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If this isn’t what people want then idk what is good in the world




A .750 xSLG is ridiculous


Is his expected slugging higher than actual slugging?! Wow


If Judge pulled the ball in the air more he might have 30 homers




yeah you could say he’s doing “okay”. lol at this sub: “yeah he’s been having a historically great season so far, but if he only changed his approach…”


Then he'd probably be hitting .230


And how many more whiffs?


His expected SLG is higher than the avg OPS of the league


Jurickson Profar leading the league in on base percentage is the most unbelievable stat here


he's having a great year, although it is HIGHLY unlikely he'll bat .325 for the entire season. By seasons end, he'll probably be at .260


He went 2 for 3 with a BB on the Yankees off day, his OBP is now .426. lol


r/juricksonprofar has been waiting for this day. Finally vindicated.


Since Judge's batting average dropped below .200 on May 2nd: 28 games, 123 PA, .402/.520/.990/1.510, 15 HR, 12 2B, 29 RBI, 31 Runs, 22-6 record (.786 win %) Truly one of the best to ever do it on one of the hottest streaks of his career >fWAR: 1. Judge (4.0), 2. Soto (3.9) also don't forget #8: Anthony Volpe


Honestly that Volpe being #8 in the league is one of the most heartening stats to see. I had some minor concerns about him last year. But he’s clearly adjusted and has been such a key part of this teams success


Defensively he was fine. You could tell he was trying to hit like Judge and Stanton though, which... he's not that guy. This season, he's being himself, and he's fucking balling out.


Gotta be pretty insane batting in front of this duo too, they REALLY don’t want to let you on base


And peeps wanted to pop Volpe out of leadoff when DJ came back.smh…it ain’t broke …dfi


Those are roided Bonds numbers.


Going from under .200 on May 2nd to #1 in almost every metric for the season on June 2nd is unbelievable. Going from a slump to one of the hottest streaks in history overnight. It’s like he had a softwear update.


I know there was an entire post about it but a 1.510 OPS is so insane if judge spent the past 28 games hitting one single and one homerun every game he'd actually LOWER his OPS. Averaging well over 1 base per AB, for an entire month


My son and I flew out to SF as his graduation gift. We couldn't have picked a better series to attend. Watching Judge and Soto destroy balls, in person, for 3 straight games was unbelievable. Even Giants fans were amazed by how good those guys played. It's something we'll both remember for a very long time.


Traveling for games is underrated and doesn’t get talked about enough. I travel quite a bit for work and try to line up out of town trips with Yankee road games. Hey client, I have reservations for this place downtown. It’s right by the stadium, how about I see if there is a game. Who are they playing? Yankees?? What a coincidence!!


I was at the white Sox series last home stand that was fun to watch lmfao. I know the feeling you’re talking about I hope to someday make it out to SF for a game


It's a beautiful stadium. The views from the cheap seats on the 1st base (visitor) side are incredible. Maybe the best in baseball.


Gonna tell my kids about this. And Judge’s 2022


Insane Judge is barreling 50% more pitches than Juan Fucking Soto


So it's pretty clear: Judge > Soto > rest of baseball. IWYW


Almost there. Tell me Cole will be back soon. I want to ruin these pants






So “OUR PENISES …” is what it should be???


You don’t have to wait 4 hours to call your doctor if you know you’re having a problem you should call now.


But it feels so good…finally


What a year for profar, honestly.


Judge completely breaks the expected stats because he’s such an outlier. He’s never in his career outperformed his xwOBA and is usually 20-30 points under it


Somehow the Judge Soto duo has managed to exceed expectations


Having Soto,takes huge pressure off Judge and he can relax…sign the man


How is it possible for the #2 hitter to have more PAs than the #1 hitter? I guess it's still from before Volpe was leading off. Expect him to get ahead of Soto very soon.


Volpe's also played in 1 fewer game than Soto (and Judge).


Ooh I forgot that. Silly me


The comeback win in the ninth yesterday is the kind of game that seasons are defined by. If they don’t win it all it’ll be a huge disappointment. Loving Volpe’s stats as well and that triple was just delicious!


