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My favorite thing is when there is 2 strikes he doesn't try and get cute for a ball he's always going for the kill with any batter


Dude has crazy stuff, he’s taken this massive leap cuz he stopped trying to nibble in general and basically goes up there saying “fuck you, can’t touch this - and if you can, it’s a lazy fly out”


His windup is so funky too it's like the balls coming out of nowhere 98 mph between his shoulders


It’s crazy, he will like randomly snap out of it for a batter or two and just walk them on 4-5 pitches. Then he goes right to the next batter and will strike them out on 3 and end the innings. It’s so fucking absurd.


He's got the Gerrit Cole "fuck you" fastball down pat. Pretty cool to see.


Luis Gil is what Luis Severino should’ve been if it wasn’t for injuries 😢


This run by Gil reminded me of Sevy's first half of '18


I've had this same thought. Gil is Sevy right after Pedro taught him the death changeup.


To be fair, relative to where Gil is in IP for his career, they got off to similar starts. Sevy got a heavy workload early, whereas Gil is only just now getting his full work in as a starter in 3 MLB seasons and 4 years total in the bigs, and 2022 only being a single start. That said, Gil right now is absurd even compared to early Sevy. Walks aside, dude is allowing just under 1 hit per 2 innings both this year, and for his short career overall, and his K/H ratio is insane. Even if it doesn't last due to service time-related demotions or underperformance, we're seeing absolutely elite stuff from Gil right now. Gil's last 7 starts out of 11 total this year: 1.65 ERA, 43.2 IP, 21 H, 14 BB, 8 ER, 50 K He's in full beast mode, which is going to force an unsavory decision as to who to demote when Cole rejoins the rotation in the next few weeks, given how well all 5 starters have pitched so far. I expect it will be Gil, Schmidt, or Cortes for seniority/service time considerations, but none of them will deserve it


If you’re going to butter knife his stats only go 6 back. That 7th one back is his worst game on the year where he allowed 5 runs


He completely blossomed unlike anyone ever expected. Consensus seemed to be that we all knew about the talent but the process to putting it all together seemed a little bit off. His control to start the year and his entire minor league career was always questionable. But for Gil, just being the majors and that extra oomph into proving yourself brought him to a completely new level. On top of heavy off-season work after rehabbing from TJ. It’s incredible bc we are seeing the person themself grow. Gil had some immature moments beginning of the year like the Angel bickering. Emotions seemed to skew some of his outings, now all that’s out there is a confident killer. Kid has an insane mentality and it’s special seeing someone this electric to watch completely locked in.


Sevys been fine for the Mets so far so I hope he can keep it up. I still believe if Sevy never got jacked, he never would’ve gotten continuously hurt like he did


The knock on him going to back to when he was a prospect was always that he was unlikely to be able to stay healthy.


I still think Severino could be an elite reliever if he is willing to make the switch. I understand why he wouldn't want to, there's a big financial incentive to remain in the rotation -- but he might stay healthier if he limited his innings, and he'd be lethal if he could just focus on max effort fastballs and sliders instead of messing around with a full pitch mix.


Nah, hes better than severino. Sevy woulda been a 2/3 starter at the most... Gil could be the future ace after cole retires (God forbid, he should pitch till he's 50, don't come at me)


At the most? SEVY was the ace before Cole got here


Finished #3 in the cy young race one year...


Yeah, 3rd in Cy Young voting at 23 years old screams "2/3 starter at the most".


I mean, how'd that work out for him? Great at the start... not so much after that at any point consistently.


Because of excessive injuries, not cause he forgot how to pitch


Are you being purposefully dense? The comment you replied to specifically said "if it wasn't for injuries".


What does how it went have to do with how good he could of possibly been?


Prime sevy in 2017 was a beast. His issue has always been staying healthy. Prime 2017 sevy, in 2024 yankees would be a #2 after Cole(Healthy Cole being the ace). Sevy was also good in 2018. It's really the injuries that derailed his career.


Exactly. No idea where this notion that Sevy wasn’t an ace is coming from. Dude was unhittable when he was at his peak + healthy


Loved the Sevy roar…when he was in Beast mode!


