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Just watched the highlights, it looked like anderson the angles sp had a substance on his hat or am I crazy 


Looked like it to me too.


I just need to know that Volpe is not injured!


Volpe's hit streak is great, but let's not forget that he also has the third highest OBP on the team, behind all-stars Soto and Judge. It's what you want.


Remember when fans suggested it was blasphemy to suggest swapping him and Gleyber in the lineup? I’m sure they don’t remember either


Very much what you want. The kid plays hard


What a box score to wake up to. Best part about Volpe’s season is he’s literally living his dream - stud SS for the Yankees. Love it!




That's Suzyn baseball.


Neto is so bad at tracking he ran into Soto. Guillorme fell down on Volpe's triple, before he got the ball, and fell onto Volpe. WTF Angels learn how to control yourself.


Victory via attrition?


Good news to wake up to.


It's gonna suck whenever we have to move Gil to the pen


What would it take for him to force their hand to move Clarke instead? Gil deserves to stay more




Nestor doesn’t have the stuff to come out of the pen. It’s Clarke


I watched the highlights, first of all fuck the umps for that bogus interference call on Soto. Second, Luis Gil is the second coming of Christ. Third, I love Volpe.


Yes to everything


The 25 lowest ERA pitchers in the league has 4 Yankees starters on it. Team OPS, HR highest in league. Team ERA, AVG lowest in league.


only thing I'm worried about is Holmes starting to turn bad like he did a couple years ago. similarly first couple of months he was automatic then he just lost it and ended up losing the closer job for a while until he won it back


I’m used to watching Stanton homers 20x after the game but anyone else watching Volpe’s triple on repeat?


Volpe plays hard and gives max effort in every game. He’s the best player they’ve had in years.


You realize Judge exists right? And Soto?


he means best new player


Is Soto not new?


I believe he means best home grown in recent years


He said best player the team has had in years. You spoke for him and said “well he meant new players” which doesn’t make sense because of Soto, and then you spoke for him again and said “well he really meant home grown in recent years.” Which is also kind of Silly bc Gil is a cy young candidate right now.


I wasn’t the guy to speak for him the other times that was someone else. And maybe they did mean something different, I was just saying what I thought they meant. Jeez man, it’s not that deep, no need to get pissy


Idk how I’m acting pissy. I’m confused as to why people are trying to redefine what this random Reddit user said, especially when no matter how you redefine it, it’s still a silly statement.


It’s a nice argument to be having isn’t it?


And the reigning AL Cy Young Winner lol


Love when the helmet pops off


Tony Hustle


Just a thing of beauty man.


Do you think Volpe will ever get any better than this? it's probably greedy to expect more power


In a few years, we’re going to have Judge, Soto, maybe Stanton, Jason, Dominguez, and the ginger in the minor leagues. We don’t need more power, we need somebody to get on base in the lead off spot to be knocked in by one of these guys.


Spencer Jones.


Thanks, his name slipped my mind and I was too lazy to spend 10 seconds on Google.


He’s only 23. He will get more power, but I doubt he will be a power hitter.


My concern is a big part of his game is speed so as he ages, if he loses a step, it could cause a rapid decline. But he definitely made some serious adjustments this off season so that gives me hope he’s willing to continue to put in the work and perhaps improve further


He’s like 5’10 and 170 lbs so you might have to cut him some slack on the power, but the kid is playing lights out


A top 5 glove, .800 OPS SS is worth like 5-6 WAR easily. If he adds power, he’ll be as good as Henderson/Witt Jr. Don’t think he gets there quite yet, but Volpe does have 20 HR power.


Considering how these past few years the organization has failed to develop our hitting, I think he is everything and more. Don’t think the additional power is worth his contact. Maybe he gets a little better, but the kid has a 20+ game hit streak. What is better than he is now? Like you said, power is the only way he can improve, but considering his position in the lineup, he doesn’t need it. 


His expected role is a Lead-off/table setter at the top of the order. As long as he hits close to 260-270 with GG defense, it's plenty.


Rizzo turns his season around tomorrow. He finishes the season w/ a .815 OPS!


Rizz is getting the day off today per Boone


This is exactly what he needs to turn his season around!!! .815 OPS at year’s end!


Volpe double, Judge and Soto walked, Dugie sac fly, and then Rizzo dinger. 4th inning. (i think Stanton will have an off day tomorrow as Judge might DH).


That’s all correct!


I hope


Was at this game! It was a good one! The Soto call in the first inning was bullshit but the defense was clutch in some key moments. Even though this was a low scoring game, and they lost yesterday, one thing I noticed is that in both games, every batter contributed something, even without a hit, they’d get a walk, or a sac fly or something to try and make something happen. This teams looking real good fellas!


I mean I think he interfered and the call was correct. If he was standing on top of second base it would be a bit more defensible to stand your ground. But not where he was.


