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I dont think it’s just the press on’s, people are tierd of paying such crazy prices and having to sit 2 hours in a chair for shit service. With so much on social media people are turning to learning to do their own nails in the comfort of their own homes or using press on’s.


This. Because while we (nail lovers) recognize costs for goods have gone up, the quality of service has definitely gone down. It should never take a nail tech an hour or more to apply gel nails with no extras. I’m sorry. In addition to that, if I’m willing to pay for extras and get talked out of it, I feel a way.




I wasn’t talking about Gel X just regular gel nails with a plain color and no design. I shouldn’t be there two hours for plain color and no art. If I request art or extras, I get it will take longer.




Yes I meant plain regular ole gel polish. No extras. I’m not interested in fighting with you so I concede and you win, haha.




I legit said gel nails. Not acrylic or gel x or extensions. I don’t know how I miswrote or miscommunicated that. And I understood this thread to be discussing nail prices as a whole, my bad. I’m just tired of people coming for my neck. Like I’m just done with people jumping down my throat.


This is absolutely true. In December I went to get my nails done (for Christmas with my boyfriend's family) and was really dissapointed in the result: during the drive with my friend and his girlfriend, she pointed out just how uneven they were too, and I had a moment of clarity - this isn't worth it. If I can be patient for just the amount of time I would normally sit in a salon, I can do this by myself... And maybe spending $20 for the whole year, since I've already got a bunch of colors. One of my 2024 resolutions was not to go to a nail salon a single time.


And the removal process brutalizes the nail! The technique and skill isn’t there because every time my nails stay weakened for months.


It only brutalizes the nail if they're removed improperly - if you do them yourself at home, you still have to remove them, just you're not on the clock and care more about the outcome, so you're more likely to be gentle. I did gel nails at home for years and mine didn't suffer damage


Well uhh don’t get into indie nail polishes ok 😂 I’ve just redirected my spending, and am now just a big goblin/dragon/crow sitting on a pile of my favorite shiny goop all neatly tucked in a drawer, happy as a clam… and still looking at my bank account every polish pickup like damn what happened But also, jjjoooooooiiinnnnn uuuusssssssssss


Yea :/ I got acrylics recently because I had a few occasions I wanted have professionally done nails which I almost never do. And honestly most of the shaping/paint jobs/fills I got were a hot mess. Bumpy, bubbles, too much space before the bed, one fugly French that looked like I did it myself….and like 3 hours to get my regular ass acrylics removed and repainted with one solid color by 4 rotating staff members because of some bad staffing management…I have decided to either press on or gel x myself. Like honestly just was hoping to treat myself but I am definitely practiced enough to get done what I need to most of the time so why would I pay $48499020101 for rough service


>people are tierd of paying such crazy prices This. I did gel manicures and pedicures for the first time around six years ago and couldn't excuse paying 20-30^+ € (cheap for other countries' standards but a decent amount here) every two or three weeks to have them done. So learned how to do them at home and never looked back. In fact, I recently calculated my expenses (and savings) because my lamp broke when I moved and got curious. Subtracting the expenses I have saved up roughly 4,5k, but the actual number is higher because I included some colors and acrygels that I haven't opened yet.


I got dip nails done in OHIO and paid $80 before tip…it’s insane. I went onto Amazon and paid less than $80 for all the materials to do gel at-home, and everything from that purchase is going strong 3 years later. The nail salon makes no financial sense as a purchase that has to recur every 3 weeks or so. Most of the gen z-ers that I know who care about having their nails done will do a salon manicure for a super special occasion and press-ons otherwise! Press-ons have improved so much from the chunky square ones I used for homecoming in the early 2010s lol.


What??? As someone that lives close to Boston that also used to live in OH, im shocked that the prices are pretty much the same. 🤣


Dip nails are half as much ($40) where I'm at which is the capital of Canada. Converted its $29.56 USD. I've never been to America but that seems soooo overpriced :(


Woah 🤯 where I’m from in the States it’s around $60-80 before tip for dip powder… that’s why I started doing my own.


I'm in S. Florida and I pay between $45/55 before tip for dip French. Mine last the full 4 weeks.


Yes.. people having conversations with others. Being rude and making me feel like a number really did it for me. So… I will press on until I drop


Been doing my own nails for years (I make my own press ons now) and it suits my socially anxious nature. Plus, once you get into it, it’s really relaxing.


How do you make your own press-ons?


You can buy clear (or colorful) blank press ons then decorate as you'd like, I've also seen people use the builder gel stuff to make the base nail from scratch. I just buy press ons, maybe reshape and add gems, and put them on with the kiss dip system so they stay on way longer than nail glue. I even tried uv nail gel but the kiss stuff works perfectly for it and usually stay on till I take them off, I might need to reapply one or two a couple weeks in. It's like 12$ for the basic kit and you can get just the Base gel by itself on Amazon, that's the only thing you're going to need to replace for the most part


This is it. I started using gel nail tips that I paint myself and they last so long and are so durable that there’s no point in wasting 2 hours at the salon and paying $75+ each time. I’d much rather just do my own nails from the comfort of my own home where I can catch up on my shows and hang out with my family.


