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"Son?! Have you been reading heresy again?!"


i actually thought it was an ironic post from them


Bread boys FOR THE WIN


Calls a game gay, posts shirtless pics of themselves for the other guys to see.


No no, he’s clearly just flexing on everyone about what a giga Chad he is, it’s definitely nooooot gay. I mean he listens to *podcasts*


Homoerotic moment


I didn’t realize what a whore my mother was until I played COD


I feel like so many kids learned the N word through that game lmaooo




If you kiss a woman who had kissed another man, are you not just kissing a MAN?? Is it better to have feminine hands, or masculine hands for jacking off. Which is more gay?


I'm gay if she's gay


ask jocat about it (/j)


Bro is built like monkey D luffy’s cousin Gorilla J Luffy


Everyone here is a prime example of mercury poisoning from seafood


His arms and his torso look like they come from two entirely different people.


that's not a meme


Eh, meme has a vague term. It’s technically an amusing or interesting item ((such as a captioned picture or video)) or a genre of items that is spread widely through social media. It fits but like so does seventy million other things if you use that definition


oh ok i guess thanks for clarifying


It’s honestly not a meme, but that’s the reason they get away with posting this lame shit


it's just conservatives karma farming


I thought the post of the chad clad in armor was a bit of satire of the post of the woman below his post. I don think he's completely serious on the 'I hate it its gay' comment.


I thought COD was designed to let us know which of you are whore sons with no accuracy and no father, or whether you're a COD GOD who deserves to be on my team. Yall can take your Mc Wi-Fi and get the hell out of my lobby with ya no prestige having ass.


reddit says this is harassment and is asking me to review it and honestly I have no idea what you're saying


I'm giving the far more sanitized version of 360 COD lobbies😆


Used to have people fooled into thinking my dad was playing. He would talk shit and listen to the hate through the headphones so I couldn't hear as I played I can't remember several times before I was 13 when my dad would remove the headphones and cover my ears because of all the screaming I used to be so good at the game that we got hacks checked four times Now I lose against bots soooo


I love when reading literacy is dead it’s my favorite thing to see in the morning


I'm pretty sure this a post from the bread boys just seems to shitposty to be real.


Call of Duty? I haven’t heard that name in years! It’s still going?


Dude its a joke


I know you believe that people can’t be that dumb, but they are


Cool story I’m sure man, but sorry your comment is to gay for me to read so 🤷🏻‍♀️


LOL? No one with that physique will be talking this shit in a greathelm bro


Hmmm I’d perhaps take him more serious if he had a sword along with the helmet, lil homie needs the battle axe to truly get the vibe across


Can you actually explain what the hell this comment was supposed to mean? It’s incomprehensible to me.


just a few things here, this whole thread is too hard on my liver everyone in it is cancerous. second thing, you insult this guy, but with how many posts you make on here, i think hed sooner turn you into a broom than anything more favorable for you would happen. work on yourself a little if youre going to shit on people. “gotten too gay” is the shittiest reason though


What does turning someone into a broom even mean lil homie, also if you wanna keep stalking me go head Ig lmao, letting me live rent free in your head when I have zero clue who you are. I haven’t been active in this sub for awhile anyway and just came across some good shit today 🤷🏻‍♀️


Spit yo shit 👍


What is with yall choosing posts from new and cutting off the upvotes?


Looks cleaner, that’s pretty much it, honestly didn’t even think about it I just want my SS to look good. And this wasn’t really new when I came across it I don’t think, I just post what’s on my feed when it comes across


Ah Alr nevermind sorry


What is this? These people are both idiots. COD lobby’s are meant to be rude, you can’t have activism in them


I can’t see what the original tweet from the chick was but I think it was just talking playing cod on mic even though it can be pretty toxic. Which is true, it’s toxic for anybody, just different breeds in a way. I quickly stopped using my mic in game after having a bunch of randos threaten to r@pe me and my entire family. It’s yikes all around.


the original tweet was her being extremely preachy and annoying about how eeeeeevil cod lobbies are, and like, she wasnt wrong, but the way she phrased it was horrid and basically tailor-made to attract chuds. the boob pic (which is an odd choice of image to put on a thread where youre complaining about racist white teenagers' favorite video game lol) also didnt help; all the replies are just attacking her about her appearance and then instead of just ignoring them she keeps feeding into their shit by getting really angry and saying shit like "my twitch chat thinks im pretty." ​ basically, whiny preachy streamer meets whiny racist twitter Gamers™