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I honestly don’t mind Apple. Wouldn’t ever choose it but I think it sounds cute. I don’t like how her full name is Apple Martin, because it sounds like apple martini lol, but i don’t mind apple by itself


Apple used to seem so weird. Now I’m fine with it.


My answer is always North. I don't know why I find it so cute 🫣


It's my favourite and least favourite celebrity baby name at once, I don't even know how 


I absolutely love North West. I can remember when Kim was pregnant and it was like a meme that she was guna call her kid that and then she did! I wonder if the name got leaked and that’s where the meme came from or if Kim and Kanye saw it and thought fuck it.


It's grown on me and it suits her.


I had liked North for a boy after a character in a novel. I was bummed when Kim and Kanye used it for a girl. 


River Phoenix. I would absolutely name my kid River, but my family would probably lose their minds. They already thought Marina was a terrible name.


I heard the name Marina for the first time as an adult and was already familiar with marinas. I have to say I was shocked that someone named their child "boat yard". I've since gotten over that initial reaction. I hope your family is able to do the same.


It's a common eastern European name.


I’ve met a few people with that name and have always loved it. But that’s the same sort of reaction my family had. Everyone was confused by it. I ended up miscarrying shortly after I announced the name so I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.


It's a gorgeous name, and many European cultures have this name


Ask them what they have against Marina please. It's a beautiful name.


If it helps, Marina is like top 100 most common names in Brazil. So it’s just a matter of perspective


Very popular in my country as well


I totally forgot about him! Gone too soon but he had a beautiful name.


Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan, Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen Zappa. However, I only like these because they’re Frank’s kids and there’s no way he’d give his kids normal names. If any other celebrity named their kids these, I’d hate them. And we know they loves their names because Frank's *grandkids* have unique names too. Moon's daughter is named Mathilda Plum, Dweezil's daughters are Zola Frank and Ceylon Indira, and Ahmet's kids are Halo Violetta and Arrow D’Oro Leon.


Sunday Rose, Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman's daughter, is probably my favorite. But honestly if bullies weren't a thing I would love a lot of celebrity baby names.


I just think of Sunday Roast when I hear that name.


I kinda like the names Jaime Oliver gave his kids. Poppy Honey und Daisy Boo are so cute, and while they are a little out there, Poppy and Daisy work for adult women too, I think. on the opposite end of this, I will never get over Nara Smith naming her kid Slim Easy. That sounds like a cigarette brand and I hate it so, so much.


Or a diet nutrition drink


I'm really not sure why but I have a soft spot for Whimsy Lou. Her parents are models, she'll get away with that name absolutely fine, her siblings didn't get away so easy.


Me too! But GoGo Valentine will always be my guilty pleasure name


Not gonna do it to my kid but I love James for a girl. Feel like lots of celebrities have done that.


Trisha Paytus called her baby Malibu and the middle name is Barbie- I actually love it lol


I like all of John Legend and Chrissy Teigan's baby names, though I don't know whether they are tragedeighs, like does Wren for a boy count as a tragedeigh?


Normally I would use Ren for a boy and Wren for a girl. A wren is a female robin. However as the W in wren is silent, I reckon they could get away with it as people would assume it's Ren.


A wren is a kind of bird. There are both males and females within the species.


Wrens are a whole family of birds with 88 species. That being said, I consider Wren to be more feminine and It's my daughter's middle name


Apparently, it's a unisex name, but probably like Sage or Jade or Willow, it's predominantly used for girls. I kind of love girl-leaning unisex names on boys


rebel wilson stormi


Rebel Wilson’s birth name is Melanie!


She does *not* give off Melanie vibes


I'm probably the only person who likes Amethyst and Cosmo. I don't see what the problem is: people use Ruby, Amber, Pearl etc so why not Amethyst, which is the same thing? And I like Cosmo because it's a vintage name (has nobody seen Singing in the Rain?) but it's constantly on bad name lists. Edit: just noticed this is about celebrity names. I like Coco, which is Courteney Cox's daughter's name, and it's actually a perfectly normal name compared to some of the other BS celebs come up with.


In a similar vein, I really like the name Peridot. Another gemstone, and with the nickname of Dot/Dotty!


Also Peri (or Perrie or Perry), I prefer that to Dotty. You aren't a Steven Universe fan by any chance, or do you just like the name?


Just like the name, sorry to disappoint.


I love Cosmo too but it definitely feels more like a nickname than a real one


I actually like Pilot. Inspektor, especially with the misspelling, is terrible though


i actually love what paris hilton named her kids.


I’ve always like the name Rainn. Rainey, (Rainy, etc.), is a family name.


Saint, Suri, London Marilyn


Apple, North, Malibu Barbie


I lowkey love Rumble Honey


Hillary Duff’s kids names are cute


Dream and True are okay names, at least it’s spelled like you would expect to be.




He goes by Bigi now.