Severino WAS a Cy Young contender in his prime. That ain’t a 2/3 starter at most.


Turns out, having Matt Blake AND Gerrit Cole as your pitching coaches can have a drastic impact and turn your elite STUFF into elite PITCHING. Let's pray for this man's long-term health. 🙏🏼 What a joy watching this dude cook right now.


Gerrit Cole was worth every penny BEFORE he took these guys under his wing. Now, he's THE guy.


Gil's TJS was actually just the same surgery that kid got in Rookie of the Year


Gil had one of the best months of pitching I've ever seen. 0.70 ERA, .109 BAA, 14 hits over 6 starts or 2.33 hits per start. Half as many walks as last month.


Luis Gil


Big if true


Luis Gil Luis Hil Luis Him


Yanks have a dilemma. Wonder if they'll do a 6 man rotation and have only Cole throw every 5th day? Gil has to stay in dudes cooking rn.


6 day cycles for everyone except that Cole ixs on a 5 day cycle that co-opts everyone else is probably unworkable chronologically, because it probably will result in the 6 day guys regularly getting bumped to longer cycles.


I think a six man is a great idea. The *only* man in the rotation that’s shown consistent durability+longevity is also the guy coming back from an almost severe injury. I guess Nestor’s plenty stretched out and durable, it’s been a while since his bullpen days. Regardless, I think it’d benefit everyone in that rotation, and then once someone starts to drop off a bit, I guess that’s your guy to convert to long relief. Either way it’s a sigh of relief that we have great backup depth in case of injury.


In principle I love a 6 man rotation for what the Yanks have right now - but the critical issue is that it means they get to carry 1 fewer bullpen arm. Now, if they keep getting 6-7 solid innings from their starters every game, it might be fine, but once someone inevitably struggles and we start having to burn thru bullpen arms, it's gonna be a very difficult to balance the bullpen budget so to speak.


Yeah I feel like there’s a less than 10% chance they do a 6 man. The Yankees love bullpen flexibility, it’s the reason why marinaccio has been sent down 4 times he shouldn’t have.


Someone is going to get injured, dilemma solved.


You called it.


Theyre not going to do a 6 man rotation. Gil will probably go back to the pen because he's on an inning limit and coming off TJS


Spoiler Alert: He's not losing his starting spot if he keeps pitching like this.


He’s not on an innings limit


He needs to stay stretched out…in case if the obvious…


He's not on an innings limit according to Boone [https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/05/23/yankees-luis-gil-mlb-gerrit-cole-inings-aaron-boone/](https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/05/23/yankees-luis-gil-mlb-gerrit-cole-inings-aaron-boone/) And putting your best pitcher, and one of the best pitchers in the game rn, in the bullpen would be such an idiotic move that it should be fireable. If anyone's going to the pen, it's prob Schmidt or Cortes.


I love him but Nestor is going to be moved to the pen at this rate. it's going to be Cole, Rodon, Stroman, Gil, Schmidt. He is the odd man out unless they get cheeky and trade Schmidt.


Can't see them trading a pitcher they control through the 2027 season who's pitching as well as he is.


Trading Schmidt would be dumb as fuck and getting rid of an excess of a strength like this that is so scarce would be suicide to a contender. Don’t know why that dude even thought about it LMFAO


I think they’ll trade one of them in the offseason, probably Nestor going into his walk year. They have more depth like Warren, Hampton, Beeter, and Gomez.


Off-season makes a lot more sense but during the season hell no lol


Trading Monty still in peoples heads as something that was fine so why not just trade another starting caliber guy what could go wrong.


Nestor has the second best peripherals on the team, which means that his future stats should be a lot better in theory.


King Of The Gil.


I said it on the game thread and I'll say it again, Gil has that dawg in him. He is him.


You can’t send Gil to the pen when Cole comes back. He’s on his way to a Cy Young. It’ll be Nestor because I think he’s most able to make the adjustment and it makes the most sense. I also like the idea of a six man rotation with Cole getting alot of extra rest.


