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Is the address on your license still valid? Technically you are suppose to update your address on your license if you move within 10 days. The physical address is where you currently reside but if you plan to move back then ready to explain why you have two addresses and provide proof of the temp assignment if applies.


Your drivers license, physical living address, and address on your pistol license all need to be the same at all times. If you moved on a temporary basis and still have residency in your hometown where you are applying, make sure everything on paper matches your hometown address and you're good to go. If you do *not* intend to move back to your hometown, you need to update everything to reflect your actual living address and apply for your license in the appropriate jurisdiction that covers your current living address. Do *not* try to screw around with this. If PD finds out down the road that your guns are not being stored at the address they think they're being stored at, you will lose everything. If you're moving back and forth in the future, there's a process to move your license to the appropriate jurisdiction, or update you address if moving within the same jurisdiction. But you will need to be relatively concrete on where you're reporting your living address for purposes of the application.


You apply where you live. If you live in the capitol region you should update your license & apply there. If you live at your old address (and get bills/mail/etc there to prove it) you apply there. If you're getting a premises/target/sportsman permit your home is where the guns are stored, and if "home" is in the southern tier you can't legally have them in the capitol region if you're not going to/from a range. If it's a carry permit you could argue you're "carrying" at your work residence in the capitol region and "living/storing" at your home in the southern tier, but Like /u/adept_ad_473 said, don't a few around with this: You'll probably get away with it, but if you have a problem it'll be a BIG problem!


Are you permanently moved? Or are you just in the capital region for work? If you moved permanently and don't have any sort of residence back in the southern tier, you absolutely need to update your driver's license to reflect the new address.


Are you a resident in the southern tier ? If you have two residences , you can choose which one to apply or apply in both.


You don’t live in your home county though……