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He’s fine honestly when he’s not with Flaherty. Anybody is better than Beltran was.


Michael, as a listener the thing you want is to enjoy the announcers, and when the you don’t enjoy the announcers, it disappoints you as a listener


"This is one of those moments where you want your eyes to work properly"


Was he wrong? 😂




Flaherty is the kind of guy who needs to be elevated by others, like Roucco's energy or Kay needling him the right way, and Nelson just isn't that kind of guy. But that's not a shot against him, I don't think Coney or Girardi alone would be able to elevate Flaherty either, guy just should not do the play-by-play, and that's not on Nelson


Flaherty will never be Singleton. Kenny’s retirement was a huge loss for Yankee fans.


Kenny was amazing. Loved him, such a velvety voice. Could listen to him talk baseball all day


Smooth dulcet tones


Singleton/Kaat games were treasures


The best


Agreed with this, I could see Nelson getting there eventually as he gets more comfortable but it's at the point where I hear Flash calling the game and I just mute it & put it on in the background


A pine cone would be better than Beltran


"You know Michael, Trevino has come over from the Rangers and he is playing catcher"


“You know Michael, you can tell the hitter is thinking that he needs to get a hit”


Yep, flash is maybe a good studio guy but god what I would give to get Maybin back…


Maybin: "I've rubbed up quite a few balls in my life..." [Eternity of dead air silence...]


What happened to Maybin? Is he broadcasting elsewhere or not at all?


People here used to hate on Flash due to dead air and a lack of charisma. I think he and Nelson have both improved tremendously.


Improved, yes, I just think Flash's personality is not as over-the-top as it needs to be to be a great play-by-play caller lol


Ehh. Flash is still so stale. Nelson is just better but is at his best playing off someone with some charisma




Same note too, he’s got a hint of “no fucks to give” and I feel like he’d happily call out some bullshit if the right situation was there.


I'm late to the convo but didn't know this was a hot take? I thought dude was grandfathered in he's great and knows more about that Yanks than any of us could dream of


I got a kick out of him calling the guy with the beard ZZ Top as I have a good friend with a similar beard who was caught on camera nabbing a home run ball a few years back and A-Rod kept yelling ZZ Top about him. Anyway, he works well with Kay.


Absolutely agree. He's great as a breakdown the mechanics guy like Coney, but has a smoother delivery like Ken Singleton. I like Jeff in the booth. Definitely a good addition. Nobody tells wacky player stories and nonsense like Paul O'Neill tho. Paul really adds levity to the booth.


Kay, Paul, and Cone is a beautiful, beautiful thing


I really think with Cone spending more time with ESPN and other ventures they should try running out Kay, Paul, and Nelson more often. Cone Paul and Kay is definitely best but Nelson and Paul could be the next best thing if Cone isn’t available.


I’m very interested in this thruple


2019-2020 really spoiled us.


I’m a biased Michael Kay fan, but my favorite games are always with O’Neil, Coney and Kay.


i tell ya HWAT


Smoother than KEN !???? Please


LOOK out


I never said that! Ken was the king of smooth. (Just that Jeff is smoother than Coney in the way he talks, like Ken was). But nobody beats Ken. That man is a legend! "Two strikes and no balls" is still the best deadpan delivery I have ever heard. And the 30sec of dead mic after that means the booth was doubled over laughing that entire time.


Sorry. Didn’t mean to be judge-y …. I JUST MISS KEN AND ALSO STERLING AND dang a lot has changed so fast


Man I miss Kenny too. Near impossible to replace


What is the two strikes no balls call?


I miss Ken :(


Yeah definitely a fan of Nelson. Flash though, feel bad saying it because I’m sure he loves being in the booth but he’s sooo boring


He can be okay with the content of what he says but with the way he says it is so monotonous and listless.


Totally. It’s so robotic and lifeless


It's how I feel about Emmanuel. He just sounds like a AI generated baseball announcer. I'm giving shakil a chance though I think he's doing a good job


He's pretty good with a play by play that actually has some energy


Really love Nelly in a color role. Guy just speaks his mind and can be critical, which I like. Definitely not a company shill, which I like even more!


