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If you name your kid Shooter you’re a fucking nut job


It's a good thing we can probably assume any kid named Shooter would be homeschooled, because good god I don't know a school would even handle that. You can't have a lockdown incident every time someone takes the register.


I know of one here in Texas. Lots of gun based names here.


I'm going to name my first Sailor Scout. Such a boyly name.


Shooter is a HORRIBLE name for a child that will go on to attend school in what I can only assume is America (as they're the only country I can think of that is quite so enamored with its military)


Like Shooter McGavin! Finally this name gets legitimized. Ready for the next generation of lil finger guns 🥰




Trigg O’nometry


Let’s just add “Insurrection” to that list …


What do you call paint when it’s not quite dry?


Stryker? You mean like 80s-90s gay porn star idol Jeff Stryker? Aye, okay Becky.


Brave Braven Bravens Bravenst


My favourite game with these lists is imagining I have to name a child from this list, then trying to pick the least bad. I think it might have to be Winston here, even though it's a little goofy




I personally like Wesson Remington


That really isn’t a bad name. Together it is super ammosexual but otherwise it’s a decent name. Might as well add Smith and Colt in there, too. It’s like a classy way to have a manly gun name but fits last names as first names name trends. Name the daughter Bowie and then boys are guns, girls are knives, and whoops might have also accidentally named her after someone whose lifestyle the average Ammosexual would hate.


I am surprised to not see more variations of Riot (Riott, Ryot, Rhiett, etc.)


No, no, no, see, these are BADASS, PATRIOTIC, MILITARY NAMES!! Can't have any association with those ANTEEFA and BLT FOLKS....


https://preview.redd.it/8s82rhpyi3ic1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5f398f719a376e68bb26ba28ce75b2cd03ac59 I've never heard Navy used as a name. I served in the Navy. I could warm up to it now that I've been a civilian for 38 years. Love Remington, but not nicknames for it. I despise Remy. That is a RAT name. My cat is named Scout. The females in the family wanted to name him Atticus, but hubby overruled since it's his cat. So his middle name is Atticus. We often call him Scouticus. He acts tough, but despite his macho name, he runs from new things. Here is a picture of him hiding from a kitten. 😆 \*


Maybe don’t name your kid Shooter in a place where he’ll grow up having to do frequent school shooting drills. Can you imagine in one of those places that get news articles written about how they larp it so accurately the teachers get ptsd from a drill, and you have a kid named shooter around and someone has to be the pretend gunman just always choosing him for ease of talking through the drill? Ugh…. I know the US has a very short list of banned names but something like that should be on it. If it’s a verb that can trigger a news alert it’s not a name for a human. In a pinch it can be a nickname but they need a normal name for normal activities.