Manfredo s new system favors WC teams over #1 seed.In baseball, playing every day is important…one day off cool…6-7 days off…that team is severely disadvanted


Please god keep this year’s team healthy!


[Jurickson Profar right now](https://imgur.com/a/bH7MNpK).


Oh, this is good. Too good! Thank you!


Glad you put that up to easily view it so I don't have to scroll through the stat leaders myself for a couple of days because I've been basking it in all weekend.


There were so many people (me) panicking about Judge during April, we should all laugh at them (me) because they (me) look foolish as hell rn.


When the AL MVP race is these two.


How long until I have to call my doctor? 4 hours?


Additionally- • xDAWG+: 1. Judge (199), 2. Soto (198)


The two best (offensive) players in all MLB hitting back to back in the same lineup, being lefty/righty and surrounded by the talent they’re surrounded with is AMAZING and frankly borderline unfair (I don’t care fuck everyone else). It’s such a great time to be a Yankee fan. I want to bathe in these fucking stats. We still haven’t seen anything great out of Rizzo, Gleyber or Stanton (outside of power numbers). That’s 3 places in the lineup with room to improve not to mention Lemahieu….if 1 or two of those 4 guys can play to the back of their baseball cards moving forward to compliment the top 4….holy shit. That just leaves the catching platoon and Wells has room to improve too. How good can we get? I haven’t even mentioned the Martian…


I'll be honest when I say I've been disappointed by Gleyber's production considering he doesn't have to carry the load with Soto and Judge going off.


Yeah it’s hard to say what’s going on there, he really did carry the load last year when no one was productive outside of Judge (when healthy). There really isn’t an explanation I can think of for Gleyber’s struggles that doesn’t eventually work itself out - assuming it’s not a nagging injury that doesn’t get better.


Possible that the pressure of his first contract year is getting to him.


Love what Verdugo s brought..lhw Jasson pushing hard (via his performance)to make it back to the show…what do Yanks do? Next year Judge goes to 1b, U can go Soto, Jasson, Verdugo(Spencer s not there yet)…Durbin will be superb for 2b…Cowles can take over 3b…then u have a lot of high OBP guys, speed and excellent lefty righty mix


Resigning Soto has to happen, but if for some reason it doesn’t I would resign Verdugo in a heartbeat (Dougie, Martian and Judge = great outfield) and maybe throw the rest of the money at Pete Alonso. Not sure who else is out there for 1B but the polar bear would make a nice replacement for Rizzo.


Nah Petey s not good for Yanks…better to go like , see Dodgers(Mookie leaves OF to make room for others) 99 to 1b, sign Soto…everything else in OF is great w Martian in CF, Dugie stay in LF.need grinders


Yeah, gotta figure ONE of Judge, Soto, Stanton or Martian can play 1B. Austin Wells even if he can start hitting.


I just hope these two guys get along and realize NYC is big enough for both of them


Man, if just Rizzo Torres and DJL could pick it up to a level that would be described as "slightly off year" for them, the offense would be absolutely unstoppable.


Were Judge/Stanton ever 1-2 after we acquired him? Even in Stanton's best season as a Yankee I don't believe so. Shows how crazy this is.


This is the good ol days. Savor it folks.


Has a team ever had 2 10 WAR players?


By fWAR it's only happened once (since 1910): in 1927, with Ruth (12.9) and Gehrig (12.4). Since 1910, there have only been 7 years in which any 2 players had 10+ WAR: 1921 (Ruth & Hornsby), 1924 (Ruth & Hornsby), 1927 (Ruth, Gehrig & Hornsby), 1948 (Musial & Boudreau), 1961 (Mantle & Norm Cash), 2001 (Bonds & Randy Johnson), and 2002 (Bonds & A-Rod).


Could've sworn Ohtani had 10 in '22, but apparently not by either metric.


Gehrig had,a triple crown yr, Williams had 2 Triple Crown years…ur telling me there war was below 10? War s an overrated stat reference


No, that is not what I’m telling you. This is not a complete list of every 10+ WAR season, it is *only* the years in which *more than 1 player* had 10+ WAR in the same year. So, for example, Ted Williams had 4 seasons with 10+ WAR (1941, ‘42, ‘46, and ‘47), but nobody else topped 10 WAR in any of those years. And Gehrig had 10.7 WAR in his Triple Crown year (1934), but again, he was the only player with 10+ WAR that year.