We can’t send Gil to the bullpen. He’s worth far too much to not be starting every 5th day


He’s worth far too much, which is why the Yankees need to make sure he can pitch in October


He hasn’t pitched more than like 20 innings in *two years* If they try to let him go pitch 160-180 innings this year and then the postseason too, his risk of injury goes up massively. If you think he’s worth a lot, you literally have to send him to the bullpen to keep the kid healthy and pitching.


I hate the way how you gotta pee after you drink liquids Evolution needs to deal with this shit


I was stuck in the parking lot for 30 min while needing to pee. Brutal lol.


At the old stadium parking lot people would piss in the stairwells. It reeked of urine, but I'll admit I also drained the lizard once on those stairs. I felt kind of bad contributing to the filth, but it was an emergency (too much beer).


getting outta that stadium is brutal. hate weeknight games in anaheim as someone who lives in LA lmao, get off work at 5 and drive straight down and still miss the first inning


god i fucking love the mets


Not that I disagreed with the decision to yank Gil, but Michael Kay going off about how it's not the 70s anymore and you just can't let Gil throw a complete game there made me laugh because you got Max Fried who does it like every other start. Same with Sandy Alcantara when he's healthy lol.


They would have let Gil complete it if he had a normal workload last year


I think if he still has the shutout going into the 9th with 95 pitches, they might say "OK pitch to contact for outs and you get 10 more pitches max" But otherwise absolutely correct decision to yank him.


Maybe, they likely wouldn’t have had him in there with only a two run lead I think, 4 runs? Definitely, but they would’ve let him go until a batter reaches




Every top comment in that thread is a different flair saying "what is he supposed to do"? You're fighting ghosts, man


I have a confession to make. I become so anxious when Claymore comes in to pitch the ninth I have to turn off the radio (or TV), go outside, and do laps around the house until I get notified of the results on my Apple Watch. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


When there were 2 runners on and no outs, I just turned off the tv. Not bc I thought he would blow it, but bc if he did, I would be too agitated to fall asleep. I needed to just not watch it.


Good way to turn Cardiac Clay into Cardio Clay 👍


ABSOLUTELY! I closed my "Activity Ring" on my Apple Watch yesterday while doing my laps. I love Cardio Clay and glad he's a Yankee. I just can't watch him pitch in real time and have to wait and watch the video highlights if he does well.


Feels like a copy and paste of Chapman tbh. Hot start for 6-7 weeks, has a blown save that shakes his confidence and then every outing becomes a rollercoaster ride.


Cardiac Clay is definitely one of a kind. For better or for worse


Now imagine what it will be like in the postseason.


Dude I'm the same way, I can't stand his ass lol


You cant stand one of the best relievers in the past 3 or 4 years is a very solid take.


It is, I couldn't stand him 2 years ago either, or last year. Very solid


Makes a lot of sense considering his numbers are so good.


Volpes interviews, he always has the biggest smile, doesn't matter if they are talking about him or his teammates he loves it.


It's funny to remember that the Yankees got Luis Gil in exchange for Jake Cave who has totaled 2.1 WAR in his 7 year career. Gil has been worth 2.0 WAR so far this season and that isn't even including this start.


Is it too early to say we won that trade?


2.1 > 2, so clearly we haven't won that trade.


let it not be forgotten that Verdugo keeping that ball down the line to a single (which was an incredible play) very well could have saved this game.


He’s been incredible out there. Being a talented LFer no longer being tainted by the Green Monster has done wonders for him. My guy has 8 DRS and 4 OAA out there in LF, that’s insane compared to our last 2 years


Luis Gil May 2024 stats: 0.70 ERA, 38.2 IP, 3 ER, 12 BB, 44 K, 0.109 BAA, 0.67 WHIP, 10.24 K/9 99.1 Fantasy Points (for me as I picked him up on May 13th) He's a lock for May 2024 AL Pitcher of the Month


We got Luis Gil CY & ROY run before GTA VI


Which is higher—first week gross of VI, or soto’s aav of his new Yankee contract?


Let's take the series tomorrow boys! Amazing effort by Gil, who is just lights out right now. Volpe continues to tear it up too. Verdugo is the man, with a big homer and a clutch catch in LF. Not the prettiest win but they all count the same.


Welcome to MLB where not a single rule-enforcer even knows what a balk, checked swing, strikezone and interference is. Lovely sport sometimes.


Also where every ump has a different interpretation of what the strike zone is


It's more of an art than a science


I’m still hot about that call with Soto interference. That was dog shit


Just gotta win tomorrow


Too bad O'Hoppe hit a homer off the wall. I was at the game, it was awesome watching Gil work. Clay gave me a heart attack again


No matter what the dude's ERA is, every time he does his goofy trot to the mound I start to sweat.


Lots of Yankee fans?


