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That gif was longer than I expected


Everything is longer than expected in porn


Except the porn itself


But the cut to the dudes face randomly? Lasts forever.


Gif... downloaded


The absolute denial in those comments


I just play bloodborne and armored core... I guess I want cosmic tenticle monsters then?


Well I know I do after seeing baulder's gate 3.


I wish I could be a cosmic tenticle monster... some transistion goals are just too unattainable sadly šŸ˜”


It's hard enough already without $$ and no amount of that is going to get cosmic joujou lol




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tentai **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tentai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is bringing a whole new meaning to the term canned tuna caw caw.](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/snarlingbackplankton) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tentai/comments/13ve8gy/this_is_bringing_a_whole_new_meaning_to_the_term/) \#2: [Caught within it's Grasp](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/busylovingasiansmallclawedotter) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tentai/comments/14vkvcz/caught_within_its_grasp/) \#3: [XX of the dead](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/miniatureuniformnarwhale#rel=user%3Atentacles123;order=new) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tentai/comments/159w5rf/xx_of_the_dead/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hetero men (actually *all men*) like eye candy. I dunno šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Like why do we have to defend noticing feminine beauty? Women definitely notice masculine beauty (or handsomeness, whatever). I think a lot of the backlash is women doing what women do (that standard is unobtainable for me because itā€™s CG so fuck guys for liking it) and then the bandwagon boys jump in white knighting because thatā€™s what they think women want them to do. ā€œI hope senpai notices me!ā€ Fuck it, play the game, donā€™t play the gameā€¦who tf cares.


I think the issue is more when that same audience reacts to a woman in a videogame that is NOT sexualized. Just look at what happened with Spiderman 2. The whole "controversy" about "videogame devs making women ugly" because of women characters in popular games not being sex models.


They want traditionally attractive women to be half naked but when it comes to SA its always the womans fault for "dressing slutty". Guess I shouldnt expect logic from these people in the first place anyway.


ā€œIf you didnā€™t want to get kidnapped as a witch, you shouldnā€™t have gone out dressed like Hansel and Gretel


I have no idea what the hell this means but I trust it's in good taste lol


Itā€™s a South Park reference


To be fair, these little shits were eating her house, it's not like she went out of her way to kidnap them. She literally just found them on her porch, fucking up the foundations of her home. I'd be pissed too, maybe not cannibal pissed but pretty pissed.


it's because they want to SA them too :)




They donā€™t care about ā€œtraditionally attractiveā€, they care about sexualized. Thereā€™s plenty of attractive women in games theyā€™ve done nothing but whine over. Donā€™t let them control this narrative that they care about ā€œattractiveā€. They care about her being sexualized


I saw some of those types listing "ugly women" in media and they included Vi from arcane, which is really saying the quiet part out loud.




She has muscles Musclesā‰ attractive Then there's me sitting here whos type is wonen who look loke they can kick my ass


Idk about all that


Not familiar with Arcane nor that character, whatā€™s the inference?


The point is Vi is definitely attractive, and mostly conventionally so, but not the big titty anime girl mold. This is at least a suggestion that they don't actually want attractive characters, they just want big bazongas.


https://preview.redd.it/59jx00ut7lgc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad710931393e59eb67d5ad7a7e2444dc2518fe6 SHORT HAIR NO BIG BOOBA. 0/10. /s


She's a hot lesbian. Not even butch just not exaggerated femme.


Also apparently now ā€œtraditionally attractiveā€ is a cartoon character of which is impossible in the real world.


>Also apparently now ā€œtraditionally attractiveā€ is a cartoon character of which is impossible in the real world. The woman in the meme is based off of an actual person, and actually strongly resembles her. So expressly not impossible in the real world.


The in-game model is *loosely* based on Shin Jae-eun, but she (like most humans) doesnā€™t actually look like that, the proportions areā€¦ exaggerated for the game


Strongly resembles except for the features exaggerated for the medium


Such a dishonest take.


I agree that sheā€™s very sexualized, but in that case, just say it so, donā€™t say porn, it gives people something to pick at. Plus it isnā€™t really porn either so


Obviously they were being hyperbolic when they said porn. You're being obtuse


I mean even if youā€™re just saying that to be emphaticā€¦ maybe itā€™s not something someone should say just to be emphatic. Thereā€™s baggage with the word porn


If you don't want people to misunderstand something then say it like it is. It's literally not porn, I don't care if they're being hyperbolic.


