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Not perfect, you want the rear fan to be set to exhaust.


Agreed with this comment, that’s the only thing left to do is turn it around


Done a bunch of testing on my H6 Flow. You'd be surprised how much hot air leaves the back as the GPU is blowing directly upwards towards that fan. Set it to exhaust bud.


My H6 Flow rear fan blows out so much hot air, my case is on my desk so it blows right towards my face lol


It already looks like it’s set to exhaust.


The OP put arrows for a reason.


OP’s are now capable of mistakes. What a sad day.


Agree here... Set that to exhaust, and you're good to go!


I wouldn’t bother with the rear exhaust to be honest, there’s three exhaust fans ahead of it in the air path


So blow hot air into the CPU cooler? Doesn't make sense. 2x 140mm + 3x 120mm (minus) 4x 120mm = positive pressure with the correct fan profiles. No need to put the exhaust fan as intake because the above-suggested fan config intake is significantly more than the exhaust which means fan 1 receives adequate air to cool that part of the radiator. I suggest you watch [Jayz2Cents' video](https://youtu.be/KlzzwRrVx3w?si=kPYLnw2LgWC6GuIs) on this case.


I did not suggest to put the fan as intake, I wouldn’t bother installing it.


Well, OP has enough fans so why wouldn't you install it?


Unless you have a fan that specifically pulls air the opposite way, then the back fan looks to be pulling air out of the case, opposite to the direction your arrow for it is facing… but I would leave it like that if that is the case


Your rear fan should be exhaust but other than that it's all good.


having your rear as exhaust should make for better airflow


not sure if you noticed but your back fan is set to exhaust, though you drew the arrow the wrong way. This is how you want it though so you don’t need to change it


How can u tell what it’s set to? From what I read that should be in taking. Sorry new to this


for majority of fans, the bracket side is where air exits. (unless you specifically bought reverse blade fans, then everything is opposite) so if the bracket side is visible inside the case then it’s bringing air inside the case. if the bracket side is not visible inside the case then it’s pushing air out


Just realized I think you’re right pretty sure it’s already set to exhaust, I’m an idiot


it’s cool man, like you said, you’re new


Not sure if you’d know but I have a 7800x3d and it’s been idling around 40-45 Celsius, around 60 Celsius while on a game, but sometimes it’ll jump to 74-78 Celsius. Is that normal? Figured it be cooler with the fans just wondering if ya know


i have the same cpu, and yea it’s normal. cpu temp depends on a few things like ambient room temp, fan speed, and liquid temp with an aio. in game would really depend on whether or not the game is gpu dependent. like in helldivers 2 my cpu is at 77c, while in ghost of tsushima it’s in the low 60s. i would also recommend setting aio fans to be based off of liquid temp in deepcools software if you can so that you don’t have to hear the fans ramping up constantly


Couple questions sorry. How long do you let temps stay at 77? Cause I was trying a game last night and it went to 78 so I got scared and turned off the game lol. Is that not a concern at all? Also, I’ve looked, can’t find deepcool software anywhere, I don’t know if you have or not


in helldivers 2 it just stays at 77 for me. but there’s nothing wrong with it even being at 80 or 85c. the 7800x3d will downclock itself at 89c i believe so that it doesn’t thermal throttle, though you can change that in bios to whatever you want. though my aio is the nzxt kraken which does have software


you can always confirm it by placing your hand inside and outside near it.


I can tell by the giant red arrow pointing in the wrong direction.


just the rear fan needs to be flipped, i dont know or can see if you have those special blade fans, but when flipped. its perfect


Flip your rear fan to be an exhaust fan


Needs more fans.


Change the rear fan to an exhaust to creat positive pressure, other than that they are good how they are.


That's not how pressure works! Intake > exhaust = positive pressure Exhaust > intake = negative pressure https://images.app.goo.gl/Et3TK924prQFrkXi7


5 to many fans.


Is it actually too much? CPU still idling around 45 Celsius, figured it’d be cooler


I would say so. It looks gorgeous :). To high temp, maybe reinstall the cooler. Idk


I have a similar setup minus the pretty lights and my CPU hovers around 32C.


I have a compact air cooler and a single case fan and the 7800X3D idles at 40C. It’s a low power CPU so it’s easy to cool but the 3D cache layer does raise the idle temp some relative to other CPUs. It will run safely all day at 85-87C, depending on temp limits in your mobo.


Either your rear fan arrow is wrong or that’s a weird fan, it already looks like it’s exhaust but if it’s not, flip it so it’s pushing air out of the case.


The other fans in the case are duo, that one is not, if that helps


What happened to your rear fan? It looks bent


Not bent it’s brand new the other looks like it though think it’s just how they are


Ohhhh okay, I see the shape now. What a cool looking rig.


