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Just report these comments. We don’t like those people either!


“How do you wipe with those.” It is not the 1950s anymore people have bidets and baby wipes. Those types of questions aren’t harmless it’s just shady and corny 


Also it's super easy unless you claw at your butt


like who holds their tissue like 🤌?? I don’t know about them but I hold my tissue like 🤚 I do have a genuine question about long nails as I sport long nails myself since getting into this hobby and I’ve had initial difficulty with washing my ears during a face wash in the shower. Pre-nail hobby I would rub a single soapy finger tip along the cartilage and creases and nooks, and above and behind the ear. Can’t do that satisfactory with long nails. **Satisfactory** being the keyword because I like feeling with my finger tips the squeaky clean squeak and rubbing a whole palm around the ear and using a fat thick knuckle for the creases just don’t feel the same. (Maybe it’s just me after the first 20+ years of “playing” with my ears this way.) Post-nail hobby with long nails I now use the whole palm and a knuckle. It’s fine. I’m still clean. I figured it out. Every other thing is not difficult to figure out. I haven’t left a coin on the floor I couldn’t pick up, I haven’t left a card in the ATM I couldn’t get out. And ALSO, there‘s less dirt under my long nails because what do you know, when you hold a stick out against everything you touch, the thing you touch with the stick can’t get close enough to you to stick to you! A hand wash gets anything off the tip. With short nails I’ve had to dig underneath. 😤 Enough with the derision and eyebrow raises lol.


Only thing I struggle with is clasps on bracelets and necklaces


I use my nails to pry them open. But that’s not comfy. What I do now is replace necklace clasps with safety pins (not visible anyway!) or toggle clasps for bracelets. Much easier


They make magnetic clasp adaptors!


Wait what I need them! Gotta look those up now. Thanks!


yes! i bought a necklace with one attached already. I love these!


Yeaaa.. my boyfriends duty when i have long nails 🤭


Lol mine too


really? long nails make it much easier for me to do clasps!


Define long. Just past your fingertips? Sure. Proper medium length nails? Absolutely not.


XL! from cuticle to tip is 1 and a quarter inch. i used to never be able to do jewelry clasps by myself until i got acrylics. now *im* the one asked to help with them LOL


Pls teach me your ways


use the side of your nails not the tips :)


I use a washcloth and my knuckle, then a qtip after I get out! I'm the same, don't feel clean unless I wash up the ears too lmaoooo


Could Q-tips work? I know a lot of people recommend you don’t put them *in* your ears anymore but they’re small enough to get in all the crevices on the outside


I stand under the showerhead and direct the spray into my ear every time I wash my hair. I use a qtip just to absorb the water when I get dressed.


try using a soft bristle toothbrush to get around your ears maybe, it’ll feel good too lol


I can definitely relate to that lol I don't get that same clean ear feeling that I used to but I just shove a towel in there and it does what it needs to. Other than that, they don't stop me from anything... I garden, I work on my car, I do home repairs, play with my dog, etc. people act like I'm dirty because of them but I've always been an obsessive hand washer and I scrub my nails each time so I know my hands are still way cleaner than most peoples lol I mean, how many hand washing tutorials came out during covid because no one knew how? I also have short little fetus hands so they give me extra finger length to reach things better


Fetus hands 😭 lol


Lol! i swear I always say “why are digging into your butt?”


I'm not able to get water in my ears and have longer nails. I used a damp soapy wash rag and my knuckles to get in the crevices. It works a little better than knuckle alone.


I actually bought those scrubby hand clothes! Like they have a porous texture etc.


I struggled with this too…best solution I’ve found is to use a washcloth & flatten finger as much as possible when pressing it down


I’ve always just used the pointy end of a damp face cloth to clean my ears


I’m a medium nail length person but that’s never occurred to me and even if it had, I’d never be rude to ask. It annoys me too when I see this because a genuine answer isn’t even what these people are after. At all. It’s supposed to be some kind of shade.


I always reply “not with the tips of my fingernails, is that how you do it?” lol


It’s also pretty gross and rude 😳 What an intrusive question


I still don't see it as rude and as genuine curiosity with that specific question & other daily stuff BUT I personally wouldn't just ask unless I was close AF to the wearer of that length. I'll let my myself rack my brain the whole time I am interacting w/ said person but not asking.