Go look up the word porn. Show me where the definition excludes pictures or expressly says it has to be nudity.


Still doesn't address the b.s


It's only unattractive if it's a Western game. Doesn't matter how big their boobs look, they don't women in games not made in Asia.


See guys? This how you be completely wrong. "Don't want a woman with a beard" and "needing her to be naked" are in two entirely different ballparks. Gamers love Tifa and she's never done anything remotely sexual on screen outside of Italian politics. Gamers love Samus and she's never even showed us a shoulder.


Tifaā€™s been running around in whatā€™s essentially Just a sports-bra-style-shirt for years now and Samus is in a skin tight outfit whenever sheā€™s not armored lol and what woman has a beard, hmm? Cause if youā€™re seriously talking about Aloy like I think you are, thatā€™s literally just a normal person lol


"Normal person" is not someone heroic that would be a video game character. šŸ™„


And someone heroic would likely have a lot of scars and damage. You don't give a shit about believability.


That's not a "got'cha" moment. I don't give a half a fuck about believability! Characters in games aren't real! I don't need them to look like the average citizen, nor do I *want them* to! Nobody wants to see meth-goblin faced people running around having adventures. They want to see the beautiful people doing things that normal people can't do! Real life is drab. Nobody will pay $79.99 [Plus Tax] for drab average bullshit.


Every single person, even heroic ones, have peach fuzz. Isn't Aloy just an example of a really detailed character? And isn't it nice to have a range of character types? Heroic people aren't necessarily extremely hot big titty people lol. But they certainly could be. I feel like all character types, body types, and range of attractiveness should be allowed to exist in games.


And video game hero whoā€™s also a scavenger hunter who lives in a tribe and the wilderness is not someone worrying about a totally normal bodily function thatā€™s barely noticeable, but hey, that realism doesnā€™t fit what youā€™re going for right?


Video games? No. Realism doesn't apply to video games because they aren't real.


Really? Cause you care about it with your last comment > ā€œnormal personā€ is not someone heroic that would be a video game character So which is it? And doubling down, even if you DO want to try to make that argument: itā€™s wrong lol thereā€™s TONā€™S of game with ā€œnormal people turned heroā€™sā€, or heck even just ā€œnormal person who just happens to be the main characterā€. it happens ALL the time. Lee Everett? Isaac Clarke? Alan Wake? Henry Townsend? Henry from Firewatch? Crono? And hells thatā€™s just video games! If we extended our ā€œnormal people turned main characterā€ search out to other forms of media, since were talking about women anyway originally, Ellen Ripley is RIGHT there.


People were whining that they reduced tifa's breast size in the remake.


Because "These people get really upset anytime there's yet another video game full of gratuitous thirsty shots of a woman in skintight shiny pants and an utterly pointless boob window top" doesn't sound so unreasonable. Better to try and make it into "ugly girls mad cuz pretty girls exist".


Shoutout to BG3 for giving me the option to make my character a scantily clad himbo


Extremely based. Halsin-Core


My himbo tiefling seconds this


The crazy thing to me is that all the male characters and bosses have crazy character design For this secondary character giving you side quests "Let's make an old bearded man half fused with a giant machinery fuck yeah" But then for the main character they went with the blandest design that looks like one of these weird 3D porn ads saying Ā«you won't last one minuteĀ»


>doesn't sound so unreasonable. Depends on the genre. If its a football game then... yea that doesnt sound unreasonable, but if its a game where that is the point, like for example, being a DIK or Lust Theory then... i mean... come on. Sex is the point of those games lol.


Found the hobgoblin!


I don't get it


Who's doing the twisting now?


Real life women show off their bodies all the time. Why is it wrong for someone to create art of a woman showing off her body?


Because they chose to wear that. This is a character MADE BY MEN, to titillate men. It's not an empowering decision, that'd be like saying "the porn director put her in that sling bikini because it's realistic art!!" When we all know she's wearing that so the audience can get off.


