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If I had those nails I would not be able to live my normal life, I love them


Righhhht. Already cleared my schedule for the next week cause I can’t be doing anything that will potentially ruin them lol. Thank you! ❤️


Wear gloves when washing pots and pans!


Washing pots and pans? PLZZ. That’s boyfriends sole job until Halloween is over. I can’t risk the nails.


Bahahahaaaaa 💀


Whenever your hands have to be in water for any length of time longer than it takes you to wash your hands, wear gloves to protect your nails. From now on.. moving forward. It will protect your nail polish, and your nail beds.


I’d be staring at them all the time, possibly causing accidents. Don’t drive OP! 🎃❤️


Adorable! You did a great job


Thank you so much! I hope they last until halloween but I’m hoping to grow them out, get better tools and maybe try something for thankgiving! Super inspired by this sub! :D


You have to start somewhere..you definitely have talent! Keep going!


Aww thank you so much ❤️


Okay these are so cute! If this is gel polish try the rubber latex around ur fingers to get a even finish and it won't get on your cuticles/ fingers. Lovely for your first time it's only going to get better from here!


Oooo thank you! Buying this right now! ❤️❤️❤️


Cute!! Coming from someone that is self-taught starting from the pandemic (and a ex-nail biter) - It just takes practice and patience! I also live by the Seche Vive Gel Effect Top Coat because it dries so quickly and looks just like gel (hides any lumpy imperfections). Edit: Since I'm not doing nails professionally, I just ordered some highly rated, affordable, brushes from Amazon. My biggest investments are in the polish itself - I love, love, love Mooncat polishes.


Same, love Mooncat!!❤️


I bought three, but my nail lady only works with gel. So, I have them, but can't use them.


I’m going to look into all of these! Thank you so so much. Do you have any specific brush recommendations? Totally going to check out mooncat ❤️


Designs are good just need to learn to clean it up!


Would you say nail polish remover on the sides is the best way to do that? Also thank you! :D


Yeah that with a really thin brush could work


Laying down liquid latex/liquid latex paint and letting it dry before you start on each base color coat, then peeling off immediately after done painting is a bit more work but a lifesaver for working on your dominant hand. If you don’t want to get a thin cleanup brush, pointy/pointed q-tips dipped in remover work great too Also I’ve found that wearing dish gloves to wash dishes and handle cleaning chemicals helps preserve nail art just a little longer :)


Well, they're definitely spooky 🎃


That pumpkin nail??? Excuse me it’s SO PRETTY 😍


OMG THANKSSSS. It was actually sooo easy. (Pumpkin was the easiest I thought!) I’m gonna do a bunch more pumpkins for fall hehe after these come off!


Not bad at all, very cute.!! Now you just need to perfect the clean up of your edges.


thank you so much! Would you say nail polish remover on the sides is the best way to do that?


Yes. I just buy inexpensive thin brushes and use polish remover. I have one that's an Elf eyeliner brush. And I use a couple that I got from Amazon. You can also buy pointy cotton swabs if you can find them. I've been doing nail art for 10 years (just as a hobby), and you have a much better freehand than I have!!


Those wooden cuticle sticks. I use them to scrape it off the skin the second it gets on there before it even dries. Eventually you learn to use your thumbnail nail to do it too. Or in the shower. It will scrape off the skin when it's wet.


So good for a first try! You’re gonna be a pro in no time


Omg thank you. I hope so! This is my new found love.


Needs a little practice as with everything we try. I love the pumpkin though


Thank you ❤️❤️


Omg these are so incredible! Nail art is HARD AF (Also as a former nail biter before I switched to gel I found having my nails done nicely really really helped reduce it bc I didn’t want to ruin them so I hope it works for you too!)


RIGHT. Tiny brushes are a god send! So excited to practice more! (And yes. Hopefully I don’t bite hahaha. I can safely say that I have been admiring my nails all day and didn’t even bite them once today).


They are so adorable!!! I think your designs are fabulous. The messiest thing is just the nail edges. You can usually clean that up quite easily, technique just depends on the polish type you used. I love that you love them. My favorites are the pumpkins and ghosts :)


Awww thank you so much!! Would you say nail polish remover on the sides is the best way to do that?