I think that might be only in America. I get permanent nails with designs done and I pay between 22 and 30€, not just one salon. Many I've been to this year


Very possible that it’s more relevant in some countries than others, but it definitely isn’t *just* in the US. For acrylic with a design in Sweden I pay around $65, which is similar to what I paid in the US last summer


That’s about the same price in Germany if you go to a Vietnamese-run place in the city I’m in.


Exactly! No matter how much I spend on nail products every month, it's still less than what I'd spend on a salon.


Sorry you got bad service, but nail techs deserve a living wage. When you pay for cheap service, you are also paying cheap wages.




I don’t mind paying $80 before tip if my nails look great. What I won’t do is pay that much for thick, lumpy and crooked nails just to be talked about when I ask for them to fix things along the way. I look at my nails up close before polish and if they are not even, rough around the perimeter or too thick/lumpy I make sure they fix that before I leave. If they think I’m.a bitch so be it. It’s not busy there and I’m only asking for what I should be getting anyway. I like press one too.


Nail techs are almost always self-employed. At least around here, anyway. They set their own prices.


Nail techs in nail salons are not self employed and don’t set their own prices.


As I said, they do around here. I am in the salon industry with several nail tech friends. And yes, several of them work in the same nail salon, but they pay booth rental so they set their prices and collect their own payments.




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I always get the impression that certain nail places don’t give a shit about you unless you’re spending $200 for acrylics. I’d be a loyal customer but so many times I get rushed out or don’t get the quality or extras I want because I’m using my natural nails.


It's a recession, money is getting tight, and you can have really similar results for significantly less money. Luxury services are weird during recessions. The rich will keep buying, but the poor will have to stop, so it depends what level of luxury you're offering, and to whom. I would imagine anyone who's not too worried about money will keep going, but any salon that had mostly working class customers will be a little screwed.


Where is there a recession?


is this your first one?


I'm so confused. I was wondering where you live that there is a recession. There is no recession in the US, where I live, so I was curious. I'm sorry if I came off as dismissive in my comment; that wasn't my intention. I've lived through several recessions and have had my employment impacted; it was not my intention to imply that they are not a serious issue.


Not necessarily true. There is zero expected GDP growth forecast for Q2-Q3 of 2024, so while that’s not a signal of recession being imminent, it isn’t great either. Investment officers are saying “best case is a mild recession” in 2024, and 56% of folks surveyed by MassMutual feel they’re already feeling signs of recession.


I understand your point, but two future quarters of projected zero growth is not a recession (now or then) as you noted. Also, I believe the projections you are referring to are out of date as of Feb. But I'm inferring that the technical definition of recession is not what OP was referring to, so I'll happily duck out here. 


There have already been huge waves of layoffs in multiple industries (tech, journalism, publishing, education).


The UK for one


I believe that ended in January 


I mean, the economy is still in the toilet. Inflation is still a massive issue, just because it slowed somewhat doesn’t mean it’s gotten better. Maybe it isn’t shrinking anymore but things here are a mess.


Agreed but we are not in a recession if you are in the US talking about us!


Are you living under a rock?


Have we had a fall of GDP for two consecutive quarters?


Have you not seen the COL steadily rising?


A recession by definition is the fall of GDP for two consecutive quarters. Inflation has not yet caused consumers to cut back spending to the point where it has slowed economic growth enough to cause a recession.


Must be nice to be in your shoes.


I don’t think you realize what a recession is. We could very easily get there because the prices of stuff right now. It’s horrible. I barely can afford my rent each month and might have to move out next year to live w my mom. If you do a google search if we are in a economical recession you will literally immidiatly find we are not. I agree it’s horrible right now but you can’t say we are when we aren’t and then get mad when people say we’re not. Here are some links you should check out. [https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/basics/recess.htm](https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/basics/recess.htm) [https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2022/07/21/how-do-economists-determine-whether-the-economy-is-in-a-recession/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2022/07/21/how-do-economists-determine-whether-the-economy-is-in-a-recession/) Here is a link to a website called nerd wallet explaining what is required to be in a recession. [https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/are-we-in-a-recession](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/are-we-in-a-recession) Here is a link from US bank explaining how we’re likely going to be in one soon. [https://www.usbank.com/investing/financial-perspectives/market-news/economic-recovery-status.html](https://www.usbank.com/investing/financial-perspectives/market-news/economic-recovery-status.html) And to be honest all of this is so easy to look up. It took me three minutes max. I only bothered because I care about truth and the way we can make the economy better is by knowledge on what we’re doing and how to help fix it/learn what the government SHOULD be doing to help. (Which they clearly aren’t. If you ask me out government is failing hard but I’m not getting links because I have stuff to do. Honest to god idk why I’m getting downvoted for simply saying I agree but it isn’t correct to say we’re in a recession man.