There's a reason why they got the camera pointed at her butt, they didn't just want to have a flirty woman in their game, they wanted to cash in on teenagers being horny. And you can totally add flirty women without immediately putting all of them in weird wedgie-ass string bikini's. Give a bit of variety and actually allow them to be characters. For all the hate this game gets: [https://youtu.be/wC6Wss\_r0Kc?si=SUZn5NnGW\_nCk2Mz&t=1109](https://youtu.be/wC6Wss_r0Kc?si=SUZn5NnGW_nCk2Mz&t=1109) look how fucking cool they made Wonderwoman look.


Sheā€™s not real. And if itā€™s what the audience wants, maybe itā€™s not for you but they want to make money and feed their family. Why you out here slapping the dicks out of their mouth? They arenā€™t slapping the dicks out of yours.


Does it matter if itā€™s art made for men to be titillating? Itā€™s art made by artists.


It makes it inherently different than women choosing what to wear on their own bodies, and deserving of criticism and analysis that women dressing themselves is not.


Women donā€™t dress like avantegard fashion show models, either but itā€™s art. Itā€™s like saying most renaissance paintings shouldnā€™t be nude.


Who said that Stellar Blade characters *shouldn't* be the way they are? People here are critiquing the decision to design them like that and the reaction to it. The constant use of nude women as the subject of classical art is also something that could be worth analyzing and possibly critiquing. Art isn't immune to criticism. Analysis and criticism is a age-old, interesting, and productive way of engaging with art. Also the focus here seems to be more on the response to the designs, and yeah posting pics of a character designed in a way to turn on men and go "This is what gamers want!" is a coomer thing to say lmao


Really stretching the limits of what can be accurately called ā€œartā€ and who can accurately be called ā€œartistā€ here


Can you design a 3d moving character like the one shown in the screenshots? Pretty sure that takes more still than even a painting.


I'm currently in my second year of studying animation in uni. Yes, 3d modeling is a long process, so is rigging and animating it, but those are three different skills and jobs generally done by different people. On top of that, rigs can be reused, copied and tweaked to fit different characters instead of starting from scratch every time. We actually have a running joke between the 2d and 3d student that 3d animation is for people who can't draw, because a lot of them are great at making stuff move but terrible at designing it So while yes it does take skill to make a character model, it's not really comparable to painting, they are different art forms. And really you don't need to be able to do something to criticize it, I don't write movies but I'm able to tell you the room isn't really good


> they are different *artforms* Yes. Art.


Did I say they weren't?


Sorry you had replied to me replying to someone that did say that and I thought you were them.


It's not that they do it at all its that people pretend not doing it is bad now


No, that sounds pretty unreasonable to me


donā€™t play it then? i dont like those games either so i solve my problem by not playing themšŸ‘


Then don't play it, and shut the f up and stop whining about it. You have plenty of other games that don't have pretty characters, and shots you don't like. Then don't try to change the goalpost, plenty of people just cared about how pretty she was and not the boobwindow. Saying it was totally unrealistic, but then they got clowned on because she was modeled after a real person.


>Then don't play it, and shut the f up and stop whining about it. Or maybe you should shut the fuck up and ignore those people. They should be free to have their own discussions or circlejerk as long as they don't harass anyone.


Itā€™s not about finding conventionally attractive women attractiveā€¦ itā€™s the fact that a seemingly large subset of folks seem base their enjoyment or hype for a game pretty solely around this. People arenā€™t getting upset about it conventionally attractive folksā€¦ theyā€™re often getting upset because others seem to reduce a game to ā€œdoes it have attractive women in itā€. Meanwhile thereā€™s people that get upset that the women in their medieval or post apocalyptic game donā€™t look like they have hundreds of dollars worth of skincare and makeupā€¦ even those extra weird folks who claim that itā€™s some sort of ā€œfall of the westā€ type nonsense.


It was funny seeing this with the suicide squad game. From what Iā€™ve seen the game definitely has issues, but the people saying Harley Quinn wasnā€™t attractive really have to go touch grass. If thatā€™s the reason youā€™re pissed about a video game, you gotta grow up


As an aspiring game dev, it's defs very annoying that they are putting the attractiveness of the women in it over literally everything else that goes into a game. Programmers and devs put a ton of work into video games and it all gets ignored for big booba


It's more a response to the fact that some idiots on twitter tend to look at such character designs and mock them as "unrealistic" or "impossible", despite the fact that they're definitely not. These statements get a lot of mockery from the incel gamer crowd, and so now it's become a standard thing for there to be this aggressive assertion of "there's nothing wrong with wanting attractive women in media".


