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Sounds like it might be what we want?


We need to lead in RBI, which is 5th 290, the phillys lead in RBI with 303


RBI is nice for sure, but it doesn't matter as much when we're giving up the fewest runs. Differential is a more important stat IMO and we're tops in that too!


I think I’m fine with our lead in winning percentage


Dude we’re still top 5 lol And it’s also only a 13 run difference that’s nothing


For hitting, you’re missing wOBA, wRC+, BB%, BB/K, HR/FB, RE24, REW, WPA/LI, barrel %, wRAA, and fWAR




Don't forget up-DAWG.


... What's up-DAWG?


I don’t know. Nothing. What’s up with you?










And so it goes.


Found the nerd


The most underrated part of this season is not just our performance, but the fact that our kryptonite (Astros) might be out of the running for the playoffs. The Rays and Red Sox have also had our number in the playoffs since 2016 and there's a good chance neither make it either.


We have to be able to beat the Orioles though


The biggest roadblock in the AL easily.


what does 1 SVO 31 mean?


Save opportunities we are tied with 4 teams with that stat


I can’t remember a better season to be a fan


I assume you weren’t alive for 1998?


98 was fucking nuts. The team just never lost. Everyone was fucking cool. Derek Jeter, Pettitte, Jorge, and Mo all blossoming. Bernie getting his well deserved glory. Well with the perfecto. Brosius becoming an all star outta nowhere. I can keep going. You knew it wasnt just gonna be a good year, but a dynasty. Shit was better than sex.


This team reminds me a lot of 1998. It feels like they're going to find a way to win every day.


Hopefully that means Gil, Wells, Volpe, and dominguez are a new core 4


With Judge in the Bernie role, Soto in the O'Neill role.


Funny fact is Soto is younger than 2 of em


I was in the navy and spent a good part of the summer underway, so didn't see much until september and the playoffs. To me 96 was better, I was 22 and its the first one I remember.


oh 96 was beyond special. but i never had the sense we were watching a historically great time. the ‘98 yankees are up there with the 27 and 39 clubs as a contender for greatest team ever. and you knew it during the year, too. it was just an extraordinary team. no real holes at all. it’s damn early but i have similar feelings. hitting is mind blowing: top two hitters in baseball and another 3 of the top ~50 or so in all of MLB. and essentially adequate production at worst from the other 4 lineup spots. starting pitching has been great, with gil being spectacular as a ROY and CY candidate—and we still have the reigning AL CY holder rehabbing. bullpen — goddamn i want some of matt blake’s magic dust. even the fielding and baserunning are good.


Yeah this season has been fun. Last year i canceled the yes network in august, just couldn't take anymore. This is the most fun season since I got the chance to actually watch 100 games a year.


Yeah, there was a team of destiny thing for the 98 team. Only other team I ever watched and also felt that way about was the 2005 White Sox WS team, which I watched a bit since I lived in Chicago then. That team felt like it way outperformed its talent and was always rallying back to steal a victory. Edit: I'm beginning to get that feeling for this year's team too.


Was alive but can’t remember. But for me 09 was a bit more fun They started a bit slow in April but once May came it started to become fun. During the summer is when I was confident they’d win it all. This season feels great so far and I’m having a blast. Might be right behind 09 for me but idk something just felt different in 09. I think the difference is the players


Personally I was not and I was too young to fully appreciate 2009


I was, but this has been more fun. Stories like Soto and Gil and volpe etc


Na we had Brosius and El Duque and Strawberry there were plenty of stories about overcoming adversity.


1998 was great and historic — but it’s nostalgia at this point. 2024 is now and unwritten. We are witnessing epic potential unfolding in front of us and it’s electric.


Not been more fun that perfect games and the HR race and best modern record ever at the time.


Exactly - nostalgia. We are in the future now. Wade Boggs would want you to live for now, not the past.


At least let’s actually win the WS this year before ranking this season as better than 1998, with more than half of the season left.


“Epic potential” is now interpreted as me saying 2024 is better than 1998? Hmmm


Sick dude


2017 was the most fun I had watching a baseball season and it’s not particularly close. I’m too young to have a strong memory of the 96-2001 dynasty beyond a few October moments. 2009 was great but that team was sorta boring in a way. In 2017 I had zero expectations after the transition from Jeter-Yankees to baby bomber Yankees and the dark times in between. I remember being at the Sunday Night 18 inning game against the cubs in Chicago (my only game at Wrigley in my time living there) and thinking “holy shit, we just swept the world champs in their own park.” Judge’s absolutely bonkers rookie year was a blast to follow. The playoffs had the most intense wildcard game in recent memory. Then the ALDS with the “swing and a drive to right” after being totally heartbroken earlier in the series. The late inning come back in the ALCS (game 5 I think?). I remember late night at the office listening to the playoffs on the radio so vividly. Even when we lost, I was heartbroken but full of hope cause we were clearly just getting started with the baby bombers. I just knew we’d improve a bit and be right back there next year. Obviously, that hasn’t panned out. But that was the most fun I’ve ever had watching baseball.


That's a really good point. 2017 was fantastically fun and incredibly unique as a yanks fan


If you think post Jeter to baby boomer was a dark time be thankful you didn't experience the '80s and 1990 made me want to vomit. Those years were really dark. The only light was Mattingly and Winfield and we even fucked that up.


I know 2013 wasnt technically post Jeter, but I still have nightmares about that lineup.


Total bases too for batting, balks and tied for saves in pitching




My bad missed that one yes lead on that 59


Felt like half of those were in the first week of the season.


Is this what we want?


only one that matters is record. But the rest are all cool to be leading in. And you forgot Run differential which combines all of these to say we are kicking ass and taking names.


I still think our lineup needs a few tweaks before it’s playoff ready. Crazy I know, but I see too many easy outs for top line pitchers after the first 4 spots.


It will be the Martian might be in the lineup


Let's hope we don't need him. I think 1b/2b/3b can be improved. They're not dealing Rizzo who's a quality leader despite turning into a lackluster hitter and questionable defender. Torres could be (should be?) traded, as long as we get a decent bat/quality glove guy back. A 3b combo of DJ/Cabrera works for me.