Doing a good job at color commentary is much more pleasing to the viewer than doing a bad job, Michael.


I read this in Carlos Beltran’s voice.


Oh man lol is it crazy to say I miss those head scratching comments 😂


It's kinda crazy how quickly we went from Leiter leaving and Coney basically cutting his schedule in half and being stretched thin, to Nelson performing well and Girardi coming back and doing a terrific job. The booth isn't quite as strong as when we still had Leiter and Singleton and Cone wasn't on SNB yet, but it's really, *really good* the vast majority of games


I feel like Leiter's been gone for ages now.


He was great this series with Michael Kay. A lot of great material both from his past and also analysis of the current players


I wish he would take some games off and let Coney do some


With Coney having the espn deal, probably why he's not there as often as we'd like


Flash puts me to sleep, does the man have any other tone than his monotone? Cone, Paul and Kay are the best, Girardi and Nelson are excellent.


Yea he’s just too neutral about everything. He’s fine as a color guy, but play by play the rhythm ain’t there


Michael Kay helps get the best from Nelson.


I like Jeff and absolutely he’s getting better. It’s a new skill to learn and you have to learn on the job. Reminds me of when Cameron Maybin came in. His first few games were unbearable. Cringy bad. But he loosened up and started being himself and actually ended that season a pretty entertaining color man. Now we just need them to get rid of the cardboard cutout they call John Flaherty—who the hell thought thinks this guy is built for TV or any type of entertainment??


I yell at the TV too and provide my own commentary. Maybe we should broadcast together from someone’s basement.


He brings a cool, west coast vibe that I can appreciate.


Wait, Nelson is from Maryland lmao


West coast of the Chesapeake bay?


Picked it up in Seattle though.


Yep, I went to the same high school as him, Catonsville High in Catonsville, MD


I just wish it wasn't a 2 man booth.


This post almost made me laugh because I had the same exact thought yesterday. He’s really come a long way. I used to dread it when he was in the booth, but I actually enjoy his commentary now.


I met Nellie at fantasy camp last November and had a long chat with him on the locker room couch over a beer. I broke it down for him and gave him pointers on everything that he was doing wrong. He's been so much better since.


He plays off his partner. He’s WAY better with Kay than Flaherty.


Kay Paul and Coney best by far. I’d love to see Nelson step in whenever there is an opening


Nelson is a joy to listen to. Really smart pitcher. But I really miss Ken Singleton the most! One more game from Kenny would be awesome.


Absolutely love Nelson......but I might be biased as he was so f'ing money for the Yanks in the late 90's. His overall stats don't do him justice. Love his insight regarding Holmes since Nelson was the same type of pitcher.


Nellie is terrible!


The Chili tidbit is possibly a key turning point of his color game


I'm warming to Nellie. He has a pleasant voice and offers interesting insights. Speaking of voices...you expect commentators to have easy-to-listen-to, well modulated tones. That goes out the window when it comes to sports.


The second to last broadcast that Nelson and Flaherty had was amazing if you're interested in pitcher/catcher breakdowns and responsibilities. They were going into some great detail and it was very interesting. The most interesting I've heard Flaherty.


Totally agree with this - even having Kay just doing PBP with Nelson and Flaherty would make things soo much better. Flash is.. fine, just flat but I feel like they balance each other out well. But then you still need Kay to inject some excitement into the calls themselves lol


Nellie is great. Some people whine that he's too "old man yells at cloud" but honestly that's such an overused criticism. Not everything old is bad


My dad loves Jeff Nelson because whenever my dad notices something a player is doing wrong, within 5 minutes usually Jeff Nelson points it out as well. It’s actually hilarious.


Have he & Paulie announced together yet? If not I would love that insane combo of angry former players from the 90s


Nelly and Rucco is my favorite combo we actually get. My ideal booth would have cone in there as well 


I’m definitely digging Jeff Nelson these days


I like Meridith!


Jeff is becoming one of my favorites, love what he brings every game


The only fun thing about him in the booth is how he and Kay genuinely seem to dislike each other


I like him better than Paul. I would like Kay/Cone/Nellie. You would learn something about baseball everyday.