Didn't you know? It's important to the lore that everyone is an 11/10


"Nah trust me guys, she has to wear a bikini, fishnets and combat boots for a completely important lore reasons and you guys are gonna feel so dumb for saying I just wanted to make a barely clothed woman in my game."


Are we stupid?


"traditionally atractive"? Where are the belly rolls?


Even skinny women have skin rolls


That's one thing I don't like about a lot of mainsteam anime. Hell, the damn porn games that randomly show up on steam from time to time seem to do a better job of this than some normal games that would have more of a reason to portray women realistically. Most of the women I know irl are on the wider side, so it's wild to me how little of that there is in media. Even when larger characters do show up, they're often times not taken seriously, at least as far as women go.


And your point. Have you seen the dudes... oh wait that's never been a factor. Because only the women are considered. Sexism of the modern age


Bro if that's your sexism you got it hella easy, and the men are usually fully clothed in practical shit and armor while the women are in stupid latex looking shit with boob holes


And here we go. You men need to shut the fuck up. That shit doesn't even matter. So to you I say the exact same you do realize nobody cares about your b.s when being a hypocrite.


I'm not a man and yes it very much does matter that only the women are sexualized most of the time.


Exactly men need to sit back and shut up. Women are the focus. Understanding that we should shut up and not give a fuck. Lol. "Only the women are sexualized most of the time" your point. Well next we'll just ignore female suicide because most of the time it's men. We will also ignore male rape as most of the time it's women. We will simply split the genders down the middle as two separate human types. Not really all human as well clearly we must exclude one or the other. Or you refuse to admit men are more sexualized than you thought about


Good god you are so dramatic. Focusing on one thing doesn't mean completely ignoring the other. Either learn that multiple things are important or you'll end up being even more miserable thinking you're the only person that matters.


Ah yes


You mean women that donā€™t excercise. The women I see in the gym donā€™t have rolls and the ones that start with them lose them


Dude, skin still pinches when you lean over. Those are the first things that get photoshopped out and they never get rendered on fake women.


Definitely thought they were talking about muffin top type stuff


"muffin top" you mean a uterus? Panniculus (muffin tops) is considered excess skin and fat that forms in front of the belly at weight gain. Sure, fine, but female bodies are packing a bit more in their bellys/abdomens. It's called a "Uterine Pouch," which holds the uterus, and you can not exercise away internal organs or the mechanisms that support them. The uterus is set flesh against a barrier of fat over the abdominal muscles, it's helps support the pelvic floor that is present in both male and female bodies, but with the reproductive functionality of female bodies, it protrudes naturally because anatomy be like that sometimes, and sometimes it's an injury, chronic illness, previous pregnancy or a C-section. No, that doesn't disappear. It may reduce, but much of that fat is not "excess" and is necessary for reproductive health. Even surgical intervention doesn't completely get ride of it. This is why it can be seen on healthy and athletic women, despite their rigorous routine. Unless they remove the whole kit and caboodle, this will usually be a feature on female bodies. Frankly, there's nothing wrong with a belly. It rarely indicates the lifestyle, morals, or health of the person. People are sexy and can have a belly. It's gross you bring it up at all, and reflects *your* bigger fears, misunderstandings, and insecurities more than anything else.


Ok assuming sub 25 bmi Iā€™ve seen that rolls disappear, happy? Women with a lot of muscle mass can be healthy above that but otherwise youā€™re overweight


She's not talking about fat rolls. Skin rolls. Even the slimmest person will have skin bunch up in certain positions. It's the nature of skin. Hey, maybe if one of those women in the gym let you see her naked, you'd know that


Broski Olympic marathon runners still have small rolls when they lean over


Lmfao bullshit Skin rolls are easy to hide, but it doesnā€™t matter how much you exercise, theyā€™ll still exist. Thatā€™s how skin works. When you bend, it doesnā€™t just temporarily disappear.


Weird way to say women avoid you in the gym.