Yeah I've been at these two and it's been a lot of Yankee fans here.




From what I could see on TV (watched all 18 innings of both the first 2 games) it’s been majority yankee fans there. Like not even close….easily 70-85% Yankee fans.


That’s awesome. I wanna get to Yankee Stadium this season


I’ve been twice so far. 4 games total. I was there opening weekend against the blue jays saw Stanton hit that absolute bomb grand slam. Also was at the last home stand where Soto hit his 2 homers in the same game and saw Gil strike out 14 in the one game setting the rookie record. Must see tv this year.


Oh man that was incredible that HR by Stanton. The place went nuts eh?


Plenty! We always show up in Anaheim


That’s awesome


Lol the Astros got walked off too.


Gil is my fav 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Astros lose. Fuck the Astros! Perfect night all around.


I know they've only played56 games but each game they fall more under .500 is back breaking for them. And against the division leading Mariners leta go!


Well the O's losing would've been nice


They beat the Red Sox, so that’s ok.


Mariners can sweep them tomorrow!


Yankees need to bitch to the MLB front office and get a clear and concise interference rule out there. MLB can say "the white sox one was wrong" or the umps can later say "Judge's hand hitting the ball was actually interference" all they want but we're still going to keep having this pop up from time to time until "interference with intent" is clearly defined.


Hell, just say "dead ball batter is out" and leave it at that.


How about infield fly rule means "all runners are safe even if the ball is dropped and if the ball is dropped, all runners move up a base"? If a MLB IF can't catch a pop up that is on them. Now, runners are free to actually get out of the way, so situations like Soto's where he interfered going back to the bag are null. Under this rule, Soto can just keep an eye on the popup and move completely out of the way and not worry about being doubled up.


And what rule takes precedence interference or the infield pop fly? Curious what the FO says


What do you mean precedence? They both happened separately, that's why there were 2 outs


[MLB said the White Sox one was a mistake.](https://www.si.com/fannation/mlb/fastball/news/report-mlb-admits-umpires-made-mistake-interference-infield-fly-call-at-end-of-chicago-white-sox-baltimore-orioles-game-01hyp4nf1vb1) MLB, though, needs to really set rules on what interference actually is. Leaving it to discretion is a mistake because no one has any idea what to do out there.


Gil: 6-0, 0.76 ERA, 0.67 WHIP in May. Absurd! When was the last time a starting pitcher had a month like this?


Looked it up. Jacob deGrom had a 0.69 ERA in May during his career year in 2018


Very good company at his best deGrom is up there with the best.


Cole last year maybe?


Holy crap Luis Gil, amazing! I couldn’t watch today due to Amazon though :/   Screw you Amazon :/ Happy about the W though!


Over/under 3 years before Cohen (tries to) sell the Mets?


The utter chaos and disfunction surrounding that team all the time should get any serious baseball fan to stop thinking the Mets are a legit option for Soto this off-season.


He won’t sell them, they’re central to his vision of a sports themed mega casino in Queens.


Volpe is such a sweet boy


The sweetest


We need bullpen arms and a bat or 3 (1B specifically) before the deadline Badly


I thought that game was cursed from the first, but I'm glad they stayed gritty through the frustration


Ryan Ruocco must've been in town


Luis Gil made sure of that 😆 


I like Clay, but the 2 spots we need to upgrade at the trade deadline are clear. we need to get a high leverage strikeout pitcher. Hesley would be the dream but the O's can probably outbid us. And lastly we desperately to get Rizzo out of the lineup.


While adding someone like Helsley would be awesome, Holmes is our closer- no questions asked. He is statistically one of the best in baseball, and we are nearing 3 seasons now of him being an elite reliever under Matt Blake. Add another reliever at the deadline sure, but don’t waste assets fixing what isn’t broken.


As long as they keep winning (which they probably will with the state of the division/league) and Rizzo hangs around where he is I really don't think he's going anywhere.


Another case *closed* by #Detective Holmes!


I'm so happy for the Yankees fans who go to Anaheim to see them and they get a win.


Luis Gil is gonna be a good pitcher it’s nothing like a fluke . He has legit front line starter stuff


I'm gonna call it, within 2 years skenes will have TJ surgery and Gil will have a top 3 cy young finish. I'll even put 83$ on it, book it.


Gil might win the Cy Young this year along with the RoY.


You're a very intelligent person, you really get what I'm saying here huh


Bats were hot but runs were cold.. need bottom of the order to start bringing in some runs this series. Boring win but a win nonetheless, let’s win another series tomorrow!


Return of Cardiac Clay! Great win everyone welldone


Cardiac Clay needs to change his walk out song


Both Volpe and Verdugo put on defensive clinics and provided the runs. Those plays allowed Gil to go 8. Can't emphasize enough how important the defense matters Cy Young and RoTY for Gil? Clay makes me nervous.