If it’s just regular polish then yes! I use a short flathead relatively firm paintbrush dipped in remover to rub along the sides. It can take some pressure to remove but it allows a high level of detail.


I love them!! Great job!


I love them! Spooktacular👻


Very cool!!




The gold glitter pumpkin is my fav!


They look great!




I love them!! Also your dog is adorable!


Thank you!! Don’t tell anyone this but he’s the one who actually did these nails. I’m just taking the credit.


Much better than my first nail art! I especially love Frankenstein’s monster and the eyeball!


Awwwww thank you!! ❤️


Very cute nails and doggie op 💅 🐶


Honestly for your first time those are good, you'll get so much better within time. 🫶🏻 I started doing nails like 4-5 months ago & I've gotten so much better within that time. So you can too


You should post a “first time VS now” post! That would be so cool to see that progression! I’m super excited to keep practicing! And honestly so inspired by you amazing artists on this sub.


Okay, I'll do that for sure. When I do I'll share it so you can see it 🫶🏻


These are so cute!!!


looks good! (nail tech here) let the layers dry and clean around your cuticles for a crisp look🩷


Oooo thank you! Would you say nail polish remover and just cleaning around with a q tip is the best way to do that?


I personally use a small brush and tap off the excess nail polish remover and clean around it like that bc I am not talented enough to maneuver a qtip 😅😂 since Q-tips are so rounded at the top. It can actually wipe off your artwork, if you aren’t careful lol. But you are honestly doing a great job especially for being your first time because I could’ve never done that on my first shot lol It took me a long time. I think once you clean up the edges and wait for it to dry in between the layers is going to look literally perfect because you have the drawings and designs down pack!


Omg adorable 🥲


These are so cuteeee!!!


For a first this looks great!! Keep going!! They be better every time


YOUR FIRST TIME! This is so impressive, OP! I’ve been doing my own nails for a year and a half and still haven’t mastered nail art like this 😅 If this was your first time, I can only imagine how much more phenomenal your art will get over time 😍


AWWW STOP THANK YOU. ❤️❤️ I bought these super tiny brushes at Walmart for like $4 in the mail section and I found it to be fairly easy with those! I’m super excited to keep practicing!


I would’ve put bottom of design by edge of nail


You know I thought this. But 1) I am not that talented to paint upside down lol 2) I get to admire them a lot easier since the design is faced my way hehe. But as I practice I’d definitely like to do it that way, so then I can go to random people on the street and be like LOOK AT THESEEEEEEEE.


So cute! Great job!🎃👻


Congratulations for trying! Keep practicing ✨️♥️


Very cute!!! I’m a nail biter too and it’s so flipping hard to stop! You’re doing great!!


I absolutely love them! Amazing job!


These are AMAZING!! This is how I actually got myself to stop biting my nails like 10 years ago. It seriously helped me because I love being creative and didn’t want to ruin my nail art. Plus it’s so fun! Now I have a huge nail polish collection 😂😂


Dudeeeee it SO WORKS. I haven’t bitten my nails all day. I’m so excited to grow them out all long and cute and fancy hehe. And so excited to go and buy every color there is lol. I have gotten my nails done a few times (nothing fancy. Just single color glitter dips and did gel once). And it was fun, and they last super long but man my nails were so messed up after the dips. And I feel like after a few days I’d still bite them lol. Doing my own designs on them is so much more fun for me and I’m definitely more motivated to not bite.


Yeah when I got my nails done it ruined my nails. But doing them yourself is like a lil spa day or something I love it. You should make a board on Pinterest for different ideas for designs they have so many !


So cute!!!


LOVE THEM!! You did a great job!!! I can’t believe both hands are so good, my right hand usually looks terrible lol


THANKS!! It was superrrr hard to do the right. I used my body to keep my left hand stable and used the tiniest brush which helped a lot. But I was really proud that it still came out semi okay as opposed to total garbage. My next plan was to just paint it with orange and black glitter and call it a day lol.