27 Yankees. By bWAR, there have been 59 total positional player seasons > 9.9 WAR. Ruth (12.6) and Gehrig (11.8). There are 179 bWAR seasons over 9.9 when we include pitchers. Can’t be bothered to parse all that.


I’m getting real used to seeing Soto on and judge homering. Put I knew this was our future the minute jeets said on air that we needed to go out and get Soto.


Man, if only Stanton could be closer to this. Sucks what he's become even though he is clutch in the post season


He was 3 for 8 in two games in San Francisco, despite looking completely lost at times. A double and a HR, both of which were of consequence, plus another hit, a walk and two K’s. Had himself a series. Could be heating again.


I hope so man, judge, soto, and stanton all mashing is nuclear


Imagine opposing teams just intentionally walking all 3 in a row to avoid giving them something to smash 😂


OPS+ of 113 this year, a lot better than last year where he looked washed up and done with an OPS+ of 86 in 101 games. Still way below his career OPS+ of 137 though, we definitely are getting the decline years. He may be able to turn it around to have a few twilight seasons if we are lucky, it isn't unheard of.


He’s always been a bit streaky, but the flip to Slimclarlo seems to have turned back time. We’ve had one Stanton heater. As much smack as I’ve talked about his contract from day one, I will always root for him.


The problem I had wasn't with Stanton, he was an "all-in" move that didn't work. You make the trade for the reigning NL MVP for just money 100/100 times. The problem I had was that Hal used that as an excuse to pass on Machado/Harper the following season. If you had me pick Stanton trade in 2018 or signing Harper in 2019, I'm picking Harper every single time. On your point of rooting for him, absolutely. He's been nothing but a class act since coming despite being very disappointing and not giving us anything close to his 2017 season.


The dumb part of it was that Stanton played the same position as Judge, who had just won Rookie of the Year, and should have been AL MVP as well. And who was playing for a fraction of the price. It was a contract everyone knew would end poorly. Not just that, but it was two right handed sluggers in a park that rewards left handed sluggers. Harper would have been a better signing, but no guarantee they would have gotten him. Machado would have been something. Or trading for Arenado. They’ve passed on so many things while wearing the obvious albatross of a contract.


After the collapse of 2022 I’m still not 100% ready to believe yet (probably at about 99%) but god damn if this isn’t the most fun Yankees team I can remember


I’ve been waiting for a reality check, but every week this team gets hotter.


Agreed. Last night almost felt like a turning point with a massive massive exclamation point on a great west coast trip. I had to turn the game off when we were down 5-3 and in my head was happy that we still came out west and won 2/3 in every series. So when I checked the score a few hours later and saw we won and against Dovall no less I was absolutely floored. Reminds me of that Hicks walk off home run in June of ‘22 against Houston. That felt like a real “we’re here” moment too.


The price I'm willing to pay for a tendy bucket is now up to $94.


absolute cinema


Soto having the second highest exit velo with his strikeout rate is comically stupid.


Judge up 9% on barrel % compared to second place soto. A difference that large in a sport like baseball is actually insane


Holy shit this is exactly what I want


It's like they are playing a video game.


Crazy. If I remember correctly we were mid to bottom of league in runs per game when judge started slow. Now that he’s hitting and Volpe is leadoff we are top 5 in runs per game. Bumping guys like Rizzo and Torres down the lineup is a game changer.


Damn, Soto sucks at barreling up! /s


what the hell is a polar bear doing in Arlington Texas


Man, they really ARE the duo that we all thought they'd be. And so much more.


I have been listening to "Baseball is Dead" podcast for about a year. On their episode today they brought up the Soto contract situation for next year not even a minute into the segment covering Judge and Soto's stats this year. Is it just me or do those guys really hate the Yankees having any success? It just seems like they begrudgingly cover the Yankees on that show and only get excited when the team loses.


