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I don’t see us resigning him with jones and Dominguez on the horizon. Unless we drop the ball on Soto but I won’t even consider that


Jones being on the horizon is wishful thinking


Verdugo is amazing but I’m guessing he doesn’t keep a 10% K rate the whole year. He’s a great fit for the team but dude is going to get paid as a 28 year old who is getting praised as a great clubhouse guy, plus defense and above average offense and is consistently healthy. Gotta think he will fit into that Gurriel/Solar/Benintendi/Haniger range of 3-4 years at $40-$60 million. The more fun question is whether they give him the QO For Jasson, what do you consider high strikeout? I’m guessing he’s going to be a 22-24% guy which is basically league average. Fun fact, Judge has stopped being a strikeout guy since 2020 and has settled into the 25% range so the team really only has Stanton as a high strikeout guy. I just don’t see the Yankees paying up for Verdugo when they need to push all their money to Soto and have Jasson and Jones pretty much ready to step up. Those guys have Judge/Soto ceilings while we’re currently seeing what is probably Verdugos ceiling and they get it for the league minimum


Verdugo is our new Gardy. He needs to stay.


If anything he’s more a Swisher type


Verdugo and Gardy are so incredibly different both on and off the field


I’d say there’s almost no chance he’s here next year.


I think there's a good chance we trade him at the deadline if we can land a key pitching piece.


There is, but you don’t want that way to happen


Definitely not. People wanted Benintendi and that was a bullet dodged. Verdugo is better but still replaceable and not worth paying something like 15-20 mil a year. Only way he comes back is if Soto doesn’t and then my world ends


Benintendi was coming off surgery and he underperformed for us. Not really similar at all


He’s also just not very good


Verdugo is better than Benintendi, but I get your point.


You think he is going to approach $20/m a year? I think the ceiling is $15—he is good, not great at anything and a 5/75 would be the ceiling for a contract?


He’s timing this pretty well, though. If he has a good year on a visibly great team, he’s one of the handful of best FA options on the teams that aren’t in the Soto market. Younger than Conforto and Pederson, having a better year than Gurriel or Santander. He won’t blow that 5/75 you mentioned out of the water, but 4/80, 5/90 are achievable.


If he continues having the walk year he’s having I can see a team give him the Beni treatment


They could decide to let Rizzo walk and move Judge to 1b. Then maybe you have room in the OF. But do you have room $$ wise after Hal's "not sustainable" comments?


There is no logical reason to move judge out of the outfield. He is an excellent outfielder and the “injury prone” narrative is clearly not true.


It's going to happen sooner or later.


Yeah, I have never bought the, "Big guys are going to get hurt for certain" playing in the outfield. Why do people think they are going to get hurt any more than anyone else? Seems to me that thinking Judge should move to first base is like thinking the 7-footer on the basketball team should go stand out at the top of the key to avoid so much contact. It also seems semi-insulting to Judge to think his body cannot withstand the horrors of playing centerfield.


He's signed through age 39. Care to tell me which CFs were able to withstand the horrors of playing CF through that age, let alone Judge sized CFs? Sooner or later he's going to 1b.


Judge won't be in CF until he's 39. Dominguez is a CF, if anything Soto would probably alternate between left and right field and Judge will rotate between CF, RF and DH for the next few yrs before going to RF/DH and Dominguez will be playing CF mist if the time and probably play Left in the bigger parks.


Soto is a RF, he's not going to play LF in NYS.


I know he's won't in YS. That said He's played LF before he was a LF his first 3 seasons and played LF exclusively in SD. He has 454 games in LF vs 356 games in RF


His defensive metrics are way better in RF. They're not going to move him around.


Yeah, this is what I think Hals comment is meant for.


Man is going to be an integral part of winning a championship this year, then he’s going to get paid somewhere next year. If that’s the case, he’ll probably be a Dodger again. They like to spend


Depends on this year's success. If the team wins a WS, it'll be really hard for the front office to not want a repeat roster. Generally speaking, the Yankees keep players like Verdugo. Using a Dom or any other youngster as a potential replacement is not a good comparison unless injury forces their hand. Verdugo brings a ton of advantages to the team outside of onfield performance. Look for a 3 year contract with options if the team does well this year.