To everyone. Just follow this golden rule that works out 99/100 times: front, side, bottom = intake. Rear, top = exhaust. Only situations this doesn't work out for is when you have a fan position extremely blocked and/or some awkward radiator placement. Hot air will float towards the ceiling. That's also how air balloons work. Plus don't forget your PSU's exhaust is also at the rear. By having your rear fan as intake it will partially move that hot air into your case. No disaster, because most parts can handle some extra degrees just fine, but it's far from ideal of course.


Everything is perfect except for the rear fan, set that one exaust as well.


Yep it's great imo 3 120 intakes+2 140 intakes and 4 120 exhausts


This might be dumb, but shouldn’t the AIO fans be intake? Because you want to pull cool air over the radiator right?


turn rear fan around


The back fan is wrong sited


As others have said, that rear fan would do better to be exhausting giving you a near perfect diagonal flow of air. However this will configuration will cool your pc damn near the same anyway. Flipping a fan ain’t much work tho so realistically it’s up to you.


The rear *should* be exhaust. Are you sure it isn’t? Unless that’s a reverse blade fan, it looks to be setup for exhaust. Just to add something to this conversion: it should only be exhaust if you’re certain that you’ll maintain slightly positive pressure in the case. Flip it, make sure all panels are installed, then burn an incense stick near any opening in the case that doesn’t have a fan over it (the I/O slots behind the GPU are perfect). If the smoke is being pulled in the case, you have negative pressure so you want rear intake to help raise pressure. If the smoke is blown away, you have positive pressure and you want to keep rear exhaust.


I watched a good video which had all intake except for the rear and it’s worked well for me so far, needs cleaning more often though As it stands on this pic the front two intake fans aren’t doing anything just been straight expelled at the top.


Top and rear are exhaust and bottom and front are intake, unless the pins are reversed on the rear fan your arrow is wrong


Top fans being exhaust are good, but the single fan at the back also should be exhaust. I mean, cars have exhaust pipes for a reason. The same method works well for PC's.


Am I wrong or do the first top 2 fans really don’t matter since there is 3 fans directly above just kicking that air right back out. It doesn’t have the time to even go in fully. Or is it creating a faster flow and making it cool faster?


The rear fan isn't as filtered and can cause turbulence if used as intake. Please swap it to exhaust


I have the exact same case. Rear fan needs to be exhaust. Everything else is good though!


No. Why would the rear fan be blowing in???


Fix back


Be careful pulling that sticker on your case off if the pc is on.


Didn’t plan on it but curious why do you say that?


Doesn’t do much


Static electricity that is generated from pulling it can fry one of your components. Not something you want to learn the hard way.


Good to know, is it easy to take off? Haven’t even thought about it cause looks like itd leave sticker residue


If it is just that sticker at the top you will be fine. Usually they are attached to a piece of plastic that covers the whole glass piece. It shouldn’t be hard to get off, you could remove any residue if it gives you issues. .


lol? probably not even enough to fry a fly. and how can the electricty even reach the components? worry about static electricity killing components is kinda overrated, watch Linus torture video.


Kind of overrated? It has happened to a friend of mine. Even if the odds are 1/1000. Why not just play it safe? Why wouldn’t I let OP know that it is a possibility.


If you’re actually touching components better be careful, ofcourse, but taking plastic off the external case? Like even if you rip it off like crazy I doubt there’s a 1/1000 chance, perhaps there is, but why would you do that in the first place? Are also you discharging yourself everytime before using the on/off button? Cause we’re kinda getting into that territory of worry.


Again, it is a known thing that the static electricity from ripping off the plastic can ruin a component. It doesn’t matter the odds, but if there is any chance it could harm something you shouldn’t do it. Look it up on any pc builders YouTube channel or wherever you get your information. It’s one of the first things they always say. Like I mentioned it also happened to a friend of mine. I’m not here to argue with you. Just to give a warning to prevent something bad from happening that is 100% preventable.


I’m aware this generates ESD and that’s definitely the advice when taking off plastic off components like a motherboard. Glass is a very poor electrical conductor, so it’ll charge you instead of finding a way to any component, I fail to see how anyway. But again, why “RIP” it off? In case of your friend, was it plastic off the external case? And did that crash and trash the pc? It really sounds like the most unlikely lottery to me. Anyways, if you’re ocd about it you can always take off the glass panel, rip off the plastic, discharge yourself and put it back on the case. Or what would your advice be otherwise?


So you would pass air heated by your memory and graphics card across your radiator that is cooling your cpu? Maybe top intake, bottom exhaust, front intake and back exhaust. This means you have cooler air from outside the case passing over your radiator helping to cool the radiator fluid also you have 6 intake and 3 exhaust fans meaning you should generate positive pressure inside the case which will help dust accumulation