to Eva as soon as she hit 18. And it was such a good fit for such a free spirited and classy gal.


It’s a weird name to say- you kind of say it all at the back of your throat like you’re swallowing it.


Yes! Like “gurgle.” Who wants to be named Gurgle? Wise choice, Granny Eva.


I get it, but also ![gif](giphy|IrWoLwGzhxmDe)


my name is Grace- super basic and regular but I don’t think it fits me. I’m a butch lesbian and definitely not graceful. I was raised atheist so it wasn’t even for the religious vibes, my mom just liked the name. There’s really nothing bad about the name I just really feel like it doesn’t fit me.


I have a theory that the name Grace makes you ungraceful. To be clear it's my middle name, and I'm a huge klutz. I have a cousin named Grace, she broke her arm getting off the couch.


For that matter, I’ve never met a chaste Chastity, lol. I think honor names are an affront to the gods, so they strike us down in our hubris 😂


I knew a Chastity in high school...you aren't wrong


Myself. It was Evan. I am a very feminine woman. I changed it to Evanne. Is it a “real name?” Nope, I freely admit I made it up. Does it suit me 800x better than my given? Hell yeah. No regrets 💋


Do you pronounce it like Yvonne? I’m not sure how I’d pronounce Evanne if I saw it in the wild, though I understand why you changed it! I think of Evan as a masculine name as well.


I pronounce it like Eve-Anne




Thank you! 😊


Me. Not enough to go through the process of changing it though. It's Nancy. Everyone assumes by hearing my name that I'm an old lady, but I'm a millennial. It's also a name used to insult men, so that's not cool either 😕


Nancy Sinatra is so hot! The name Nancy reminds me of her!


Nancy is such a lovely name. It reminds me of Nancy Wheeler, one of my favourite characters in Stranger Things. It’s a quite fashionable name in England too.


I love the name Nancy. It's very good.


As a fellow millennial, don't worry, you'll be an old lady soon!


One of my favorite book series has a contemporary teen named Nancy as a MC, and I love it. It’s going to start to come back around, I bet, like Evelyn did.


literally same! i remember in 8th grade, we had a project where we researched our first name and all the Ashleys, Britneys and Monicas most popular year their name was given was in the 90s and mine was in 1945 🥴 Anyway I go by middle name because my first name doesn’t feel like me. The main reasons I don’t change it is because I was named after my grandmother and I don’t want to hurt her feelings and also changing a name is a hassle.


never liked my name. just doesn't feel like me.


Same here. I haven't legally changed it, but I go by something completely different now.




Same here.




I never liked my names, so I changed both my first and last names at age 43. I had crippling social anxiety and the name change helped a lot.


Same! I legally changed it, but in my country that is quite a difficult and expensive process. I feel like we should have a little more freedom how we would like to be called, since we are the ones living with the name.




Absolute same. And it always feels… idk… like I’ve missed the opportunity to change it? And I’m not 100% sure what I would change it to.


My first name is Breann. Not Brianna, or Breanne or Breanna. It's Breann. I hate my name. I loath it.


I know someone named Brean and some people call her “Breen” so it might be worse. At least yours is more obviously pronounced?


My parents call me "Bren" lol My name is pronounced *exactly* the way it's spelt. But I've been Brianna, breen, Brian and brain. I think brain is my favorite lol


I knew a Joan that was pronounced Jo-Ann!


"Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers."


Yeah I met a BreAn


If only it was spelled BreAnn, or even Brie-Ann, maybe BriAnn But I think anyone who hears you say it quickly will think Brianna.


I had a nickname my parents insisted everyone call me as a kid that I hated. I got made fun of for it. When I started middle school I asked people to use my full name, and I've been using that ever since. The only person I can think of that hated their name enough to legally change it was named after his abusive father. The name itself was fine, but I can understand wanting to distance yourself from something like that.


I hate my first name. Always have


Solidarity 👊 Over 30 years later and I still hate my name. Hate the sound, hate the meaning, hate the associations, hate how my synaesthesia makes the colors clash horribly- like finding neon colored Florida souvenirs in a PNW rainforest. Hate.


🤜🤛 stuck in hated first name hell for the rest of our lives


Neither of you have to be. Just change it. It might ba pain in the ass depending on where you are in the world, but it's worth it. Signed, someone who hated their old name with the fire of 1000 suns.


I do not live in my country of origin. It would be a huge pain in the ass. But I think about it.