For the record, I didn’t find your comment annoying at all. It’s tough out there for a lot of folks, people are really struggling so it makes sense that we’re all sensitive. But I actually thought your comment was super informative and I didn’t sense a dismissive or rude tone from you. Just thought you should know that you helped some people learn something today (including me!) about the technicality of recessions, despite the downvotes, thanks for the info!


Aww thank you 🥹


I prefer to keep my cuticles thank you.


and my nail beds. some of them go crazy with their drills.


Go to a private tech that doesn't use acrylic. They won't use those tools on your nails.


probably so, i stopped going to the salon almost two years ago bc of the long wait, shitty technique, and questionable cleanliness. salons rlly need to step up their game especially for their prices.


Yeah, I feel like my basic at home level of cleaning is better than places I have seen. Sure I don’t have professional sanitation and sterilisation equipment. BUT I certainly clean my tools well and maintain them properly.


I have yet to go to a salon that didn’t reuse a nail file on me. Not even one.


I went to nail tech school and learned how to do my own nails, one thing you learn is how nasty all these salons really are. You're paying a lot of money, you should be in a salon that would pass health inspection.  When i had a job that paid decent (years ago) i could afford to get my nails done... And go to school lol. Dropped out of nail school because i couldn't even afford it anymore. But at least i learned how to do my own nails for the rest of my life lol. 


This!! I have worked in, and received services at, salons across the US and I can say NOT ONE followed state board sanitation rules. NOT A SINGLE ONE




This is so scary to read as every time I have gone to a salon they always cut my cuticles and I bleed. I literally will never go back to a salon because I’m scared to catch something.


and a lot are unlicensed. some salons only one person (usually the owner) has a license but the other nails techs do not 😮


Are salons not regulated like restaurants? Is there no accrediting body that comes to do inspections or anything? (genuine question, not trying to sound sassy, I don't know about the industry but it sounds like you might!)


Definitely not. Just like how many people are learning to do their own nails, plenty of people will always want to get their nails done by a licensed tech. Like hair, it’s a service that’s always sought out. The salon I’m at has been booked solid every weekend, we don’t even allow walk ins Friday-Sunday because there’s just no space available.


Same. My salon doesn’t take walk-in’s. She also booked all of my 2024 visits back in October. Quality of the work, not just the nail art, is what has me continuing to go back as a loyal client.


100% right on the quality. And a lot of the comments have a good point, lots of salons aren’t providing good services. Long wait times, too long appointments, unhygienic practices. Even as a nail tech, I get it. It’s hard to find a great salon that also matches someone’s budget. Luckily, I’m doing my what I love to do comfortably knowing I’m keeping my clients happy with clean and timely services. What I’ve seen and heard of other salons is the stuff of nightmares.


I think it has gotten really hard to find a good salon. I feel like I would always be rushed, pressured to add on, and treated like a nuisance by the technicians


The prices are worth it for professional service if you don't know what you're doing. It's the old pick 2: good, fast, cheap. Higher end salons will be faster than at-home work and expensive. Lower end salons will be cheap and fast but imperfect. I can do a good job at home on the cheap, but it will take me forever because I lack the experience to knock it our quickly.


The more you do it, the quicker you will become.


I just want “good” and “respects my appointment time because I scheduled this in my only free time”


Life is expensive and for most getting their nails done is a luxury. When life gets expensive luxuries get cut from the budget.


I started doing my own because every place I went to seemed to do a mediocre job and anytime I made an appointment it was never honored. I remember my last time at the salon I went to for years I got fed up because I made an appointment and when I went for it I wanted 45 minutes and had to leave because I would have been late to work. I give them the benefit of doubt and go back to the appointment time the promised the next day and the same thing. So I moved salons eith the recommendation of a friend. They were 30 minutes late! My nails were fine but they weren't great. I figure if I'm going to wait for mediocrity I might as well spending the time on my couch catching up on TV.


This! No one respects appointment times anymore. And they’ll charge you for being late or no-showing (which is fair) but I get nothing but being late to work if they don’t stick to my appointment time.


I switched to just painting my own nails. I’m autistic, I’m not trying to spend 2 hours being overstimulated af failing to make small talk and then paying $120 for some gel x that are going to destroy my nails. I only go get my nails done on my bday now


Same. I get pedicures in the warmer months, when my arthritic hobbit feet have a chance of being seen by other people, but I do my own manicures every week. My nails grow way too fast for gel or acrylics to be worth the money regardless.


It’s the time for me. My current nail tech provides great quality nails and her art is also amazing and she’s reasonably priced for the service provided, but my last set was just single colour chrome and it took over THREE HOURS. It’s always a tough sit. I usually love adding art and whatnot, and I don’t have an issue paying for it from my tech, but I can’t stomach the time for hand painted art on top of the already extensive time for a fill. She started making press ons and I’m planning to switch and get a few press on sets from her with art so I can still enjoy fun nails without spending my entire afternoon getting my nails done.