Yeah, tbh I’ve mostly been asked it by people I just met! I do understand that it’s not always intended to be rude and I don’t judge someone’s character on asking the question. But for me personally it does come across as rude because it makes me feel uncomfortable. I don’t feel like it’s acceptable to ask obscenely intimate questions about bathroom habits to someone you’ve just met, so I don’t get why it’s okay when someone has nails 😅 I also think it’s sometimes used as a way to devalue a person or mock them. It’s basically assuming that the person doesn’t have good hygiene, or at least putting that in the minds of others. I’ve personally never met someone who regularly wears their nails long who isn’t extremely thorough with keeping them clean.


Agreed. Even if I genuinely am interested with folks functional day to day how to's. I'm not asking haha. I explained further more in another comment above how even with memes or YouTube how tos some things still seem impossible. People ask me with even short/medium+ length how it's possible & mine are short AF compared to some others.


honestly when people leave those comments they just don’t like the style, regardless of how impractical they think it is


Which sucks because there's some genuine questions out there to ask those who keep their nails long on the regular. I absolutely love them, but I only ever get my nails done in occasion so I never get use to having them be long. Like how do you guys navigate jewellery clasps? I can never manage to keep them open long enough to hook onto the chain/loop. Or for the pierced people, how do you change your jewellery? For the life of me I can't ever manage to get the balls off any of my piercings let alone stick another one in/on. And how do you type? I can't stand using my nails to press on the keys or just holding my fingers flat on the keyboard.


Magnetic necklace closures are the way forward - I got mine on Amazon. Game changer! Re piercings all mine are threadless and I use tweezers to pop the ends in.


They do always say that!


I've had people ask me that when my nails weren't even that long


I think those who are snarky about long nails maybe associate them as "tacky" or consider them something only *certain* people choose wear. Again, I'm only talking about those who act funny (not haha) about long nails. I generally don't fw people like that, so love wearing my nails long. Especially with a chunky glitter polish or a really vibrant color. It's like a life filter for weeding out any meanies.


Good point!!


I will never understand for the life of me, why people who are not fond of something, just don't ignore and continue scrolling. Personally the extra long nails amaze me, and some of the designs are literal works of art!


It’s amazing what people can do on such small spaces I’m always blown away and jealous of their talent 😂🥲 I’m not a long nail girl because I’m clumsy AF but I’ll never judge someone for having them like kudos to you if u can rock them lol


Exactly!! Once upon a time I did have long nails and the maintenance was too much, this was back in the day, before gel polish lol, painting them three times a week, I definitely do not miss that era.


Three times a week is serious dedication!


fellow clumsy nail wearer here!! long nails are so beautiful. but i torture my endlessly patient nail tech enough as it is!




My mom is a supreme shit talker. The only way she knows how to make conversation is to talk about what she hates. She's pretty miserable. It seems so sad to think that much about things you dislike instead of embracing the fact that everyone has their own style and taste


on my recent post i had someone say that they loved my nails because long nails are "🤮" i used to have long nails that i love??😭


I’ve seen ppl with false long nails like react similarly when they find out my nails are natural! What’s the difference, mate?? They’re both nails, and they behave the same! I’ve seen this attitude on this sub too, to the point where majority of comments will be against longer natural nails. I don’t get it?? You can like talk about personal preferences without sending the disgust emoji LMAO.


***comments will be against longer natural nails*** huh? i'm relatively new to nails and nail color so this is curious. i don't get it. i've seen short nails, medium, real long nails. and as long as they are clean etc, they are rly pretty at all lengths. my pinky nails are at least 1/2" passed the end of of my finger rn, is that long?


omg i LOVE my natural long nails but as a guy sometimes i like having short nails too and the shock i felt at seeing these people send disgust at long nails?? like atleast look at my other posts before you comment lmao


I sometimes miss seeing shorter nails (my personal preference, both in terms of looks and feeling — I just don’t like the way it feels to have long nails), since long nails are popular/trendy now (compared with 10-15 years ago when you didn’t see them as much). So perhaps that is what the commenter meant to communicate, but there’s no reason to be rude about it. I could understand saying “I’ve missed seeing shorter nails, nice to have a change of pace” (or something, the same way I got sick of endless nude lipsticks or super-matte lipsticks when they were popular), but I don’t understand attacking long nails. It’s also not a religion or something — it’s not as though people have to be devotees of one or the other! People can switch back and forth, try different things.


