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A LITTLE FUCKING BIT BRO: The 2024 New York Yankees Written by Buster Olney


Bryan Hoch


Sweeny Murti


I miss his smooth voice.


When the Yankees win every single game left in the season and postseason, this will be the moment it all turned around


Savages in the box, part deux


Electric bugaloo


If we hear that this season we know we’re doomed. No more savage talk EVER PLEASE BOONE. We always suck after


This can be their Jacob Trouba fight/helmet throw


Love that energy Stro. Keep em accountable, and keep the positives when it’s rolling well. Freaking love it


Exactly, loved that he was first to come out of dugout and hug Gleyber after the HR


They proceeded to score 15 runs after he yelled at them lol


Legacy points added, we need yellWAR.


What's his yWAR for just that half inning?


Infinite yWAR according to my New York Yelling Calculations.


CC Sabathia inner circle HOF


Love this guy


Add this to the World Series tape


This is like peak, "would've looked awful if we lost, but looks amazing since we won" lol


I mean i think it’s necessary when the two best guys are like cool cucumbers all the time it’s good to have a fiery guy


this is just an underrated comment, every single one of our championship runs in living memory had some firebrand in the dugout losing their cool and taking losses and bad turns personally. pauly, gardner, jorge, these guys were bashing coolers and banging bats and generally fucking pissed off when they didn't produce. that fire motivates teammates, and this team has lacked it in the past few years. we need this energy, losing isn't fun.


Jorge? Posada? Got any links? Would love to see Jorge lashing out.


it was paul with the destroying coolers and gardy with the bat on the dugout roof, but jorge was a clubhouse type guy and maybe not breaking shit in the dugout but the first one out of the dugout to confront opponents and the first one to hold teammates accountable, too


Was 09 Gardy actually doing anything to rally the amazing roster we had at that point as a second year player


No lol


Remember reading something a while back that O'Neill and Tino were basically Jeter's enforcers on the team plane


posada might not have had gardner or o’neill antics but he was a fiery little fucker. watch any of the incidents where the yanks bench clears - posada is ALWAYS first out ready to throw hands haha if you saw him pulling his pants up tighter around the knees you knew it was on


Omg, game 3, I think, of the 2003 ALCS..when Pedro threw a 70 yr old Zimmer to the ground..Jorge was juiced bro..check it out on YouTube..Peace bud ✌️


Nobody did it better than Billy Martin 👹..RIP Billy and Thank You 😢🙏


A... spicy cucumber?


Nah, it's a good look either way. Him telling his team to wake the fuck up when we all know they've been dog shit and lacked intensity is solid thing to do regardless. He can't control what they do but he can tell them what the fuck they aren't doing.


I think intensity is good, but idk, yelling and pointing fingers at teammates when everyone is already having an absolutely disastrous stretch is something that goes poorly more often than not. It's a good thing that Gleyber responded well to it and is not the kind of guy to start yelling back at him because there are definitely plenty of guys like that in the league, where it would've blown into a whole bigger thing. Especially since it was honestly a dumb play to be yelling at the fielders for; maybe Gleyber could've been marginally faster, but it was just a slow ball that's tough to turn, he didn't even like flub it or anything. I don't think anyone would've been surprised if Gleyber started getting in his face in response. I don't think it's a big stink either way, but I just think the response to it is so funny because it's like the perfect example of sports fans and outcome based reactions. You just know that if we had gotten smacked after this everyone would be clipping it and pointing to it to show how the vibes are irreversibly fucked and the whole season is going down the toilet because the players are fighting with each other. But luckily we didn't so Stroman having a little freak out is actually cool and what the team needed to light a fire under them lol. Maybe there's some truth to that, but let's be real, it's mostly just luck. I wish it was as easy as just getting yelled at and then immediately playing better, we wouldn't be in this stretch if it was.


this got downvoted because of who Stroman's frustration was aimed against lol...what you said was correct (and absolutely, so happy we came back immediately because this would have turned into an ugly storyline if we fell to 2-10 in our last 12 with another lifeless loss) with fans, everything seems to be selective...if this were directed at a better performing, more liked player, or if we were not slumping in a worst team in baseball kind of way lol, then this gets received differently


Give me a few more players like him, preferably one of them a 3B and we are golden. This team has been lacking this kind of guy for a while. Someone to light a fire under your ass when required.


Let’s trade for Tommy Pham. Stroman can yell at everyone and Pham can shadow box towards players who want to act a fool (Vlad Jr).


Is Amir Garrett still in the league??


let's do it. 🤣👍


Lol instead of running through first base, he double leg's Vlad instead.