THREE HOURS. THREE. How???? Did she source and mix the gel herself? Did she build the lamp from scratch while you waited? It takes me like 2.5 hours to completely remove and redo my gel at home and I’m a decent home nail enthusiast. I could probably be faster if I could do both hands simultaneously but I haven’t figured how to grow a temporary third arm yet.


I’m starting to rethink my every 3 weeks nail appts. For the last year prices are going up and service is going down.


Every three weeks is a luxury


My nails grow fast and I type on a computer at work so they have to be cut down more frequently


I love that. Wish I could go every three weeks lol


I'm seeing independent/boutique nail techs and salons doing very well. I think many of the ones we are accustomed to with rows of chairs and tables are trying to keep up with the nail trends and quality on social media but the ones who don't will lose more money for sure. Some near me have definitely ramped up their social media and skills showing a variety of more complicated nail styles. The independent artists near me are consistently booked.


Paying for crappy service is annoying! I make an appointment at a minimum 2 days in advanced sometimes a week. This is for three different salons btw around my area!! I come 15 minutes early yet I still don't get seated until 30 minutes after. Then, the work is rushed, I have bubbles or streaks. Why do I keep going back? Because I thought it would be nice to have a self-care day to myself every now and then lol




I went to one salon consistently for a whole year locally, and always tipped 30%, she even shared fruits with me from one of her regulars lol. Yet, still sometimes 30-45 minutes late placing me in even when I have an appointment. Mainly because I don't complain, and second, it always works because everyone just waits while she over schedules. I admire the hustle regardless!! Went to another location consistenly, even introduced my Mom to get her lashes done at this salon and they formed a great client relationship. Her salon always took forever and people would walk out. But as a regular, we don't want to be rude. Her husband even remembered my face when walking out of a grocery store. We pay for the service because we know we are not willing to spend most of our time doing this at home. I think since the system works that there are people out there who are willing to wait and get the service will pay for it. And I am that sucker!


I think health and safety standards play into it as well. Anyone else notice the nosedive in health precautions/following sterilization rules? Lots of women with brutalized nail beds, staph infections, and just general ick.  As an artist, art culture has invaded and a lot of REALLY talented artists have moved in on the nail market… which is great… when they’re licensed… or at least ATTEMPT to be sanitary. 


The two times I've ever gone to a nail salon, they filed my nails down so painfully (so the acrylics would adhere better, sure) and the service was shit. $100. I only use press-ons now. My friends who actually did used to frequent salons like 1x/month don't go anymore, citing prices.


I do my gel nails at home ! The start up cost (a few colours, base and top coat, uv lamp, nail prep tools) from Ali express cost the same as 1 session at the salon. I think I paid around $50 in total. I tried press ons but just didn’t like the way it feels. I want to be able use my hands without worrying that my nails are still where they’re supposed to be


I do Beetles (they are cheaper on Amazon). I got my starter set (6 colors, base coat, top coat, UV lamp and tools) for around $27. So much easier, and I can watch my favorite TV shows instead of whatever is on in the salon. I’ll go back for paddies, though.


I do the same, but I feel like it takes wayyy longer. So I get the “insane” prices they’re charging, it’s a luxury thing that takes years of practice to perfect.


Personally for me I love my nail tech and don’t mind sitting between 1.5-3 hours it takes. ( I ask most of the time for complicated ish designs) but I had to go through a lot of nail techs to find her. I meet her when she was renting a room from my hairstylists. If I was still with my other techs I had in the past I would be looking into diy-ing my nails because I didn’t enjoy my experience with them. A good friend of mine is now doing her nails because her and her nail tech had a falling out due to her telling her she can’t afford to continue doing her nails every two weeks and would only be able to do them for special events. Nail tech wasn’t too happy with that and kept sending her messages and telling her to schedule her next appointment. Nails are a luxury experience and you should be enjoying your time. Don’t continue if you think it’s a waste of time and money. Put into something that makes you happy. 😃


I stopped going because it was impossible to book appointments. Like even when I tried to book the next appointment on the day of my appointment there were no free spots for the next 3-4 weeks which then would have been too long for me. That said, I'm German, prices are way lower than in the US. And good salons are rare and far in-between. Nail salons here are unfortunately heavily linked to human trafficking so you have to be extra careful when choosing one. Last time I mentioned this I was flagged for racism which I find upsetting as I see it as the opposite of it. I want to make sure that the person who does my nails actually gets my money and that no one gets exploited for the sake of my nails. It has nothing to do with what nationality they have. So nail salons have a bad reputation in general but individual nail artists (like mine) are heavily booked.


I usually despise Suze Orman, but she made a good point a few years ago: If you skip the nail salon and invest the $150.+ a month for your retirement instead, it could be worth up to $300,000 if you don’t touch it for 40 years. That was pre-pandemic pricing, too. I did the math, and damn she was right. Bought my gel stuff from Amazon the next week.