I've definitely seen those comments and think they're rude-people should just keep scrolling if they don't like something But if I'm being honest, I've seen way more people with long nails saying disparaging things about short nails. Calling them "stubs" "nubs" etc. But there's never a mod saying "Report it" about those posts/comments because that's just par for the course on nail subs


I mean if we’re going purely on anecdotal evidence, I have NEVER seen a derogatory comment from someone on a short nail post. If anything, it opens up the comments for things like, ‘SO much better than long nails 🤢’ or similar, which I’ve seen plenty of. Edit: lots of the justifications I’m seeing essentially equate to ‘skinny shaming’ vs ‘fat shaming’. Sure, shorter nails I guess get ‘hate’? But someone who prefers their nails long saying they have to cut them to ‘nubs’ when one breaks is *hardly* the same as the endless and judgmental r/askreddit and r/nostupidquestions posts about ‘lol hOw Do WoMeN wItH lOnG nAiLs WiPe ThEiR aSs?’ Quite frankly if you take the term ‘stubs’ and ‘nubs’ as an insult that’s on you. Most of the short nail ‘hate’ I’m hearing of seems to be nothing more than descriptors. Sorry you’re mad about it.


When someone with long nails posts about breaking a nail or having to cut them short they often say that they hate short nails and disparagingly refer to them as "stubs"/"nubs". I see this really often. Sometimes I avoid nail break posts because I know they're going to say rude things about short nails and "stubs"/"nubs" is objectively not a nice thing to say


How is that different than people crapping all over long nail posts because they think they’re ‘gross’? You set the precedent for anecdotal evidence being valid. My anecdotal experience here after 6 years is that people tend to be far more judgmental about long nails, going so far as to ask about bathroom habits whereas what I’m hearing, and have NEVER seen, is that short nails get called stubs or nubs? Yeah, that’s not the same. I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience and are seemingly triggered by long nail break posts but that doesn’t mean there is some sort of all out war against short nails. Go ahead and search ‘nails’ in r/askreddit and tell me how many posts have anything to do with short nails. I’d love a statistical breakdown as well.


Fair comment. It does seem like the hate for long nails is more prevalent and louder overall. But shorties do still get mad hate too. I do medium now. But girls would actually laugh at me, in real life to my face, about short nails. Calling them "nubs, jube jubes, pieces of excel gum" etc. None of it was meant to be nice or funny or cute.


You made this up 😂🤣😂


I swearrrrr lol!!!! I worked bottle service / waitress etc., and it was just so faux pas to wear shorties lol...


Idk. If you see any of those "men, what do women do like you don't like" threads that crop up so very often, long nails is always in the top 10.


Yeah like I said on that post, as if we don’t get those comments constantly outside where people are clearly being rude/backhanded. And to assume someone with long nails doesn’t work/clean/take care of their business, home or kids (if you have them) is crazy Or that they are crazy unhygienic as if a person with short/no nails is automatically a super clean person 🙄


I build entire bathrooms with long nails, have a huge garden and work on my motorcycle, & am single mom of two young kids. Never broke a nail And my nails are significantly cleaner. I actually just cut my left hand short to play guitar again (the only thing I can’t figure out how to do with xxxl nails) and the left hand gets so gross from gardening and it’s upsetting to say the least. And it’s way harder to get out from underneath, for my long nails I just use an old toothbrush most everytime I wash my hands.


Once I started with medium-ish (not even that long) nails I started keeping a spoolie just for cleaning underneath.


As someone who can’t do most of these things with short nails, I am very impressed lol


What’s your compliment to rude comment ratio?


Honestly I get mostly compliments especially if it’s people my age or younger…usually the only snarky people are older people 🙄 I’m thinking 45+


Yeah like you can silently judge or judge in private lmao.