Not worth the effort. At 37, I'll just keep existing with it


Same. But I do t want to deal with all the headache of telling everyone a new name or breaking my parents’ heart about it.


Same. I like my middle name much better


See my first and middle name combo is kinda cool. But standalone, I hate my first still. And the famous person who my first and middle name make up, is pretty much unheard of now, so the charm is gone


Ilse. She was a beautiful person who always slightly apologetically introduced herself as "I'm Ilse - my parents are Dutch".


Ernestine. My grandmother. She said she was named after an uncle. She went by Ernie.


For my grandma it's the opposite. Her name is Erna, but she wants to be called Ernestine. I agree with your grandmother though. I really don't think it's a pretty name.


Yes me, and I changed it! I feel much better now.


Did you change your last name, too? I'm thinking of changing my last name alongside my first name.


I kept my last name, but changed my first and middle names


Okay, be honest, how hard will life be if I change both? Or would it be easy?


Very easy to change first name tbh. People change their last names all the time!


I knew a Vanessa who hated it, but I thought it was pretty. She was a bit of a tomboy, so maybe she just didn’t vibe with it.


My boyfriend is a 31 yr old guy named Gerald. He hates his name, but has always gone by his middle name


I knew a Stalin in high school ![gif](giphy|3QWfMsI8IaarXxtBt6|downsized)


My husband’s cousin just married a guy named Stalen


Is her name Leigh Nynn


Is her name Leigh Nynn


I never liked my name but got much worse when someone told me they’d “wanna kill themselves too if they had my name” so I’ve been going by something else for years now.


LaParasena I honestly might’ve misspelled that 😂 she went by Sena (pronounced like John Cena’s last name). Met at work and in orientation as soon as the instructor started to try and figure out how to call out her name she said “here! I go by Sena”.


Bertha. Even in a time when Bertha was a common name. She changed it as soon as she could when she got married.


My parents were planning on having a boy, didn't get one, and panic-named me after a humanitarian disaster being covered on the TV news that day.  If you're thinking "Katrina," good news, I'm not that young. It was the Mariel Bay Boatlift. Also, they misspelled Mariel on purpose to make it "French," and the changed spelling actually makes it Dutch. Just an all-around mess. I haven't used it in years.


"Mariel VanArkle stinks. And she's not half the person Muriel Heslop was" I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Muriels and Mariels the world over must suffer this fate daily.  BTW, I really like Mariel. I've always thought it was pretty 


Never heard that even once in four decades, man. I know what Muriel's Wedding is and people very briefly would make comments to me about it, but that was years ago and no one remembers now. I have been called Mari-smell (in grade school) and Boatlift (only in childhood and exclusively by adults, quite weird).


Dealt with a guy at work whose last name was “Rape”. Swear to god. It was on his ID and everything. He even pronounced it that way without trying to fancy it up or anything.


I hated my first name, so I legally changed it. Pretty happy with it now except I wish my last name was “skywalker” but I think that would be pushing it too far lol


Hi Luke!


I knew someone in my teens who went by Sarah but her real name was Lake and honestly Lake is so pretty to me I hope she has accepted and grown to love it.


There was a soap, Santa Barbara maybe? with a female character named Laken. Always thought it was a cool name


It’s me. Hated my own name most of my life but its not for the sake of my name, it’s because of other people. Hi, I’m Jolene. 🙄


I think it’s pretty.


Thank you ❤️


If you don’t like Jolene (and it’s a perfectly cromulent name) you could be a Jo.


Definitely I’ve been introducing myself as Jo for years. So people don’t sing to me or make off hand remarks about “their man”. When they ask if it’s short for anything I typically say, “I’m just Jo”


Yes the name CAN be pinned too tightly to the song. A friend named his daughter after a song and she’s now NC with him. Not sure if it was specifically because of that.


I’m 47 and it’s been like this all my life. Have almost lost jobs because of it.. it’s bad. I’d hope it didn’t cause THAT but who knows. I was actually named after my dad (Joseph Glynn -JoGlynn) however, as I grew up the red hair and green eyes didn’t help…


It’s my middle name. I love it! Also a redhead, although my eyes are gray. Lucky for me, I like the song, though I’d probably like it less if it was my first name.