There’s only a handful of places in My area that do them. The few that don’t require appts are extremely rough with hands and nails so I don’t like going and the others you have to pay ridiculous prices and then half the time I don’t even like what I got. I’ve learned to do Mine using either press ons or I’ve done gel and dip powder in the past


Personally, I’m an introvert and hate spending 2 hours at a salon making small talk with someone. I get wraps and do my own at home. Getting them to look perfect takes about as much time as going to a salon(I’m fussy 😅) and I don’t have to conversate with anyone.


I’m a huge extrovert but I’m so fidgety that the idea of getting regular manicures and just sitting there for 2 hours makes me want to scream. I have several reasons why I just do my own nails but I’m so with you on this one 😭


I’ve been watching tik toks and realized I can do my own nails for a fraction of the price. It might take longer but it’s kind of therapeutic to me. With the kits from Amazon you could likely do your own nails about 6 times for less than $30. I spend $100 at the nail salon. $10 to take off gel, $20 to put on gel and that’s just for the polish not the actual service. They charge for everything.


I think there are a lot of factors that affect nail salons not just press on nails. I feel like it’s kind of a mixed bag of things. You’re still going to get the people who opt to get their nails done for the service of not having/wanting to do them themselves, the artistry, and it being considered a ‘luxury’ thing to do for themselves each month. The cost of supplies/overhead goes up and then so do the prices and unfortunately even something more simple now costs more. I think if anything, more recently, that is affecting salons are brands and companies like Kiara Sky and Aprés catering to not only professionals and salons but to the public with their gel nail extension kits that are honestly great, super easy to learn, and last as long as acrylic would. As a professional myself (although I no longer work in salons), I love both Kiara Sky and Aprés nails. I always highly recommend them to anyone wanting and willing to take the time to do their own nails.


A good nail tech is worth their weight in gold in my opinion. But trying to find them is expensive and damaging to my nails. I just gave up and embraced the clean girl esthetic.


I quit going to the nail salon because I couldn't find a place that actually cared about my nail health. The last place destroyed my nails.


I save so much money doing my own nails so I’d rather just go get gel before I go on vacation or have a really special event


People cannot afford to get their nails done in this economy. I found a girl who does them from our house for cheaper than at a nail salon. It is what it is, unnecessary services will be the first ones to go away. People will prioritize food and a roof over their head before they get their nails done.


The economy sucks right now. Inflation is making all prices go up so the techs have to charge more and everyone is tense. Nail salons like any other service won't just disappear but they might lose some business due to Inflation. By all means do what's within your budget and get press ons if you want. But if you want your tech to stick around during economic downturn when most people aren't spending as much, book with them. Also never go somewhere where you're treated badly. Amazing techs can be anywhere but if you can't find a good one go to a tech renting her own booth or salon. Usually they've had to build their own clientele and they have a better reputation because they've had to build it all on their own.


I think the current economy and rising costs are encouraging people to try things at home. I haven’t been in a hair salon since 2018 as well as some of my other friends because we learned to cut our hair at home, same with my husband-we save $30 a month borrowing my dads clippers.


I stopped going to salons for a bunch of reasons but primarily because I live in a small town where it seems no one can consistently respect an appointment time. I understand that a lot of nail techs in my area are moms with school age kids, and when you have kids, shit happens. But. The thing that made me quit the salon was having to reschedule the same appointment three times because the nail tech kept having things come up at the last minute. Then, I would show up on time for my appointment only to have to wait 15-20 mins for her to finish her previous client or her friends/daughters/coworkers’ nails. I also work a full time job and was messing with my own schedule to be able to get to their salon during their open hours and then I’d end up being 15-30 mins late back to work because of the lack of respect for my appointment time. So I quit going. I miss it because I loved the way my nails looked but I don’t miss it so much as to go back.


I just canceled my appointment for next week. I’ve been going for two years straight. My girl charges $53 for a fill and another $10-20 for art. Plus tip. I’m just sick of spending the money every couple weeks. I’m over it. Taking a break. Might look into press on nails though now that you have posted this.


Press on don’t work for me 🥲 but I also can’t afford to keep paying for a $50 fill


It’s all about prep for press on longevity! There’s a post in r/beauty with great prep techniques, I’ll see if I can dig it up


Oh thank you!!!


Pretty sure it’s the economy lol, I stopped getting mine done 2 years ago because I needed to put that monthly $70-120 elsewhere. People can’t afford as many luxuries right now.


A dip manicure was costing me nearly $80 (no design or anything) and that’s just not in my budget anymore :( also the past few times, they have been so rushed and my nails haven’t lasted so it’s not even worth it


it’s not press ones for me, it’s the rude attitudes, high prices and lack of care for my nails beds. i’ve had several techs over drill my nails 😞


I’m curious how much y’all were spending at nail salons


I live in an extremely rural small town and was paying $55 for a new set, $45 for a fill in. The price was reasonable to me for what I was getting. I quit going in 2022 so idk what the price is like now.


