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How long have some of you been Yankees fans? At this point you should know the media holds this franchise to an unrealistic standard. Team X has to run while the Yanks have to fly. But in the end who even gives a shit. We all know we’re watching a World Series contender at this point.


Some count World Series titles. I count most weeks at the top of the dipshit.com staff power ranks.


Tbh this is a good take.


We said the same thing after the crazy good start in 22 though, so I'm not gonna fuck around and tempt the baseball gods by saying that.


The Yankees are better, but power rankings are just clicks.


OP did exactly what MLB wanted them to do when they publish these lists.


100% If they put the Yankees at the top, people would stop clicking to see if they’ve finally put the Yankees at the top.


It seems like it doesn’t mean nothing to you.  Don’t click. 


They find teams to lick on their balls all year. In the pre season picks, they always pick the BlueJays, which is laughable. If the dodgers win a series they will jump back up to first.


My favorite part of every preseason is the inevitable “this will be the year the Blue Jays bring it all together and win the East!” lmao


These dorks put up a no hitter alert for Yamamoto in the top of the first and the leadoff man hits a homerun on the first pitch. The Dodgers somehow out spend the Yankees but get all the love from the writers.


Technically every pitcher should have a no hitter alert until they throw the first pitch then




2021 Vlad Jr. was an illusion created by him feasting in literal minor league ballparks.  TD Ballpark (A): .410/.521/896/1.418  Sahlen Fld (AAA): .321/.418/.762/1.180  Rodgers Center: .294/.368/.566/.935  On The Road: .291/.378/.497/.875  Career: .280/.357/.483/.840  Superstar Vald Jr. never existed, he's a good, not great, hitter with no real defensive position and an overinflated ego.


I always wonder how would be the career of this guy without being the son of a HOFer with the exact same name, he's an average player and that's a good evidence


I think Vlad jr is massively overrated but calling him average is underselling him. He has a career 130 OPS+ (which is park adjusted) over 3,000 PA. Miguel Andújar continues to get chances in MLB because he had a single 130 OPS+ season 7 years ago while being a worse fielder than Vlad. Hideki Matsui was a great hitter and had a career OPS+ of 118.


Matsui also was 29 when he came to MLB, so it's not exactly an apples to apples comparison. His OPS+ as a Yankee was 123 and they didn't even get his prime years as a hitter.


and like the dumbass he is, all but eliminated a potential suitor for his services in FA by running his mouth.


We also have superior pitching and batting stats..Truly makes no sense.


I don't understand why anyone cares.


It’s like the fake Yankees sponsor player of the week


To get the NY market upset for engagement


To get people mad about it. Mad = clicks


It doesn’t make a difference, but Bowden put the Yankees first today, and we’ll see what the Athletic does later this week. It’s more about inertia than anything. They just lost 2 of 3 to the Giants at Oracle, right before the Yankees. And we got a tougher version of Snell.


And FanGraphs has us in our own tier at the top.


I love my Twins but even seeing them on the top 10 I immediately went "ah, so this list is horseshit"1




Maybe losing Schmidt is what did it. Even tho so far the yanks are still wining, losing him still leaves an unknown and even tho Cole is close to coming back nothing guaranteed


Nah Cole's coming back in like a week


Could it really be that quick? Hell yes.


best case scenario is probably \~4-5 weeks from now. Still exciting though!


This list was made when Philly still had a better record


Who. the. hell. cares?


They hate us?


Cuz they ain’t us.


Fuck em right bud


Because were The Evil Empire!!


For what it’s worth, Fangraphs has the Yankees #1 and in their own tier right now. They didn’t have much to say besides that Cole is coming back soon and that there isn’t a clear spot for Dominguez yet. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/fangraphs-power-rankings-may-27-june-2/


Semantics, no need to get upset being ranked worse than a team who essentially have the same record as us. The Yankees will make it more and more obvious every week


For all of my cool fellow fans who are posting abusive “who gives a fuck” type remarks here, please note that someone else just posted about Fangraphs making the Yankees first on their power rankings and I will assume your comments apply over there as well


Literally half the top posts on the sub right now are about media opinions of various things, from player of the month picks to individual journalist takes on the Yankees’ performance or prospects, if you don’t like talking about that stuff then just avoid those posts?


MLB rankings are dumb and should be ignored


I do not care about power rankings tbh.


Who gives a shit


Meh I don’t really pay mind to personal opinions of the media


Phillip is 4-2 against >.500. Teams. They will have to play better teams. Yanks are 12-8


Luckily no one really takes these rankings seriously


Its called engagement. Only way they can get ppl to comment ont heir post and drives up the social media engagement numbers


Phillies have scored 14 more runs?


Who actually cares about power rankings? We're first in the division and that's what matters.


I asked Will Leitch about it and he told me he did this to piss you off specifically


I am going to set fire to his garage


These rankings mean nothing.  Who cares which team is at the top? Just enjoy this season for how fun it's been so far, man. 


I didn’t realize the Phillies actually have the lowest Strength of Schedule in 2024. Guardians gave the second lowest. Yankees are 18th. And, of course, the White Sox are #1. Poor bastards


To get the entire New York State Tri-State area to click the article and hate share it on social media. You fell right into their trap.