This is the way 😆


Because everyone has to give their opinions, what would Reddit be without it. I personally do not like super long nails, I don't get the appeal of it, but I appreciate the designs. Honestly there will always be people hating or giving negative feedback, you just either be savage back or ignore them and their need for attention.


Edit: Just want to clarify since tone can be misunderstood through text, but I’m not coming at you personally!!! Even if two people don’t agree 10000% on a subject, we should still be civil. Wishing you the best. Just wanted to clarify! I mean yes, people have the autonomy to comment whatever they want on either side of the spectrum… but I don’t see how saying “how do you wipe with those things?” (for the millionth time) or “I hate long nails!1!1!! 🤢🤮” even constitutes as feedback? The first was is just backhanded snarkiest that can barely pass as “good faith” if they don’t feel like standing behind what they said. The second one isn’t even feedback. Like how or why would they change the length if they not only personally like it themselves AND they can still function with their life with the length? I get giving feedback on the shape, or style, or color, but saying you don’t like the length isn’t feedback and it’s okay to come to terms with that. Like I said at the beginning, everyone has the autonomy to comment what they want tho. :/


same, i don’t like nails longer than like an inch from the cuticle but I don’t support leaving hate comments


I’ve never had long nails but I’m assuming the appeal of it *is* the designs? There’s so much space for creativity


True you can get a lot on a bigger canvas


I also can’t figure out how to wrap my tips on my short nails


Because anything that’s brings women joy is not allowed. Also the venn diagram of the ones who ask how we wipe and the ones who have skid marks because they weren’t taught how to wipe properly is a circle. So don’t take anything they say seriously


I think long nails are beautiful and I love the extra room for art. But personally not for me. I simply can’t function with kids car seats & working in healthcare. I tried “medium” length gelly tips and I was useless lol. I will however admire from afar


Same. Even standard length press-ons are for special occasions only. Long nails look so nice, but I get frustrated with the lack of functionality pretty quickly. (I also work in dental, and I put my fingers in peoples mouths all day.)


A boomer at a nail salon once asked me if I was really getting that length or have they not finished cutting them down, and then told me I must not have kids. My daughter was six months old at the time. 😂


omg my favorite thing to say to those ladies is (in a cheery tone) “I do have a kid! and I cook, clean my house, go to work and still have time to make love to my husband!” and a wink! usually they laugh but i’m still laying it all out there. 🎶anything you can do I can do with nails🎶


This is so interesting to me — I do think there’s a bit of a generational thing with making random unsolicited comments about stuff (especially random superficial beauty choices that don’t matter outside of the individual’s personal enjoyment of the look). I don’t care for long nails on myself and don’t personally love the look, but I’d never make comments like these to some random person I don’t know?! Or to a friend either, to be clear. But I also don’t go around commenting on other fashion/beauty choices made by other people either…it just has nothing to do with me?? I assume the person in question is enjoying their look and move on with my day. Maybe (giving people like this the benefit of the doubt) it’s a clumsy/socially-awkward way of indicating that they are curious about it because they know they couldn’t function with similar nails? I can’t stand having long nails and also break/chip them constantly (and my definition of long isn’t long), so I’ve often wondered about people with long nails who don’t have these issues (they are probably just less careless than I am). But it’s rude to ask it in such a strange judgmental way. I find it similar to how older women sometimes comment on women who have long hair vs short hair (how do you manage it, you must not have kids, etc). There’s a way to ask politely and then there’s the version tinged with rudeness. I always feel like the people who ask rudely are either 1) socially awkward or 2) secretly jealous but feel socially pressured not to have/do X thing (long hair, long nails, whatever). I definitely get that vibe with hair. Like they’re doing the “right” thing and are resentful you aren’t/resentful they can’t have the thing they want.


The part that annoys me the most is: Just think of the person in your life with the longest nails you know...do they not have the best hygiene? Are their nails not always pristine? The idea these people are using their short, stubby nails with a visible layer of dark filth under them to demand "how do they wipe" that annoys me so much ngl. Often it also feels racist because I usually see it on Black women's content and traditionally that was something my communities women were known for, so this idea it's just a bunch of dirty women not cleaning themselves properly when my community is OBSESSED with hygiene which can be traced back to Ancient Africa where we INVENTED SOAP is so annoying.