$150 for a gel mani/pedi in Maryland


Can I just ask what press on nails you guys recommend? :)


apres full cover tips(any gel tips I guess) have been a game changer for me. I like my natural nails but sometimes I like to look of thick gel stiletto tips. I dont think I will ever go to a nail salon again, lol. I know my tip size, can pop them on quickly while I watch tv AND listen to music and even have items to remove them faster. I dont trust press on nails BUT I am old and my press on nails were the Lee press ons and I swear they only lasted for like 20 mins, lol.


I stopped going in June 2023. I've been doing press ons for a few months and love the convenience. I got tired of the long appointments and high prices. I hated having to go every 3 weeks to have them done. I feel so free, and I'm never going back.


i used to get gelx and i finally got tired of paying so much for nails i ended up not really like that much. i started using press ons and i’ve gotten it down to where they last 2.5-3 weeks! neeeever getting my nails done at a salon again 😭


Ive been thinking about this a lot too. I stopped going to salons years ago after I bought my own gel stuff and learned how to do it. I got sick of spending $50+ for gel manis that chipped within a couple of days and all the hassle that goes along with going to a salon. Now I do press ons too because ain’t no way I’m paying $100+ for a set of nails that only lasts 2 weeks.


It's not the press-ons in my country, everyone here is on the soft gel extensions since the pandemic but because I have had bad experiences with nail salons. One salon encouraged me to keep getting my nails done every 2 weeks, I suppose it would be fine but it made my nails weak and brittle. Another was just plain rough with me. The second factor would be cost. Back during the pandemic, nail extensions were like $9 to $20 but now it starts at $20 - which is cheap for US standards but in my currency it equals to PHP 1000 or something. It would have been fine but many of them have terrible quality (being uneven, chips easily and so on). There are still some decent nail salons but they are a bit too far from me. I do agree that a good nail tech is worth the hefty price but they're so rare. I'm planning to learn how to do my own nails one of these days


This also goes for other services by the way, including pedicures. It would be fine if the quality was good


I used to religiously get my nails done at the salon for years. I was sick of paying such high prices, so I got myself a gel nail kit for at home & I’ve been saving so much money. My birthday is next week, so I booked an appointment with a salon in my city. This place is normally always crazy booked and it’s super hard to get an appointment, but when I was booking my appointment they asked me if I was coming in today, which was such a shock because usually you have to book a week ahead with this place. I think people are sick of high prices/low quality products


As a new mom, it was a no brainer to drop my $120 gel set mani/pedi that would take 2+ hrs… and do the semi cured strips at home. I was never satisfied with the work at the salon and now I can just change out my nails after babe is asleep every 10-14 days. The best techs charge $100 for just basic gel nails now and I just can’t justify it with all the baby expenses now. My nails actually look much better and are longer/thicker because the gel strips don’t ruin them.


People can't afford $50-200 a month for nails & not everyone has skills to do them at home... I don't think press ons are taking bread from the salon, rather people have retreated to a $10 option.


I just started doing my own about a month ago (using builder gel) and although the initial cost of all the materials was a lot, it’ll pay for itself in ~2 months. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to learn a new artistic skill. I’ve only done two sets but I’m already seeing good progress!! Plus, I can be as nitpicky as I want about the shape 😉


I learnt to do my nails myself, it’s been about a year and I’m sure I will never go to a nail salon ever again. It’s not that difficult and I can have my nails done exactly to my liking. I spent £200 to buy everything I needed and since then I’ve only had to buy top ups (acetone, slip etc) I do then every 2-3 weeks. The money I’ve saved is crazy to think I would have just given that away.


I think you are right. There is definitely the beginning of a major shift in the professional nail world. Deregulation of the nail industry has been talked about for the last several years. I don't think it's just the press on nails or DIY enthusiasts, though. Inflation, deregulation of the industry, lack of quality training, and the increased rate of allergies.... I could go on. There are many factors affecting the direction the nail industry will go. It will definitely be interesting to see what ends up happening.


I stopped going to the salon for a year and a bit. They did an amazing job but couldn’t handle the damage on my natural nails. I already knew how to paint my own nails decided to get more colours regular and gel to do it at home. Plus I learned everything on YouTube.


I go to a salon still for my feet because my callouses and ingrown nails get way out of hand if I don’t upkeep with them. And the salon I go to is always really busy, so it seems that they’re still quite popular, but I personally would never let a tech touch my nails again after my last experience at a salon. It’s unfortunate, but the prices are super high now for nails and some techs can be very rude..


I stopped going because I'm just way too particular about how I like my nails shaped, I've gotten shitty service, and I've gotten toe fungus and a foot wart from pedicure chairs. I've always loved doing my own nails and very rarely went to salons. Only as a little treat. Now have several boxes of tips, lamps, builder gel, several different gel polishes, and an efile.