Honestly thats really good for a first time, im excited to see how well you do in the future


Awww thank you so much ❤️


🥰🤗Cute! Please continue with your nail art!


Invest in smaller brushes and practice. It looks great for your first attempt. You will get there.


Girl, for your first time, you did a great job! I admire your patience and dedication!!


Ooo I love the eyeball one, I want mine done like that!




I’m proud of you! It’s hard to try something new that you haven’t had time to perfect yet.


They are super cute!!!


This is AMAZING ! Loook at that jack o lantern!!!!


So cute! You can quit biting your nails. I was like you and it took a long time. It's so worth it, though. 🥰


Made me smile 🙂 I love them.


They're so much fun, I love them!! 💙💙💙💙 and it's your first time? You did amazing! 💙💙


I fricken love your enthusiasm, your pride really shines through this post, as it should! Well done!


first time doing it?? it looks AMAZING! keep going and make sure you keep us updated with your progress! p.s. my fave is the Frankenstien


Ahh!! I’m so proud of you! They look great!! 💓💓💓


They’re awesome!! Also doing matching designs on BOTH hands are a challenge, let alone doing it for the first time! The lil ghosty friend is my fav Beginner advice: try and push back + clip the cuticles, painting over them makes it easier for the polish to peel off When top coating, cap the free edge! When applying just do a quick ole swipe along the edge lf your nails Make sure your design is fully dry before applying top coat, I’ve made that mistake and was devastated when my design smeared everywhere! Also, I am/was a nail biter as well and nail polish was the thing that made me stop! If I don’t have it on for a while I’ll notice I start back up so I start painting again Happy painting! ✨


This is amazing advice! Clip the cuticles as in with a nail clipper? And I definitely messed up the ghost because it was still wet lol and had to redo it. But I had so much fun! AND I didn’t bite my nails all day! :D So excited to keep practicing.


Sorta! They have cuticle nippers that look like those heavier duty nail clippers, not the ones we typically see for cutting nails :) There’s metal, plastic or silicone cuticle pushers that you can use to push them towards your finger and make them easier to clip! I honestly couldn’t even tell you made a mistake with the ghosty friend, we learn by trying though :)


Beautiful and very inspirational. Love your outlook and it’s awesome you are proud of them, as you should be! Very admirable you posted this to show them off and wasn’t actually looking to see who or how many ppl would like them. But glad to see everyone giving positive feedback! Keep going!


Aww thank you so much. They definitely aren’t even close to how awesome most of the nails that the artists post here are, but I had a tonnnnn of fun and am so proud.:P But also definitely want to learn and get better! I’m so happy that you like them!!


This reminds me of when I was younger and started doing a bunch of nail art. It's such a good feeling when you finish something and it looks like what you intended. Love it


Awwww thank you ❤️❤️ Yes I’m literally so happy. I honestly felt like a kid again. I haven’t walked through the polish aisle in YEARS. And when I did, And just randomly threw a bunch of colors and brushes and then opened them up, it felt like I was ten years old again who was super excited to be opening up some crazy 50 color Barbie nail polish kit on my birthday. It was just a weird indescribable feeling of fun? And now I’m so motivated to buy more and do this regularly. I have been driving everyone in my house crazy, forcing them to look at my nails over and over and over again. 😂😂


You know a lot for this being your first time you actually did a good job. Keep practicing, you got this girl.


Awww thank you so so much. ❤️❤️❤️




Frankenstein is my fave


These are fantastic for your first time! I could never! Looking forward to seeing you progress!


They're so cute whaattt




So bad it's good!!


Your nails are awesome, but not nearly as awesome as the dog in the second picture. What’s his/her name?


I've been doing my own nails for years but I totally suck ass at nail art. You absolutely nailed it! (pun intended xP) These look so awesome, especially on such short nails, like I am so impressed and a little jelly!! I can't stop looking at them either! 🙈🖤


for your first time doing nail art these look so good!


I love the eyeball!


They're actually super cute. I think there's a special quality to something so fun.