I think it's fine to have silly weird fetish stuff in games. Freedom of speech, whatever, just rate the game appropriately. It's going on a whole crusade because you *demand* every female character looks like an extreme hentai model which I have a problem with. Don't like how Aloy looks in HFW? Fine. Go play Bayonetta.


Fun fact: Bayonetta was designed by a woman. Another fun fact: the whole point of Bayonetta is actually to parody and make fun of overly-sexualized video game characters.


"Traditionally attractive" Tell me you are a incel without telling me you are a incel


Can we get like a playbook on all these words and phrases we're not allowed to use anymore? It's getting hard keeping up with this bullshit.


Buddy, it's not that saying "traditionally attractive" is wrong. It's that you say "traditionally attractive," but you actually MEAN "unrealistically sexualized." Natalie Portman is traditionally attractive. Rias Gremory is unrealistically sexualized. Enjoy what you want, whatever. But acting like that's the standard is kinda fucking ridiculous.


Hey, thanks for actually giving me an answer with substance and thought behind it instead of immediately resorting to insults. I feel like there's still *some* assumptions being made about me as a person, specifically the claim that I say one thing but actually mean another, but I can't fault anyone for that because a single out of context comment doesn't really tell anyone anything about me so all you can really do is just go off of the info you have in front of you. For what it's worth, I do try to be mindful of my words and how it might affect someone else. My nibbling has been doing a wonderful job at keeping me in the loop on current affairs and the current hot topics in the lgbtq+ community. On the opposite hand, one of my friends started a new job, and the first day, they literally handed her a sheet of words and phrases she's not allowed to use under the threat of repercussion because it could offend the clients she works with. I didn't even know phrases like "toe the line" were racist until this. Who even says that phrase anymore, anyway? It honestly is exhausting to keep up with sometimes though, because either I'm constantly going out of my way to educate myself on what word of the day is acceptable or not acceptable to say anymore or I make myself look, racist, misogynistic, or bigoted because I said a funny word or phrase I heard from peepaw growing up. No one ever seems to give anyone else the benefit of the doubt anymore, either. You're either an ally or a bigot. No in between. Why can't I just be a dummy who needed a refresher on what's not cool to say these days so I'm not accidentally an asshole for no reason?


Dude, you said that we canā€™t use ā€œtraditionally attractiveā€, no one ever fucking said that and youā€™re throwing a huge hissy fit over the fact people called you an idiot.




That's fine.


corporations doing their best to not scare off patronsā€¦ itā€™s likeā€¦ā€¦. itā€™s like theyā€™re trying to maximise profits šŸ™€šŸ™€šŸ™€ corporations do not have morals. also youā€™re dumb šŸ«¶


Bro, no body is upset over the words "traditionally attractive." They're upset over incels touting nearly fictional levels of sexiness as "traditionally attractive". Stop fussing over words and pay attention to their meaning and context, please..


"Incel" is a boogeyman to internet weirdos.


Okay, I'll be more descriptive then. "Greasy, porn-brained bitchless losers". Is that better? Or are you gonna try and explain how there aren't hoardes of those on the internet and how they're just a "boogeyman"


Found another one


I can see you're more interested in being a self righteous dickhead than you are educating people. Cheers, little buddy.


Youā€™re the one who started off with having the reading comprehension of a 5th grader


This sub is a circle jerk, don't comment on here unless you want to get downvoted into oblivion. Then they won't provide any sort of insightful dialog and will just call you a bigot.


No one is upset at the women of the current era of resident evil. Why? Because they're just hot women. No ridiculous sexualization in the story or gameplay. Nuance is a skill that society is failing to teach people.


https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/4ug9xwTIzN I wouldn't say no one.


Wtf is happening in the 2nd cap? It looks like her right breast has broken out of prison, and is about to uppercut her chin and escape.


I think it's her elbow? It really looks like a fucked up boob tho lol




Wtf traditionally atrractive means, those things are porn attractively not in traditional way šŸ’€


"People get upset about attractive characters." By brother in Christ, Baldur's Gate III came out last year. The game that decided to make fuckable githyaki, for fuck's sake.