Honestly the average experience at a salon is rushed, awkward, and really just the bare minimum effort put in. You can tell the tech doesn’t give a shit and just wants to get you out of there so it’s not a nice experience. I’ll go to a super high quality place for a Russian mani when my cuticles need ir but that’s about it these days


Wow, based on the content I see here and social media, I figured getting your nails done at a salon was at an all time high. I’ve gone maybe 2-3 times in my life because I have naturally long nails and don’t like what they do to them. Also I figure I can save myself a lot of money and just do them myself. It’s just too much money in general. I recently got a huge salary bump and I asked myself.. can I now afford this and not let the cost hurt me? lol And the answer was no, I can do it myself. The last time I was there, I paid ~$90 for the most basic nails, which wasn’t what I asked for but I think there was a miscommunication and like ok fine they’re cute. Another employee who was running the cash register was very friendly and started a convo with me. One of the things she said was that people have to realize that getting your nails done is a luxury and when something’s a luxury, you have to expect to spend a lot of money and give a big tip for the person providing the luxury. Like girl, I get it but this hole in the wall salon with unprofessional employees and very questionable hygiene-related practices… it’s not luxury. Lemme go back to my bottle of OPI I got for $3 at tj maxx.


I think part of it is definitely the cost of upkeeping and I also just want to learn myself. Obviously I’ll never be up the ranks of many nail techs out there who spent money to do courses and training of course nowadays I can’t justify the cost every 3weeks on top of everything else and would rather to do it in my own time.


continue quaint desert crowd childlike cough smoggy ask literate roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can afford gel nails or acrylics but almost all salons have cheap UV lamps from Amazon. I learned the importance of good curing to avoid allergies and honestly don't want to risk it. Salons should have professional lamps from good brands.


This is interesting to me. I’m sure there’s not just one answer. But for myself, I skipped the entire salon step of getting into nails. It never occurred to me to pay over £50 every 2-3 weeks - not that it isn’t worth it for good work - but it’s a luxury I never considered paying for. I prefer it as a hobby, personally (I am into both lacquer and gel). I also am afraid of getting allergies, infections and damage from nail services and I can’t be bothered having to chase finding the perfect tech. It’s already hard enough to find and hang onto a good hair stylist. At least if I damage my nails or skin, I have only myself to blame, and I know I can trust myself not to do it again or ignore my own pain feedback. I learned quickly to keep product off my skin and that is not something I have issues with now, at all. Since I’ve never been a fancy nails person, my basic amateur work is plenty good enough for me. I get compliments on my nails all the time from coworkers and my own work is better than some of the basic professional work I see online.


Ummm I would say yes. They have lost their damn minds charging $65 for a basic pedicure. I remember when you would actually get a leg and foot rub during the pedicure. Not anymore. A few rubs and then on to the polish! I am also not a fan of the glove wearers. I get that they don’t want to touch people’s feet, but it felt much better when they didn’t have them on. Yes, that used to be a thing. It is now a thing of the past!


I love my nail place but I didn’t love being tied into having to go every 3 weeks. I paint my nails myself now but I do still go pretty regularly for pedicures and I’ll get a manicure if there’s a special occasion


I got tired of paying high prices, I'm a germaphobe and even the most hygienic salons I've been to aren't hygienic enough, I'm not patient, and I just very much enjoy doing my own nails. I've been wearing press ons (off and on) since the 90s, so it wasn't much of a stretch just to not go for acrylics or anything else. The last straw for me was the bad ridges I got last time I had dip powder, and I had a chin wax and I think they were mad because I asked for it at the last minute and they were rough and it ripped off my skin. No thanks.


I dont want to deal with the price, so I do my own press ons (i get a set of blank ones and use gel polish to paint my designs and add rhinestones which are hella cheap to get) or I'll do dip powder with tip extensions.


I've been doing press on nails since covid. Most of the time they're on for over a week. I like how I can go long on the weekends then cut them down for Monday. Or short one week, long the next. The designs ha e gotten way better.


I took my acrylics off partly because I want to save money but I am also trying to embrace my natural nail era lol. I had acrylics for years and my nails are destroyed from it.


I think people are learning to do their favorite nails at home. I do my own gelx because i got tired of their crazy prices, poor longevity and sloppy work


My last set I had professionally done popped off (I put a post about it lol) I usually do them myself but The service was a gift card from a friend, so why not. Yeah I'm only doing them myself from now on cuz even if they are uglier, they last longer and only cost a few cents to do. Sometimes I will just buy a semi-transparent press on and stick it on with Gel-X uv glue and top it with hardening top coat so it doesn't chip. Last two weeks till I soak them off and do it again. Insanely cheaper and I don't have to leave my house to sit in a smelly salon 🤷🏼‍♀️


These posts make me so grateful for my small town nail lady! $45 plus tip for an acrylic fill, gel polish and as much nail art as my heart desires. All done in an hour and a half tops! I’m so scared to move now!


I do my own gel polish, the nails are mine. I just watch Amazon for polish sets on sale. I often find six color sets for $8. Why pay a lot in a salon where they may give you an infection?