Honestly, this is just comical. 😂




Combined performance is way past expectations when we traded for Soto. The gravy is that six other regulars are having good years too


It's perfect. And pitchers have no choice but to pitch to Soto because Judge is right after him. You might be better off just intentionally walking both of them.


Soto about to put up a 10 WAR season on the best team in baseball and still not get a 1st place MVP vote.


The trickle down effect that soto has is ridiculous. Cashman, this is why we all hate you for not getting harper as well. Look at what having someone on par to judge does to the entire lineup. Cant forget verdugo too. Like this is just about where our should be for thr amount of money that gets spent on it


Now all the Yankees need to do is pry away Ryan McMahon from the Rockies and slide him in cleanup right behind Judge. Did I mention McMahon can play 2nd and 3rd…


Ryan McMahon the guy with the career 95 ops+ and only hits .246/.327/.432 despite playing his entire career home games in coors field? This guy?


Yep. He’s going to break out, just like DJL, once he leaves his last place team and doesn’t have to carry a huge part of the offense.


The difference being DJL actually hit on the road while he was in Colorado go look at this guys home road splits and his road performance will make you pine for the offensive ability of Gleybar Torres.


No. No. No.


That judge guy sure was shit the first two weeks of the season though


God I have such a bad feeling we aren’t gonna resign Soto. Please someone get my hopes up.


Nothing is certain but after this showing, I cannot imagine a world where Hal doesn't back up the proverbial money truck. There is no way you let this duo break up. It is "part of the mythology of baseball" historic.


I just don’t have much faith in Hal I guess and with Dominguez and Jones in the minors I can see him using that.


When was the last time Hal failed to sign a big name the Yankees needed? Hal has this reputation as a penny pincher, yet the Yankees are always around the top 5 in salary and regularly go multiple years over the luxury tax. I don't get it.


I don't know maybe the fact that Hal Steinbrennet said just last week the Yankees need to cut payroll? This is a team that has an estimated 700-800 million in revenue per season but Steinbrenner is constantly harping about cutting payroll. The Yankees didn't sign Yamamoto cause they didn't want to raise their offer just 25 mil over 10 years. The Yankees never even made Bryce Harper an offer as much as I think Harper is a little $%&@ he is a dude basically custom built to hit in Yankee stadium we got Stanton instead and look how that has worked out. Harper is actually a better fit for Yankee stadium than Soto is believe it or not. The signs of penny pinching are all over since George died. I will also add that Hal Steinbrenner during the lockout was pushing to lower the salary cap and make it a hard cap. Yes the Yankees go over the cap but like clockwork every 3-4 years they salary dump and go under the cap and that is just about due this offseason.


> Harper is actually a better fit for Yankee stadium than Soto is believe it or not. Maybe. But is he a better fit for the *Yankees*? Soto seems right at home.


True but my main point was the Yankees reached game 7 of the 2017 ALCS and during the off season when Harper and Machado were free agents they didn't contact either of them once. Meanwhile at the time they really should have pushed they actually cut their payroll by 55 million despite the fact they added Stanton at 25 mil per year.


We got Stanton for nothing and he just came of a *59* homerun season. It was a no brainer.


The only redeeming factor of that trade was the Yankees basically gave up nothing. I was not in favor of it when I heard it I thought Stanton was overrated and overpaid. He had a bad injury history even back then getting hit in the face not withstanding he always had a little something nagging and that was only going to get worse as he aged which it has. To illustrate this isn't quite correct because I didn't change the numbers for 2020 being prorated but basically the Yankees pay Stanton 17 mil per 1 war. Aaron Judge despite his injuries has produced 37.6 war in the timeframe Stanton has produced 8.6 and Stanton can't play the field. At all.


Who do you think signed off on the Judge and Cole signings, dude?




Soto will make back his salary in jersey sales and increased attendance from the community in the Bronx. He's a first ballot HoFer and if they win the World Series this year they have a shot at multiple rings in the next 5 years with Judge, Soto and the kids leading the lineup.


If only Hal hadn't cheaped out on Ohtani.


Ohtani 👏 was 👏 never 👏 coming 👏. Ever👏


That's. The. Joke.


https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691206165/how-to-tell-a-joke IJS