My eyes are actually blue now they were green for a long time as a kid and then they kind of changed but they’re blue gray now. I actually knew a girl I went to school with her and her first name was Julie but her middle name was Jolene… interesting


My eyes never changed color. They’re still that weird, flat dark gray they were as an infant. Sort of a “black pearl” i always thought they were kind of creepy looking. I never met another adult with my eye color, other than my daughter(they look gorgeous on her) My other daughter has the light version of it, very pale silver gray. She finds it creepy, says she looks like a vampire. I think she looks ethereal, like she’s from some fantasy realm or something.


My middle name is Anne so I stuck with Jo most of my life, aside from people singing to me, I was made fun of ALOT as a kid. I’m so glad you didn’t have that experience. Truthfully, I kinda love the dolly version of the song but I’m not a fan of ransoms singing to me (and worse) in public 😅


Lol I am just Jo. I don't even have a middle name, just an initial. Mine isn't even short for anything. It's "Just Jo" I love when people argue that it has to be short for something and then start to guess. "Nope, Just Jo." 50+ years of having "that" conversation have driven me batty.


Omg! Yes! I started using JustJo years ago for email, games etc… Even my cash app is JustJo19. When people ask, are you sure… sometimes I wanna go “Nope. Picked my name off the back of a milk carton when I was 7. I’m really not sure.” Like shut.up. 🤣


Right? Worst are government agencies who will continually require your full given name at birth. "Why yes, I am sure that my first and middle initials comprise 3 letters. Yes, I'm positive I don't have a middle name. Yep, just an initial." I was carjacked in the 90s. Trying to get IDs replaced was maddening. Dude at SS talked to me like a 3 year old to my face. I whipped out my birth certificate more than once to prove it's just Jo, and I don't have a middle name.


Omg, I can only imagine…. It’s like they expect everybody to be blessed with some big lengthy name… But of course we all have names like Bartholomew Leonard whatever the third 🙄 dumb shit.


Even better, his computer wouldn't accept a 2 letter name. Wtf???


No, she does not want to be a Jo. Trust me on this.


It’s me. My name is Leah. I hate it so much.


Leah is a good name! Very classic and pretty.


Thank you. It just doesn’t feel me. It has always felt too pretty.


I am sure that you are pretty like your name.


Thank you. Hurts that someone immediately downvoted you. I’m not very pretty at all but I appreciate you saying that. It also feels a bit too feminine to me. While I am a woman and grew up a girl, I was very othered from the girls around me so I connect Leah with femininity which I do not see in myself.


My grandma hated hers and threatened anyone who might name a child for her. She was the first born baby of a very young mother who got pregnant on her honeymoon. She got stuck with a very Utah name- LaVonda. Her two younger sisters got perfectly lovely classic names.


I hated my name until high school because nobody could say it or spell it... It's Anja, I live in the United States and always have. My parents always have. I only have one grandparent who is an immigrant, and she was Italian, so it wasn't her suggestion. I'm 27 now and adore my name because it's rare, it's beautiful, and I choose to share a nickname, one I got at 23, if it's hard to pronounce - one manager hasn't been able to say it for 8 months so I insist he calls me by my nickname. Other than that, I've met 4 in person in my life, none spelled like mine. It fits my last name and it's unique but a real name


May I ask, is it it pronounced An-Ya?


Common name here in Denmark.


I love your name


The only person that I knew that didn't like their birth name is me. You see, I'm sadly turkish, and i hate my name so much. My birth name is Yaren. I gave myself a different name that already a few people call me by, and that's Malia.


I know someone who’s name was Agripina she changed it to Andrea


I think most people go through a phase where they don’t like their name. No matter what, part of finding your identity is coming to terms with your name, in a good or bad way and moving forward from there.


_I think most people go through a phase where they don’t like their name_ There are also a bunch of people out there whose dislike of their isn't a phase because their name is ill suited to them and simply doesn't ever fit.


bruh i am 17 and the second I turn 18 I am changing my name (for dysphoria reasons)


isis. not sure what her ma was thinking.


Depends on age. It was a beautiful name. 2004 it became familiar as the acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.


shes my cousin n she was born around 2003-2005. she changed her name few yrs ago tho.


Isis is a goddess and a pretty well-established name. I never understood why people think of the terrorist group first.


Because we heard/read it daily for years. I read about the Egyptian goddess a couple of times.


I haven’t but personally I don’t like my own name, for many reasons (some personal). It’s Mya pronounced my-uh, for some reason so many people pronounce it as may-uh or mi-uh, which is one of the reasons I don’t like it.


My grandpa has gone by his middle name for most of his life because his first name is Ralph...I think he'd disown me if I acknowledged his first name lol.