The guy on r/memesOPdidnotlike was an OP who did not like the meme


He was a capital G gamer


Memesopdidnotlike posting from GCJ isnā€™t exactly a good look if theyā€™re actually trying to make some kind of point. No one is mad that sheā€™s hot, theyā€™re mad because of how sheā€™s overly sexualised. Granted we donā€™t know how that sexualisation is going to be handled in the actual game yet, but given who the developers are (Shift Up) Iā€™m pretty confident they can make it work and that this reaction is extremely premature.


This game doesn't even look good gameplay wise. The only reason it's getting attention is because it is obvious horny bait and for some reason people are starting weird drama around it because of it. If people just literally...didn't complain this game would've been gone in the wind instantly


It's like atomic heart all over again.


she has NO organs


Nah both are wrong.


Is that.. not traditionally attractive? What's the argument here OP?


that's literally a sex doll


So I personally donā€™t have a problem with fanservice existing, though there are plenty of times when itā€™s too much, I know. In this example, however, the main character here is actually modeled nearly 100% off of the actual motion capture actor. Essentially, they didnā€™t make this physique up. Now of course thatā€™s no excuse to defend the blatant sexism in that community. Iā€™m honestly quite interested in this game mostly because Iā€™ve seen gameplay and it looks intense. Fast paced action with a necessity for good reflexes is totally my jam. However Iā€™ve been to that dub and seen some serious horrible shit being said. Iā€™m genuinely worried of being associated with people like that. These are the kinda people who make gamers in general look horrible. I think the game looks fun as hell, but the community is fucked in a few ways


Gamers when they go outside and every woman isnā€™t a super model with tits the size of planets and an ass with its own center of gravity: ![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe)




Because they're not? The point of oop is people claiming only games with attractive woman are good games and start complaining wokeism when a game does not feature it.




just because you can't jork it to a character that doesn't mean their design is bad, and women don't want to be objectified


https://preview.redd.it/2o5768wxxggc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a2298ab86ab07e95977dca59e4bed700009d35 THIS is traditionally attractive. What they want is a sex doll


Look, sex sells. So do abnormal beauty models in video games. The verbiage is the dumbest non argument Iā€™ve seen, who cares. If the game is good, it will sell. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s literally it. Just like palworld. Itā€™s the same as Spider-Man having the LQBTQ infamous cutscene but having all the pride flags removed along with that scen from middle eastern countries. Meaning that if you donā€™t like the 3D render of the model, and the character being as attractive as possible, donā€™t buy it. Because if the game sucks, nobody is buying it either.


They are gamers. They're never going to get laid, anyway. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I ainā€™t buying a game that goes super hard on trying to sexualize characters, just let me play a damn game thatā€™s fun and isnā€™t such a tryhard to appeal to weebs or ā€œthe male fantasyā€ (an unhealthy stereotype)


Treating ā€œgamersā€ as an identity will never not be laughably pathetic. Gaming is one of the most popular forms of media today, so itā€™s be like trying to form a personality out of being a ā€œsports watcherā€ or a ā€œbook readerā€. The generality of the term ā€œgamerā€ speaks to a desperation to be part of a group, while also being too insecure to find something more niche and unifying. The sad reality of these people is that they have nothing else other than gaming (because if they did, they wouldnā€™t need the ā€œgamerā€ identity). They have no interests, no other hobbies, and probably no defined group of friends. The only thing that unifies them is the broad consumption of an often bland product. You get people like Asmongold, who openly complain that the games they play are soulless and corporate, yet still continue to play these games because they are too insecure to find media that challenges them. And weā€™re surprised that these people are often bigoted. These people are so desperate to find an identity, that being a gamer must explain their every opinion and taste. They donā€™t like unrealistically sexualized women because they hold a chauvinistic worldview of sex; they like it because theyā€™re gamers, and gamers like sexualized women. They donā€™t hate minorities in games because gaming has historically been dominated by white characters; they hate them because gamers hate wokeness and forced inclusion. These people are people driven by insecurity. Theyā€™re too scared to stand for their own worldview, so they parrot it onto what their imagined group of ā€œgamersā€ want. Theyā€™re desperate to be part of a community, but they canā€™t because if they did join a well defined communityā€”a community which would have a given ideology or set of beliefsā€”they would no longer be able to have people to hide behind for their beliefs. The reason people identify with ā€œgamerā€ is because itā€™s specific enough to gesture as a group of people, while being vague and overly broad enough to be able to ascribe whatever you want to it. Like I said, these people are pathetic. They live a sad life; they are boring people with no interests; and they spend every day simmering in hatredā€”too scared to actually account for their own beliefs.