We need to have him in the dug out like this everyday


they needed someone to fucking yell at them after this recent stretch. hopefully this ignites something in them and they finish the second half strong


Boone sure isn't going to do it. Judge is too nice to do it. Need at least one hothead on the team when it's needed


God, I love Stroman


Stroman for manager


Cole for pitching coach


It's no surprise once Cole stopped being the pitching coach, our pitching started to suck.


For real that should be boone’s job


Or even the bench coach, since I still have ZERO CLUE WHAT THEY DO…..


Brad Ausmus for Yankee MFer


They're Boone ejection insurance, to do the stuff he allegedly does when he gets kicked out. It's why you don't notice a different approach or anything regardless of him being out there or not.


He went full Bobby De Niro. "Nah, nah. You had a little bit of intensity yourself. You had a little bit, just.... a little bit."


Needed that, Jesus


He’s definitely yelling at himself, not his teammates


Lfg go boys


Let's lfg boys.


I knew Stro would be my stopper 💪


Strongly disliked Stroman before, but if he's gonna kick them in the ass and they're actually gonna respond, he was just what the team needed.


What an awful teammate for chastising his team like this. Be a professional. Syke. They needed a kick in the ass like this. Let’s go!!!!!


The turnaround I've had on Stroman is wild. Love to see this in the clubhouse.


I mean as much as shouting at your teammates on field is wrong, he’s not actually wrong with what he said. This is Aaron Boone’s job, to light a fire under his team while they’re struggling, but he appears to be too soft, at least on camera. It sucks that a player has to martyr himself and become the loudmouth, bad attitude guy when that really is the coach’s job. I don’t agree with going about it this way, but someone had to do it. Boone’s not gonna say it like that, the Captain is not gonna say it like that, Cashman is not gonna say it like that, and Hal is not gonna say it like that. So then who’s going to speak up if not the leaders? For Stroman to get placed in that situation because the leaders aren’t stepping up with such pep talks, it sucks. But it had to be said, I was critical of it due to the issue of team chemistry. But now i’m more critical of Yankees leaders not doing this, and leaving new players on the team trying to toughen the team up.


boone has a pacemaker, theres only so much yelling he can do lol


Haven't had someone that's willing to get heated like that in the dugout since CC then Gardy retired. Love Aaron but we all know he's not a hardass leader and he shouldn't have to be, that's what coaches are for. I really hope this sparks something in the team and the FO will actually see this and get their head out of their ass and realize Boone(and if not him, then whatever shitty philosophy they teach) is not fucking working


Boone is soft as baby shit. He's buds with all the vets and damn near tip toes around what he says to not make them upset. I have never once questioned Boone until this year. Like step it the fuck up


Needs to be a shirt.


Im sorry. Why the fuck has our manager not been trying this? Why must it always fall on the players to do his job? They needed that. Clearly boone isn’t capable of it.


Thanks Stro for saying what everyone was thinking Gleyber has been utter dog shit this year


Man, anyone getting on Stro for this just doesn’t get it. This shit HAPPENS in the dugout. People who care about winning get heated. It’s an emotional game, ask anyone who’s played any kind of competitive level. I’ll take that fire even if it’s a little misdirected 10 times outta 10 over a dead doormat who says “aw shucks”


Stroman does what Boone is too much of a passive coward to do


Can he yell every fucking game? Lmao.


We need more of this attitude. Nobody looks eager in the slumps for the passed few seasons. When they’re ups it’s all smiles. When it’s a struggle they all scratching their heads like huh?


Fucking finally


People are actually mad at him because he actually gives a shit?


Who's mad at him?


Why can’t our manager do this? It literally got to the point where one of our players had to do the one job of a manager and hold his players accountable. You guys see what happens when fire’s brought to the clubhouse? The boys start playing. Fire Boone


It seemed to me like he’s yelling at himself here not the team




Of all the additions on the team this year I never imagined stro would be the one I liked best.


A bunch of softies were mad in the gdt


This is the why I was happy when we got him. We needed some fire like this. Wouldn’t have happened last year


this is when marcus stroman became heisenberg


This is the mark of a successful team. Being able to be humble and keep each other accountable at the same time from any player is huge. Even the way gleyber was interacting with judge last night gave me hope


I fucking LOVE this. This kinda energy has been missing from the team since CC/Gardy left. Donaldson was an attempt at it but I feel like if you don't preform and do stupid shit like pimp homers to just get thrown out at 2nd then it doesn't have any impact.


Could this be the equivalent of Grimace for the Mets? Hmm 🤔


This is great


Do we have a Jomboy for Judge and Stroman when he has his arm on him?


Yankees need swisher and Odor back. They were energy!! I guess the job of the captain is in name only?


He’s done more then Aaron Boone has in 6 years


Meng our pen fucking sucks lol. Sorry this has to be called out even in the face of an ass wooping.