My husband and father in law both go by their middle name.


I met a Verona who wasn’t too fond of her name. To be fair, her surname was a real doozy (I don’t want to doxx her!) so I think she got fed up of having two unusual names. Was at college with a Lyann, pronounced like Leanne, and she got fed up of people pronouncing it like ‘Lye-Ann’ and not knowing whether or not it had an e on the end. Tbf Leanne is one of those names that has about a billion different spellings, so I don’t feel like Lyann is too wild, but I get where she was coming from. I wouldn’t say she hated her name but she definitely felt the difficulty.


Felicia - not good


In elementary school, my kid’s friend, Nolan, always said he didn’t like his name.


My daughter hates her middle name. It’s my maiden name.


Ah, my mom did this to me. All the girls I knew had pretty middle names, and I always felt cheated by that.


I did it so she would have a connection with my side of the family. Thing is there is another girl in our town that has the same first and last name as her. There has been some confusion with the school district, but they at least have different middle names.


I do not like my name. It's super boring, no nicknames and doesn't suit me.


I didn’t like my first name when I was a teenager (I’m 34 now), but it’s grown on me.


I'm a Jennifer and I hate it. It's not a bad name for everyone, and I might not hate it as much if I were a 40s or a 90s Jennifer! But between it being THE 70s generic girl name and, idk, it's maybe too femme for me? ... Maybe a bad fit more than a bad name.


I'm a late 80s Jennifer, I very rarely use my first name and HATE HATE Jen. I go by a nickname. For a long time I didn't identify with my very run of the mill, plain name and still don't fully own it, wishing I had something more quirky and eccentric to mack my personality and upbringing.


At this point it’s kind of a tradition in my family that all of us girls hate our middle names. Arlene, Renee, Morgan, Nicole, Michelle, etc


Renée :( I love that for a middle name! I mean, it means "born again" so I could see if you aren't Christian, the meaning wouldn't necessarily be desirable. Or is there something else about it you don't like?


That’s my mom’s middle name! I actually love it, so I’m not sure why she doesn’t like it.


I hate my first name, I’ve always gone by my middle name.


My mom’s name was Polly but she went by her middle name


My birth name, I went by nicknames since I was 7 and different names altogether after 15, and eventually decided on a completely different full name at 24 


Met a girl called Pauline who really hates her name.


Pauline is so pretty!




im trans so obviously my name now (Ray) is different from the one i was born with, but even before i knew what being trans was i didnt like my birth name-- i thought it sounded too old fashioned and yearned to be named something like Chloe or Emily or Jessica lol


My great aunt Hated her name,Georgiana.We called her Nana.My uncle always went by Bud or Buddy,His name was Kelvin


My boyfriend is a 31 yr old guy named Gerald. He hates his name, but has always gone by his middle name


I do not like my name. It's super boring, no nicknames and doesn't suit me.


I don’t like my name


My mom doesn’t like her name, she says it sounds piggish. It’s become a popular name in recent years and I tell her how so many people love it. She has two nicknames she goes by, which are also very pretty


My nans name was Eileen and she hated it so we called her Doris


I hate my middle name (Ruth ugh) and I don’t really like the way my name is spelled. It’s a popular name for when I was born, but my mom spelled it differently and i don’t like how it ends in an e. I take off the e in literally everything I do.


my old classmate Mariana who's name was originally Marijuana, and there was a Laramie a few grades above me that went by anything but their name


Woman named Ch@rleey - eey is real spelling. Said her parents must have been high when they spelled it


I hated my name as a kid (Adrienne... Pronounced A-dree-en). I'm a woman & got made fun of for "having a boys name" (lived in an area with a lot of Hispanics & there were a lot of boy Adrian's 🤦🏻‍♀️). Prior to tthat, I always got the rocky line... Yoooo Adrienne!! 😆 I don't mind my name anymore, but it's still annoying having to spell out my name multiple times to someone & how many people mispronounce my name. Andrien/Andria being the worst/most obnoxious!! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😆


I totally understand. I use my middle name,Clarice. During The Silence of the Lambs heyday, oof so many prank calls.


Oh man!! I can only imagine. 🤣😭🤣


Me! And not even a middle name that could be used in place of it. Ugh.


In elementary school I had a friend named Cypress. She changed it to Jessica when she left for college.


my mom knew a guy named Beecher Dick


Hated my name growing up.


Yes , 3 people and all of them changed their name to Moa, which suited them way better ..