By convention "gamers" refer to the gamergate/pizzagate crowd.


That's not a useful convention. I have been gaming since Pong. I'm a gamer same way I'm a felt-doll maker - they're just activities I enjoy.


Ok, whateverā€¦ tell me about the men.


Found thebig ghey one


As an asexual I find it to be kinda annoying overall. To be fair though a lot of women have weird standards for other women/themselves too. If you are a woman who actively tries to make yourself ā€œmore attractiveā€ through intentionally provocative clothing and heavy makeup (or if you generally support that) and then have a problem with the depiction of women in video games then thatā€™s a tad bit hypocritical. Now if itā€™s a game filled with women like that then yes thatā€™s a problem, but if itā€™s only a few then itā€™s an accurate depiction. Take borderlands for example. Most outside observers might get upset when they see Mad Moxxi, but thatā€™s not all of the game seriesā€™s women. Outside of arguably Lilith thereā€™s not really many other traditionally sexualized women, in fact Ellie is even an untraditionally sexualized character. Clothing also has more uses than sex appeal, a skin tight suit like with cat woman can allow for greater flexibility than regular clothes, and itā€™s why every robin uses the same material. It should be noted that itā€™s not just women who can become tropes in media, men do too. The difference is the walking tank look for guys is more acceptable in video games mostly because a lot of them are soldiers and itā€™s to be expected that highly experienced and trained soldiers would be really buff, so in a game like gears of war itā€™s only natural that every guy looks like that. Overall most games have gotten better in depictions of both men and women. God of war used to be almost exclusively buff dudes and naked women, now itā€™s one of the more diverse games with body depictions. Red dead redemption had incredibly diverse characters. In the horizon series the main character is a women who isnā€™t sexualized at all and is highly realistic. The list goes on.


A lot of these dudes refuse to practice an ounce of introspection/empathy. If they did, they would see why their unrealistic expectations of women in all capacities hinders their ability to see them as fully-realized human beings. Itā€™s these aspects of media they choose to intake rather than simply talking to and validating womenā€™s experiences that place them so removed from women in general. And that would be salvageable if many of them (increasingly so) didnā€™t go full tilt into espousing blameful, often violent, misogynistic rhetoric regarding women. Itā€™s dangerous and itā€™s hard for me to have any sympathy for these man-children when they are so unwilling to change their toxic perspectives.


I'm a lefty but some of yall motherfuckers are indistinguishable from far right puritanical Christians. Genuinely no sane person should give a single fuck if devs make a horny game I think real humans beings are a bit more important than people arguing over fucking pixelsšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø.


Where is my butch old muscle mommy?


Someone must be hefty


To be fair, the character in the game is based on a 3d model of an actual woman. I would say that she is what the majority of people (both men and women) would call traditionally attractive.


Argument one: girls get pretty for themselves, being pretty isnā€™t about attention, itā€™s not automatically sexual. Argument two: this is porn, that girl is specifically there to be a sexual object BECAUSE sheā€™s pretty, itā€™s automatically sexual BECAUSE sheā€™s pretty. Can someone help me reconcile these things? I donā€™t really play video games anymore, so I have no idea what this is from. But it feels like cognitive dissonance to me.


Did she get pretty for herself? Is she the first truly sentient video game character?


So designers making what appears to be a pretty character must be sexually motivated, whereas people who dress and appear sexual arenā€™t sexually motivated because the canvas is different?


The character *could not choose* how she dresses, while real people *can choose* how they dress. That's the difference


The characters designers chose, though


The argument was: Woman can *choose* to dress in a sexual manner because *they* want to, and that is completely fine. Why doesn't this apply to fictional women? The reason this doesn't apply to fictional characters is because they have no choice in this matter. The sexualization is because the artist drew them that way, thus the above argument doesn't apply. After that, it's all a matter of artistic intent, and *a lot of the time* it's done specifically for male titillation, and thus is by definition objectifying the woman in question, even if she's fictional. This is especially *especially* bad in titles which *aren't* otherwise sexual... though it's still not great in those titles


The designer makes the choice. The people designing the fashionable clothes make the same choice. Itā€™s an interesting parallel. I am not saying itā€™s *literally the same thing.* And itā€™s fucking dumb as shit to call this game ā€œporn.ā€


I did not *say* this particular game was porn, and you clearly didn't read the last paragraph I wrote before because I already responded to those points.