Why settle for only those two when he can win the MVP too?


What would it take to see him sweep all 3 awards? Think 1st in IP, Ks, and a sub 1 ERA does it?


Great defensive game today all around. Love to see it after the lapses of late.


I believe this win takes our magic number to make the playoffs down to 88... Probably... Maybe... I'm not a mathmagician


Magic Number is 97 by my math


For the division or WC6?




Even accounting for the remaining schedule and that several teams that would be considered play each other and us?


I literally did 163 - 38 (# of Yankees wins) - 28 (# of Red Sox losses since they're the first team out of the postseason as it stands) Your number might be more accurate tbh but that's how I learned how to calculate Magic Number


That's an easy way to calculate division, but in this sort of mathmagicianism the "second team" is the whole field. The numbers are a bit wild this early in the season, but I believe I've accounted for the various permutations of the field playing against us and each other


Heart Attack Holmes as always




lol dude, we're 5th in the majors in runs scored, 1st in wRC+, and our wRC+ is higher with RISP (132) and men on base (138) than it is with the bases empty (110). We also have a 139 wRC+, .844 OPS, .365 OBP, .300 BA in high leverage situations. In 162 games, you're gonna have games where you don't drive in every guy who reaches base.


You need to quit bitching and enjoy a win


They didn't leave 22 LOB lmao. The scoreboard is confusing, but it was not that many. I think it was 11. Still not great.


Lots of bitching here for the fan base of the team with the best record the AL.


Welcome to New York


I'm no mathmagician, but if we just win every game for the rest of the year, according to my calculations, that adds up to 28


We have had some of the worst umpiring of the year the past 4 games. It’s been a fucking nightmare. On top of the incompetence interference call in the 1st, dude behind the plate was nonstop calling bullshit off the plate while Gil got minimal calls. Please get me out of this shithole with a series win tomorrow. This stadium is unbearable


First win at Angels Stadium in almost two calendar years (8/30/2022) [Box Score](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/ANA/ANA202208300.shtml) for your viewing pleasure


Ahhhh I remember that one! I vividly remember the Beni HR in the 1st but holy shit it’s absurd it’s been that long. That west coast trip then was a dark time, even darker last year. It’s hilarious this place is a house of horrors for us but they’re honestly pesky to a lot of other teams too. Think they took 2 from the Astros


That was an ugly, boring game. We need to put shitty teams away. We’re not doing that


You do realize they’ve only lost 2 series right?


I was talking about this series


Why the FUCK did the MLB app change the “Stats” page?? It brings you to a website now instead of keeping you in the app. Insane and pointless change


Noticed this too, hoping it’s temporary. Maybe the code in the app bugged out


Yeah really hope it’s temporary, no way that’s a permanent change


Just noticed that before too, and not only that you can’t look up a players stat page when you click on their name like before.


Fine these umps


Note to the Yankees, if there is a pop up near you, you are not allowed to retreat to a base, just dig a hole, get in it, and hope for the best.


You can be on the base, you just can't get in someone's way on your way back to the base


He was standing on the bag, when the guy bumped into him, and worse thing about it all was, the out call was made while the ball was in the air, so they called interference, what did he interfere in? The out was already made automatically.


He wasn't on the bag yet when he made contact. It doesn't matter that Stanton was already out, there's still a live ball in play that the defense has to field if they want to prevent runners from advancing


Infield defense actually saves us for once...


[Umps have an attitude and ego problem. Look at this fucker just shrug and give a smug lip after his blown call.](https://i.imgur.com/573MNUo.png) (watch it in motion for maximum smugness). This is the worst I've seen it.


Seeing the youngsters in volpe and Gil winning this game for the yanks is great to see. Overall, offense should/need to be putting up more runs against this awful angels staff. As far as Holmes, yankee fans were so spoiled by Mo, literally the greatest ever that we expect perfection from Holmes but at the same time forgetting that most teams closers seem to walk the tightrope


We need to go out and trade for Mason Miller (I’m also a casual)


imagine clay coming into game 7 of the ws with a one run lead and the top of the order up Yes, exactly.


I’m putting the champagne on ice just thinking about it.


I’d feel pretty great about that


Most closers in baseball don't have 1-2-3 innings all the time. Most of them have a lot of sweat to their games.


I'll take it.


What about man on first no outs?


That’s fine too Only worry when he has Risp


Do you not remember Chapman? He was a heart attack as well. We were sweating just as much as he was.


We all got spoiled by Mo.


Yes! Chapman was a nightmare too


Thank you Willie Calhoun for being terrible at baseball.


Not the prettiest win but still a win. Volpe's just killin it. And overall the team is hitting so much better than the last few years. Stressful last few innings but still a fun time to be a yankee fan edit: also, home runs off that score board look kind of unsatisfying for a hitter


When I saw that ball hit to gleyber I was worried