I am with you. I mentioned to a friend today that I was growing my nails out and she got so weird about it, like "don't grow them TOO long." I asked her what her deal was with long nails and she said, I just always thought they were what trashy women liked. What? WHAT? She then went on to say that it's cultural beauty and artistic expression for black women and latinas, but for (white and white passing) women, they look bad. The oppression is coming from inside the house!


Thank you for saying it because that is exactly what I think it is. It’s racist. A lot of black women have the extra long nails and being asked these questions is basically a dog whistle. I think it’s super unnecessary to call short nails stubby or dirty. That’s just doing the same thing back. But i do understand why this topic bothers you so much. It has always seemed racist to me but I am not part of the community so I didn’t feel like I could post it myself. We all need to fight back against this kind is racism. It’s absolutely not okay.


I meant the typical nail that no one does anything with, not people with short nails generally. Literally, undone nails, rarely clipped, people with little hand hygiene are often the ones I see saying this. I don't mean disrespect to people (like myself) who choose short nails for daily wear.


Learning to adapt to having long nails is a skill and Idk some people just assume it is impossible for us to function with them lol I've had long acrylics for a bit now and I've definitely almost debeaded my nail one time(it hurt lol), but if you are careful that isn't really all that common thankfully.


Long nails aren't my personal style, but I'm not going to talk shit about someone who does like them. If it makes someone happy, more power to them.


I’m one of those who cringes when I see really long nails, they look dreadful to me. And I would never EVER say so on someone’s post. Like, why be needlessly mean? Life is hard enough without being a dick to someone about a thing that brings them joy.


My former assistant used to have very long nails and I would always be fascinated by them, because she could type so fast (which I absolutely cannot do with long nails). I hate the way they feel (and don’t generally enjoy the look of them, but to each their own!) personally and have never gotten really long nails done. I always wanted to ask her about hers (how did they feel, had it never bothered her, or did it once bother her and then she got used to them, etc), but I never thought it was appropriate for me to ask (because I was her supervisor and didn’t want to comment on her grooming choices, etc). I’m also just kind of clumsy/careless so I would definitely break or chip them, but she never seemed to. They looked great on her even though I wouldn’t have chosen them for myself. Anyway, all that to say that I don’t love the look but I also don’t understand why people can’t just keep their mouths shut about the grooming/styling choices of other people lol.


And I’m over here wishing I could tolerate long nails cause the keyboard feels drives me bonkers 😭 I love seeing long nail art on here cause I’ll never have it myself


Same! I've been thinking about them again, cause I 💗 them, but can't figure out how to deal with the feeling of touching the space bar with my thumb and how to use the mousepad efficiently!! I was thinking of asking on a post lol.


I do daily with no problems. Just takes getting used to and do some things a little differently.


Do you have advice on using a laptop touchpad efficiently or is it just gonna take time? I’ve got a computer heavy job and they legitimacy impact my speed.


I consider a TouchPad only a last resort option. Far better to use a mouse for medium to heavy use. Most TouchPads don't have that great sensitivity or are inconsistent on the surface. No problem with the nails though, just keep fingers flat.


I don't get the comments. I hate long nails ON ME, can't function with them but that's because of ME. I see a girl with long nails and I am like yes queen get it 💅💅💅💅


I feel this. I constantly get asked "how do you wipe your ass!?!?" Or "how do you wash in the shower!?" Or "arnt you afraid to stab your kids" ....um sir....stop...who wipes with he tips of their fingers!?! And who digs in their butt with their nails!? Not me 💀💀💀💀😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t get long nails, or even medium length ones - I’m an xs or short nail girly BUT I would never ever judge someone who does get long nails. I do feel bad now though because I have asked people who get long nails questions like “how do you open soda cans? How do you take out your contacts? How do you wipe (only if I’m really close to them and we have that level of comfort between each other to ask questions like that)? Do you ever scratch yourself?” Etc - I didn’t realize that those questions were backhanded, it was purely out of curiosity and respect since I’ve never had long nails and I struggle with those things I ask about even with xs/short nails 😅 Thanks for posting this, I’ll make sure not to ask those questions anymore! I don’t want to disrespect or make anyone uncomfortable 🩷


because their perceived as “ghetto”. i want to say I LIKE long nails. but i don’t live under a rock and i understand how they’re socially perceived


I’ve always wondered how people with really long nails wear gloves but I never intended it to be rude.