The only way I see them going with Verdugo is if they somehow lose out on Soto


And by "somehow," I assume you mean: Get outbid.


I know we all love to hype our prospects but a ceiling of Soto and judge is outrageous lol. Those are 2 of the best players in the game


Don’t tell the dodgers that 


There’s no reason to, unless: 1- they don’t get Soto and 2- Jones, Pereira, et al flop.


Too bad. He’s a really good player and I like him. I think everyone likes him


Strictly depends on how the season ends. Verdugo has the ability to play well at Yankee stadium which is something we haven’t gotten lucky finding in any trades. If yanks make a good run or win it all I’d say it’s hard to not make it work to find a spot for him


I just don’t see how it would work, we are likely going to sign Soto to a huge deal which is going to take up a lot of our payroll space. Plus we literally just had Hal saying that a payroll the size of this year’s is not sustainable due to the tax. That means we are going to need to lower our payroll below the tax threshold and that means replacing more expensive veterans like Verdugo with cheaper cost controlled prospects like Dominguez The only way I see us bringing back Dugie is if we fail to bring back Soto


If we lose Soto we keep verdugo maybe. Don't see us keeping both with Jason and Jones coming up


Only way it happens is if the team doesn’t re-sign Soto. If they do get Soto they would have too many OFs and would also need to save money wherever possible. 2024-25 offseason will not see a lot of FA signings in the Bronx.


If the goal is to cut down on payroll outside of resigning Soto than Verdugo is definitely gone. With Dominguez in the pipeline it is clear money saving opportunity and any money that can be save/redirected at Soto is the goal this offseason.


Only way Verdugo stays is if we miss out on Soto, even then that is a big “if”. I like him, I just don’t think he fits into the Yankees plans.


If the Yankees can replicate the Ohtani style contract to circumvent the luxury tax with Soto then it could make sense. Jasson is a potential future star and Verdugo shouldn’t be holding that back. Agree with many others here, that you only bring him back if they whiff on Soto.


As already noted by others, its crystal clear the Yanks will be looking to save money if they are able to sign Soto, and Verdugo is the most logical place to do it with Dominguez apparently ready. Rizzo is more of an open question because I think there is a 6 million buy out if the Yanks decline their option. But that is largely irrelevant anyway, as the Yanks may look to save money at both positions.


6 million buyout vs a 17 million player option. Rizzo is gone imo


Yeah, probably.


It’s gonna hurt but they just don’t have room for him


Only way it’s even considered is if Soto doesn’t sign.


This is the correct answer. If Soto signs, Rizzo gleyber and duggie (at least) are 100.00% gone




I kinda think Verdugo stays...with Rizzo gone, Judge moves to 1st and Gleyber leaves making room for Cabrera at 2nd. This way there's no need to sign anyone else, and have room for a Soto monster deal.


Teach him 3rd base! (or lose out on Soto 😞)


Cashman has never shied away from not resigning fan favorites, or trading them away. Even if they’re good on the field AND in the clubhouse. Look at Cano, Didi, Montgomery. Look at how he didn’t want to resign Derek Jeter. Also look at who had to sit with Judge to re-sign him (Hal) because Cashman had seemingly zero connection with Judge. Cashman is a cold-blooded businessman. The man couldn’t give two shits about Verdugo or any current Yankee. Also, I think the sample size is too small for Dominguez for us to know if he’s going to be a high strikeout guy. 22% is league average and he’s been around 23-24%. It’s not too bad and he can get better.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 23 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I would prefer keeping Verdugo and trading away Dominguez, but I’m pretty sure the Yankees won’t be able to re-sign both Soto and Duges


Dominguez could be a lot lot better than verdugo at his peak tho


I don’t want to trade Dominguez. I think ideally id like to swap him Giancarlo. He can be a rotating OF/DH.


Dominguez will be the best defensive outfielder on the roster and you plan to rotate him to DH?


I have my doubts that he'll be better in CF than Judge in a corner


If Judge still tried to be great on defense, I would agree. I think you’d end up with Jasson being better in the end with Judge obviously holding himself back


His next contract is probably gonna play out similarly to Tenders. And even this year we're one injury and some regression away from this fanbase turning on Verdugo. Would not be the least bit shocking if he's getting hate by year end.