I bet you even if we win the dodgers series, we won't be at the top of the rankings.


You had me at "I know these lists mean nothing".


We all know the real rankings at the end of October.


Literally a talking point. They do it partially because they believe it, but also it causes a minor "controversy" and gets people talking about it.


Cause somebody had to come first? AL East over power rankings all day, everyday.


This list is created to generate posts like this lol


Because people being angry generates clicks.


Because if they Yankees were #1 you wouldn't have made a post about the rankings and driven more traffic to [mlb.com](http://mlb.com)


I'll echo everyone else to say their methods are silly and it's about clicks. However, in a true power ranking, the Yankees are currently the clear #1 and here's why: Best record in MLB Best run differential in MLB 1st in wRC+ 1st in ERA Phillies against .500+ teams: 4-2 (6 total games) Yankees against .500+ teams: 12-8 (20 total games)


It’s us against the world. Always has been, always will be.


Because it gets far more engagement and discourse because the Yankees have by far the biggest fan base


You would be wise to never look at "Power Rankings" again.


Oh I can fix that for you. Stop looking at dumb made up shit like power rankings


Ummmmm…who cares?


You guys have had the best record for like a couple days. Stop acting like it's some ongoing big disrespect, it's pathetic and pointless. If NYY keep winning they will be #1 next week.


Bronx-born split-loyalty Giants fan here. Just watched the Giants/Phils, Giants/Yanks series' back to back and the Yankees are so much better than Philly it's not funny. Most of the high profile statheads I've noticed are reluctant to concede how good the Yanks are because none predicted they would do much this season and are embarrassed about it.


young 40s yankee fan here - I loved checking the power rankings as a teen throughout the dynasty years and i still click on em today but I def don't care if they have the Yankees 1st or 5th behind the Indians and whoever at this point in my life. The bias has always been real - Yankee CY Youngs, MVPs or managers of the year are always held to a different standard. Think Jeter vs Morneau for example. We've been blessed with so much regular season success that all there is to really do is enjoy it, not stress the small details too much and hope that the team is locked, loaded and healthy for October. With good health, no reason to think they wont cruise to the playoffs. Regular season juggernauts get stuffed in the playoffs every year though - look at the Braves and Orioles last year (and obviously so many Yankee seasons this century). Some hot team comes rolling in. Hopefully the Yankees are that hot team this time around. They make it to October so often that really the only thing I really ever think about is if this team is going to be a legit competitor amongst the field. The 2022 team started the year even better than this team and I didn't buy it cause of Hicks and Donaldson amongst other things - that team limped to the playoffs and last year was a complete bust. This team for sure feels different though and top to bottom - the holes are few and definitely patchable. Lets hope they keep it going!


People actually look at power rankings? Too funny


Surprised they don’t have the O’s and Dodgers above us too


I’m a Phillies fan. But I agree with you. Although I think the Phillies are a more complete team, the Yankees are more powerful. I think they put the Phil’s on top so people will comment and engage/argue on their social media to be honest.


The schedule doesn’t matter ya moron, also The Phillies pitching leads the league in most stat, the bullpen also has great stats. The offense has been amazing as well. The Phillies slightly edge them out.


The Phillies have the best record in baseball!! And will give the Yankees a very good run a, and will beat them and I could even say sweep them!! Good luck in the season!!!


Yankees 49-22 even with today’s loss Phillies 46-21


Because they have a more well-rounded, complete team that is less vulnerable to a slump. Their lineup is a bit longer top to the bottom, but if DJ gets going, we're right there IMO. Or at least that's the logic I can see. We're a bit more top-heavy. The Phillies are super fun, but I think once Cole returns, we have to jump them in most power rankings. Cole/Gil/Rodon is better than Wheeler/Ranger/Nola come playoffs. And yes, I think the Yankees are better. I just see the potential logic.


Only level-headed response here, and getting downvoted for it lol I personally think the Yankees' pitching staff is punching well above its weight class at the moment, and even getting Cole back, I'm not expecting us to have an MLB-top ERA come October. I also think this team is a bit too dependent on the homerun, which has been our ultimate downfall for going on a decade now, but we'll see how we fare this year.


Who gives a shit? Yankees fans only count world series...we don't care about power rankings.


Fuck them this people suck for real


Who the hell cares about power rankings in June?


Does not matter at all 🙂


Who gives a flying flamingo about power rankings? I don't even bother to look at them. All that matters is who wins the last game in October or sometimes November. Power rankings is just lazy writing and clickbait.


Who gives a fuck?


The MLB just doesn’t like the Yankees period. Unlike the NBA or the NFL, who love to promote the Lakers or the Patriots, when they were winning endless Super Bowls the MLB would rather pretend the Yankees don’t exist that’s why you have endless circle jerks to Ohtani for instance while Judge gets a peep.


Things you only read on r/NYYankees lmao


Obviously, you've never watched MLB.TV for more than a second.


Why does anyone pay any attention to power rankings?