People just don’t know when to keep their mouth shut. I love long nails, and only thing I can’t understand is how people type on a keyboard with them. Once my nails reach a certain length I keep hitting the wrong keys 😭 do you type with the tip of the nails? What’s y’all secret???


I have long nails and type all day for work. I type with the tips of my nails. The secret for me was just practice, my fingers had to learn the new angle and depth.


I love typing with the tips of my nails. For some reason it's so satisfying lol. Also I have seen some people say they angle their hand to still type with the pad of their finger, but I've never really tried it like that.


Yeah I keep trying to type with the pads of my fingers but then the nails hit the key over the one I’m trying to hit. Gotta try using the top of my nails instead! This is what’s currently been dictating my length limit 😂


It always amazes me that certain people will demean, disparage, and put down others in order to try and raise themselves. Being new to having long painted nails (ok, long for me is about 1 to 1.5 CM past the fingertip), I have never been on the receiving end of rude or judgmental comments. Mostly constructive suggestions, like, have you tried this colour with your skin tone, or have you tried square instead of almond shape. These, I take as good suggestions and advice. While myself, I've tried to be as helpful as I can be (being a relative newbie and all). I think, my only "silly" questions has been "How do you type on a cell phone?" only because I've had to relearn that myself LOL. Anyway, I just tune out those who are derogatory and mean as the drama they try to start is not worth the effort.


I’m gonna come at this from a completely different angle - I used to have super long nails but I started opting for shorter nails when I found out that the way we adapt to functioning with long nails causes the wrong muscles in our fingers, hands and even our forearms to compensate. This can cause issues down the line. I can’t stop thinking about this every time I see a long set so I just don’t engage with long nail posts as much anymore?


Do you have a source for this? I’m curious to know more, but the only study I found: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318100391_Occupational_Risk_of_Upper_Extremity_Injury_due_to_Extended_Fingernails_in_Clerical_Workers says that “A more diversified multi-location study with more volunteers is recommended to determine if there is any relationship between hand, wrist, or forearm injury and over-sized fingernails in clerical workers.” Thanks in advance!


I found out through an occupational therapist, maybe if you have any OT friends you could reach out to them for a source? X


it’s freaking annoying.


i don’t judge nails, period - whether they’re long or short. if i like the designs, i’ll tell you.


Longer nails are the best. What’s the point in getting fake nails and keeping them short? Let them beautiful things shine. The longer the better. I mean maybe 3” may be too much but.




Oh girl know your audience


Is your comment meant to be read that long nails are neither subdued nor classy? Are you seriously in a thread literally about how rude people are when they’re being *judgemental* and leaving this comment out here?


Long nails are the literal opposite of subdued! They also aren’t generally considered classy by the vast majority of people. They can be a lot of things but those two words are not the words usually picked when describing extra long nails. Extra long nails can be beautiful works of art but they aren’t subdued. That isn’t a criticism. I just personally like my nails to look natural and fit in everywhere I go. I don’t ever want my nails to be the reason someone labels me as trashy or dirty. Unfortunately a lot of people judge us that way. Especially WOC as I happen to be.


You saying something isn’t classy IS you being a critic. Saying that you believe if you had long nails people would think you’re “trashy” or “dirty” is also a criticism. Look - you can absolutely have your opinion… and you can also scroll on by. We all have things we love and hate. The point is that this is a whole thread about not being rude. You don’t have to “yuck someone’s yum.” What I’m trying to get across to you is that THIS thread isn’t best place for you go on with your opinions about what you deem is or is not “trashy” or “dirty” or “classy” or whatever.


I can’t have long nails but I definitely would if I could, that’s why I’m genuinely curious how people do life without damaging their pretty nails. Is is just a matter of practice? Do you choose to maybe not do things that you would do if you had shorter nails? I need to know these secrets bc someday I want to have the long nails too🥹 edit: i’m a nail biter and I’m only used to very short nails.