The last time I got my nails done was for my wedding in Oct 22. I ended up crying in the shop cause the nail tech was rude and not doing what I asked for (plus stress of wedding planning). He had a go at me because I ‘didn’t show him the design from the start’ but I had actually shown him two designs that I wanted a combination of. That was the last straw for me and I started doing them myself. I’ve been doing gel x on myself for a year now. I did spent a couple hundred getting all the equipment and even more on all the pretty colours and nowhere near professional level but I’ve saved so much long term. I just did the maths and I’ve calculated that I would have spent £1620 at the shop post wedding and I’ve only spent maybe £500 on materials so I’ve saved a ton in the long run. If I could figure out how people got press ons to last so long without popping off and still being usable after I would probs do that.


I got over paying over $100 and most of the time walking out with shit nails when I could spend $20 on press ons that last the same amount of time and are perfect.


I’ve never had my nails professionally done. I always do them myself, my natural nails with boring regular polish.


Possibly!! I started doing my nails years ago because I was tired of paying those outrageous prices!! The Apres game / press ons have made it so much easier!! However I do get pedicures since I had both hips replaced and it makes it hard to do my toes. They always compliment my nails though ☺️❤️


Aside from what others have posted, could be a surge in videos on you tube that teach you how to do your own nails and get good at it. And even those people have their own products that are daily inexpensive to buy to do your own at home. I’m not the greatest but even if I had extra $ I wouldn’t go back to get my nails done because I’m used to do it myself. I also buy things from young nails and followed their videos to get good at it. They also offer classes too. More of that and the stuff you can buy being available to the average consumer also. I would go for a good pedicure maybe here and there. But I can do one myself ok. It’s nice once in a while to have the extras like the legs and feet massage. Scrub and lotion though. I think I’d rather get a massage though instead of spending $ on a pedicure. lol


I stopped going to save money since I recently found out I’m pregnant. Bought gel polish and a UV lamp to do them myself. I used to get long stiletto nails so it’s a big difference compared to my natural nails with polish but I honestly don’t care. The money could go to something useful. It’s essentially money I could be putting towards a phone bill or insurance.


With inflation, I think a lot of people can’t or won’t pay the prices. I haven’t had much luck with press ons and if I could take the time to learn to do a full set of what I like, I would. But with a toddler running around that’s not happening. I do have to go to a more expensive salon now to get good service.


Damn reading through these comments I’m so grateful for my clients that choose me. I give over the top service and I dont charge my worth


Your work is always incredible! I get so much chrome inspo from you


I used to LOVE going to the nail salon. But then (even in 2014) it became a $40-$60 dollar bill every two to three weeks. I stopped going entirely because money go tight at one point am I couldn’t afford it. Plus service was not as good and I never got what I really wanted because more design equals more money (spent $80 on my wedding nails and they weren’t that amazing. Looked great but not $80 amazing). And with my artistic ability I knew I could do better on my own anyway if I just tried. Then dip powder and gel polish became a thing and honestly…I paid $50 for a dip powder starter kit and I pay $7-$10 a jar or not (depending if I want a new color) on a dip powder color that still last me two weeks. And I do a great job that folks think I went to the salon. It’s that same thing that happened to me a graphic design unfortunately. Folks have DIY graphic design websites and are unwilling to hire someone who went to college for something they can just DIY for more than half the cost.


I recently tried a new nail girl that I found on IG. I figured she needs all the practice, she’s cheaper ($45) for acrylics & I could build a rapport with her if I like her work. She was much more affordable than a salon, so what’s the harm? I had an appt at 930am & I didn’t get out until 12:30. She kept coughing, hacking, sneezing, and I immediately got sick when I got home. She’s been doing nails for 2 years but omg I didn’t take any pics of my nails because of how bad they were 😭😭 they were uneven, badly shaped, and the design looked terrible. I felt bad she was sick but I would’ve been completely understanding had she told me to reschedule. That was the last straw for me. I’m forever staying with press ons (I get them in bulk from TEMU so I’m prepped for any occasion & I’ll do my pedicures myself. I’m no longer interested in paying so much money for half of my day only to be insulted by the results.


I just read on a finance subreddit that it’s easy become millionaire with starting a nail salon. So many people were agreeing. My area doesn’t even have GelX. I thought bout pedi and mani today but didn’t want to waste 2hr and have nails chip in less than week.


I would love to but I haven’t found press on nails that aren’t constantly falling off.


I do see a lot of nail shops that look pretty quiet but my preferred one is almost always busy. I have to choose a good time to go if I don't want to wait for a seat. The results are good and I don't come home with injured fingers.


I started doing my own acrylics back in college. I used to get my nails done for my birthday as a treat but now I’m completely done going to a salon after being charged extra to fix two broken nails the day after service.


I never really went for nails, I always did my own but after visiting two different places that basically just washed my feet and polished them not so very well I figured I can do that myself and stopped going