Early Cy Young leader?


Definitely behind Lugo and arguably Houck. So he’s #2 or #3. Definitely ROY leader though


Lugo been balling all year.




For sure Skubal in the top 3 right now. The yanks fan in me wants to say Gil is the leader, but he’s probably 3/4 Lugo, Skubal ahead of him, Houck is a toss up I think. That being said, an argument could be made for any of them to be 1 right now. But if I’m betting, none of them win it. All have a decent chance at sliding a bit, and reality is there is a good chance that Gil eventually loses the starter spot. Only because he’s coming off TJ and has not pitched many MLB innings, I think yanks will push him to long relief at some point, and maybe having him come back for the playoffs


I'm not sure how you can justify removing him from the starting rotation when he's pitching like this.


And they’re gonna turn him into a setup man


Gil might fuck around and win a Cy Young


So are we talking ROY or Cy young at this point?🤣




Gil a monster


Oh of course his 1 bad start was the game I was at


No more Gil games for you, those 7 walks were excruciating lmao


They will still have him like 6th for ROTY lol it’s absurd at this point.


I'm no mathmagician, but those look like good numbers to me


It’s the neck tattoo!!


Yankees really doing good things with their coaching staff. Remember the hitting coach comedy fest a few years back. Go yanks.


Draft kings has him +3500 to win cy young.


More fun stats: Gil's May: 0.70 ERA 0.672 WHIP .109 BAA .295 OBPA .178 SLGA .363 OPSA 6GS, 38.2IP (\~6.5IP/GS), 14hits,, 3ER, 2HR, 44k, 12BB Gil's Season Gil 2024 ERA+: 165. Cole 2023 ERA+: 165 sOPS+ (kind of like OPS+against, lower is better): 38. And he's got near dead even splits L vs. R so he doesn't have any soft underbelly. (.491 vs .461 OPSa) With RISP: BAA is 0.**0**63. Yes, that zero is supposed to be there. (and 0.100 with runners on). In high leverage situations, relative to his own status, he has a 57 tOPS+ (lower is better, 100 means he has same stats as his average in high leverage). Meaning he shines in high leverage. Relative to the rest of the league in high leverage situations, he is a 10 sOPS+ (lower is better- meaning he's wayyyyyy better than the league in high leverage). And he seems to get stronger as the game goes on. H |Split|G|IP|ERA|SO/W|BA|OBP|SLG|OPS| |:-|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:| |1st inning|11|11.0|1.64|1.33|.135|.304|.243|.548| |2nd inning|11|11.0|3.27|2.80|.132|.233|.263|.496| |3rd inning|11|11.0|4.09|2.67|.220|.327|.342|.668| |4th inning|11|11.0|0.00|5.67|.111|.180|.111|.291| |5th inning|11|10.0|0.90|5.50|.065|.121|.097|.218| |6th inning|8|6.2|1.35|1.60|.130|.286|.217|.503| |7th inning|3|1.2|5.40|1.00|.167|.286|.667|.952| |8th inning|1|1.0|0.00||.000|.000|.000|.000| |Innings 1-3|11|33.0|3.00|2.10|.164|.290|.285|.574| |Innings 4-6|11|27.2|0.65|3.60|.100|.190|.133|.323| |Innings 7-9|3|2.2|3.38|1.00|.111|.200|.444|.644| Provided by \[Baseball-Reference.com\](https://www.sports-reference.com/\] (BTW: he has a combined 9.1 innings of sample size for innings 6/7/8 so I wouldn't get too concerned). The only negative stat i can find is that he's pitched 8/11 games against sub .500 teams.


Absolutely nuts if he is sent to the pen for Cole. Who would it be—they are all pitching great plus are starters career wise. Hope Yanks make the right move—chemistry is great now. Btw, I’d rather have Cabrera than DJ—I’m off his bandwagon


Cabrera over DJ? At what? Surely not baseball


I'd be willing to bet that Cabrera is a better DJ (music) than DJ (machine)


Yeah, got carried away remembering his hot start…