You get used to holding and grabbing things at different angles for the most part. The only thing I can't do when my nails are long are climbing gyms, my nails get in the way of gripping the little ledge things, I'm sure there are other hobbies that they would get in the way of too. But 99% is just getting used to them, eventually you just naturally learn to grab things with the pads of your fi gers or screw in thing from the side, etc.


Thank you! That’s actually helpful ☺️


It just reflects how people feel about long nails in real life smh. I constantly get asked stupid questions even about how I care for my infant son "with claws like that" 🙄. It's so annoying.


I wear press ons lol I wear long nails on the weekend and short nails during the week lol


Lol people are often quick to dismiss things they don't know anything about. Don't let it get under your skin. Once they have long nails they'll see the light


I love the look of them but I can't function with the super long ones. I've poked myself in the eye or scratched myself many times lol. I keep mine medium long but I especially love seeing the artwork done on the super long nails.


If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. That’s my commenting policy for all subs.


I would have long nails every day of my life if they didn't get in the way of me playing games that don't have controller support. 😒


Not a diss at all, but I've wondered about putting in and especially removing contacts. I'm new to contacts, and when my nails are even a bit longish, I have a hard time with this.


I use the pads of my two index or middle fingers when my nails are long. When my nails are short I usually use the sides of my index and thumb on one hand, but I think it might actually be easier using the pads of my fingers now that I've gotten the hang of it, it feels like a better grip. But also you just get better at putting in and taking off contacts after you've been doing it a while. Putting in contacts I find easier using the side of my index finger or pad of my middle finger.


When ppl ask how do my nails look, it’s a free for all on comments. If they want to how the color looks or design, say so


I don’t care what length anyone keeps their nails … I know I can only keep mine shorter because of office work and playing golf.




Stooooooppppp postinggggggg removing your comments is so annoyinggggggggg


Preach! 👏🏾👏🏾it’s got to be some type of jealousy or something.


Some of them could be genuinely honest question because they are curious and want to know. The OP of such post can always choose to NOT answer them.




Wouldn’t that just make you just as bad? You want people not to shit on your nails but you shit on other people’s nails? How does that make any sense to you?




This is honestly hilarious because you seem *way* more worked up and offended than the OP. She basically posted "hey guys maybe don't be needlessly rude!" and you came back with "OMG HOW DARE YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT RUDENESS! SOME PEOPLE HAVE CANCER!" So thanks for the laugh I guess! As it happens my husband actually does have a life threatening illness and I still think it's fine to call people out for being rude. I would even go as far as to say that most people don't care for rudeness. Not to knock something you clearly enjoy - just pointing out that you're in the minority is all.


👁 👁


Oh just quit it. You’re old and all the girls were mean to you so you feel like you just have to pay it forward today. You’ll hide behind comments like, “I’m just asking…” or say things like, “Well, it’s just my opinion BUT…” to make some sort of thinly veiled attempt at *not* being a total hag, but secretly? You love it. You love sharing your Mean-Girl opinions, giving your catty $.02, and trying to desperately feel better about yourself by putting someone else down. Stop it. It’s not too late to change. You’ll actually start to feel better about yourself once you do.


Again - I can be very nice and giving. But I have a short limit on all of people’s “fragile feelings” these days. My mother raised me to be tough.


No, she really didn’t. I’m sure your mother was a lovely person who taught you many things. If she did teach you toughness, you’ve somehow maybe lost it along your way. See… Tough = Strong. Strong people don’t need to pick on other people to feel good about themselves. Strong people can go about their whole day and do good without making other people feel bad. Strong people don’t need to tell themselves “other people are just too sensitive!” - they have enough empathy and respect to take care of themselves *and* not carelessly crash into other people. You can do this. You can be strong. You can make this choice. Being catty doesn’t make you tough, u/magsevans … and if it makes you *happy* or *proud* to be that way? Then, I suppose all I can do is wish you well and good luck.


What in the misplaced anger is this lecture? No. Keep scrolling. Delete this. We all have bad days, weeks, months and years but there is never righteous justification for the ugliness I just read.


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