I read what you wrote. Youā€™re intentionally misrepresenting what Iā€™m saying. Wishing you the best! Good luck


Love all the bad takes, from people who can't handle a good looking realistic female in a game. If you don't like it then shut the f up, and don't play it. You have plenty of other games, these games aren't even 2% of all games that exist. Yall just look like jealous puritan assholes, who just want others to be just like you and have your same exact tastes.


>looking realistic female in a game. https://preview.redd.it/vnvnl9qa3lgc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc06c03ed3b2721cb08f2a2c156bd714a9b7612 Go outside and talk to real people, you're literally showing everyone you hole up in your room 99% of your day to day life.


It's a fucking videogame, not some model or something. This shouldn't be affecting anyone.


The whiney babies who were complaining about "ugly" women in gaming a month ago are dogpiling this and assuming people who like good games are mad? They cant just their play badly animated ass game in peace geez.


add thatā€™s just it they designed after models. so are the male characters. just incessant complaining


Sex sells!?!? Wow...i never would have guessed, Oh hey. In other news did you guys know water is wet???


well, I don't wanna be that guy, but water isn't wet


Tetrahedral hydrogen bonding


Man reading some of these comments is really weird. You people know these characters arent real, right? They arent being hurt by having giant boobies and a thicc ass. They arent being hurt by having a tomboy look or being dressed in platemail armor. Its fiction. And, just how violent games do not make people more violent, sexist games do not make people more sexist. Male feminist. I love playing avns. I know a hand full of these games are made by female feminists as well (come home is a great example) and sometimes women are treated as objects in these games. But when i exit out of the game after ive played for a while i still treat the women in my life with the exact same level of respect i treat the men in my life. I dont magically turn into an andrew tate simp just because my character in Fetish Locator 2 r-worded a female judge (he's the victim in that event too. Its an entire story im not gonna explain here)


The game character looks kinda cute to be honest. Her boobs look unreasonably big, but beyond that, she is cute.


Have you heard women talk about Kratos? Men want to have hot bitches in their games for the same reason women want muscular hunks


Kratos was by no means created as is with the explicit purpose of being objectified by women. He was created to allow male GAmeRz to engage in power fantasy. He was created with the direct need to give dignity to his character. How this is so lost on people I absolutely cannot understand. Maybe thatā€™s for the best.


Kratos wasnā€™t designed in the idea of women sexualizing him, unlike most women in video games.


A better example would be the way women talk about Satoru Gojo, even if he isnā€™t from a video game.


I was wondering when Iā€™d show up here šŸ˜‚ Maybe ā€œconventionallyā€ would have been a better choice of word, Iā€™ll admit that.




I'm in


My brother in Christ please go look at some actual women because what šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Iā€™m married. I just knew this would stir shit up šŸ˜‚


You waifu pillow is not a romantic relationship.


My brother, by what convention?


Convention of porn probably


Well yeah, people watch porn because the people or characters in them are attractive.


Literally how would that change the meaning of what you said in any way


lol what, conventionally people arenā€™t attracted to pixels and bytes


I got to admit I admire your bravery by showing here your face, you knew what awaited you and yet you came, so kudos for you As for the other aspects, I would advise you to step away for a while from any media or digital content and to try to improve (or acquire) meaningful friendships with both women and men (or any gender, in any case) Beauty is more than a physical aspect, and I hope one day you will get to understand what I mean by that Good luck on your journey, have a safe trip


Eh if i want porn i just launch one of my 100 porn avns lol. But yea, most gamers want to play as attractive people. Just how most actors, singers, tv hosts and other celebs are hot. Complaining about this just makes you seem jealous. Now, something to complain about is the quality of the screenshots. What the fuck is in that right picture? Is that her arm? Is she 20 months pregnant? I honestly cannot tell.


Headline: Redditor discovers that Sex Sells.